Primordial God

Chapter 293: Young girl, the land of gambling

"I'll wait for you outside the room."

After speaking, Li Mushen walked out of the room.

In the room, Jiu Mei held the golden seed in her hand, looked at the closed door of the room, and walked towards the bronze mirror of the dressing table in confusion. She walked in slowly, and her face appeared in the bronze mirror.

When she saw her face in the bronze mirror, her whole body was trembling, her eyes were even more moist and red, she slowly raised her hands to stroke her cheeks.

"my face……"

Her tears fell from her cheeks like broken pearls. She was sad and happy, and murmured, "The viciousness on her face has disappeared, eldest brother, second brother, third brother, if you live to know, you will be very happy."

Tears fell unsatisfactorily, and she couldn't stop them no matter what.

Outside the room, Zhong Ru asked Li Mushen to come out and said, "How is she?"

Li Mushen didn't speak, but thought: "Is she a young girl? Her face used to contain viciousness, but now the viciousness has dissipated, what is going on?"

Frowning slightly, Li Mushen said to himself again in his heart: "Is it because when he fought Gucheng Gu in Yaoxianglou last night, his blood splattered on her face? Expel the viciousness on her face?"

Because Li Mushen once refined and refined the tea leaves, he has the power to not be afraid of all poisons, and the blood in his body naturally contains the magical effect of dispelling all poisons.

Is it for this reason? Li Mushen thought to himself.

"What's wrong?" Seeing that Li Mushen didn't speak, Zhong Ruyi continued.

Li Mu said: "When she comes out, you will know."

Zhong Ruyi was very curious, and did not know what medicine was sold in Li Mushen's gourd?

After waiting outside for a long time, Jiu Mei's room door creaked open, and Jiu Mei walked out of the room.

Her eyes were red and swollen, and she still looked sad, but her whole person had undergone earth-shaking changes, from ugly to reborn.

Zhong Ruyi's eyes widened. He had naturally seen Jiumei's face last night. It was ugly, ugly, and even people didn't want to take a second look. Pass.

Zhong Ruyi swallowed a mouthful of saliva and asked Li Mushen: "This... what's going on?"

Li Mushen shook his head, not sure if it was because of the change caused by the blood of the tea leaves he contained Quduxian tea splashing on Jiumei.

Jiu Mei looked at Li Mushen and Zhong Ruyi, then nodded, grateful in her eyes: "Thank you for saving me."

Zhong Ruyi said, "What's the matter with your appearance?"

Jiu Mei lowered her head, stroked her cheek, and said in a low voice, "My face was once stained with viciousness, and it rots all the time. Even the Qing Yao clan has no way to get rid of that viciousness, and I don't know why. Your face will recover."

Zhong Ruyi stared straight at Jiu Mei and said, "So this is your original appearance."

Jiu Mei nodded, then looked at Li Mushen, there was a golden seed lying in her hand, which was the medicine storehouse of the Temple of Medicine.

"This is the medicine storehouse that we have spent years and even risking our lives to steal from the Temple of Medicine." Jiu Mei said.

Li Mushen nodded, "I know."

Jiu Mei said: "Since you know this is the medicine storehouse, why do you want to return it to me? Didn't you save me for this medicine storehouse?"

Li Mushen glanced at Jiu Mei and said lightly, "I said that saving you was just a matter of convenience."

Ninth sister bowed her head silently.

Li Mushen said again: "What are your plans in the future?"

Jiu Mei raised her head, looked at Li Mushen, and said word by word, "I want to avenge them! I want to kill Master Zhang, and kill those three Venerables!"

In the previous life, Jiumei and this group of people did not have any accidents and returned to the Green Monster Clan unharmed, but in this life, except for Jiumei, everyone else died in the hands of the Medicine Temple.

Jiu Mei tightly holds the golden seed in her hand, everything is for it!

For Jiu Mei's decision, Li Mushen did not make any suggestions, everyone has their own way to go, it depends on how she chooses.

At this time, Zhong Ruyi asked Jiu Mei, "What's your name?"

Li Mushen gave Zhong Ruyi a helpless look.

Jiu Mei nodded slightly to Zhong Ruyi and replied, "You can call me a young girl."

Ninth sister, she was obviously called that by someone close to her.

"Young girl, it's a really nice name, it sounds nice." Zhong Ruyi smiled.

Jiu Mei gave a reluctant smile.

But Li Mushen looked at Jiu Mei, the pupils in his eyes shrank, and he said, "I didn't expect that she is really a young girl."

The arrogant figure of the previous life will appear in front of him to meet him, but the current arrogant girl has not grown up yet.

"Could it be that the recovery of the divine tree has something to do with her stealing the medicine store?" Li Mushen thought again.

Afterwards, Zhong Ruyi told Jiumei his name again. It seemed that Zhong Ruyi was a little happy for the young girl.

But if Zhong Ruyi knew the strength of Qingnv's previous life, I am afraid there will be no other thoughts, Li Mushen shook his head.

"Li Mushen, you saved my life, I can't repay it, but one day I will repay your life-saving grace."

