Primordial God

Chapter 292: what it looks like now

But the final result was beyond everyone's expectations. For some unknown reason, the Heaven-reaching Divine Tree was resurrected, allowing the decaying Green Monster Race to rise here!

At the same time, the woman who was born holding the tree also appeared in front of the world. She was as beautiful as an immortal, and she was even more powerful. Dare to underestimate the strength of that woman, she made the arrogance of all races fall in love with her, and her power also made them surrender.

The strength of the Qing Yao clan is not weaker than that of the Xianjing Dynasty, and they are the top forces in the Eastern Wilderness and even the entire Immortal God Continent.

Li Mushen didn't expect this Jiumei to be a member of the Qing Yao clan. What does she have to do with that woman?

This night, the people in the Temple of Medicine were looking for the figures of Li Mushen and Jiumei, but Guanshan City was so big that even the Temple of Medicine couldn't find where they were hiding, which made Master Zhang angry but helpless.

Until dawn the next day, Master Zhang did not find any trace of Li Mushen and Jiu Mei, and the people from the main hall of Medicine God Temple also came late.

This is a sixth-grade alchemist. He appeared in the Temple of Medicine in Guanshan City and looked at Master Zhang and the three venerables coldly.

Master Zhang and the three venerables said nothing.

"Master Zhang, you have neglected your duty," said the sixth-grade alchemist.

Master Zhang didn't speak, but his eyes were full of unwillingness!

"The main hall will recall you, the lost medicine store, the main hall will send someone to retrieve it." The sixth-grade alchemist said again.

"They are hiding in Guanshan City. Lord, give me a day, and I will definitely catch them!" Master Zhang said to the sixth-grade alchemy master.

The sixth-grade alchemist looked at Master Zhang coldly, and said coldly: "Master Zhang, it's too late. You and the three venerables quickly go to the main hall to receive the punishment. As for the medicine store, you don't need to worry about it any more."

Master Zhang's face was gloomy and he nodded: "I understand."

The faces of the three venerables are extremely bleak, the medicine store is lost, and now the main hall is recalled, and once they return to the main hall, the punishment they will receive is terrifying and frightening.

As for what kind of punishment they will receive, only those who have come here are particularly clear!

In the Guanshan City Inn, Li Mushen and Zhong Ruyi stayed in the room. Li Mushen was silently running the Zhen Shixian Demon Sutra, and the glyph of life in his palm was constantly recovering from the injuries he suffered in Yaoxianglou last night. His blood was surging, his breath was strong, and every breath he took would be accompanied by the vibration of the heavens and the earth, which was enough to prove how powerful he was now.

The heaven and the earth shook violently, and a violent and powerful force in Li Mushen's body was vented out, and the whole room was gusty, and Li Mushen's hand was sealed, sealing the violent and powerful force in the body, and the strong wind in the room also followed. Dissipated, breathing calmly, Li Mushen slowly opened his eyes, and a divine light flashed in his eyes, which was fleeting.

When Li Mushen opened his eyes, he saw Zhong Ruyi staring at him with wide eyes.

"Why are you looking at me?" Li Mu said.

Zhong Ruyi looked straight at Li Mushen, and after a long time, she spit out a sentence and said, "Li Mushen, you are simply a monster."

Li Mushen touched the tip of his nose.

Zhong Ruyi said: "Li Mushen, your current cultivation base has reached the critical point of the peak of the nine-star generals. Why do you want to seal your cultivation base and prevent yourself from breaking through?"

Li Mushen's eyes were deep and he said, "The list of generals has been opened, in order to compete for the list of generals."

Zhong Ruyi was curious, "Is it any good to compete for the generals list?"

Li Mushen nodded, "The Pagoda of Heaven and Earth is the most mysterious and mysterious treasure in the world. It moves the heaven and the earth, and it can be said that the heaven and the earth accept it, and every time the great emperor sits down, the Pagoda of the Heaven and Earth will begin to be evil, and the battle for the throne will also be It will open immediately."

Zhong Ruyi seems to understand but does not understand.

Li Mushen continued: "There are thorns all over the way to win the emperor, and the weather, the location, and the people are indispensable. From the list of generals, to the list of martial arts, and even the list of Wu Zun, in each list, the closer you are to the peak, the better you will be. Being able to get the gift of heaven and earth, the gift of heaven and earth is the most precious existence in the world, nothing can compare, it can be said that the gift of heaven and earth will rapidly improve your strength in all aspects, only in this way will you have a better chance to become God."

"So it is." Zhong Ruyi said solemnly.

Li Mushen nodded and said hoarsely: "In this world, there are too many powerful alien races, there are too many powerful geniuses, some are gods, immortals reincarnated, born with stone fetuses... Their birth determines their future. The growth is extraordinary, they have the best resources and are the most powerful geniuses in the Immortal God Continent, the gap between us and them can only be gradually narrowed by relying on the Heaven and Earth God Tower!"

Thinking of the gift of heaven and earth ranked in the first general list of the Heaven and Earth Tower, Li Mushen's heart burst into flames!

In the previous life, I did not have a strong strength, so I could only miss it, but in this life, I can also compete for the gift of that day!

