Primordial God

Chapter 154: leave

Jinquan was behind Li Mushen, looked at the dead red-haired fierce ape, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and he was unable to say a word.

This is the beast of the Martial King Realm, and it was killed by one blow! "Who is it, come out for me!"

Leng Shengjian is like a great enemy, with a wave of the long sword in his hand, the sword light is like a galaxy piercing the sky, and the entire blood peak is filled with Xiao Sha!

On the deadly blood peak, there was a sudden gust of wind, and the whole world suddenly darkened, making it look extraordinarily gloomy.

Above the sky, a dragon shadow jumped over, the dragon roared constantly, and the whole world was filled with dragon might.

"Lao Mo broke the seal of Emperor Shiyuan?"

Li Mushen thought to himself as he looked at the dragon shadow on the sky.

"It's a dragon."

Yu Qianheng widened his eyes and muttered.

Dragons are hidden in the world, and it is difficult for some people to see them in their entire lives. I did not expect that there is actually a dragon in this Evil Dragon Mountain.

And this dragon even killed the red-haired ferocious ape!

The dragon shadow surging in the sky, revealing a huge head, powerful and powerful, seeing the head but not the tail.

"It's not Lao Mo's real body."

Li Mushen frowned. In the world where the dragon's body was buried, he had seen the birth of the Molong King. The dragon's might was vast. At a glance, he could tell that this was just the dragon shadow of the Molong King. It seems that Lao Mo has not yet broken through the Great Emperor Shiyuan. 's seal.

The dragon shadow galloped and quickly transformed into a man in a black robe, with awe and dignity, his face was covered with black fire, and no one could see his face clearly.

After the appearance of the Dragon King, these kings did not dare to take a breath.

Yu Qianheng lowered his head and wanted to see the face of King Molong, but when he saw it, his eyes burned directly, and he let out a scream of pain.

"Uncle, save me, save me..."

The black fire in his eyes never went out, Yu Qianheng fell to the ground in pain and rolled around, and everyone was terrified.

Yu Changtian took action to put out the black fire.

King Molong looked at all this lightly, and said slowly: "Did this king let you take action?"

The tone was very flat, but with the majesty of the sky, Yu Changtian was stiff, and he watched Yu Qianheng burn under the black fire.

The screams resounded through the entire blood peak, and it didn't take long for the screams to stop abruptly. Yu Qianheng died directly under the black fire, and the flesh and brain in the entire head was burned clean by the black fire.

The young master of the Yu family died tragically on the peak of blood.

The Great Silver King was trembling all over. He lowered his head like an ostrich, his eyes were closed tightly, and he was breathing heavily.

The Dragon King snorted and turned to look at Li Mushen.

The four Mo Shuiyi also lowered their heads, not daring to breathe.

"This is Lao Mo." Li Mushen Hui Mo Shuiyi said to the four people.

"You all raise your heads." King Molong said.

The four Mo Shuiyi raised their heads carefully, afraid of the Molong King and did not dare to speak.

And the kings of Heiyu saw that Li Mushen actually met this powerful black dragon, and their expressions changed, knowing that he was there, then they would not be able to kill Li Mushen, and they would even lose their lives here.

The light in Leng Shengjian's eyes flickered, and he quietly retreated. Suddenly, Yu Linghong escaped from the blood peak directly.

King Molong glanced at it, but did not stop Leng Shengjian, and after Leng Shengjian escaped, other kings also fled.

These kings escaped very quickly, and disappeared in a blink of an eye on the peak of blood.

Mo Shuiyi was very curious about why such a powerful existence as the Molong King did not kill all these kings?

Li Mushen looked at the Mo Dragon King and said, "Old Mo, you haven't broken the seal of Emperor Shiyuan yet?"

The Molong King nodded, and he said, "It will take some time. The seal was not broken so well. It is good that this king can bring out a ray of soul consciousness from that piece of heaven to save you."

Li Mushen nodded, presumably he was able to kill the red-haired fierce ape with one blow because the full power of that ray of soul consciousness broke out, thereby deterring the remaining four kings.

"The Jedi is dangerous. If you can leave as soon as possible, leave as soon as possible. Remember this king's dragon scales, and don't use it until the moment of life and death." King Molong said to Li Mushen.

Li Mushen nodded.

"Wait for this king."

After the Dragon King finished saying this, he knew that it disappeared between heaven and earth.

At this time, Mo Shuiyi was truly relieved.

Zhong Linger blinked curiously and asked Li Mushen, "Brother Mushen, where is that dragon?"

"already left."

Standing on the peak of blood, looking at the endless Jedi in front of him, he said, "Let's go, let's get out of here now."

Now, with the Jedi party, Li Mushen rescued Jinquan and Ye Hanxiang, and found Linger at the same time.

What's more important is that Li Mushen entered the Evil Dragon Lake and got the Wanshen Flower, gave birth to the spiritual sense, and even found the dragon body of the Molong King. This trip to the Jedi was worthwhile.

Afterwards, Li Mushen took Mo Shuiyi and a few people away from the blood peak quickly, and his powerful spiritual sense covered a radius of 1000 meters to guard against all dangers. Soon, Li Mushen took Mo Shuiyi and the others back to the place where the cliffs and rocks were lined up.

As a result, several people were completely relieved.

