Primordial God

Chapter 232: lead the way

Zhong Wudi also walked into the attic. When he saw everything in the attic, he became even more furious, his eyes were full of anger, and he gritted his teeth, "It must be Zhong Haotian's group!"

Zhong Wudi's voice spread throughout the attic, and a sound came from the second floor of the attic. Zhong Buming and Zhong Ruyi stuck their heads out from the second floor of the attic and saw Zhong Wudi and Li Mushen.

"Patriarch, you are finally here." Second Elder Zhong Buming walked down the attic.

Zhong Ruyi followed behind Zhong Buming, saw Li Mushen, and said happily, "Brother Li, why are you here too?"

Zhong Wudi's face was very ugly, "Second Elder, I told you before I left, how did you put Ling'er's soul in the Requiem Stone, how could it be put into this attic?"

Zhong Buming looked embarrassed, "Patriarch, when I came to the ancestral land, I originally put Ling'er's soul into the Requiem stone, but Zhong Haotian appeared in the middle, and he brought a soul to put into the Requiem stone, but It is said that Zhong Haotian's soul is the great-grandson of a helmsman in his ancestral land, and he is a genius at the level of a saint, and we have nothing to do about it."

"Take me to see how her soul is now?"

At this time, the Dragon King spoke up.

"Patriarch, who is he?" the second elder wondered.

Zhong Wudi said: "He is the guardian of Li Mushen. Now take me to see how Linger's soul is now."

The second elder and Zhong Ruyi took one more look at King Molong, and immediately took Zhong Wudi, Li Mushen and King Molong to the second floor of the attic.

When they came to the second floor of the attic, a cloud of ghostly mist came towards them, making King Molong's brows furrowed even tighter.

Go up to the second floor.

The second floor of the attic is much more spacious than the first floor, but there are also thousands of soul lamps.

These soul lamps are simple in style, with ancient rune marks engraved on them, densely placed on the ground, and in the hazy mist, they look extraordinarily sinister.

And in the hazy fog, there are golden light and purple light flickering in it.

The second elder and Zhong Ruyi hurried over with the three of them.

After passing through the fog and entering, I saw that this golden light was a formation.

This formation is obviously to isolate the ghostly aura in those soul lamps, and in the formation, it is Zhong Ruyi's purple light bell.

The purple light clock exudes a purple light with dazzling patterns all over it. Zhong Ruyi patted it on the purple light clock, and with a clang, the purple light clock was opened directly.

A soul lamp is revealed.

Zhong Ruyi carefully picked up the soul lamp and said, "Linger's soul is in it."

Zhong Wudi's spiritual sense penetrated into the soul lamp, and he was relieved to see that Ling'er's soul fell into a deep sleep, lying in the soul lamp, and there was no other serious problem.

Li Mushen's spiritual sense also penetrated into the soul lamp to check it. Although he saw Ling'er's soul, he always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

"Old Mo, look, I always feel that there is something different in this soul lamp." Li Mushen frowned and said uneasy.

"No need to look, where did this soul lamp come from?" asked the Molong King.

Zhong Ruyi wondered: "The Soul Requiem Stone cannot be used. This soul lamp was given by Zhong Haotian. Is there any problem?"

The Dragon King nodded, "Of course there is a problem. If we come later, her soul may have been completely swallowed up."

The words of King Molong sounded alarmist, and several people present were startled. Li Mushen hurriedly asked King Molong, "Old Mo, what's going on? Is there something wrong with this soul lamp?"

"There is nothing wrong with the soul lamp, but there are some problems in it." The Molong King said lightly.

He picked up the soul lamp, stretched his index and middle fingers into the soul lamp, clasped his fingers together, and then extended it out of the soul lamp, and after extending it, a little ghost was sandwiched between the two fingers.

This little devil is only the size of a grain of rice, shaped like a cloud of mist, and this cloud of mist is hazy, like light and dark, and a cold, stern roar can be heard from it, struggling in the hands of the ink dragon king.

"This is?" The second elder took a step forward. He had also probed the soul lamp, but he had never seen this thing.

"This is a ghost of a ghost lamp, a ghost that became a ghost by feeding people's souls. The ghost of the ghost lamp can devour the soul and strengthen itself. I didn't expect that there was a ghost of the ghost lamp in this ghost lamp," said the ink dragon king.

After listening to the words of the Molong King, the faces of several people present were not good-looking, Li Mushen's eyes had already raised murderous aura, Linger was dead, and his body was destroyed! Unexpectedly, someone in the Zhong family wanted to kill her soul. This was unbearable to Li Mushen!

"Zhong Haotian, you shouldn't, you shouldn't, you shouldn't touch my scales."

On the other hand, the second elder and Zhong Bugui had a very ugly expression on their faces, and they were ashamed. If something went wrong with Ling'er's soul, it would be their responsibility!

At this moment, the two of them were full of remorse, and regretted using the soul lamp that Zhong Haotian gave them. At this moment, the two could only beg, hoping that nothing would happen to Linger!

At this moment, Li Mushen's eyes were already flashing with anger.

There is a ghost in this ghost lamp, obviously Linger's situation is not optimistic.

