Primordial God

Chapter 140: dragon lake

However, when Li Mushen's immortal spirit power is exhausted and cannot maintain the Immortal Concealment Technique, he will also be found by these beasts.

What to do next? Li Mushen frowned tightly.

Not only did he have to leave here, but he also had to return to the cliffs and rocks to lift Linger and the others from their petrified state.

Leng Shengjian walked by Li Mushen's side, causing Li Mushen's whole body to shrink, and he didn't dare to be careless. Fortunately, even that Leng Shengjian didn't find him hiding here.

After Leng Shengjian left, a king beast also searched here. This king beast also did not find Li Mushen, but soon, the third king beast came again.

This makes Li Mushen like a great enemy, because after reaching the realm of kings, their spiritual sense will be blessed by the power of heaven and earth, and they can find the hiding place of Li Mushen.

If the fourth king beast comes here, it will definitely make them vigilant, guessing that Li Mushen is hiding here.

"I must find a way to get out of here as soon as possible!"

"Old Mo, is there any way you can get out of here?" Li Mushen asked Mo Longwang in a deep voice.

Li Mushen stood there, not daring to move, and cold sweat formed on his forehead.

The Molong King said in a deep voice: "You can't escape from here at all, not to mention that the king has blocked this place, not to mention that these kings and beasts are all looking for your whereabouts, once you show the slightest trace, they will be caught by them. Stay, the consequences are unimaginable!"

"Then there is no other way but to wait here to die?" Li Mushen frowned tightly.

The Dragon King was silent, and he couldn't think of anything.

It is impossible for Li Mushen to sit here and wait for death. He looked around to find a way to escape, but the surrounding area was vast and full of beasts, and he could not escape from their hands at all. He had to escape.

Suddenly, Li Mushen looked at Evil Dragon Lake, and the light in his eyes was uncertain.

"Lao Mo, is your dragon body buried here?"

The Dragon King said: "That's right, this king can sense that the Great Emperor Shi Yuan is burying this king's dragon body in this Evil Dragon Lake!"

Li Mu said: "After finding the dragon body, can you master it?"

The Dragon King was silent, and then said: "It takes a long time to master the dragon body, but there are three-level opportunities to quickly master the dragon body. Do you want to rely on the dragon body to defeat them?"

Li Mushen nodded, now that he has nowhere to go, he can only rely on this, not to mention that Li Mushen must get the dragon ring of the dragon body to be able to save Linger's father Zhong Wudi!

The three-tier opportunity is enough!

As time passed, the fourth king beast slowly approached the direction where Li Mushen was hiding, and Li Mushen knew that he had to act.

Li Mushen, who was in the state of Immortal Invisibility, walked slowly into the Evil Dragon Lake step by step.

At this time, the middle-aged man joined those beasts.

"Have you found him yet?"

Shi Hu opened his mouth, his voice was dull, "That human kid is too weird, I can't find his whereabouts at all, has he escaped from the surrounding Evil Dragon Lake?"

Leng Sheng Jiandao: "Impossible, this place has been blocked by me, that kid will definitely not be able to escape this place."

But then Leng Shengjian and those king beasts thought about it, Li Mushen suddenly appeared beside the Wanshenhua, looking very strange, he must have mastered some kind of very powerful magical technique, and then escaped the beasts. Law eyes.

Did he really escape the Evil Dragon Lake? Leng Shengjian is also not sure.

But at this time, the Evil Dragon Lake swayed in a circle, and one foot of Li Mushen had entered the lake.

The change at this time instantly attracted the attention of the powerful black fish, and with the second step into the Evil Dragon Lake, other beasts, including Leng Shengjian, also noticed it.

"Human kid!" Shi Hu let out a roar.

With a bang, a long sword appeared in the sky, and Leng Shengjian shot directly to kill Li Mushen.

Li Mushen knew that he had been discovered, and he no longer hid. He quit the Immortal Hidden Technique and jumped into the Evil Dragon Lake and dived into the depths of the Evil Dragon Lake.

These king beasts let out roars and roars, and they hurriedly chased after them, sneaking into the Evil Dragon Lake one after another.

Li Mushen used all his strength to escape from the Evil Dragon Lake.

The beasts of the king headed by Heiyu chased Li Mushen wildly, vowing to take back the flower.

Li Mushen's spiritual sense was always covered within 500 meters, and the immortal spirit power in Renling Lake and Xianfei Lake was frantically consumed.

He didn't know how deep he had dived in the Evil Dragon Lake, the lake was dark, and he couldn't see his fingers.

With a bang, the long sword in the middle-aged man's hand shot towards Li Mushen, fierce and powerful, with infinite murderous intent, to cut Li Mushen in two!

Li Mushen hurriedly dodged, the long sword was too powerful, and the spiritual power penetrated out, cutting Li Mushen's skin, and the blood was flowing. Fortunately, the long sword.


Hearing a scolding from the middle-aged man, the long sword suddenly turned around and shot towards Li Mushen again.

