Primordial God

Chapter 280: canyon escape

Li Mushen took a breath and summoned a small fire to burn the Guan Shan army and hide it in the cave again.

"Hopefully those Guan Shanjun won't find out that one person is missing."

In the depths of the mountains, those ferocious beasts and monsters were all driven out of the mountains. The ancient city rode a wolf-like beast alone and waited coldly, and soon those Guanshan troops returned.

"Where are the people?" Gu Gucheng said coldly.

The Guan Shan army said solemnly: "General, nothing has been found in this mountain, and no trace of that person has been found."

Gu Gu Gu Gu sneered, "Really?"

"Yes, General!"

Gu Gu Gu shot alone and slapped the talking Guan Shanjun out.

The other Guan Shanjun looked at Gucheng Gu in puzzlement.

Gu Gu Gu Gu sneered: "I brought forty-six Guan Shan troops, and now only forty-five have returned. Where is the other Guan Shan army? A bunch of trash!"

Gu Gucheng's solitary words surprised the Guan Shan army, and soon found out that there was one person missing from the Guan Shan army, with anger and shame in their eyes!

"A bunch of trash."

Gu Gucheng scolded angrily, and then rode a fierce beast with the remaining forty-five Guan Shan troops to the mountain.

Master Zhang came from the side of the mountain with three venerables and asked Gu Gu Gu Gu, "Have you found his whereabouts?"

Gu Gu Gu Gu looked at Master Zhang and the three Venerables, and said, "No, but one of my people is missing, apparently killed by him."

"Where are you missing?"

Gu Gu Gu glanced at the three and said, "Follow me!"

This group of people went in the direction where the Sky Survey Army disappeared.

In the cave, Jiu Mei looked at Li Mushen in front of her and said, "Who are you?"

Li Mu said: "Who are you? Is the medicine store on you?"

Hearing Li Mushen talking about the medicine store, Jiu Mei's face changed slightly and said, "The medicine store is not on me."

Li Mushen looked at Jiu Mei and said, "I don't mind whether the medicine store is on you or not. I saved you. I only need a magic medicine in the medicine store. It is very important to me, so I should save you. remuneration."

"What elixir?" Jiu Mei asked.

"There is no root, nothing is hard to see, it is in the treasure house of the Temple of Medicine." Li Mu said.

Jiu Mei nodded, "You saved me, and I'm not a person who repays kindness and vengeance. When we are safe, I will let my elder brother hand over the root of nothingness to you as a reward for saving my life."

"no problem."

At this time, Li Mushen noticed that dozens of breaths were approaching him, his face changed slightly, and he said: "It seems that they have found that one Guan Shanjun is missing."

Signaling Jiumei not to speak, Li Mushen came to the entrance of the cave and looked into the distance.

As the night shone down, Gu Gu Gu led the Guan Shan army to search here. At the same time, there were Master Zhang and the three venerables along the way.

"Gu Gu Gu Gu, I didn't expect it to be him." Li Mushen secretly said, constantly thinking about the way to escape.

After all, staying in the cave is not a long-term solution, and it is easy to be discovered by the people in the ancient city and the temple of medicine.

Back in the cave, Jiu Mei saw that Li Mushen's expression was a little dignified, and said, "How is the situation outside?"

Li Mushen shook his head, "It's not good, they found the missing Guan Shan Army and are searching in this direction, we must leave here."

"How to leave?" Jiu Mei said.

Li Mushen's eyes were deep, and he said, "I left here, and you stayed in this hole. Once I lead them away, you will take the opportunity to escape and escape from here."

Jiu Mei looked at Li Mushen not speaking, and seemed to be thinking about something.

Li Mushen didn't care what Jiumei was thinking, and continued: "I don't know what the outcome will be, but once you escape, you will arrive at the Fulai Inn in Guanshan City tomorrow afternoon. If I escape successfully, I will wait there. you."

"Then what if you didn't escape?" Jiu Mei said.

The corners of Li Mushen's mouth rose, his face was full of confidence, and he said, "I will escape, you must seize the opportunity."

Jiu Mei nodded, "Take care."

On the other side, Gucheng Gu, Master Zhang and the three venerables were only a few hundred meters away from the cave where Li Mushen was hiding.

Li Mushen quietly came out of the cave, sealed the cave again, opened the three-stone virtual formation to hide the entire cave, and then went in the other direction.

Using the Immortal Concealment Technique, Li Mushen hid himself in the void, hundreds of meters away from the cave, among a group of rocks.

Two Guanshan troops formed a siege and searched this area.

Because one Guan Shan army disappeared, the rest of the Guan Shan army also became more vigilant and carefully searched all the places they passed by, and they finally approached Li Mushen.

Li Mushen hid in the gap between the two boulders, holding the magic sword in his hand, quietly waiting for the two Guan Shan troops to search for him.

Soon, the two Guan Shan troops searched for the location of Li Mushen.

"Go and see if there is anything hidden in that crevice." A Guan Shan Jun said.

Another Guan Shanjun nodded and walked towards the crevice.

Li Mushen seized the opportunity and suddenly burst into action, before the Guan Shan army had yet to react.

