Primordial God

Chapter 141: Lightning Nectar

Leng Shengjian is expensive as a hundred-handed elixir, but he is ruthless and ruthless. There was a king who was willing to pay a high price to ask him for elixir. Leng Shengjian agreed, and refined the elixir for the king and sent elixir to the door, but he saw the king. The beautiful wife and daughter, with malicious intentions, actually replaced the medicinal pill with a poisonous one, murdered the king, and killed the king's wife and daughter first!

In this matter, Leng Shengjian did not leak any water, but there were still a few people who knew that Leng Shengjian stayed away, and Li Mushen was the one who knew Leng Shengjian as a human being.

Handing over the Wanshenhua, Leng Shengjian spared his life, how could Li Mushen believe him, I am afraid that when the time comes, not only the Wanshenhua, but also his life will be handed over!

Seeing that Li Mushen had not stopped, this made Leng Shengjian's brows wrinkle, his face gloomy.

As he descended deeper and deeper into the Evil Dragon Lake, the pressure emanating from the depths of the Evil Dragon Lake became even more terrifying, making his heart shiver. Is there really an Evil Dragon entrenched here at the bottom of the Evil Dragon Lake?

If so, is there a rumored dragon ring in this Evil Dragon Lake?

But Leng Shengjian knew his own strength and thought about the fear of those kings and beasts for that coercion. If there really exists an evil dragon in this Evil Dragon Lake, he may not be able to save his life, but Wanshenhua is too precious to him. It is impossible to give up like this, he must get the Pantheon!

Finally, Leng Shengjian saw the king and beast headed by Shi Hu also chasing after him, which made him relieved, otherwise he was really afraid and would not dare to chase.

The black water is chaotic, Li Mushen doesn't know how deep he has descended, Rao has the fruit of longevity as the source of life, and he can't hold on anymore.

The pressure is getting bigger and bigger, more and more terrifying, Li Mushen's face is as pale as paper, and he can't resist.

"Old Mo, how far is it?"

The ink dragon king sensed his dragon body and said solemnly: "It's coming soon."

Li Mushen was helpless. As early as the beginning, the Molong King said that it was soon, but apart from the terrifying pressure, he could not see the dragon's body for a long time.

After descending another 300 meters, Li Mushen has reached the limit, his body has reached the point of collapse, and even the Leng Shengjian and the king beasts who are chasing behind him feel the pressure.

Under the Evil Dragon Lake is vast and boundless, like a new world, the coercion has turned into a storm of wind and water, and it is terrifying. In this depth, there is no existence of any imprint of life.

The Molong King kept talking about how fast he was, Li Mushen had reached his peak, and he couldn't hold on any longer. At this moment, a soft light flickered in front of him. It was so dazzling in this dark lake, just like the dawn. Guiding Li Mushen.

"It's there." King Molong couldn't hold back his excitement.

Li Mushen gritted his teeth, the speed increased again, and the soft light was even more intense. When Li Mushen approached, a splendid brilliance erupted, the space trembled, the black water spread, and a stone tablet hung here!

Li Mushen took a closer look at this stele, and the splendid brilliance was the result of this stele. It was actually a huge divine source!

On the stone tablet, there are more than a dozen characters in the size of a square, with vigorous and powerful brushwork, like a horned dragon lying on the stone!

Looking at the words on the stone tablet, Li Mushen murmured: "The black dragon is in troubled times. This emperor and the dragon soul are suppressed by the book of the heavens.

The Dragon King looked at these fonts, and jumped with rage in the Renling Lake, "Well, you Shiyuan villain, you are so despicable, it will make this king's dragon soul and dragon body difficult to return for eternity!"

Behind the stone tablet is a vortex of black water. In the vortex, there is an arc of light passing through it, which is extremely dazzling and very magical.

"Old Mo, your dragon body is buried in this black water whirlpool?" Li Mushen asked.

When King Molong saw two dragon breaths, he said angrily: "That kid must have buried this king's dragon body here. He definitely didn't expect this king to find it, Jie Jie..."

At this time, Leng Shengjian and the king's beast also caught up, murderous and extremely terrifying.

Without the slightest hesitation, Li Mushen's figure entered the black water vortex, losing all his breath.

Leng Shengjian and those king beasts approached the stone tablet.

The king's fierce beast said, "That kid has entered the black water vortex, are you still chasing it?"

Because the coercion emanating from the black water vortex is amazing, if you guessed correctly, there are creatures that are more terrifying than the black fish, compared to the rumored dragon!

Leng Shengjian first looked at the font engraved on the stone tablet, and thought: "So this evil dragon really exists, but it was suppressed. According to the stone tablet, this evil dragon must have no soul, just a dragon corpse."

I didn't expect to chase and kill Li Mushen, and unexpectedly came to this place. Since the dragon's body is buried here, the treasure house of the world must also really exist. Thinking about it, the Leng Shengjian's eyes are fiery, the treasure house of the evil dragon, the value inside No less than that pantheon flower!

This time, Leng Shengjian didn't speak, he directly entered the black water vortex, and his breath was completely lost, as if he had completely disappeared from the sky and the earth.

