Primordial God

Chapter 337: unimaginable

In order to kill the blood ghost, almost all of Li Mushen's power was exhausted.

Li Mushen fell on the ground, gasping for breath, and began to run the Immortal Demon Sutra to restore the immortal spirit power consumed in the body.

At this moment, the exquisite heart hanging on Li Mushen's neck was shining with crystal light at this moment, and a vigorous sea-like aura poured into Li Mushen's body, like a vast ocean, quickly consuming Li Mushen. The celestial power is restored!

Li Mushen glanced at this exquisite heart, then put it down, and fully recovered the fairy spirit in his body.

The immortal spirit power in the two spirit lakes is vast, even with the help of Linglong Xin, it will take more time for Li Mushen to fully recover the immortal spirit energy in the two spirit lakes in the body.

An hour later, the immortal spirit power consumed in Li Mushen's body had recovered a little, giving him some strength in his body. He stood up, his face was still pale, but he couldn't use his own strength.

And this is the consequence of using the forbidden technique in the Sword Demon Disintegration Sword Technique.

Li Mushen looked around the **** plain, and saw a mess and ruins.

There was no one around, Li Mushen didn't stop there, left here, and went in the direction He Jing left.

But at this moment, a figure in the distance came quickly and approached here.

Li Mushen frowned slightly when he saw the figure.

This figure is not who, but He Jing who left, but she didn't expect her to come back.

Approaching this plain, He Jing's speed stopped, and she also saw the figure of Li Mushen, with suspicion in her eyes, not sure if it was Li Mushen.

Taking a closer look, it was indeed the figure of Li Mushen, with joy in her eyes, and she quickly came here.

Soon, He Jing came to the location of Li Mushen.

"Why are you back?" Li Mushen asked.

He Jing glanced at Li Mushen, saw his pale face and worried eyes, and said, "Are you all right?"

Li Mushen nodded slightly and said, "I'm fine."

"Where's that person?" He Jing was shocked when he didn't see the blood ghost. He didn't know whether the blood ghost escaped or was killed by Li Mushen.

Li Mushen said lightly: "Already dead."

When Li Mushen said these words, He Jing fell into a shock. She knew the power of the blood ghost, but she did not expect that Li Mushen would kill the blood ghost.

His cultivation base is only the peak of nine-star generals, but how powerful is his strength? Even Li Mushen didn't know, his eyes were shocked, and he stared blankly at Li Mushen.

"Let's go, let's go back now and see how your brother is doing?" Li Mu said.

Although the time between Li Mushen and He Changsheng is very short, Li Mushen can feel that He Changsheng is a person worthy of making friends, and at the same time, Li Mushen always feels that there is a layer of mystery in He Changsheng. veil.

He Jing was grateful. She was very worried about her brother's situation. Regardless of whether Li Mushen agreed or not, he would go to find He Changsheng.

"By the way, I have a fourth-grade healing pill here, you can take it."

With that said, He Jing took out a crystal clear elixir from the ring and gave it to Li Mushen.

Li Mushen did not refuse, with this fourth-grade healing pill, it was enough to recover more than half of his physical injuries.

"It's not too late, let's go." Li Mushen swallowed the fourth-grade healing medicine pill, which turned into a surging medicinal power and poured into the body.


Li Mushen took He Jing and the two through the **** plain, and it didn't take long for the two to arrive at the location where they fled.

On this **** plain, the blood had already solidified, and there were blood wolf corpses everywhere, but there was a terrifying aura in the air, making the beasts of the **** plain dare not approach this place.

When the two came here, He Jing's speed increased, looking for He Changsheng's figure, but when she looked around, she didn't see it at all, and an ominous premonition rose in her heart.

Li Mushen's spiritual sense spread out, and he searched around the **** plain. Except for the bloodstains of the corpse, he also did not find the figure of Li Mushen.

"He was taken away by the blood ghosts." Li Mushen said to He Jing.

He Jing stood there dumbfounded, and finally sighed slightly.

He Changsheng was captured by the blood ghost clan, is he dead or alive? He Jing couldn't imagine it.

She lost her strength and fell to the ground without saying a word.

Li Mushen didn't speak either, sitting on the side recovering from his injuries.

Time passed slowly, and Li Mushen's injury recovered very quickly under the effect of the fourth-grade healing pill. At noon, the scorching sun was shining, and Li Mushen's injury also recovered seven to eighty-eight, pale and pale. His face gradually became rosy.

He Jing is not a sad person, she recovered quickly, and her injuries also did not recover, just like Li Mushen, recovering the injuries in her body.

However, her injuries were not as serious as that of Li Mushen, and she had almost recovered before noon.

She looked at Li Mushen, who was cultivating, with curiosity in her eyes, as if she was looking at a humanoid monster. She didn't know why Li Mushen was so powerful that even the powerful and terrifying blood ghost could kill him!

