Primordial God

Chapter 354: mysterious man in black

Li Mushen didn't expect that what happened near Huangzhen would attract him!

This general, Li Mushen has only seen it from a distance in his previous life. The supreme coercion is a person from the imperial capital. He leads half of the imperial capital's full strength, the imperial city guardian army!

This general is also known as the general guardian of the gods. He is a supreme figure. Many forces in the imperial capital are afraid of him and fear him. He has always killed decisively. In the imperial capital, I don’t know how many powerful forces died in him. hands!

This guardian **** general is a supreme existence, I wonder if he can break through the sea of ​​​​fire!

This guardian general did not see the trace of Li Mushen in the sea of ​​​​fire. He looked at the sea of ​​​​fire in front of him and suddenly stretched out his hand.

"There is an incomparably terrifying power in this sea of ​​fire. Even the venerable figure can't resist it. It will turn to ashes in an instant. Don't touch it with your hands."

The strong man of the Zhang family saw the great general of the guardian **** reaching out and touching the sea of ​​​​fire, and hurriedly said.

The hand of the general guardian of the gods was suspended in the air. He turned his head to look at the Zhang family's strong man, and looked at the Zhang family's strong man with calm eyes.

Almost in an instant, the face of the strong Zhang family suddenly turned pale, as if he was facing a sea of ​​corpses and blood, and he was extremely fearful!

He hurriedly lowered his head and stopped talking.

Under the terrifying coercion of the patron saint general, it was terrifying, and the aura was unstoppable by the strong Zhang family.

The Protector General turned his gaze back, and the Zhang family expert finally breathed a sigh of relief, only to feel that his back was already wet with sweat.

No one reminded the Patronus general again.

He stretched out his hand and touched the sea of ​​fire.

His fingers touched the sea of ​​fire, and for a moment, the sea of ​​fire turned into a ferocious fire beast and bit on the hand of the guardian deity general.

The general protector said nothing and his face was expressionless. Facing the fierce fire beast biting his hand, he pulled out his hand.

The arm was already burning violently, and the waves of fire covered it, as if it was going to pass through the arm of the patron saint general, burning his body and soul!

He looked at the terrifying flames burning in his arms, with a strange light flashing in his eyes, as if he was thinking about something. At the same time, the other hand changed into a knife, slashing above the burning flame.

With a click, the flaming arm was directly cut off by him, the broken arm fell to the ground, and it burned violently. Even if a person as powerful as the general protector, his body could not resist the power of the sea of ​​​​fire. .

Near Huangzhen, everyone looked at the general with the broken arm, wondering what he was thinking?

But this general protector has terrifying means after all. The arm that was cut off by himself grows again, and in a few breaths, it returns to its original state, as if he had not suffered any injuries.

He stood in front of the sea of ​​​​fire and looked at the raging flames in front of him. The light in his eyes was even more dazzling, and he seemed to know the power of this flame.

At the same time, in the eyes of this guardian deity general, Li Mushen and He Jing saw his greed. Facing this gaze, He Jing felt very uncomfortable and felt incomparable fear. She no longer guarded deity. The general's eyes shifted.

But Li Mushen didn't turn his eyes away. His eyes met the guardian general. From those eyes, Li Mushen felt an unprecedented crisis. He knew that the guardian general seemed to be for his fire-shaped sculpture. tattooed.

Finally, the guardian **** general turned his head, and he ordered the guardian **** army he brought to completely block off this area, and no one would be released. We must find the trace of Li Mushen.

Li Mushen's face was not good-looking, and he said to He Jing in a deep voice: "Maybe he felt that we were hiding in a sea of ​​fire."

"Then what should we do?" He Jing said.

Li Mushen shook his head, he has not thought of any way to escape from here, but Li Mushen is not worried, there must be a way to get out of here!

Outside of Huangzhen, although there are powerhouses from other forces, the guardian general is extremely cold and cruel. No matter who he is, he will all expel this area, and even the strong Zhang family will expel this area, dozens of The Nagoshin Army completely sealed off the entire Jinhuang Town!

Those onlookers don't know what this patron saint general is doing?

But the powerhouses sent by the major forces seem to know the purpose of this guardian general, and their faces are cold, like ice.

"It seems that the guardian general has discovered the traces of Li Mushen, and they definitely want to occupy Jin Yang's heart." Someone said coldly.

"The spirit of the emperor in Jin Yang's heart is very important. Although those alien powerhouses know about this, they all think that Li Mushen has fallen into the abyss of great wind. If they learn about Li Mushen, they will definitely rush here. Come and compete for the heart of Jinyang!"

The powerhouses of the major forces were not reconciled that the Protector General wanted to monopolize the Jinyang Heart, and they talked together about how to get the Jinyang Heart.