The Jedi is really dangerous, and when they entered, they felt that they did not know how many difficulties they had experienced in the past few days, but fortunately they survived in the end.

They thought, if there is no Li Mushen, can they still survive in this Jedi?

The answer is obviously not!

When the few people returned to the place where the cliffs and rocks were lined up, it was already sunset and dusk, and the night was dangerous. Li Mushen did not intend to leave. He planned to rest here for a night, and then set off tomorrow morning to really leave here.

Mo Shui Yi several people nodded. They really haven't had a good rest these days.

At night, because they were too tired, Mo Shuiyi and the others quickly fell asleep, and Li Mushen stayed there, his eyes were calm and deep.

In this Jedi, Li Mushen got the Wanshen Flower, and at the same time gave birth to Lingjue, and because of the existence of Wanshenhua, Lingjue and soul have been comparable to the existence of the king of Wuwangjing!

And Li Mushen found the dragon body of King Molong in the Evil Dragon Lake. After King Molong broke through the seal of Emperor Shiyuan, he could protect Li Mushen. In this way, Li Mushen would be safe to a large extent. stand up.

Among them, Li Mushen got the Quduxian tea leaves. In this way, whether it was Ye Hanxiang or Linger's father, it was of great use to both of them. Even because he took the Quduxian tea leaves, he was born with a physique that is invulnerable to all poisons. .

the most important. It was still during this trip to the peak of blood that Li Mushen smelted the Divine Thunder Spirit Rune, which was a devourable spirit rune that he had never seen before, swallowing all the fifteen spirit runes in his own spirit blood.

From now on, there is only one powerful Divine Thunder Spirit Mark in the entire galloping spirit blood!

This spirit pattern can even be the strongest trump card of Li Mushen!

Next, Li Mushen will follow Ling'er to Zhong's house to wake up Zhong Wudi, and then Li Mushen will go to Donghuang Xianyuan to enter the tower of heaven and earth.

At the same time, in the two lakes, Renling Lake and Xianfei Lake, the immortal spirit power has reached its peak, and it is time to open up the third lake, the Holy Body Lake!

The night passed quickly. In the early morning of the next day, Li Mushen woke up a few people. Today, Li Mushen will take these people out of the Jedi.

Along the way, Li Mushen's spiritual sense has been covering a radius of 1000 meters, always beware of the danger and ominousness of the Jedi.

In the entire Jedi, Li Mushen did not dare to have the slightest carelessness. Fortunately, on the way, with his strong spiritual sense, Li Mushen and Mo Shuiyi did not fall into danger and uncertainty.

After three days, Li Mushen and Mo Shuiyi finally left the Jedi.

As a result, the five talents truly breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Mushen's hanging heart also fell. After leaving the Jedi, he entered the virgin forest. With the existence of Li Mushen's spiritual sense, he would not encounter any danger at all.

"Come on, let's get out of here."

Li Mushen said to Mo Shuiyi and several others.

After spending half a day, Li Mushen finally took the four Mo Shuiyi out of the primeval forest, and everything became brighter, passing through the darkness and darkness of the primeval forest, bathed in sunlight, as if reborn.

"It's finally out." A relaxed expression appeared on Jinquan's face. After that, he saw Jinquan's whole body surging with spiritual power, and the power of the surrounding heaven and earth gathered towards him. The power radiated from then on, and after experiencing a life-and-death crisis in the Jedi, the Golden Fist broke through!

Afterwards, Li Mushen took out three Wanshen flower petals and gave them to Zhong Linger, Jinquan, and Ye Hanxiang. As for Moshuiyi, Li Mushen had already handed one to her in the place where the cliffs and rocks stood.


Zhong Linger and the three were stunned when Li Mushen took out three Panshen flower petals and gave them to them. On the peak of blood, they all knew that the kings all wanted to get the Pantheon flower petals. Obviously, the Panshen flower petals were abnormal. The preciousness must be very rare. Unexpectedly, Li Mushen actually gave them three Panshen flower petals, especially Jinquan and Ye Hanxiang. As a result, they did not know how much they owed Li Mushen. .

"Brother Li, Hanxiang and I can't have this."

Jin Quan refused.

Li Mu Shen said: "Give it to you, you will accept it, I still have it here, more is useless."

"Brother Li, this..."

Ye Hanxiang clenched her lips, she also knew the preciousness of the petals of this pantheon.

Zhong Linger showed a sweet smile, accepted the Panshen flower petals given to her by Li Mushen, hugged Li Mushen's arm and said, "Brother Mushen, you are so kind."

Li Mushen smiled, then looked at Jinquan and Ye Hanxiang frowning, knowing that Jinquan is a member of the Jinhai tribe, and even has an extraordinary position in the Jinhai tribe. It is also a poisonous body of doom that makes King Molong sigh. Once fully awakened, it must not be weaker than those immortal bodies. After refining the petals of the flower of the gods, it will definitely change, whether it is for Li Mushen or themselves, There are benefits.

"Golden Fist and Hanxiang, please accept them."

Mo Shuiyi smiled and persuaded.

But Jin Quan and Ye Hanxiang shook their heads, the Panshen flower petals that the king wanted to get was too precious.

Li Mu said: "If you don't want it, then I will throw these two petals away."