After Leng Shengjian entered the black water vortex, these king and fierce beasts stopped outside, their fierce and mighty might be vast.

Shi Hu was suffocating and transformed into a big horned dragon, Hei Yu transformed into a middle-aged man, and other kings and beasts transformed into shapes one after another.

The big horned dragon turned into by Shi Hu looked at the middle-aged man and asked, "What is the right way, whether to enter or not to enter?"

The pressure is terrifying, and the black water vortex is unknown. If it is recorded on the stone tablet, there must be a dragon corpse that has lost its dragon soul buried here. If the dragon corpse is obtained, the value of it is even more immeasurable than that of the pantheon!

Other king beasts also looked at Hei Yu.

Hei Yu's face was grim, he lowered his head and pondered, the light in his eyes flickered, he stared at the stone monument, then looked at the black water whirlpool, his face expressionless.

"Go in?" the other king beasts asked in a low voice.

Soon, Heiyu made a decision, and he said in a deep voice: "We have been waiting for Wanshenhua for thousands of years, but in the end it was stolen by a humble human kid. If we don't enter this black water vortex, nothing will happen. I can’t get it, but entering this black water vortex may be dangerous, but it also has a great chance.”

After a pause, Hei Yu's eyes flickered with dim light, and he said: "If we enter it and not die, everything in it is ours, whether it is the dragon body or the Panshen flower that the human race kid stole! Let's go in!"

After speaking, Hei Yu's figure flashed, and he was the first to enter the black water vortex.

The other kings and beasts looked at each other and entered the black water vortex.


He didn't know how deep the black water vortex was, but when Li Mushen entered it, the whole person sank directly. He saw a green light passing through the black water vortex.

Li Mushen has been sinking along the Panshen Vine, and the Molong King is always in a state of excitement.


A thunder and lightning appeared in the black water vortex, which shocked Li Mushen. This thunder and lightning was half a meter thick, and the power was very amazing. If Li Mushen was hit, he would inevitably end up with serious injuries.

Just when Li Mushen breathed a sigh of relief, another thunder and lightning slammed into the sky. The power of this thunder and lightning was twice that of the previous one. It was so terrifying that Li Mushen was terrified.

"Isn't there a more powerful thunder and lightning?" The moment this thought crossed Li Mushen's mind, a thunder and lightning struck across the sky.

"It really is!"

Li Mushen's whole body stood upright, and he felt the crisis of life and death. He hurriedly avoided, but he couldn't dodge at all, and was directly hit by lightning.

Li Mushen didn't expect to encounter such a thing when he was about to escape. In his opinion, he was finished. This thunder and lightning was two meters thick, enough to kill him.


The thunder and lightning hit Li Mushen's body, and Li Mushen trembled. He thought he would die under this thunder and lightning, but this was not the case.

When the thunder and lightning hit Li Mushen, the endless power exploded, but the power of the petals of the Panshen flower in the body suddenly came into play, forming a barrier to defend the power of the lightning, and the slightest trace of the lightning Power poured into Li Mushen's body, and the arc flashed.

"This Panshen flower has such a magical effect!" Li Mushen breathed a sigh of relief.

Under that thunder and lightning, the power of the Wanshen flower in Li Mushen's body has been completely consumed and absorbed by Li Mushen, and Li Mushen's soul, spiritual sense, spiritual patterns, including spiritual blood, have been further enhanced.

As Li Mushen descended, there were more and more thunder and lightning. This black water vortex was simply a thunder and lightning vortex, endless, suddenly appearing and suddenly disappearing. Although Li Mushen didn't know where the thunder and lightning came from, he also knew that it must be related to that stone. related to the Great Emperor.

The Dragon King sneered, "That boy Shiyuan is really good at writing, in order to bury this king's dragon body, he did not hesitate to move down the sky and earth to suppress it here, but he probably never thought that the vine of the gods would grow out of the thunder pond. , After thousands of years of tempering, he is no longer afraid of the power of lightning."

"I feel the power of heaven and earth with a thunder attribute in my body." Li Mushen said to King Molong.

King Molong said: "Now that you have mastered the power of heaven and earth of the fire attribute, the power of heaven and earth of the stroke attribute of the blue wolf **** pattern, and the power of heaven and earth of the thunder attribute, it will be even better. When you master the three powers of heaven and earth, you will be invincible!"

Li Mushen nodded, he also had this idea.

Afterwards, Li Mushen took out another petal and put it in his mouth, refining it continuously.

Countless thunderbolts were pulled by Li Mushen and smashed on Li Mushen's body, making him constantly stronger!

On the other side, Leng Shengjian walked through the vortex of black water. He was holding a long sword, dressed in tattered clothes, and looked extremely embarrassed. His body was even blackened, and blood was bleeding everywhere.


When a thunderbolt fell, Leng Shengjian was startled, his eyes were frightened, he hurriedly avoided, but he was still hit by the thunderbolt and vomited blood.

"I should have thought that it's not that simple, this black water whirlpool turned out to be a forbidden place for thunder ponds!"

Looking at the vast green vine of the gods, Leng Shengjian said solemnly, "According to the cultivation base of that kid, he should have died here early, why haven't we seen any traces? Has it been killed and annihilated by lightning?"