Primordial God

Chapter 339: near Royal Town

Under the words of the coquettish man, the blood ghost clansmen floating on the lake suddenly opened their eyes, and the powerful power contained in their bodies also burst out!

Thousands of blood ghosts knelt down in the lake and bowed their heads respectfully to the coquettish man.

These blood ghost clansmen are powerful, kneeling in the Xianhe Lake, forming a force that shakes the world, and seems to destroy everything in the world.

"This is our journey." The coquettish man looked into the sky and said coldly, "In this era, we will be the masters of this world, and all beings in this world will soon kneel at our feet."

The glamorous man's voice was not loud, but it resounded throughout the ancient lotus city, and everyone in the city clearly heard the glamorous man's voice.

His words seemed extremely arrogant, but everyone in Guhe City had to believe it, and even they didn't know why they thought so.

In the city, the souls of even the most powerful warriors were trembling and feeling fearful.

Above the sky, the clouds of blood are dense, and the rain of blood is majestic.

The huge mountain-like skeleton stood there, and it was frightening. The coquettish man spoke again and said in a deep voice: "This is the place where my blood ghost family has been sleeping for thousands of years. Now that my blood ghost family is born, then here is the place. It is the forbidden place of my blood ghost clan, except for the blood ghost clan, no aliens are allowed to step into this place."

Those blood ghost clansmen knelt on the ground, firmly remembering every word said by the coquettish man.

In the end, the corners of the coquettish man's mouth rose, revealing a strange and bloodthirsty smile, "Today is the birth of my blood ghost clan, the millions of people in the city will serve as the birth sacrifice of my blood ghost clan, you can enjoy it to the fullest. "

As soon as the coquettish man finished speaking, the blood ghost clansmen raised their heads, with black lines on their faces, grim faces, their fangs stretched, their wings spread out, and they went to all directions of the ancient lotus city.

This is destined to be a devastating disaster for the warriors in Guhe City!

On this day, countless people were screaming, countless people turned into corpses, and there were also talented warriors who were bitten by the blood ghosts and turned into blood ghosts.

The millions of people in Guhe City surrounded the entire Guhe City with skulls, and no one could escape from this Guhe City!

The screams continued, and with the abrupt end of the last scream, the last warrior in Guhe City was powerless to resist, was bitten in the throat by a blood ghost clansman, swallowed blood, and then his whole body was dried up and turned into a corpse. corpse.

In the huge ancient lotus city, corpses were everywhere at this moment, and almost all the blood ghost clansmen present had swallowed the blood of a warrior.

All the millions of human races in the city died under the blood ghost race, which was a huge blow to the human race.

In several eras, the human race was powerful, but with the emperor's transformation, the pattern of the entire world has also changed completely. Powerful and ancient alien races have been born one after another, and the human race is no longer the master of the continent, but in troubled times.

And if the troubled times are to end, the birth of a great emperor is needed. Only in this way can he lead all the forces in the world.

After killing the entire human race in Guhe City, these blood ghosts flashed scarlet and greedy eyes. They tasted the blood of the human race. For these blood ghosts, it was like the most delicious food in the world. Generally, it is unforgettable, and this is a huge disaster for the human race!

And at this moment, the coquettish man suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance, his pupils were like snakes, and his eyes flashed with indefinite light.

This coquettish man just noticed that a blood ghost clan has died in the distance. The blood ghost clan has a strong resilience, a strong lifespan, and even a strong strength, and would not die at all under normal circumstances.

Just now, this coquettish man felt that the blood ghost clansmen died in an instant. It was so powerful that it could be said to be wiped out in an instant.

Only those strong men with terrifying cultivation and terrifying strength can achieve this step, and only in this way can they instantly obliterate the blood ghost clansmen.

"Who exactly did it?" The coquettish man said in a deep voice.

Slowly, the coquettish man closed his eyes, communicated with the world, and sensed what happened on that day.

In Xianhe Lake, no one spoke, they all waited quietly.

In an instant, the coquettish man opened his eyes, his pupils were like snakes, shooting out a cold light, his eyes were cold, and an inexplicable light flashed in his eyes.

"The power to suppress immortals and demons, the power of ancient glyphs." The bewitching man said in a deep voice, and a ray of light flashed through his eyes, like lightning, piercing the sky.

"The descendant of the Demon God?" The coquettish man said in a deep voice.

Squinting slightly, several powerful vampires with sturdy stature rose into the sky, a pair of huge wings covered the sky, soared into the sky, and quickly left Guhe City.

