Primordial God

Chapter 153: The Dragon King reappears

"Brother Mushen..."

Zhong Linger stepped forward and wanted to hug Li Mushen.

"Linger, don't come here, I will hurt you." Li Mushen hurriedly said.

The four Zhong Linger were puzzled.

Mo Shui Yi said: "What's wrong?"

Li Mushen didn't speak. He walked out of Yangtian Lake. Every time he took a step, the whole body made a crackling sound, and arcs flashed on his body. When he stepped on the ground, he saw the power and directly cracked the ground. When he left, he was burning with blazing fire. flame.

"This..." The four Zhong Linger's eyes widened, and now the power of Li Mushen's body is too terrifying.

"There are too many blood mines absorbed, and there is still a part of the power left that has not been fully refined." Li Mu said.

Relying on the power of this vast sea of ​​blood and thunder, Li Mushen expanded the human spirit lake and Xianfei Lake in his body to an endless range by cultivating the Suppressing Immortal Demon Sutra, and the immortal spirit power contained in the lake reached a terrifying level. Even under the power of blood thunder, Li Mushen's cultivation has reached the peak of military commanders, and he can completely push Li Mushen's cultivation to the realm of martial arts!

But Li Mushen is not like this, because he still needs to enter the Heaven and Earth God Tower in the East Wilderness Immortal Court to compete for the first place in the military commander list, get the gift of heaven and earth, and lay a solid foundation for becoming emperor!

After returning from his rebirth, everything he has experienced, Li Mushen believes that he will definitely become emperor in this life!


The blood cloud dissipated, and the blood thunder disappeared. After the blood thunder disappeared, the kings of the red-haired fierce ape directly rode the rainbow to the top of the blood peak again.

When they saw everything in the blood peak, everyone's expressions changed greatly.

On the blood peak, there is destruction everywhere, everything is the traces left by the bombardment of blood thunder, and it has formed a ruin, and there is not a single life.

Yu Changtian looked at Yangtian Lake, and the whole person was shocked. He brought Yu Qianheng to the top of the peak, the light in his eyes flickered from time to time, and he thought: "It's not even dead, how did they go under the endless blood thunder. survived."

Not only did Yu Changtian discover that Li Mushen had survived unharmed, but other kings also saw it, and they were all shocked and shocked.

They thought that Li Mushen and several people had turned into annihilation at the peak, but they didn't expect them to be alive!

how can that be!

Li Mushen looked at the kings of the red-haired fierce ape, his eyes seemed very calm.

Leng Shengjian said in a deep voice, "Why are you still alive?"

Li Mushen smiled and said: "Giving you gifts, how can we die."

The red-haired ferocious ape let out a roar, and he almost died under the blast of the blood thunder. If it wasn't for Li Mushen's blood thunder, he would not have suffered such serious injuries.

And Hei Yu looked at the Yangtian Lake in a daze. The blood crystal holy water that was about to overflow in Yangtian Lake was so empty. What happened?

"Where did the blood crystal holy water in Yangtian Lake go?"

Soon, other kings also discovered such a scene. The red-haired fierce ape roared even more. Two terrifying airflows spewed out between its breaths, and a powerful breath ran rampant on the blood peak.

The coercion of the five kings is powerful, and Li Mushen was not affected in the slightest by this coercion, but the four Mo Shuiyi looked pale under this terrifying and powerful coercion, if not for Li Mushen's blocking Ninety percent of the coercion, otherwise the four Mo Shuiyi would fall to the ground directly under this powerful coercion.

The red-haired fierce ape took a step, his strength surged, smashing the ground, and the ape's eyes were red, he shouted angrily: "Human race, where did the blood crystal holy water in Yangtianchi go?"

In the anger, the red-haired fierce ape shot directly at Li Mushen.

Li Mushen slowly stretched out his hand, the divine thunder spirit pattern in his body flickered, and a three-color divine thunder burst out from his fingertips.

The red-haired ferocious ape trembled when he saw it, and hurriedly avoided it. The three-colored divine thunder struck the boulder behind him, only to hear a loud bang, the boulder shattered, and the sky filled with sand and stones flew up.

The power of this three-color divine thunder is no less than the attack of a king of the martial king realm, causing the red-haired fierce ape to sweat coldly on the forehead, and even the other kings are shocked. How could Li Mushen actually master the three-color divine thunder!

Heiyu said solemnly, "You have mastered the divine thunder of heaven and earth?"

Yu Qianheng stood beside Yu Changtian and looked at Li Mushen with horror in his eyes, Li Mushen's strength was even stronger.

Li Mu's expression was calm, but his heart jumped in shock, because the power of the three-colored divine thunder consuming the last remaining blood thunder power in the body was so terrifying, it shocked all the kings of the red-haired fierce ape!

"The red-haired vicious ape, the power of this three-color divine thunder is okay?"

Li Mushen protected Mo Shuiyi and the four of them, looked around, and faced the five kings in time, without the slightest stage fright. After all, in the previous life, Li Mushen was a strong man in Wu Zunjing!

But all of this fell in the eyes of these kings, making them dare not do it, and they were worried about whether Li Mushen still had a hole card. After all, the three-color divine thunder summoned by Li Mushen was too powerful, but he didn't know that Li Mushen could only Summons this terrifying three-color divine thunder.