This guardian general is a member of the royal family. If the royal family is allowed to get this golden heart, the strength of the royal family will become even more terrifying and detached. In any case, the royal family cannot be allowed to succeed!

The flames are burning violently. In this bright night, people feel depressing invisibly. There are always people who feel that something big will happen here. area.

The general protector seemed to know what the powerful among these great forces were thinking, but he didn't show any expression. He stood in front of the sea of ​​​​fire with his hands on his back, lightning flashed in his eyes, and he looked at the surging and burning Jinhuang Town in front of him.

In the turbulent burning near Huangzhen, Li Mushen was still waiting, the power in the fire-shaped glyphs in the sea of ​​​​fire has dissipated a lot, and the fire is not so terrifying.

Li Mushen has been thinking about how to get out of here. When he saw those powerful forces gathered together, he looked at the guardian general coldly. It seemed that a big battle was about to take place. He knew that this was an opportunity, and he might be able to take advantage of it. Opportunity to escape from here.

In the dark night, the raging fire burned the whole world red, but the power of the sea of ​​​​fire, everyone could feel that the power was weakening.

"It seems that the power of the sea of ​​​​fire in the sea of ​​​​fire in this near imperial town is fading, and the flame is about to go out." Someone said.

Immediately afterwards, someone else said: "If Li Mushen is in the sea of ​​​​fire, I am afraid that even if he has the ability to reach the sky, he will not be able to escape from here."

In the distance, the onlookers talked a lot, and they all eagerly wanted to know whether Li Mushen was in the sea of ​​​​fire.

If he is really in the sea of ​​​​fire, when the power of the sea of ​​​​fire completely disappears, what will he do?

Time passed slowly, and from the direction of the imperial capital, a few more forces came. They stared coldly at the sea of ​​​​fire that was about to disappear near the imperial town, and the light in their eyes was beating.

The purpose of many people coming to Jinhuang Town is not to see what Jinhuang Town has become. It's not that they want to know how Li Mushen's situation is, they have only one purpose here, that is to get the heart of Jinyang!

The monstrous flames of the sea of ​​​​fire finally subsided, and the flames of the West City Gate have subsided, revealing a burning ruin. Only at the location of the East City Gate, there is still a raging flame burning.

Near Huangzhen, a tyrannical aura permeated out, spreading across the entire world, and everyone could feel the world sinking.

Between heaven and earth, there is a sense of slaughter.

In the sea of ​​​​fire at the East City Gate, He Jing looked at Li Mushen and said, "The power of the sea of ​​​​fire is constantly weakening, what should we do next?"

Li Mushen didn't speak, his eyes shone with light, looking out near Huangzhen, waiting for the outsiders to do something.

When the major forces are dissatisfied with the guardian general, they will definitely act. At that time, it is time to take the opportunity to escape.

In the dark night, it has gradually become bright. In the far east, there is a bright light, and it will be dawn.

At the same time, between heaven and earth, the meaning of Xiao Shao turned into a violent storm, filling the space between heaven and earth!

Finally, the sky lit up, and Li Mushen's eyes narrowed. He knew that a big battle was about to break out outside Jinhuang Town!

But at this moment, suddenly, a piece of black cloth flickered with a strange light, covering the sky and the sun, covering the light, and the whole world suddenly became pitch black, except for the fire near the east gate of Huangzhen, almost The whole world was pitch black, and the five fingers could not be seen.

This scene, let everyone present did not think of it, they were all shocked, don't know what happened?

The Guardian General looked coldly at the piece of black cloth that covered the sky. He knew that someone had taken a shot, but even he didn't know which power it was.

In the sea of ​​​​fire, He Jing said: "They started?"

Li Mushen shook his head, "They didn't do it, someone else did it!"

"Jie Jie..."

And at this time, a jiejie voice came from Li Mushen's ear, and Li Mushen was shocked, and saw that an arm had been placed on Li Mushen's right shoulder.

Li Mushen was shocked. He didn't expect someone to enter the sea of ​​​​fire. Although the power of the sea of ​​​​fire has weakened a lot, it is not anyone who wants to enter. After that, he will enter the Jinhuang Town, otherwise he will have entered the Jinhuang Town now!

Li Mushen turned his head, and behind him stood a mysterious man wrapped in black clothes. He couldn't see any face clearly. The black clothes he was wearing were obviously a magic weapon, which could actually block the fire. Power, but Li Mushen knew that after leaving the sea of ​​​​fire, the black clothes would be invalid and have no effect.

He Jing's face was pale. She didn't notice the sudden appearance of this mysterious man in black. Who is this mysterious man in black? It's so terrifying, it's shocking!

"Who are you?" Li Mushen said to the mysterious man in black in a deep voice.