Primordial God

Chapter 338: Ancient Lotus City Mutation

Li Mushen looked at He Jing lightly.

He Jing also looked at Li Mushen.

"What are your plans?" Li Mushen said.

"I want to make myself stronger." He Jing looked at Li Mushen. Although Li Mushen was very powerful, she was not afraid. She believed that one day she would be as powerful as the one before her.

Li Mushen felt a determination from He Jing's eyes. He probably knew what kind of person He Jing was, and said, "Is it for Brother He?"

He Jing nodded and said, "I don't know how he is now? But for him, I will definitely make myself stronger. Whether my brother is dead or alive, I will find him."

Li Mushen's eyes were deep, "Brother He was taken away by the blood ghosts, do you know how powerful the blood ghosts are?"

He Jing shook her head, she had never heard of the blood ghost clan, "So what if you were strong? If you can kill the blood ghost clan, so can I!"

He Jing is a very confident person, and a confident person also makes others feel a different kind of charm.

Li Mushen nodded.

The era of the end of the emperor is coming. This era of the rise of all ethnic groups is the last glorious era. There are countless arrogances springing up like mushrooms after a rain. Among these powerful arrogances, they rise from the ordinary, singing all the way, conquering the throne of the emperor. fight.

He Jing has this confidence in herself, and who knows if she doesn't have this strength, but in Li Mushen's view, He Jing has already succeeded halfway.

"Brother He was arrested. Although you want to strengthen your strength, where is your goal?" Li Mushen asked.

He Jing's eyes are blank. Although she wants to strengthen herself, her goal is not clear. As for how to strengthen herself, she still does not know.

Li Mushen looked at He Jing and said, "The era of the last emperor is coming, and the Heaven and Earth Pagoda in the East Desolate Immortal Court is about to open."

"The Tower of Heaven and Earth?" He Jing was puzzled.

"There is a tower of heaven and earth in the five regions of the Immortal God Continent, which existed at the beginning of the birth of heaven and earth. There, it is the foundation for the rise of the strong. If you want to see your strength become stronger, then you can follow to the East Wasteland. Fairyland."

He Jing made a choice in her eyes, not knowing whether she should listen to Li Mushen's words.

Li Mushen continued: "When the Divine Pagoda opened on the same day, the arrogant characters of the entire Eastern Wilderness will go to the Heaven and Earth Divine Pagoda, and the arrogance of all ethnic groups will gather, which represents strength and future."

"Will the blood ghosts appear?" He Jing asked.

Li Mushen nodded and said: "They will appear naturally, and even in the East Desolate Immortal Court, they have a powerful force, and they are among the best in the East Desolate Tianjiao.

After hearing Li Mushen's words, He Jing nodded and said, "I will go with you to the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard."

When she heard Li Mushen say that the blood ghosts would appear in the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard, He Jing decided that he would go to the East Wasteland Immortal Courtyard. How about her brother He Changsheng?

Li Mushen was clear about He Jing's thoughts, and he didn't say anything more. After He Jing went to the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard, everything would depend on her.

Next, the two stopped staying and started to leave the **** plain.

Once you have crossed the **** plain, you will be very close to the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard, and within three days at most, you will be able to reach the imperial capital of the Xianjing Dynasty.

Only now, Li Mushen is a little worried about Zhong Ruyi's situation? I don't know if he has reached the imperial capital safely.


This is an endless golden desert. The desert is ancient, exuding the vicissitudes and longevity of the years. An ancient city in the shape of a lotus leaf is located in the center of the desert.

The towering city wall has gone through a long period of vicissitudes of life, the erosion of wind and sand, and has no longer been the grand and prosperous state of thousands of years ago. Text - Ancient Lotus City.

Ancient Lotus City, and this is where He Changsheng and He Jing lived since childhood.

The ancient lotus city is very huge and covers a vast area. There are countless ancient buildings standing in the desert. The city is full of people and traffic.

Although this ancient lotus city is located in the desert, it still has a large population.

In the center of the ancient lotus city, there is a huge lake.

This lake is called Xianhe Lake.

In Xianhe Lake, a lake with clear and bright lake water and a leaf of green and exquisite lotus leaves grow in this Xianhe Lake. Even in ten thousand years, this magical Xianhe Lake has never been exhausted.

The ancient lotus city is as calm as always, but on this day, the lake water in Xianhe Lake suddenly boiled, and the clear and transparent lake water turned into a blood-red color, as coquettish as human blood, which instantly made the city feel ashamed. Everyone in Guhe City was taken aback.