Even if the three-color divine thunder can be summoned next, I am afraid that its power can only be in the realm of martial arts, and it is completely ineffective against these kings. After all, Li Mushen's cultivation base is still in the realm of the peak of the nine-star generals, and the gap with the realm of the king of martial arts is too great.

Li Mushen only hopes that these kings and monsters can be deterred by the three-color divine thunder.

The four Moshuiyi saw that Li Mushen was not afraid to face these kings, and they worshipped Li Mushen even more. In their opinion, Li Mushen was omnipotent, capable of resisting blood thunder, and even controlling three-color divine thunder. , With the presence of Li Mushen, Mo Shui Yi and a few people are confident enough, looking up at these kings, they are also not afraid.

They can't embarrass Li Mushen.

And the kings of the red-haired fierce ape saw Mo Shuiyi like this, and they were even more afraid of the rat, afraid of what trump card Li Mushen had!

After all, Li Mushen is very mysterious, and he was not injured against the blood thunder, and even now he has mastered the three-color divine thunder that he has never seen before!

They can all clearly feel the power of heaven and earth with three different attributes from the three-color divine thunder, especially the divine thunder attack just now, which made them feel a sense of danger.

Although Li Mushen faced these kings calmly, his spiritual sense was scattered around, and they would fall into crisis if there was a slight disturbance.

Now Li Mushen is gambling, betting that they dare not move because of the existence of the three-color divine thunder.

But obviously, Li Mushen still underestimated these kings, especially the suspiciousness of Leng Shengjian.

Leng Shengjian was ready to kill, and suddenly shot at Li Mushen.

Li Mu Shen Lingjue noticed it at the first time, and turned sideways to dodge, only to hear a bang, a sharp sword light flashed past, and there was a bloodstain on Li Mu Shen's face. Li Mushen directly used the Divine Thunder Spirit Pattern, and the three-color Divine Thunder blasted out, with the power of destruction, burning, and extreme speed, attacking the Lengsheng Sword.

Leng Shengjian was startled when he saw the attack of the three-color divine thunder, and wanted to dodge, but at this time he felt that the power of the three-color divine thunder was far from the power of the one just now.

With a cold snort, the long sword in Leng Shengjian's hand shook, and the three-color divine lightning was directly scattered.

Li Mushen's heart sank, knowing that it had been exposed.

Yu Qianheng laughed, "Li Mushen, the power of your three-color divine thunder is not necessary for the divine thunder just now, what's going on?"

The red-haired fierce ape grinned, "Human boy, you dare to play with me!"

Zhong Linger saw a bloodstain on Li Mushen's face and worried: "Brother Mushen, are you all right?"

"It's okay." Li Mushen said to Zhong Linger and the four: "I'll hold them back later, and you all take the opportunity to escape."

"If you want to die, die together!"

The four Zhong Linger were not afraid, their eyes were firm, and they did not intend to leave Li Mushen to escape alone.

Li Mushen frowned, but didn't say anything. He looked at the five kings, and there was already a dragon scale in his hand.

This is the dragon scale given to him by the Molong King. With this dragon scale, Li Mushen can reach the realm of the Martial King and temporarily become a king.

With the cultivation of the king, Li Mushen also has the power to fight!

With a flash of black light, the Divine Iron Epee came out of the Human Spirit Lake and landed heavily on the ground, with awe-inspiring fighting intent.

Fight, fight!

Yu Qianheng sneered and said to Chang Tian, ​​"Uncle, please take off the head of Li Mushen's neck."

Yu Changtian nodded, looked at Li Mushen, saw Li Mushen's fighting intent and frowned slightly, and thought to himself, "Does this kid really have any trump cards?"

The red-haired vicious ape took the lead to kill Li Mushen, the earth shook, and the red-haired vicious ape was full of evil spirits, and the red light was surging, like a roaring furnace burning violently.

Although Mo Shui was facing the four of them, he felt a chill in his heart when he felt the powerful terror of the red-haired vicious ape, and a sense of powerlessness arose! When Li Mushen was killing the red-haired ape, the fairy spirit in his body poured into the dragon scales, and he had to use the power of the dragon scales to raise his cultivation to the realm of Wuwang to fight against these five kings.

"Is it too early to use the dragon scales given to you by this king?"

A sudden sentence exploded in Li Mushen's mind.

Li Mushen stopped, his eyes were bright, and he looked in the direction of Evil Dragon Lake, "Old Mo?"

"Go to hell!"

The red-haired ferocious ape had already rushed in front of Li Mushen, the tyrannical aura crushed everything, and red brilliance spewed from its fists, directly punching Li Mushen! Everyone thought that Li Mushen would be directly smashed to death by the punch of the red-haired fierce ape!

Just as the fist smashed open, there was a regrettable sound of dragon roar from the entire Evil Dragon Mountain. From the direction of Evil Dragon Lake, endless coercion spread to all directions.

A pitch-black aurora flashed past, pierced the world, and slammed directly on the body of the red-haired ferocious ape.

The red-haired ferocious ape screamed and was directly killed by the black aurora. Looking at Li Mushen, the look in his eyes was bright, and he fell heavily to the ground.

Under the black aurora, the beast of the king was killed with one blow!

The other kings are like enemies.

Cold sweat broke out on Hei Yu's forehead, and his eyes were terrified. He looked around and shouted, "Who is it, come out?" The entire blood peak seemed dead silent.

Li Mu's expression was flat, he put the dragon scales into the ancient ring, knowing that since the ink dragon king shot, then they are not in danger.