"If I had known that I would not break through, it would be great to stay in the generals list."

After listening to Li Mushen's words, Zhong Ruyi said angrily.

Li Mushen said: "You don't have to regret it. From the very beginning of the competition for the ranking of the first generals list, Gucheng Gu's cultivation base stayed at the peak of the nine-star generals, not only him, but also more powerful alien talents. Your cultivation base is also in the realm of military generals, but their strength is many times stronger. Many martial arts, martial kings, and even military generals are not their opponents! Your current cultivation is in the martial arts, and when we go to the East Wilderness After the Immortal Court, you will enter the Heaven and Earth Tower to compete for the Martial Lord Ranking with all your heart, and the longer you stay in the top 20 of the Martial Monarch Ranking, the more you will gain."

"Me? Top 20 on the Wujun Ranking?" Zhong Ruyi was embarrassed. He grabbed his head, but there was no confidence in his eyes.

There are thousands of arrogances in the world, what can he count, it is too difficult to enter the top 20 of the martial arts list!

At this moment, there was a sound from the house next to Jiumei, and it was the soft sobbing of a woman.

Zhong Ruyi and Li Mushen stopped talking.

Zhong Ruyi looked at the closed room and whispered to Li Mu, "She's awake."

Li Mushen nodded.

"She seems to be crying, what's going on?" Zhong Ruyi asked.

Li Mushen gave Zhong Ruyi a white look, but did not answer Zhong Ruyi's words.

"You must know what happened in Yaoxiang Tower?" Zhong Ruyi said.

Li Mushen got up and said, "She was the only one left in the group of people who stole the medicine storehouse in the Temple of Medicine. A nine-footed man chose to blow himself up in order to let her escape. Otherwise, I don't know what the situation is now."

"It turns out that she must be very sad."

After waiting for a while, the sobbing in the room subsided, and Li Mushen said to Zhong Ruyi: "You wait for me outside, I'll go."

After speaking, Li Mushen left the room and knocked on the door of Jiu Mei's house.

The sobbing in the house became small, and Jiumei's words did not come out.

"If you don't mind, then I'm in." Li Mushen stood outside the door of the room and said slowly.

Seeing that Jiumei's words were still not heard from the room, Li Mushen paused for a while, then pushed open the door of the room and entered.

In the room, Jiu Mei was sitting beside the bed with her back to Li Mushen, her shoulders were twitching slightly.

After Li Mushen entered the room, he stood in the room, looked at Jiumei's back, and took out the golden seeds that Jiumei gave him.

This golden seed is the medicine storehouse of the Temple of Medicine. Who can imagine that this golden seed is the medicine storehouse of the Temple of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Guanshan City!

"Why do you want to save me?" Jiu Mei spoke up, her voice was filled with sadness. The death of the nine-foot man, the third brother, and the Hong Niangzi caused her whole body to fall into pain and sadness.

Li Mushen didn't speak, looked at her quietly, then placed the golden seed by the bed and said, "I will return this golden seed to you. Today, I will leave Guanshan City and go to the imperial capital. When do you plan to do so? Leaving Guanshan City?"

"Why do you want to save me?" Jiu Mei still said the same thing, she said with unwillingness: "You shouldn't save me, let me die in Yaoxianglou."

Li Mushen sighed in his heart, and said lightly: "I didn't save you, but just by the way. If you die in the Yaoxiang Tower, what will the Qing Yaozu do?"

After speaking, Li Mushen turned and left.

For Jiumei, Li Mushen just met by chance. After he got the root of nothingness, he saved her by the way, and the two don't need to have any relationship. He has already helped.

"Hold on."

Just when Li Mushen was about to leave the room, Jiu Mei stopped Li Mushen.

Li Mushen stopped, turned his head, and looked at Jiu Mei.

But it was this turn of his head that made Li Mushen stunned, his heart shook, and his eyes were full of disbelief, "It's you!"

Jiu Mei's eyes were red with tears, and she didn't know why Li Mushen had such an expression.

At this moment, Jiumei has completely changed. Her face was originally ugly, but now it has undergone earth-shattering changes. It is not an exaggeration to say that!

Once, Jiu Mei's skin was like snow, but her face was extremely dark, black and wrinkled, like a rough piece of leather. At the same time, it is also decaying, like the face of a ghost, which is scary and disgusting.

But now, her skin is like snow, her face is like white jade, crystal clear, white and flawless, and her eyes are ruddy.

But what Li Mushen saw was the first arrogant woman of the Qing Yao clan, who was born hugging a tree - Qing Nv.

Although Li Mushen in his previous life had never seen a young girl, he was fortunate to have seen the young girl's appearance under a young painter who admired her.

The young girl stands on the high cliff, dressed in blue gauze, and her elegance is peerless!

"What's wrong?" Jiu Mei opened her mouth, her ruddy red eyes were full of doubts, and she didn't know why Li Mushen had such an expression.

Li Mushen didn't speak, he calmed down his mood, restrained the shock in his eyes, and said to Jiu Mei: "There is a bronze mirror next to you, you can see what you look like now."

"What do I look like now?" Jiu Mei's eyes were still puzzled.