Cold light sword shadow, a blood-red sword energy shot out, that Guan Shanjun widened his eyes and planned to shoot.

But it was too late, the sword cut his throat directly, and blood was flowing.

When another Guan Shan army saw that Guan Shan army was killed, his face changed greatly, and he took out the signal stone. Great Venerable's attention.

Gu Gucheng's solitary eyes were gleaming, and he said in a low voice, "He's there!"

Riding a fierce beast, he led Guan Shan's army away. At the same time, Master Zhang also took the three venerables towards the direction of Li Mushen.

In the mountains not far away, the red flames burned the sky, and the mountains and forests were burning under the fire. Li Mushen used the blood and thunder spirit patterns in his body to mobilize the might of heaven and earth into endless flames to kill the Guanshan army.

The fire raged, and the flames blazed into the sky.

Li Mushen did not flee, but waited, standing there quietly waiting for Gu Gu Gu and Zhang Shi to approach.

Linghongs passed by in the sky, Gu Guchenggu led Guan Shanjun and Zhang Shi to chase after him.

The speed of Zhang Shi and the others left Guchenggu behind, and looked at Li Mushen standing there coldly.

"Run away!"

A Venerable shouted, his hands were in a strange shape, and the earth swelled, blocking Li Mushen like a wave.

Master Zhang's eyes were piercing, and he looked coldly at the ordinary-looking man in front of the fire, thinking, "Will the medicine store be on him?"

Seeing Master Zhang and a few people chasing after him, Li Mushen should also leave. He used the free and easy cloud technique to find the wind and waves, and between his feet seemed to be stepping on a gust of wind, running in the void and fleeing into the distance.

Zhang Shi and a few others followed closely behind, and the Guanshan Army led by Gu Gucheng Gu was behind.

Gu Gu Gu's face was a little ugly, I didn't expect Li Mushen to be so fast!

"Stop him!" Gu Gu Gu Gu said to Master Zhang a few people.

Li Mushen struggled to escape, although Zhang Shi and several others were getting closer and closer to him, but in order for Jiumei to escape smoothly, Li Mushen still did not stop.

After running for a few more breaths, Li Mushen left the mountain and crossed a mountain canyon. The wind swept through and stayed down. The whole person was panting and his face was pale.

"She should have left." Li Mushen murmured.

At this time, Zhang Shi and several people were only less than 100 meters away from Li Mushen. Li Mushen did not hesitate to use the Immortal Hidden Technique, and the whole person hid in the void.

Hiding the breath, Li Mushen stood motionless in the canyon like a boulder.

With a few sounds of breaking through the air, Master Zhang took the lead with the three venerables to this mountain road canyon.

"Where's the person?" A venerable frowned.

Master Zhang scattered his spiritual sense, looking for the figure of Li Mushen.

Li Mushen didn't dare to breathe, he completely wrapped his breath under the power of Xianfeihu, without revealing the slightest, sweat was already showing on his forehead.

Master Zhang's brows also wrinkled, and his face looked very ugly. He also didn't find the whereabouts of Li Mushen. What's going on?

"Find him carefully for me." Master Zhang's voice was hoarse and gloomy, and he said to the three Venerables.

The spiritual senses of the three Venerables spread out, filling the entire mountain road and valley, looking for the trace of Li Mushen.

But still no figure of Li Mushen was found, and even his breath dissipated, as if it disappeared out of thin air.

The three venerables shook their heads at Master Zhang, saying that they had not found any trace of Li Mushen.

"He must be here!" Master Zhang said in a low voice, with a ray of light in his eyes.

At this time, Gu Chenggu had already brought Guan Shanjun.

Gu Gucheng asked Master Zhang, "Where's that person?"

Master Zhang's face was very ugly.

A Venerable said solemnly: "He disappeared, and there is no trace of his disappearance. I searched the entire mountain road and canyon and found no trace of him."

Hearing the words of His Holiness, Gu Gu Gu Gu's expression changed slightly, "Disappeared?"

You must know that Master Zhang, as the master of the Temple of Medicine in Guanshan City, has a strong cultivation base and is a detached sage. At the same time, there are three sages chasing Li Mushen together, and he disappeared from the sight. How is this possible? !

"He must be hiding in this mountain valley." Gu Gucheng said coldly.

A Venerable said: "Where is he hiding in this canyon? There is almost nowhere to hide his figure!"

No one knew that Li Mushen was standing in front of them at a distance of only ten meters.

In the state of Xianling Lake's power and supernatural powers, as long as Li Mushen does not show the slightest breath, even if it is a powerful Zhang Shi, he can still escape from their hands.

"They didn't find me, they should think I escaped." Li Mushen thought to himself.

Li Mushen stayed where he was, quietly waiting for them to leave.

But Gu Gu Gu obviously did not intend to give up, he ordered forty-three Guan Shan troops to carefully look for the trace of Li Mushen.

In his territory, no one has ever dared to kill him, Gu Gu Gu Gu is already very angry, no matter what, he will catch Li Mushen!

But where Li Mushen is hiding, this ancient city does not know.

Those Guanshan troops searched for Li Mushen for a stick of incense, but no one found him. Gu Gu Gu had an angry face, and Master Zhang and the three venerables also looked very ugly.

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