Primordial God

Chapter 238: Return to Jikong Mountain

Those Ji family disciples who were waiting for them saw two people coming down from the sky, and their expressions were alert. When they saw Li Mushen, their faces changed suddenly, and their hearts shook even more.

A leading Ji family disciple turned pale and panicked: "Li Mushen is here again! Go to the ancestral land and tell the ancestors."

Standing at the foot of Jikong Mountain, hundreds of Ji's disciples swarmed from Jikong Mountain. They held weapons and stopped in front of Li Mushen and Molong King.

These Ji family disciples have different expressions, some are afraid, some are frightened, some are curious, some are angry...

Just a few days ago, it was this young man about their age who made a scene in Ji Kongshan, beheading Ji Wuming, the head of the Ji family, and his son Ji You.

In addition to these, the young man with a calm expression in front of him also killed the elders of the Ji family's ancestral land, Venerable Jin Ri, and thousands of warriors from the Ji family.

Li Mushen, he is the **** of death who came out of hell. He summoned the devil, destroyed the entire Jikong Mountain, killed thousands of people, and even shook the foundation of Ji's ancestral land with the power of one person.

A picture of the Eight Immortals crossing the sky made no one in the entire Ji family's ancestral land dare to come out, even the old ancestor Ji Xuehua did not dare to meet the enemy.

It can be said that through the battle of Ji Kongshan, the name of Li Mushen has spread throughout the entire Eastern Wasteland. The Ji family, a first-class force who dared to make a big fuss about the Eastern Wasteland with the cultivation base of the peak of the nine-star generals, has never had such a person since ancient times. Shepherd is the first person!

And just today, Li Mushen is back!

Does he want to destroy Ji Kongshan again?

In a big riot, Li Mushen beheaded too many stalwarts of the Ji family. The bodies of thousands of people were piled up like a hill. When they cleaned up those bodies in Jikong Mountain, they would never forget that pair. The **** and vomiting scene also deepened the fear of these Ji disciples towards Li Mushen.

They thought that after this uproar in Ji Kongshan, Li Mushen's vitality would be greatly damaged, and they would find a place to hide and recuperate.

But he didn't, Li Mushen appeared in Zhongding City after making a fuss about Ji Kongshan.

Zhong Wudi, the owner of the outer door of the Zhong family, married Ben to Ji You and Zhong Linger to Li Mushen. The Ji family learned the news as soon as the news came out.

Ji Family Patriarch was furious and directly sent the Ji Family Venerable Qianshan and Venerable Dahe to kill Li Mushen.

But just after the two sages went to Zhongding City, their life tablets were broken in the ancestral land, which meant that the two died in Zhongding City, and the life and death of the two caused the entire Ji family to fall into silence again.

In their opinion, Venerable Qianshan and Venerable Dahe were killed by Li Mushen. Li Mushen didn't lose his vitality after making trouble with Ji Kongshan, he still has his own means.

Therefore, in the past two days, the ancestral land has been thinking about how to solve Li Mushen, and did not dare to send Zhongji disciples to Zhongding City.

But they never expected that in the early morning of this day, Li Mushen actually came to Jikong Mountain.

Hundreds of disciples of the Ji family stopped Li Mushen and King Molong, but no one dared to step forward.

The leading disciple of the Ji family was a martial artist from the Martial King Realm. He took a deep breath and said to Li Mushen: "Li Mushen, you dare to appear in Jikong Mountain, what do you want to do?"

Li Mushen's eyes were calm. He looked at these Ji family disciples and could feel their fear of him. He said to himself, "It seems that the killing that day has had a great impact on these Ji family disciples."

Then, Li Mushen said, "I don't want to do anything, I just want to borrow something from your Ji family."

"Li Mushen, how dare you come to my Ji Kongshan!"

At this moment, from the depths of Jikong Mountain, the earth shook, and a Ji family venerable who stepped on a golden bull had a gloomy face, and came to the foot of Jikong mountain, exuding from the Ji family venerable body. The surging breath permeated the entire foot of Jikong Mountain.

This golden bull is an immemorial relic, with a golden light all over it like pouring gold, and it is seven feet tall.

Seeing the Ji family's venerable stepping on the golden bull, those Ji family disciples breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly gave way.

Li Mushen looked at the venerable man and said slowly, "Sir Jinman."

The venerable who stepped on the golden bull was surprised. He didn't expect that Li Mushen would know him. In the past few decades, his cultivation base has reached the peak of Jiuxing Wuzun, and he has reached the bottleneck of cultivation, so he has been staying in Ji's house. In the ancestral land, he concentrated on cultivation and strived to break through the bottleneck as soon as possible, but he did not expect that Li Mushen, who had a great hatred with the Ji family, knew him.

In the previous life, Li Mushen had met Venerable Jinman several times. Unfortunately, at that time, he was not a strong person in the Wu Zunjing realm, but had already entered the Wuhuang realm.

Venerable Jin Man is very powerful. What he cultivates is the law of power in the world to strengthen himself, and his mount, the Golden Bull, is equally powerful as an ancient relic. When Venerable Jinman became a Martial Emperor, it was already an immemorial relic of the nine-star Martial Venerable realm.

