Primordial God

Chapter 1386: One after another!

At least what the ancestors of Xianzhu asked them to do, then they will do what they do.

Li Mushen said to the ancestor of Xianzhu: "Then what should we do next?"

If you want to regain control of the entire Immortal Realm, relying on him alone, this is definitely impossible.

There must be other help needed to do this.

As for what kind of help, everything needs to rely on this immortal ancestor.

Let's see what the old ancestor of Xianfu has planned. I am afraid that only from the old ancestor of Xianzhu, we will know what to do next!

Next, how to solve the problem in front of you!

Impossible, it is useless to stay in this immortal forbidden land all the time.

For all of this, for the ancient ancestor of Xianfu, he is of course very clear, and he also knows that staying in this forbidden area of ​​the immortal world has no other effect except to protect their safety.

Likewise, for the old ancestor Xianzhu, he also did not plan to do this all the time.

Ancestor Xianzhu's eyes were extremely deep, and the rays of light were bright and shining. He didn't know what he was thinking and thinking in the heart of Ancestor Xianzhu.

But soon, this immortal ancestor has already made a decision.

He spoke to the immortals present and to Li Mu Shendao: "Now, the first task we have to do is to leave here and find the strong hermits in the fairyland, all of which are impossible to do with just a few of us. arrive!"

"Then what should we do next?" Some immortal asked suspiciously.

Then, he said again: "Since those strong people have already planned to hide from the world, I am afraid that it is not easy to get their help!"

The immortal sighed, as if he knew the virtues of those strong men!

Covetous for life and fear of death, how could it be possible to sit and fight with those foreign demon gods with them!

"In the past, they may not have dared to do this, but now it is different." Ancestor Xianzhu said with a confident smile on his face.

The gaze of the ancestor Xianzhu also fell on Li Mushen.

Obviously, the self-confidence of this Xianfu ancestor came from this Li Mushen. Since he met Li Mushen and knew that Li Mushen was coming, he was full of absolute confidence in the heart of this Xianfu ancestor.

As if in this world, there is nothing he can't do.

Those immortals looked at each other in dismay, puzzled in their hearts, and did not understand what the ancestors of the immortals had planned.

"Sir, what are your plans?" Therefore, these immortals could not help but question.

The ancestor of Xianzhu said: "We have Li Mushen. He is now the savior of the entire fairyland. As long as he has him, there will be a great key to save the entire fairyland!"

"It will be the key to saving the entire fairyland!"

Afterwards, the eyes of the ancestors of Xianyu flickered with uncertain light, and then continued to say: "Since those strong people have been hidden from the world, but this is nothing, I don't believe they plan to stay like this forever, do they always Helplessly being oppressed by those extraterritorial demon gods until they die, they will not be willing to do it if they believe this."

"And the first thing we have to do is to inform the immortals of the news of Li Mushen, and tell them that now the fairyland has dawn, and I believe they will seriously consider it."

Li Mushen touched the tip of his nose, he didn't understand, he didn't believe that he would have such a big role.

However, this is just a suspicion in his heart, and there is no certainty in his heart. It seems that all this has to rely on this immortal ancestor.

Ancestor Xianzhu did not hesitate any longer, and ordered the immortals directly.

Those immortals naturally obeyed the orders of the immortal ancestors. Following the orders of the immortal ancestors, they did not stay too much in the forbidden area of ​​​​the immortal world, and quickly left the forbidden area of ​​​​the immortal world. Get help by looking around for those immortals who are hidden from the world.

Although, in this fairyland, there are countless murderous opportunities, and it is very likely that their departure will cost them their lives, but they have no way out, even if they are discovered by those extraterritorial demon gods, even if it costs their lives. price!

They must do it too!

Be sure to protect the safety of the entire fairyland!

All this is the inner plan of these immortals, and it is all they want to do!

I just hope they can do it all!

If they were able to do all this, it would be immensely helpful to them.

Everything, hope so!

They hope that all this can be achieved.

It didn't take long for the immortals in the forbidden area of ​​the Immortal Realm to almost all leave. In the end, only Li Mushen, the ancestor of Xianzhu, and a few immortals were left.

They are still in the forbidden area of ​​this fairyland.

