Primordial God

Chapter 151: big silver king dead

On the top of the entire peak, the blood clouds rolled and filled the Yangtian Lake, and the blood-colored thunder snakes danced continuously.

The blood thunder spirit pattern in Li Mushen's body is dazzling, violent and domineering. When he raises his hand, it triggers blood thunder. In the Yangtian Lake, the blood crystal holy water swaying in circles, the divine nature is incomparable, and there is an endless power of heaven and earth. Emerged in the Yangtian Lake.


Suddenly, a blood thunder suddenly fell, slamming into the Yangtian Lake, splashing thousands of feet of blood crystal holy water, and a force of heaven and earth emanated, the next moment, from the blood cloud heaven and earth, countless blood crystal holy water fell into the Yangtian Lake. middle.

The entire Yangtian Lake exudes a dazzling blood-colored brilliance, and the blood crystal holy water in Yangtian Lake is about to overflow, which immediately attracted the attention of the six kings.

The blood cloud rolled, covering the sky and the sun, completely covering the entire peak, without a trace of light projected, the wind was blowing, and the blood thunder was roaring constantly.

"How is this going?"

The scene in front of him has surpassed the imagination of the red-haired ape and the black fish. Such a thing has never happened before. No one knows why Yangtianchi has undergone such a change after the Heaven and Earth Blood Sacrifice was not carried out.

More and more blood crystal holy water fell from the blood cloud, clattering, and the blood crystal holy water in the entire Yangtian Pond was boiling like a volcano. .

Everyone present was uneasy, and such a scene made everyone feel strange.

Another blood thunder slammed into Li Mushen's body. This blood thunder was more powerful than the previous blood thunder, and its power was terrifying. Even a creature as powerful as Heiyu might not be able to stop the blood thunder.

But Li Mushen also blocked it, and was absorbed by the blood thunder spirit pattern in his body, and he did not suffer the slightest injury in the blood thunder's bombardment.

The blood cloud surging, like the waves in the sea, spread out in all directions, the lightning and thunder were thundering, and the thunder was shocking.

Yu Changtian protected Yu Qianheng and retreated to the peak step by step.

Yu Qianheng asked, "Uncle, what's the matter?"

As the king of Yu Changtian, his spiritual sense naturally sensed the danger. Not only did he protect Yu Qianheng from retreating here, but even the king of the silver ant tribe also protected the big silver king to retreat to the top of the mountain. He Leng Shengjian was also very uneasy in his heart.

Covered by the blood cloud, the whole world turned blood red, just when Chang Tian wanted to retreat from here, a blood thunder fell and hit Qianheng.

Feeling the destructive power contained in the blood thunder, Yu Changtian's complexion changed, and he hurriedly took Yu Qianheng to escape.

The blood thunder slammed on the top of the peak, and only a loud noise was heard, the entire blood peak was shaking, the blood thunder exploded, and the earth directly turned into a pit of dozens of meters.

This blood thunder seems to be a precursor to the attack of the blood cloud. The blood cloud is surging. In the next moment, the thunder snake flew, and countless blood thunders fell, killing everyone who stayed on the peak.

The current scene made everyone pale in shock. They didn't expect such a thing to happen at all. When the blood thunder fell, Yu Linghong directly escaped.

Li Mushen's heart sank. Although the large-scale blood and thunder blasts were ineffective against him, the three of Linger did not have his protection. Once they were hit by the blood thunder, they would definitely die!

He must rescue the three Linger!

Li Mushen sacrificed a nine-star tripod, and nine stars surrounded Mo Shuiyi to protect him. Because the blood thunder fell, no one could capture Mo Shuiyi for the time being.

Afterwards, Li Mushen used Xiaoyao Cong Yunshu, stepped out in one step, and walked towards the red-haired fierce ape.

The red-haired fierce ape saw that Li Mushen dared to come over, his eyes flashed fiercely, "Boy, are you courting death?"

Li Mushen spread his hands, the spirit patterns in his body flickered, and the spirit blood was boiling and surging, and the whole person was like a burning oven.

"What do you want to do?"

Heiyun was beside the red-haired fierce ape, looking at Li Mushen, feeling uneasy in his heart.

Li Mushen looked at the three Linger who were caught by the red-haired ferocious ape, and said, "Let them go."

The sword light flashed, and the fierce sword qi passed through the air. Leng Shengjian said decisively: "Hand over the Wanshenhua and let them go."

Li Mushen smiled lightly, "Since this is the case, then I can only give you a gift?"

The three kings all wondered what the gift of Li Mushen was?

After Li Mushen finished speaking, his eyes were like swords, and the spiritual patterns in his body shook violently, but it triggered the power of heaven and earth. From the blood cloud, hundreds of blood thunders fell on Li Mushen's area.

Such a scene made the faces of the three kings of the red-haired fierce ape change greatly, and so many blood thunders fell, making their souls tremble, and they hurriedly fled without any hesitation.

But how could Li Mushen let them escape so easily, stepping on Xiaoyao and stepping out of the cloud, directly escaping through the void, blocking the way of the three kings of the red-haired fierce ape.

Leng Shengjian shouted angrily, "Boy, you are courting death!"

As soon as the anger stopped, the long sword in his hand slashed directly at Li Mushen.

This sword is extremely fast and fierce, and the body of the sword is burning with raging flames, burning the sky, and the entire void is shaking.

