Primordial God

Chapter 1375: Sure enough!

However, what the star messenger did not expect was that he encountered difficulties just after he left Xian Shen Xing!

I saw that in front of his eyes, there was already a line of people blocking him from leaving!

With a solemn expression, he looked at the ten extraterrestrial demon gods who appeared in front of him.

Every extraterrestrial demon god's body is full of monstrous demon power!

They looked at the star messenger, and their expressions were naturally full of absolute sneer.

The heart of the star messenger suddenly sank, and it seemed unbelievable to all that happened. I didn't expect this result in the end!

"Why are you here?" The star messenger said coldly to the few extraterritorial demon gods in front of him.

As for the foreign demon gods in front of them, they sneered and said, "With the wise and wise martial arts of the Eternal Devil Emperor, he had long expected that a star messenger would come to this immortal **** to find out the situation, as expected by the Eternal Devil Emperor. That said, there are really star messengers here!"

"We came here on the orders of the Demon Emperor of the World to invite the messengers of the stars to go."

"Where to go?" The star messenger said coldly.

"Eternal Demon Emperor wants to see the adults, and also ask the adults to give a face and go to the Immortal God Star." An extraterritorial demon **** sneered.

The star messenger looked at these extraterritorial demon gods in front of him, and then he said coldly, "What if I don't want to?"

The extraterritorial demon **** continued to speak, "If the adults are unwilling, then we can only use all our strength to intercept the adults here."

The star messenger's eyes flickered with indefinite light, and he knew that he had no way out at all.

Next, it will be a tough fight!

As for what the final victory of this hard battle will look like, the Star Envoy does not know.

The only thing that the star messenger knew was that he was afraid that he wanted to leave successfully and tell the Lord of the Sea of ​​Stars everything in Xian Shen Xing, this is not an easy task!

This is already very slim!

The star messenger gritted his teeth, his eyes were full of fighting intent, looked at these extraterritorial demon gods coldly, and said in a deep voice, "If that's the case, then come on!"

For these extraterritorial demon gods, they naturally did not have any hesitation, and with the words sent by the star messenger, they all took action.

Immediately, these ten powerful extraterritorial demon gods rushed directly to the star messenger!

The powerful force suddenly turned into the most terrifying flood and giant waves, rushing wildly and venting!

It seems that it contains the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth!

And this is the horror of these ten foreign demon gods photographed by the ten demon emperors of all ages, their greatness!

In the siege of these ten foreign demon gods, almost only one move was used.

That's right, with just one move, under the one move of these ten foreign demon gods, the star messenger suffered a huge blow directly on the body!

Immediately, on the body of the star messenger, the blood was flowing, the blood was dripping, and it looked so terrifying and amazing!

At least for now, for the star messenger, his heart is absolutely terrified.

I saw that his whole body was covered with countless scars as he was attacked by those foreign demons. On his body, the scars were rolling and blood was dripping.

At the same time, the whole body is also covered with countless magic marks!

Those magic patterns shone with incomparably bright, incomparably dazzling brilliance!

Naturally, it is easy to slowly seal the power in the whole body of the star messenger.

The power in the body is sealed, and the star messenger cannot exert his most prosperous standing at all.

And since the Star Messenger cannot exert his most prosperous combat power, waiting for the result of the Star Messenger is naturally no accident. Yes, waiting for his result is death!

And this is not good news!

The star messenger also understands in his heart.

Now it seems that he is probably finished!

The star messenger fell to the ground, he gritted his teeth and looked at these foreign demon gods angrily, but there was no other way to save himself!

"It seems that the star messenger sent by the Lord of the Star Sea is nothing more than this!" These foreign demon gods looked at the star messenger here, sneering on their faces!

In this regard, the star messenger could only roar angrily, and said angrily to these extraterritorial demon gods: "When the Lord of Xinghai knows what happened in this fairy god, they will never let you go!"

In this regard, these extraterritorial demon gods just sneered, they shook their heads, and then continued to say to the star messenger: "It's a pity for you, it's a pity that they will never know what happened here!"

"Your final result is death!"

"When my extraterritorial demon **** clan is powerful, we will surely let you, the star powerhouses in the sea of ​​stars, know that our extraterritorial demon gods are powerful!"

"Jie Jie, at that time, my extraterritorial demon **** clan will walk out of this immortal **** star, will completely appear in the whole world, and will rule the entire star sea!"

"Only the demon emperors of my extraterritorial demon **** family are qualified to become the masters of the sea of ​​​​stars!" These extraterritorial demon gods are full of pride and pride!

Obviously, they are full of absolute confidence in the demon emperor who ruled over the extraterritorial demon **** family!

They also fully believe that they believe that the Devil Emperor of all ages will definitely be able to do it!