The people in the ancient lotus city gathered on the Xianhe Lake, with suspicion in their eyes, looking at the Xianhe Lake, discussing at length, no one knew that such a thing would happen, this is something that Xianhe Lake has never seen before. happened.

The lake water in Xianhe Lake was completely turned into a blood-red color, and there was a steaming blood mist that transpired in the lake, diffused out, and covered the entire Xianhe Lake.

"Look, what is that in the lake?" The sharp-eyed man said loudly when he saw something slowly emerging from the lake.

Many people's eyes were focused on the Xianhe Lake, and they all wanted to see what the slowly floating object was.

"It looks like a huge skull." Someone said uncertainly.

"If it were a skull, wouldn't it be too big? Even the skull of a vicious beast is not so big, it almost accommodates the entire Xianhe Lake." Someone retorted.

At the same time, some people said timidly: "I always feel a bit of an ominous premonition in my heart, it seems that something big is happening."

In the ancient lotus city, there are also powerful warriors. Their spiritual senses are strong, and they have an innate sense of prophethood for the threat to life. They sensed the danger from this mutated Xianhe Lake and frowned tightly.

At the same time, in the ancient lotus city, one after another Linghong shot out from all directions and quickly left the ancient lotus city.

Among these spirit rainbows, they are all the most powerful people in Guhe City. They sensed the unprecedented death crisis in advance. This is the danger of imminent catastrophe, which made their hearts tremble. Without any hesitation, they quickly escaped from Guhe City. .

Over the ancient lotus city, there were blood clouds rolling, and blood rain fell from the sky, turning the entire ancient lotus city into a blood city!

"The sky rains blood, and the ancient lotus is doomed." At this time, an old-faced old woman leaning on crutches, looking up at the **** rain, her eyes trembling with fear and despair.

In the ancient lotus city, the blood-colored water column shot straight into the sky, and the crowd around Xianhe Lake was in an uproar.

At this moment, the lotus leaves growing in Xianhe Lake suddenly grew one after another vines, the vines shuttled out, wrapped around the warriors who were watching, and instantly devoured the blood and soul of those warriors. !

And after their blood essence and soul were swallowed, they turned into a shriveled corpse on the ground.

This scene suddenly caused the people watching around Xianhe Lake to scream in horror, and they hurriedly fled here.

Those vines were bright red like blood, like a group of demons dancing wildly, rushing out, and countless warriors who wanted to escape were entangled by the vines and devoured their blood! Devoured the soul! turned into a corpse on the ground.

These vines are like demons, flying in the Xianhe Lake, and no one present escaped from these vines.

In less than a quarter of an hour, none of the thousands of warriors around Xianhe Lake survived. All of them died under the vines. The corpses piled up around Xianhe Lake, which was chilling to watch.

And after those vines absorbed the blood and soul of thousands of warriors, the water in the entire Xianhe Lake became even more bright red and bewitching, and it seemed that it had completely turned into the blood of a lake.

At this moment, the sound of water breaking came from the lake, and along with the sharp cry, one after another figure rushed out of Xianhe Lake, and a powerful breath filled the air.

Those figures stretched their wings, covering the sky and the sun, completely obscuring the light above the ancient lotus city, and the whole ancient lotus city was turned into darkness.

Countless people in the city were terrified. They didn't know what was going on, so they could only hide in their homes, terrified and shivering.

In Xianhe Lake, the blood-red water boiled, and a huge skull slowly surfaced from the bottom of Xianhe Lake.

In an instant, a gloomy and dreary aura rushed through the ancient lotus city like a river with a **** burst.

The skull was extremely huge, like a mountain standing out of thin air in the ancient lotus city.

Above the skull, there are countless flickering glyphs, shimmering with strange light.

The blood rained, and the entire ancient lotus city had undergone tremendous changes again, and it had truly turned into a blood city.

The empty eyes of the skull flickered with a strange light, and then, its articulation was slightly opened, like a large mouth opening, shaped like a black hole.

In the cave, there was the sound of Tatata, neither fast nor slow, coming calmly.

A coquettish man with a red body came out of the cave, with a tall body and a pair of huge bat wings attached to his back.

And because of the appearance of this coquettish man, the time and space of the whole world seemed to stagnate suddenly. In the ancient lotus city, countless warriors felt an unprecedented pressure, their souls trembled, and they knelt on the ground.

In the lake, the blood was surging, and with the sound of breaking water, one after another of the blood ghost tribesmen emerged from the water and floated on the lake.

These blood ghosts are almost the same as the blood ghosts on the **** plain, with strong bodies, and each exudes a powerful breath.

The coquettish man stood in the mouth of the skull and looked at the scene in front of him lightly, "Wake up, my people."