Primordial God

Chapter 279: Big Mountain Search

On their bodies, the same iron chains were wrapped around them, suppressing them, and roaring to grab the bird-shaped glyph.

At the same time, the Zhenshixian Demon Jing in Li Mushen's body was running, and when the Zhenshixian's body was awakened, it was going to suppress the bird-shaped carving.

The light of the bird-shaped glyph was stagnant and suddenly dimmed. It seemed to know that it was not an opponent of these existences, and at the same time, it was worried that it would be suppressed by the demon body of Zhenshixian, and it turned into a streamer and disappeared into Li Mushen's body.

And with the disappearance of the bird-shaped carvings, Li Mushen was no longer in danger, all the visions dissipated, and in the mountains, everything returned to calm, and no one knew what happened here.

Li Mushen was lying on the ground, and Jiu Mei was lying not far from him.

Between the palms of Li Mushen, a glyph of life emerged.

From the sculpture of life, exuberant vitality poured into Li Mushen's body to heal the wounds in his body.

The other half, in the direction of Guanshan City, Master Zhang led the three venerables to track down the key to the city gate under the leadership of Gu Gugu.

The city gate that Li Mushen escaped from was the gate guarded by Gu Gu Gu. When the leader told Gu Gu Gu that Li Mu Shen had escaped from the city gate, Gu Gu Gu was furious immediately. Dare to escape from his city gate, without any hesitation, he easily led the team to kill Li Mushen.

The city gate key is made by Tianbao master, which plays a vital role in opening the city gate. Once the city gate key is lost, the city gate cannot be opened. Therefore, there is a mark in each city gate key that can be traced.

Because of the solitary existence of the ancient city, almost no one dared to escape from his city gate, so he handed over the city gate key to the commander. Unexpectedly, such a thing happened. He took the key and escaped from the city gate!

No matter who it is, Gu Chenggu will make him pay a heavy price!

Soon, Gu Gu Gu took the Guan Shan Army and the people from the Temple of Medicine to the outside of a mountain in pursuit of the mark.

Looking at the dark and calm mountain in front of him, Gu Gu Gu Gu's eyes flashed a cold light, "He's inside."

In the depths of the mountain, a screeching sound of a monster bird came to an abrupt end in the distance, which awakened the sleepy Li Mushen in an instant.

"I'm not dead?" Li Mushen breathed a sigh of relief, only to feel that his whole body was full of power. He looked at his palm and saw that the life glyph appeared on the palm, and it no longer contained the life force as before.

Li Mushen breathed a sigh of relief, the information of the magical power 'blood eye killing' appeared in his mind, and then, the fairy root appeared in Li Mushen's hands.

This fairy root exudes brilliance and is shaped like a gem, but other than that, there is nothing magical about it, but Li Mushen knows that there must be an ancient immortal technique 'immortality' in this fairy root.

At this time, there was another screeching sound in the distance, and a group of demon birds in the mountain fled from the mountain.

"The people from the Temple of Medicine are chasing after him." Li Mushen thought, carrying Jiumei behind him to Hantan.

The cold pool is not big, and the water surface is even calmer. It looks ordinary and ordinary, but Li Mushen knew that there must be some treasures under this cold pool, so he used his unicorn arm, pushing a boulder, slamming the entire cold pool. Tan is covered.

Now Li Mushen doesn't have time to go into the cold pool to find out. After he gets rid of the people in the Temple of Medicine, he will go into the cold pool to find out what is there.

After covering the cold pool, Li Mushen carried Jiumei and continued to flee to the deepest part of the mountain.

"No, you can't escape like this."

But soon, Li Mushen stopped and stood in place.

He looked at a big mountain in front of him. This big mountain was majestic and majestic, like a giant beast sleeping in the dark night.

"Hide in this mountain."

Li Mushen's speed is very fast, stepping on the top of the wind and waves, he has already felt the powerful aura behind him gradually approaching!

Finally, Li Mushen entered the mountain, and a magic sword appeared in his hand.

The magic sword was sharp, and the sword energy was vertical and horizontal, and Li Mushen quickly used the magic sword to carve out a cave that was seven or eight meters deep.

Carrying Jiumei into the cave, Li Mushen kept searching for the formation in the Book of Origin.

He needs to use a hidden aura formation to avoid this group of people.

"Three-stone virtual formation."

When Li Mushen saw a second-grade formation recorded in the Book of Origins, his eyes lit up, "Just use this formation."

Although the three-stone virtual formation is a second-grade formation, it was inherited from the ancient times and has miraculous effects in concealment.

It is not difficult to arrange the three-stone virtual array. Li Mushen found three rocks, and based on this rock, he began to engrave the array patterns. At half a column of incense time, Li Mushen was done and placed the three array stones in three directions. .

"I need a treasure to be the eye." Li Mushen murmured, and Lingjue entered the ancient ring to search.

But suddenly, Li Mushen took out the key to open Guanshan City from the ancient ring, and when he hurriedly left the city, Li Mushen carelessly put the city gate key on his body.

This key is white and silver, like silver poured into a gleaming brilliance, Li Mushen frowned and looked at the key in his hand, "If you guessed correctly, the people in the Temple of Medicine must be looking for this key. Careless."