The Demon Emperor of the World will definitely be able to do this!

They also hope that the Eternal Devil Emperor can already do it!

The star messenger didn't say anything.

Because the star messenger is clear in his heart, no matter what he says now, it is useless!

He just looked at these extraterritorial demon gods coldly, gnashing his teeth.

These extraterritorial demon gods, facing the star messenger, continued to say to the star messenger: "Since you have become like this now, we should also complete the explanation of the demon emperor of the world."

After finishing speaking, absolutely murderous murderous aura erupted from the bodies of these extraterritorial demon gods!

And the murderous aura that erupted from their bodies made the messengers of the stars feel fear in their hearts.

The star messenger said coldly: "What do you want to do?!"

In this regard, the faces of these extraterritorial demon gods were still full of sneers, and continued to say: "What do you think I want to do?"

That's right, these extraterritorial demon gods, they want to kill this star messenger.

As for the star messenger, after hearing the words of these extraterritorial demon gods, his heart was filled with absolute horror.

However, for the star messenger, although his heart was frightened, he could not find any solution!

In the eyes of this star messenger, there is despair!

"No, you can't kill me."

These extraterritorial demon gods, they didn't say anything, just burst out the power in their bodies, and suddenly with the power surge, the terrifying power bombarded the body of the star messenger in an instant.

Although the star messenger is powerful, how can he resist the power bombarded by these extraterritorial demon gods on his body, and he let out a painful scream in his mouth!

All of this is naturally no accident!

The messenger of the stars died in the hands of these extraterritorial demons and vanished into ashes!

Since then, the Lord of the Sea of ​​Stars, who is far away in the endless sea of ​​stars, has no idea what happened here!

And since the Lord of Star Sea doesn't know what's happening here.

These extraterritorial demon gods can develop here! Strength is enhanced here!

Once this period of development has passed, these extraterritorial demon gods will certainly be able to rapidly strengthen their own strength.

And when they have completely made their strength stronger, that is, it is time to crusade and conquer this endless sea of ​​stars!

In the eyes of these extraterritorial demon gods, they are full of absolute fighting intent!

The fighting spirit is surging!

As for the corpse of the star messenger, it will naturally live forever, dissipating in this endless star sea, and no one knows that he has died.

Of course, for Li Mushen, he naturally does not know that the current star messenger has died here!

The star messenger did not invite help!

As for those extraterritorial demon gods, after they killed the star messenger, they naturally left this place without any stop, and returned to the fairy gods.

Back to the other side, at the place where the gods and demons teleportation array.

Li Mushen didn't know that the star messenger had been poisoned now. Of course, for Li Mushen, he never had to rely on the help brought by the star messenger to save the fairy god.

Now, facing the Dongcheng Demon God, his expression is extremely solemn, without any carelessness!

After all, the current Li Mushen is facing a high-ranking extraterritorial demon god.

This seventh-level extraterritorial demon **** is not so easy to deal with compared to the Wanhai demon **** or other extraterritorial demon gods!

Therefore, to Li Mushen, he seemed extremely cautious.

As for the Demon God of Dongcheng, of course he could feel that the surrounding atmosphere had changed a lot.

His calm gaze became incomparably deep at this moment, and he didn't know what the East City Demon God was thinking about!

All in all, I am afraid that the Dongcheng Demon God in front of him is cautious enough!

In the face of all this happening in front of you, it will never be any careless!

Dongcheng Demon God looked coldly at the three extraterritorial Demon Gods.

Without any hesitation, he said directly to the three extraterritorial demon gods in front of him: "Tell me, what happened?"

For these three extraterrestrial demon gods, they looked at each other, but because of the existence of the eight dark gold extraterritorial demon gods behind them, they did not dare to reveal the news here!

Therefore, they seemed helpless, and responded to the Dongcheng Demon God, saying to the Dongcheng Demon God: "Sir, we don't understand what you are talking about?"

"What's the danger here?" And the Demon God of Dongcheng, naturally, without any cover, he directly burst out his body's aura of strength.

At this moment, a powerful force suddenly rushed out, venting in the whole world!

That violent power is almost destroying the world!

That violent power looks so terrifying!

It looks so amazing!

Li Mushen narrowed his eyes slightly, and at the moment when the Dongcheng Demon God made his move, he naturally did not have any cover up. That's right, he directly ordered those outside the Dark Gold Territory to make a move.

Those demon gods outside the Dark Gold Territory took action.

They almost turned into a streamer, and the speed was extremely fast.

Continuing for a split second, the eight demon gods outside the Dark Gold Territory had already rushed in front of the demon **** in Dongcheng.

To the Demon God of Dongcheng, his heart sank, "As expected!"

He had already discovered the strangeness of these eight demon gods outside the Dark Gold Territory!