Li Mushen was shocked. He didn't expect the long sword to have a spirit, and he actually folded it back. If he was hit by the long sword, he would be seriously injured!

Li Mushen didn't dare to be careless, his spiritual sense covered it, the long sword shot at it, and the spiritual sense predicted in advance and avoided it again.

This surprised the middle-aged man. He didn't expect this young man to be able to dodge his sword twice. He knew that Li Mushen's cultivation was not strong, so how did he dodge his sword? This surprised him very much!

Walking through the black stream, the figure flashed quickly, the water in the lake was cold, but Li Mushen was sweating coldly, and hurriedly asked the Demon Dragon King: "Lao Mo, how far do you sense your dragon body?"

King Molong said: "Come on, this king's dragon body is under here, you should work harder!"

Li Mushen's speed has increased again, he has reached the extreme, but even so, the distance between the two sides is still shrinking.

Although the black fish was a hundred meters long, it marched very fast in the Evil Dragon Lake, forcing Li Mushen behind him, but only a few dozen meters away.

The black fish stirred the undercurrent, and the undercurrent formed countless vortex pillars, bombarding Li Mushen!

On the Evil Dragon Lake, there were several tornado water columns that shook the sky and shot straight into the sky!

In the depths of the Evil Dragon Lake, Li Mushen was hit by Heiyu's tornado water column, his face suddenly turned white, as if his flesh and blood were about to explode, this Heiyu hit him at will, and he was severely injured, extremely terrifying, and made him completely unexpected Not in time!

Fortunately, Li Mushen swallowed the petals of a pantheon flower, and a divine force generated protected Li Mushen's body.

But even so, the flesh was densely covered with cracks, and golden blood overflowed from the wound!

What followed was another terrorist attack. This was an attack launched by the king's beast. Li Mushen didn't dodge. The whole person was hit, and the whole person was greatly injured and was on the verge of death!

In such a situation of life and death, Li Mushen had to take out the shriveled longevity fruit and put it directly in his mouth, and a surging vitality poured into the body to treat Li Mushen's injuries, and Li Mushen's injuries were also rapidly improving. recover!

Time and again terrorist attacks hit Li Mushen. Fortunately, Li Mushen has the fruit of longevity, and he blocked these attacks one by one.

In a short period of time, Li Mushen has penetrated into the Evil Dragon Lake a distance of 500 meters.

The lake is heavy, and Li Mushen has been under a lot of pressure, but he knows that he cannot stop. Once he stops, there is only one consequence, and that is a dead end!

The physical bodies of those king beasts are very powerful, and they were not affected at all in the lake water, and continued to chase and kill Li Mushen.

Descending a hundred meters again, at this time, a terrifying pressure emanated from the dark and endless depths of the Evil Dragon Lake, making Li Mushen's soul tremble, unable to imagine what terror exists in the depths of the Evil Dragon Lake.

For the first time, Li Mushen felt a sense of fear and did not dare to dive, because this coercion was too terrifying. !

"This is the coercion emanating from this king's dragon body, it's not far away!"

At this time, the Dragon King said excitedly.

Li Mushen was shocked. He didn't expect that this coercion was actually emanating from the dragon body of the Molong King. It was unbelievable how powerful the Molong King was before being suppressed by the Great Emperor Shiyuan!

Withstood this coercion, Li Mushen moved forward again.

And when those king beasts descended to 600 meters, they also felt this terrifying coercion. Their fur rose, and they had an innate fear of the coercive master, even the powerful All the creatures, Heiyu, stopped, the light in the giant eyes was on and off, I don't know what to do!

Heiyu has lived in the Evil Dragon Lake for thousands of years, but he has never gone deep into this place, because he knows that there is a great terror here, perhaps the existence of the rumored Evil Dragon.

Dozens of kings and beasts actually stopped and did not dare to descend.

"Hmph, a bunch of trash." Leng Shengjian snorted as he looked at these kings and beasts who didn't dare to go down, with contempt in his eyes, he ignored them, and chased after Li Mushen again.

"If I take back the Panshenhua, then I won't have your share." said Leng Shengjian, who was descending.

Shi Hu roared, it was bound to win the Panshen Flower, and a cold light flashed in the tiger's eyes, catching up again.

Shi Hu took the lead, and other kings and beasts yearned for it, resisting the most terrifying coercion emanating from the depths of Evil Dragon Lake, and chasing toward the depths of Evil Dragon Lake.

With the strong vitality of the longevity fruit to heal the injury, Li Mushen withstood the pressure and descended several hundred meters, but in addition to the increasing pressure, he never found the dragon body of the Black Dragon King!

How deep is this Evil Dragon Lake, which makes Li Mushen very puzzled.

Behind, Leng Shengjian followed closely, and he shouted to Li Mushen: "Stinky boy, stop for me!"

Li Mushen continued to descend without saying a word.

Leng Shengjian said again: "Boy, hand over the Wanshenhua and spare your life."

After listening to Leng Shengjian's words, Li Mushen's eyes flashed with cold light, and he was not ignorant of Leng Shengjian's character, Li Mushen.