At the same time, while Li Mushen was recovering from his injuries, He Jing was also thinking about what to do next?

In the ancient lotus city, because He Changsheng was afflicted by an inexplicable disease, no one could cure him, and there was no way, He Jing took He Changsheng to look around for an alchemist to see if there was a way to treat He Changsheng. On the way, She met Zhang Ding.

Zhang Ding claimed to be a member of the Zhang family in the imperial capital of the Xianjing Dynasty. The Zhang family had a high level of connections in the imperial capital. He knew many powerful alchemists, and even took out a few fourth-grade medicinal pills for He Jing. , Said that He Jing took He Changsheng to the imperial capital, and he could help.

He Jing knew that Zhang Ding had bad intentions, but for the sake of He Changsheng's life, he agreed.

But I didn't expect such a scene to happen. Zhang Ding's wickedness was exposed, and at the same time, terrifying aliens appeared, killing all the warriors who went all the way to the imperial capital. In the end, Li Mushen had to take her to escape, when she returned here , He Changsheng has disappeared.

As for whether He Changsheng is dead or alive, He Jing has no way of knowing.

At the same time, He Jing is also a rational person. If He Changsheng is still alive, she will definitely save him. If he dies, He Jing will also find the powerful alien and avenge her brother!

But the premise of everything is that He Jing must have strong strength. Although her cultivation is in the realm of martial arts, her talent is only one in a thousand miles. In this era of arrogance, it is nothing, she You must make yourself strong.

Although Li Mushen's cultivation is only at the peak of the nine-star generals, his strength is terrifying. He Jing knew in his heart that as long as Li Mushen had a slight thought, she would definitely die.

When he met Li Mushen in the 100,000 Mountain, He Jing thought that Li Mushen was just an ordinary warrior like everyone else, but he did not expect that Li Mushen was so powerful.

Since he is so powerful, why should he hide his strength and move forward with them? He Jing thought so.

But she didn't think too much about it. If Li Mushen wanted to harm them, he would take action directly. He didn't need to hide his strength along the way. Even Zhang Ding provoke him, he didn't do it.

The scorching sun was scorching hot, and three or two eagles soared above the high sky, making a sharp screeching sound.

Li Mushen's body shone with the divine brilliance under his eyes, his flesh and blood were like jade, crystal clear and frightening.

At the same time, there was a surge of surging pressure from Li Mushen's body, just like the monstrous ocean waves set off by the vast ocean, making He Jing's face pale and breathing heavily.

At this moment, in Li Mushen's body, it seems that there is a wild beast in a deep sleep, and it seems that it may wake up.

With one breath and one breath, with a sense of rhythm, Li Mushen runs the Immortal Demon Sutra, and the fairy spirit power in the two spirit lakes, Xianfei Lake and Renling Lake, flows around the body.

The two spirit lakes are incomparably majestic, as if they are a world of their own, vast and endless.

The powerful aura surged in the body and turned into a furnace of heaven and earth. Above the sky, black clouds gathered, and the terrifying power of heaven and earth gathered in the sky. Appear.

boom boom-

He Jing looked at this scene in shock and said to herself: "It seems that he is about to break through the martial arts, and his strength is so terrifying in the realm of military commanders. When he breaks through the martial arts, what will his cultivation be? powerful terror?"

Divine Thunder shook the world, He Jing knew that this was a thunder calamity of heaven and earth, which made people tremble.

Without any hesitation, He Jing stepped back, to exit the range of this thunder tribulation.

But at this moment, the black cloud between the heaven and the earth gradually surging, but it suddenly dissipated. The originally dark and gloomy sky with thunder and flickering suddenly became clear again.

He Jing was stunned, "He didn't want to break through the thunder tribulation, why did the thunder tribulation between heaven and earth suddenly dissipate?"

In Li Mushen's body, the powerful aura gradually subsided, and finally dissipated. Li Mushen's eyelids trembled and slowly opened his eyes, Gu Jing had no waves, and his face was calm.

He stood up and looked at He Jing.

He Jing still had a look of shock on her face. She knew that Li Mushen was almost on the verge of breaking through the peak of a military commander, and he would be able to become a martial artist in the Martial Spirit Realm, but his breakthrough was terminated in an instant. , is simply impossible, she did not expect Li Mushen to be able to suppress her own cultivation.

This made He Jing also know why Li Mushen's cultivation base is only the peak of nine-star generals, but his strength is so powerful. It turns out that his cultivation base has reached the ultimate state in the realm of generals. It is not difficult to imagine Li Mushen's talent. How powerful!

Is it one by one? Or the Holy Child? Even higher talent?

He Jing is unimaginable.

At this moment, the breath of Li Mushen's whole body is hidden, and he looks like an ordinary person, but who can imagine how powerful his body is, if someone despise him, I am afraid they will know how terrifying the consequences are!