But Li Mushen has now given birth to a spiritual sense, and when Leng Shengjian slashed his sword, he avoided it and stepped back a few meters.

The pupils of the three kings shrank suddenly. Unexpectedly, Li Mushen escaped the powerful sword of the king, but it was too late to think, that hundreds of blood thunders had already bombarded the three red-haired ferocious apes.

The three kings of the red-haired fierce ape can no longer care about Zhong Linger and the three of them, and hurriedly avoid the falling blood thunder. At the same time, Li Mushen also shot, protecting Zhong Linger, Ye Hanxiang and Jinquan.

"Brother Mushen..."

"Brother Li."

The next moment, there was a loud noise resounding through the sky from the entire peak, the entire blood peak was shaking, countless earth and rocks splashed, and the terrifying force swept in all directions like a mountain.

There was a scream from a silver ant king who escaped. Under a blood thunder, half of his body was directly blown open, **** and bloody, very terrifying!

On the top of the peak, no one escaped, and everyone experienced blood thunder in the sky, but because Li Mushen lived in the center, the blood thunder was the most terrifying, but because Li Mushen refined several Wanshen flower petals, When all the blood thunders are directly refined, the blood thunder spirit pattern in the body seems to be burning.

At Yangtian Lake, Mo Shuiyi was protected by Jiuxingding, and the nine stars were always suspended above Mo Shuiyi's head, blocking the bombardment of blood thunder.

Li Mushen finally breathed a sigh of relief when he brought Zhong Linger and the three of them into the protection area of ​​Jiuxingding under the blood thunder.

The blood thunder spirit pattern in the body flickered, and after absorbing the power of the blood thunder, it became several times larger, and it began to occupy the territory of other spirit patterns in the spirit blood, extremely domineering!

The blood of Li Mu's spirit was as hot and uncomfortable as fire, and he knelt down on one knee with a painful look on his face.

"Brother Mushen, what's wrong with you?"

"Li Mushen, are you alright?"

Seeing Li Mushen's pained face, Zhong Linger and Mo Shuiyi supported Li Mushen at the same time, with worried eyes.

With the help of the two, Li Mushen stood up again, frowning, and he said, "It's okay, it's just that he has absorbed too much blood and thunder power before it can be refined."

After speaking, Li Mushen turned his eyes to the top of the peak. At this moment, the six kings on the top of the peak were all fleeing in panic, but even if their location was not as dense as that of Li Mushen, there were still a lot of them.

Except for Li Mushen, who had refined several pieces of the blood mines, none of the six kings could stop them. Not even the two beasts, the red-haired ape and the black fish, could not stop the blood mines, so they could only escape.

Soon, there was another scream, and another silver ant tribe Tianjiao who was protecting the big silver king from fleeing was also hit by the blood thunder, and the blood thunder hit the top and died directly!

As a result, the Great Silver King had only one seriously injured king to protect his escape.

But after all, the cultivation base of the Great Silver King is only the realm of military commanders. He looked terrified and fled in panic, but the speed was not fast.

In the end, the silver ant king gritted his teeth, ignoring the big silver king, his speed suddenly increased, and he escaped from the peak.

Seeing that the king who protected him had left him and fled, the King of Great Silver suddenly turned pale and shouted, "Don't leave me behind!"

"Big Silver King, the old man can't protect himself, and he can't take care of you." The silver ant clan Tianjiao said to the big silver king.

The Great Silver King, who lost the protection of the Tianjiao of the Silver Ants, was too weak. Before fleeing, a blood thunder slammed down.

Looking up and seeing the thunder of blood, the big silver king's eyes widened and turned red.

"Do not!"


The Great Silver King turned into flesh and blood in the sky under the bombardment of blood and thunder, and died directly here.

When Li Mushen saw this scene, he sighed slightly. The Great Silver King in the previous life had reached the level of Wu Zun, and he had a first-class talent.

The Great Silver King became the Heaven and Earth Blood Sacrifice in Yangtian Lake. The blood cloud finally changed after absorbing the blood and flesh essence of the Great Silver King, as if time had stopped and the blood thunder had stopped.

"It's over?"

These kings were pale and thought.

Boom boom boom!

At the moment of stagnation, endless blood thunders fell, even more terrifying and denser than the previous one. The remaining kings used their housekeeping skills and fled the peak directly regardless of the serious injuries.

Under this endless blood thunder, the entire blood peak seems to have been destroyed, only Yangtianchi will last forever!

But fortunately, except for the death of a king from the silver ant clan, although the other kings were seriously injured, they still escaped from the peak.

Looking at the top of the peak, the red-haired vicious ape swallowed a mouthful of saliva, stopped the trembling body of panic, and murmured: "A great change has taken place in Yangtianchi."

"Why is this happening?" Heiyu thought.

Yu Changtian has a strong cultivation base. In order to protect Yu Qianheng, he was bombarded by several blood thunderbolts. Although he did not take his life, it also caused him a lot of trauma. Panting, looking extremely embarrassed.

"Uncle, are you okay?" Yu Qianheng asked concerned.

Yu Changtian waved his hand, "It's no big deal, it's good to be able to escape."

Only the king of the silver ants who left the big silver king was injured the most, and his face was even more gloomy and terrifying. Although he escaped, he left a genius of the silver ants who was about to reach the holy child level. , back to the Silver Ant Clan, he will be severely punished, and even endure the wrath of the Great Silver King's father!