Li Mushen looked at the ancestor of Xianzhu, and said to the ancestor of Xianzhu: "What are our plans next?"

Ancestor Xianzhu's eyes were deep, like the ocean and the ocean, and he said in a deep voice: "Next, what we have to do is very simple, that is to wait."

"wait for what?"

"Today's forbidden land in the immortal world, this is the safest place, we are here, waiting for the arrival of those immortals."

"Why don't you go elsewhere?" Li Mu said.

"Except for this forbidden area in the Immortal Realm, it can be said that there is no safety in any other place outside. Only here is the safest place. We must stay here." Ancestor Xianzhu said solemnly.

Li Mushen sighed in his heart, and after listening to what the ancestor of the immortal premonitors said, Li Mushen almost knew in his heart what the immortal world had become today.

I am afraid that now the entire immortal world has been completely swallowed up by those extraterritorial demon gods. This is not good news!

Of course, other than that, there is no other solution!

Now they have already fallen into a dangerous predicament, this is not good news!

At the same time, for them, there is no other way!

Let their hearts, because of this, seem extremely helpless!

All of this, at least for now, is of no use to them at all!

is totally meaningless!

At least for now, all they have to do is simple!

That is waiting again!

Li Mushen had no choice, so he planned to follow the ancestors of Xianzhu and wait here with them.

It won't take long before they know everything they know!

This is the plan in Li Mushen's heart.

As for the outcome of Li Mushen's plan!

All of this will be seen soon.

Soon, time passed quickly, and it didn't take long for an immortal to return to the forbidden land of the Immortal Realm.

A relaxed smile appeared on the face of this immortal, and he finally came back.

But even so, he looked extremely embarrassed, and her body was covered with countless scars. Obviously, these injuries on her body were all because of those extraterrestrial demon gods.

Fortunately, they finally came back.

Since they are back, it means that they are now safe, so for them, there is no fear, nothing to fear.

Everything is waiting.

Next, the immortals came back one after another, and they brought other immortals.

These immortals are powerful, with doubts and uncertainty in their eyes, and came here, but fortunately, they were relieved that they did not encounter anything different here.

It is indeed as they imagined here, and it is indeed safe!

Therefore, this can be regarded as a sigh of relief in their hearts.

Finally, their eyes fell on Li Mushen.

They all know that now the entire immortal world lives and dies, and everything needs to rely on Li Mushen.

However, what made them frown, what they didn't expect was that the Li Mushen in front of him looked mediocre, and there was nothing outstanding.

In his body, he did not feel any tyrannical aura of strength!

Is it possible to rely on him?

Everyone's brows are wrinkled, it seems that this is not good news!

In their hearts, at this moment, they are not sure whether what they have done is correct!

The eyes of those immortals did not have any favorable impression on Li Mushen at this moment.

At the same time, there is no other way for them.

Next, immortals came back one after another, bringing back those powerful immortals.

At the same time, immortals also died.

And the death of the immortal means that the traces of those foreign demons have been discovered.

And once traces are found by those extraterrestrial demon gods, the final result is certain death!

They can only feel sorry for the immortals who died in the hands of the extraterritorial demon gods. Besides, they have no other way and can't find a way to rescue them.

Therefore, this makes them feel extremely helpless in their hearts, and they seem helpless!

Everything is still going on. As more and more immortals come, in this forbidden area of ​​the Immortal Realm, hundreds of immortals have quickly gathered.

This is definitely an incomparably powerful battle force, now gathered in the entire Immortal Realm forbidden area.

Even in the face of those extraterrestrial demon gods in the immortal world, they have the power to fight!

In this regard, they have full confidence and believe that they can do it.

Believe, they can do it all!

Other than that, there is no other way!

There is no other reason!

There was a smile on the face of the ancestor of Xianzhu. He felt the terrifying power that erupted from the body of these immortals who came to the forbidden area of ​​the immortal world, which made the face of the ancestor of Xianzhu show a smile.

In this way, it can be regarded as being able to know how to deal with those extraterritorial demon gods next, so presumably it will not be so difficult!

In the heart of the ancient ancestor of Xianzhu, he thought of this.

Li Mushen did not expect that there are so many immortals hidden in this immortal world.

This made his eyes extremely surprised!

However, other than that, nothing else!