Under the command of the coquettish man, they quickly left in the direction of Li Mushen.


In the **** plain, Li Mushen took He Jing to the imperial capital of the Xianjing Dynasty.

Walking through the Scarlet Plain, the two also encountered some powerful beasts, but these beasts were all beheaded by Li Mushen and He Jing. In the afternoon of the second day, the two finally left the Scarlet Plain. A flat forest in sight.

After walking out of the Scarlet Plain, the two of them had already approached the site of the imperial capital of the Xianjing Dynasty. Here, Li Mushen felt the surging spiritual energy in the earth. He is an outstanding person.

The two walked through the flat mountains and forests. On the way, they saw Linghongs transforming into streamers passing through the mountains and forests, heading towards the imperial capital.

As they got closer to the imperial capital, they saw more and more warriors, even alien warriors.

Countless magic weapons fly, and powerful warriors travel in the sky. They come from all directions in the Eastern Wasteland, but without exception, most of these warriors are very young. Under the protection of the older generation, they go to the imperial capital. Their goal is only One, that is to enter the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard, and then enter the Heaven and Earth Divine Pagoda.

Only by entering the Tower of Heaven and Earth will mean the era of their rise. Only in this way can these geniuses become stronger and even make themselves famous in the endless land of the Eastern Wasteland!

After a few hours, the two left the flat mountain forest without encountering any powerful beasts and entered a right path.

In front, there is a small town. The houses in the town stand and the spiritual energy is gushing out. It is a treasure land. There are countless strong people in it. Enter the imperial capital again.

This town, Li Mushen in the previous life, naturally came to this town. This town is called Jinhuang Town, which is bigger than the usual small town. The ruler of this Jinhuang Town is the Zhang family, a third-rate clan in the imperial capital. , which is the main sphere of influence of Zhang Ding's family.

"Let's go, let's go to Jinhuang Town to have a rest first, and then go to the imperial capital." Li Mushen said to He Jing.

He Jing nodded, then followed Li Mushen towards Jinhuang Town.

The Jinhuang Town is very big. When the two approached the town, they could feel the tyrannical aura radiating out without any disguise, permeating the entire Jinhuang Town. In this town, except for the human race In addition, there are not a few other alien races, even the demon race has a few.

And when the two entered the town, there were several auras of strength without any concealment, and they swept over Li Mushen and He Jing.

He Jing frowned slightly, but Li Mushen did not change his face, and said to He Jing: "The strength here is respected. If you and I have the strength of the king of Wu, these people will not blatantly swept over you and me."

He Jing understood what Li Mushen meant.

Li Mushen is right, her cultivation can only be regarded as low-medium among the arrogances, and it is nothing in this era of arrogance, so others will blatantly swept the two, and even some people His gaze stayed on her body for a long time, causing her to frown, feeling unhappy in her heart, and she felt a little impulsive to pull out the full moon scimitar.

But looking at Li Mushen with a calm face, she stopped her thoughts and followed behind Li Mushen.

Li Mushen's cultivation level is still at the peak of the nine-star generals, and his breath is extremely weak under the influence of Xianfei Lake. He belongs to the kind of people who are not seen twice in the crowd, and Li Mushen is also happy to come here, so as not to cause others Attention, naturally can save a lot of trouble!

Entering Jinhuang Town, the houses are standing, and the ancient streets are crowded with people. Li Mushen walks on the street with He Jing. Although no one pays attention to Li Mushen, He Jing's figure and appearance are among the best among women. , There are always people's eyes looking at He Jing, and at the same time because of He Jing's indifferent face, it also makes her a little more charming.

Li Mushen took He Jing into an inn near Huangzhen, ordered the child to serve a few side dishes at will, and then sat at the wooden table by the window.

"Many people are looking at me." He Jing said to Li Mushen with disgust in her eyes.

Li Mushen nodded, "We won't stop in Jinhuang Town. After a while, we will leave here to avoid unnecessary trouble."

In the inn, when several warriors who were eating came to the inn from Li Mushen and He Jing, their eyes did not hide anything, and swept straight across He Jing's whole body, with evil greed and unwillingness in their eyes. kindness.

On the side, these warriors were blatantly teasing He Jing. He Jing's eyes were beating with anger, and she couldn't help it. She had never received such a provocation in Guhe City.

But in order to go to the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard in the imperial capital, she took a deep breath and endured it.

And this tolerance was seen as cowardly by the few warriors, but it became even more arrogant, commenting on He Jing's appearance without anyone else.

"I like this figure."