Zhong Wudi's heart was heavy, and he asked Molong King, "Sir, how is Ling'er's situation now? I think her soul is still good, so the ghost ghost didn't devour Ling'er's soul, right?"

King Molong didn't speak, just looked at Li Mushen, he knew how important the position of Linger in Li Mushen's heart was.

Li Mushen took a deep breath, suppressed the murderous aura in his heart, and said, "Old Mo, how is Linger's situation now?"

"It's not optimistic. Although you think that Ling'er's soul is still intact and has not been swallowed up, it is not. These are just illusions."

"Imagination." Li Mushen's pupils shrank suddenly.

Zhong Wudi, Second Elder, and Zhong Ruyi eagerly asked, "What illusion?"

Looking at the ghost of the ghost lamp in his hand, King Mo Long directly annihilated the ghost ghost on his fingertips with both hands, and said, "Ling'er's soul seems complete, but it is already incomplete, she must have cultivated some kind of powerful ghost. The book of martial arts relies on the power of the book of martial arts to protect her soul, but this is only a temporary help for her, and it will not take long for her soul to dissipate in this soul lamp and disappear."

The faces of Li Mushen and the others were ugly, this Zhong Haotian was really vicious!

"I'm going to kill him!" Zhong Wudi said through gritted teeth.

Li Mushen was also full of determination to kill Zhong Haotian.

Then, Li Mushen said eagerly: "Old Mo, is there any way to protect Ling'er's soul?"

Zhong Wudi, the second elder, and Zhong Ruyi also looked at the Molong King eagerly.

The Dragon King nodded and said, "At present, there is a natural way to protect her soul."

"How to protect Ling'er's soul?" Li Mushen said hurriedly.

King Molong handed Zhong Linger's soul lamp to Li Mushen and said, "It's not difficult to protect Linger's soul, just use the requiem stone in the ancestral land of Zhong's family, but this is only temporary. Putting Er's soul into the Requiem Stone can only temporarily prolong the protection of her soul, we must find a place to specially nourish the soul, only those can completely protect Ling'er's soul."

"A place specially designed to nourish the soul." Li Mushen fell into deep thought, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he thought of the Ji family.

On that day, there was a lot of trouble in Jikong Mountain. The ancestors of the Ji family called back the souls of the dead Ji family disciples and took Linger's souls away. There must be a place where the souls are stored in the ancestral land of the Ji family.

Li Mu said: "There must be such a place in the ancestral land of the Ji family."

Zhong Wudi also seemed to have thought of something, and said, "It is rumored that there is a multicolored altar in the ancestral land of the Ji family. The multicolored altar has collected the souls of the dead Ji family disciples over the years. It is indeed a place to nurture souls."

The Dragon King nodded and said, "Since you know where there is a place to nourish your soul, then it's easy to do. Go and find the Requiem God Stone first."

The five of Li Mushen walked down the attic, and outside the attic, Zhong Jiangming and the disciples of the Zhong family were waiting quietly outside.

Li Mushen held a lamp in his arms, and his eyes flashed with a cold light. He glanced at Zhong Jiangming and said, "Where is the Divine Requiem Stone?"

Zhong Jiangming was a little puzzled, "Mr. Li, what's the matter?"

"Give me the Divine Requiem Stone." Li Mushen said in a deep voice.

"For you?" Zhong Jiangming sneered and shook his head, "The Soul Requiem Stone is a treasure in my ancestral land, Young Master Li, if you say I want it to you, I'll give it to you, I'm afraid it doesn't make sense, right?"

Zhong Wudi took a step and said gloomily: "Zhong Haotian gave the second elder a soul lamp, but there is a ghost lamp in the soul lamp, what is Zhong Haotian's intention?"

Zhong Jiangming snorted, gave Molong King a respectful look, and then said to Zhong Wudi, "Patriarch Zhong, you can't say that. You said that there is a ghost in the ghost lamp, what does it have to do with me?"

"This soul lamp was given to us by Zhong Haotian." Zhong Ruyi gritted his teeth.

Although Zhong Jiangming is only an old man, his eyes are flickering with a frightening light at the moment, "You said he gave this soul lamp, but he gave it? Didn't you replace it in the attic? , spitting blood?"

Zhong Jiangming's momentum was so strong that Zhong Ruyi stepped back in shock, and he was full of fear for Zhong Jiangming, the helmsman of the ancestral land of the Zhong family.

But at the next moment, Zhong Jiangming's whole body was shot and flew out.

With a bang, he smashed into a building in the ancestral land.

Zhong Jiangming got up in embarrassment, his eyes filled with fear, looked at the Molong King, and said, "Sir, why are you doing something to me?

"Do you still need a reason to do something to you?" King Molong asked rhetorically.

At this moment, the dragon king's body exudes a mighty dragon power, which makes Zhong Jiangming startled.

He is one of the leaders of the Zhong Family, a first-rate force in the dignified East Wilderness. He was so bullied by the Black Dragon King, but he couldn't resist. Flames were beating in his heart, and murderous aura was hidden in his heart.

The Zhong family disciples beside Zhong Jiangming saw that their leader was bullied by outsiders, but they did not dare to fight back. They were also very aggrieved in their hearts, but at the same time they were helpless.

"Take this king to the Divine Requiem Stone, and then bring Zhong Haotian." King Molong said.