And because of the strength of the bloodline of the ancient relics, although the golden bull is only in the realm of the nine-star Martial Lord, his true strength has already reached the emperor.

Because of the existence of this golden bull, Venerable Jin Man is also considered a supreme figure in the Martial Emperor Realm. There are few people who dare to bully him while walking on the Immortal God Continent.

But now, Venerable Jinman has obviously not broken through his bottleneck, and the bloodline of the Golden Bull has not recovered.

Therefore, the current Venerable Jinman is not a top-notch power in the Ji family. Among the Ji family Wuzun, he is similar to the Qianshan Venerable and Dahe Venerable who came to Zhongding City to kill him. The strength lies in the middle of the Venerable.

Venerable Jinman's appearance is very rough, because of the practice of the law of strength, the muscles of the whole person are bulging, like a horned dragon lying on the body, and the martial arts are powerful.

To the Li Mushen in front of him, Venerable Jinman burst into flames, "Good boy, you killed the three venerables of my Ji family, today, you dare to appear in Jikong Mountain, and this venerable will use your blood to pay homage to the three Your Excellency, the disciples of the Ji family obey orders and display the flag!"

Hundreds of disciples of the Ji family heard Venerable Jinman's order, and they were no longer afraid.

This flag is eight meters long, and the flag is carved with a mountain-shaped glyph.

Suddenly, the hundreds of disciples of the Ji family started at the same time and unfurled their banners.

At the foot of Jikong Mountain, a gust of wind was blowing, and the black flag was hunting in the gust of wind. The entire Jikong Mountain was golden, and the guardian formation was revived, and the entire sky darkened.

"Collect the flag."

Venerable Jinman drank, and at the same time, hundreds of flags were put away, black clouds overwhelmed the top, and thousands of Ji family disciples appeared over the entire sky.

The disciples of the Ji family were waiting in earnest, and they rode Linghong to stand on the sky, with a solemn expression and the meaning of Xiao Sha.

"Thousands of Ji family disciples who have reached the Martial Spirit Realm or above, this Ji family is really a big hand." Li Mushen said lightly.

Beside Li Mushen, King Molong looked at the glyphs on the black flags that were put away, his eyes flickering, "Interesting, the glyphs of the space shift array are actually here. On these flags, whose method is this, It's amazing skills, which opened the eyes of this king."

"Li Mushen, today. You can't escape! Come quickly and die!"

Venerable Jin Man shouted loudly, and with his right leg on the golden bull under his feet, he rushed towards Li Mushen.

The earth was shaking, and the mountains in the distance collapsed due to the vibration of the earth. Venerable Jinman and Golden Bull were domineering laws of power that could collapse the void.

But Li Mushen's face didn't change. King Molong stood in front of Li Mushen, looked at Venerable Jinman who was rushing over, and slowly raised his right hand.

In the sky, the Ji family disciples looked at all this coldly, and when they saw the Molong King like this, they sneered.

"Just trying to stop Venerable Jinman's collision with one hand is simply courting death."

"Among the venerables of my Ji family, there are not many people who dare to do this. This middle-aged man's cultivation is only in the Martial King Realm. It seems that he was frightened by Venerable Jinman."

"Hmph, the mantis arm is too much for a car."


In the eyes of the Ji family disciples, they had already seen the ending. Li Mushen and Molong King were smashed into meat sauce by Venerable Jinman.

Boom boom boom!

The earth shook, and Venerable Jinman felt futile in his heart as he rammed towards Li Mushen.

He knew very well in his heart that Li Mushen would not come to Jikong Mountain easily. Since he dared to come to Jikong Mountain, he was sure.

Looking at Li Mushen's calm expression, Venerable Jinman felt even more uneasy, but at this moment, he saw the middle-aged man who had been standing beside Li Mushen move.

The middle-aged man took two steps, stood in front of Li Mushen, raised his right hand, and looked at him like this.

This made Venerable Jin Man stunned, and then sneered, "It seems that the deity thinks too much. Today, he came to Jikong Mountain to seek death."

The earth was cracked by the golden bull, and finally the golden bull rushed in front of the Molong King.

"Die!" Venerable Jinman yelled.

The law of power is in the body of the golden bull, and this time, even a mountain will be destroyed by it.

Venerable Jin Man laughed, as if he had seen the next scene.

Even in the sky, the disciples of the Zhong family seemed to have seen the scene in their hearts, and they were no longer nervous. The meaning of Xiao killing pervaded the sky, and it would dissipate every moment.


A loud roar of the golden bull's roar came out, resounding throughout the Jikong Mountain.

Venerable Jinman shuddered, "What's going on?"

Venerable Jinman could feel the pain endured by the Golden Bull from this painful roar.

He suddenly glanced at Li Mushen.

I saw Li Mushen standing there calmly at the moment, and the golden bull was only a meter away in front of him.

And at this distance, the Golden Bull stopped, the golden light all over his body dimmed, its vitality was weakening, and suddenly, the Golden Bull fell to the ground.

Venerable Jin Man stared blankly at the corpse of the golden bull under his feet, his eyes filled with disbelief, he couldn't believe that the mount that had accompanied him for hundreds of years had died like this.

"Impossible, the golden bull's cultivation base is in the Martial Venerable Realm, how did it die?"