Looking at Li Mushen, the young girl said seriously.

"There's no need for that." Li Mu said.

Although the Qingnv was very powerful in the previous life, she was the arrogant girl of the heavens, but Li Mushen did not intend to rely on her. Everything was based on her own strength. She does not want to have too much involvement with the existence of a top force like Jing Shen Dynasty.

The young girl wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, she still didn't say it.

Li Mu Shen said: "Today, Zhong Ruyi and I will leave Guanshan City, presumably the people in the Temple of Medicine will continue to look for you in the past two days. You can choose to stay in the inn for a few days and wait for the people in the main hall of the Temple of Medicine, Master Zhang and others. Bring it back to the main hall and then leave Guanshan City."

The young girl nodded. She also knew that the people in the Temple of Medicine must be looking for her whereabouts. At present, staying in the inn is the safest.

Next, the room fell into silence. None of the three said a word. Zhong Ruyi rolled her eyes and talked to the young girl.

But the young girl didn't seem to have much will to communicate, she stayed silent and only Zhong Ruyi was talking there alone.

In the end, Zhong Ru thought that the young girl would not speak, so she no longer had the will to communicate, and said to Li Mushen, "Li Mushen, when will we leave Guanshan City and go to the imperial capital?"

Li Mu Shen said: "Let's go in the afternoon. Now you can buy some items with me in the city."

Staying in the inn is boring, it's better to go out for a walk, Zhong Ruyi nodded and said, "It's okay, go out and have a look."

Afterwards, Li Mushen said to the young girl: "The people in the Temple of Medicine must be looking for your whereabouts. You'd better stay in the inn and not show up for the time being."

The young girl nodded.

Afterwards, Li Mushen left the inn with Zhong Ruyi.

As for what items to buy, it is naturally the precious blood needed to cultivate the precious technique obtained in the bird-shaped glyph - Blood Eye Killing.

Once he goes to the imperial capital, it is the beginning of the real competition. Li Mushen must always seize every opportunity to improve his strength. His time is very urgent now!

Precious blood is very rare, and only ancient relics can contain precious blood. Li Mushen and Zhong Ruyi traveled through Guanshan City, and they couldn't find a place to sell precious blood for more than half an hour, but they did inquire about medicine. News from the temple.

The person from the main hall of the Medicine Temple was appointed as the master of the Medicine Temple in Guanshan City, while the original master Zhang Shi was sent back to the main hall to receive punishment with the three venerables.

As soon as the new Medicine Temple Master came, he rectified the entire Medicine Temple with thunder, and at the same time sent ten troops to find the whereabouts of the young girl.

As for Guchenggu, there was no movement, and it seemed to be quiet.

Last night, the nine-foot man blew himself up. Gu Gu Gu was seriously injured and could not escape, but Li Mushen knew Gu Gu Gu must not be injured.

Finally, Li Mushen and Zhong Ruyi inquired all the way and heard that there was precious blood for sale in a place called Yanyadong in Guanshan City, and they went all the way to the Yanyadong.

Yanya Cave is located on a cliff in the southwest of Guanshan City. Surrounded by a large river and leaning against the mountain, it is an ancient attic building.

And this Yanya Cave is the most frequently traded place in Guanshan City. There is an endless stream of aliens who come and go, making it very lively.

The entire building is nine stories high and magnificent, each floor is several kilometers in size, just like a huge square, and there are even restaurants, pill houses, and drugstores in it.

"Presumably this is the cliff cave that the man said." Zhong Ruyi looked at the attic building in front of him.

Because the entire Yanya Cave is built on the mountain, it is from the ninth floor of the Yanya Cave, and gradually walks down to other floors. The crowd is crowded, and the strong are like clouds. Between the comings and goings, Li Mushen saw several people. A warrior whose cultivation base has reached the Martial Sovereign Realm.

"Let's go, let's go in." Li Mushen said to Zhong Ruyi.

Zhong Ruyi nodded.

Afterwards, Li Mushen took Zhong Ruyi to the ninth floor of Yanya Cave.

It can be said that the gate of the ninth floor is magnificent, and even makes people feel majestic.

The bright red red sandalwood is carved with ancient auspicious beasts. There are dragons and phoenixes hovering on both sides of the gate, which is noble and atmospheric. The gate is ten meters wide, and warriors come in and out. At the same time, there are guards in the cliff cave to guard against all dangers. .

The two entered the cave of the cliff, and what they saw was the buildings everywhere. There were countless streets in it, and the tyrannical aura was constantly vented in it.

"This floor is where elixir is sold."

Zhong Ruyi took a deep breath and said to Li Mushen.

Li Mushen nodded. Since the medicine storehouse of the Medicine Temple was stolen in the past two days, the entire Medicine Temple was swept away by a **** storm. No one went to the Medicine Temple to buy and sell spiritual medicines. Most of the warriors gathered on the cliff. come from the hole.

"The precious blood is on the seventh floor." Li Mushen murmured.

Then, Li Mushen and Zhong Ruyi went to the seventh floor, and the eighth floor was the place to gamble.