Li Mushen summoned Xiaohuo and burned the key.

Soon, the key turned into a pool of silver water. The ancient city, who had just entered the depths of the mountain, stopped, his face turned cold, and he had lost contact with the city gate key.

"It seems that the key has been discovered by him." Gu Gu Gu said alone.

After pondering for a while, Gu Gu Gu said to the dozens of Guan Shan soldiers behind him: "Disperse them all and search for the depths of the mountains in a carpet style. Once you find any news about that person, you will quickly send out a signal."

The spiritual senses of the three venerables dissipated and rushed towards the depths of the mountain like a tide. Master Zhang looked coldly at the dark mountain and muttered: "He has a corpse on his back, why should he carry a corpse on his back? Escape? Could it be that the medicine store was hidden in the corpse?"

"Come on, let's go in."

Master Zhang said to the three venerables, driving Linghong to the mountain.

In the cave, Li Mushen found his spiritual sense in the three-stone virtual formation.

His spiritual sense instantly touched the spiritual sense of a Venerable.

Suddenly, Li Mushen took back his spiritual sense, and did not dare to reach out to check the situation outside.

"Who touched the spiritual sense of the deity just now?" A sage looked in the direction of Li Mushen's cave, pondered slightly, and walked in the direction of Li Mushen.

In the cave, Li Mushen seemed a little worried, a three-stone virtual formation might not be enough, the Xianling Lake in his body was turbulent, and he had to use the Immortal Concealment Technique.

But at this time, Li Mushen's Zhen Shixian demon body woke up and turned into a lake to surround Li Mushen and Jiumei.

In this lake, Li Mushen felt the power of Immortal Invisibility.

With the existence of this Immortal Hidden Technique, Li Mushen doesn't need to worry about being discovered by people in the Temple of Medicine.

The venerable followed the spiritual sense to the location where Li Mushen was hiding, but because of the existence of the three-stone virtual formation and Xianfeihu immortal concealment, even the venerable characters did not find that Li Mushen and Jiumei were hiding in this cave. middle.

The venerable frowned slightly, without thinking much, and went to another direction.

In the cave, Li Mu silently watched the Venerable, and he was relieved to see him leave.

But it didn't take long before several Guan Shanjun came to the place where Li Mushen was hiding.

They carefully searched for everything, not letting go of any clues, which made Li Mushen frown. He didn't expect this Guan Shanjun to search for him so seriously.

But if this is the case, even if there is an imaginary formation of mountains and rocks, it can be discovered by these Guan Shan army. Li Mushen frowned, but he did not appear, and was still hiding in the cave.

Finally, a Guan Shanjun approached the location of Li Mushen's cave. The murderous aura loomed in Li Mushen's eyes, the magic sword appeared in his hand, and his aura also reached its peak state. The Faun will take action to kill him!

But fortunately, because of the existence of the Three Stone Illusory Formation, although the Guanshan Army was already very close to the Three Stone Illusory Formation, they did not search again.

Suddenly, just as Guan Shanjun was about to leave, Jiu Mei's eyelashes trembled slightly and she woke up.

Li Mushen's entire attention can be said to be on Guan Shanjun outside the cave, and he never thought that Jiumei would wake up at this moment.

She opened her eyes and looked at Li Mushen, with surprise in her eyes, and said, "We escaped from the Temple of Medicine?"

Jiu Mei's voice was not loud, but Li Mushen's face suddenly changed, she didn't expect Jiu Mei to wake up, and hurriedly covered Jiu Mei's mouth.

Jiu Mei made a whimper, murderous aura appeared in her eyes, wondering if Li Mushen's greedy medicine store was going to attack her.

Li Mushen hurriedly gestured outside the Jiumei cave.

Jiu Mei instantly understood that it was the people from the Temple of Medicine who had caught up.

Unfortunately, Jiu Mei's voice came to Guan Shanjun's ears, Guan Shanjun's expression instantly became solemn, he drew the broad sword around his waist, the blade flashed coldly, and he was alert to the cave hidden by Li Mushen.

Li Mushen signaled Jiumei not to make a sound, and the magic sword in his hand also flashed with cold light, and Li Mushen's breath burst out in a flash in its heyday!

tao tao…

The sound of clear footsteps was getting closer and closer. The Guan Shanjun approached the entrance of the cave and found the strangeness of the entrance. He narrowed his eyes and said, "It seems that he is hiding here."

Subconsciously, Guan Shancheng took out a signal stone from his arms, but after thinking about it, Guan Shanjun put away the signal stone again.

There is no need to ask for assistance, as a strong man in the Wuwangjing realm, he can easily say to Li Mushen, and he can even use Li Mushen's head to ask the ancient city for credit!

The entrance of the cave is only more than one meter wide. The Guanshan soldier is tall and big, unable to enter it upright, but can only bend down.

But just when Guan Shanjun bent down and entered the cave with one leg, a red light flashed in the cave, and then he only felt a tingling in his heart, and looked down at the magic sword that pierced his heart.

"His sword is so fast!"

This sentence sounded in Guan Shanjun's mind, but soon, he lost his breath and fell at the entrance of the cave.