Primordial God

Chapter 394: Alchemy in the Temple

Ji Feixuan looked at the big tripod in the hall in a daze, wondering what Li Mushen wanted to do?

And the cauldron taken out by Li Mushen is naturally the Jiuxing cauldron used to make medicinal pills. In order to let Ji Feixuan implement the plan in his heart with him, since it is to refine the Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill in person, let Ji Feixuan know What is the value of Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill?

Now that the medicinal materials for refining the Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill have been purchased, it is time to refine the Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill.

Blindly and blindly, the medicinal materials were taken out of the ancient ring by Li Mushen and placed in the temple.

Seeing what Li Mushen did, Ji Feixuan seemed to know what Li Mushen was going to do, and said in surprise, "Are you an alchemist?"

Li Mushen nodded.

"You want to make alchemy here?"

Li Mushen nodded again, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

After the question, Ji Feixuan was already at a loss, and said, "Why are you refining medicinal pills here? Also, you haven't told me where you heard about Ghost Face Flower?"

"After refining the pill, you will know."

Ji Feixuan was annoyed at Li Mushen's words, but she was not his opponent, so she seemed helpless.

Looking at Li Mushen, she hummed and thought: "Mo Yan, a disciple of the Mo family, I must know who you are? What do you think about me?"

In Ji Feixuan's opinion, Li Mushen came to Wanling Mountain to find her, and told her secret that the ghost face flower must have come for her, and she had some intentions about it.

As for the attempt, Ji Feixuan already had the answer in her heart.

Next, Li Mushen began to refine the Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill, and on his arm, a fire-shaped glyph flashed by.

In the flash of the fire-shaped glyph, the power contained in it was extremely powerful, which made people feel terrifying. When Ji Feixuan flashed by the fire-shaped glyph, she felt the surging power in it. His soul felt a shudder in an instant.

Ji Feixuan has an intuition, the power of the flashing fire-shaped glyph in Li Mushen's arm is extremely powerful, so powerful that it can easily destroy her!

With the sound of a bear, under the Nine Stars Cauldron, the power in the fire-shaped glyphs transformed into a raging flame, and the flames burned violently, making people tremble.

The beating flame, like the **** of death, danced in it, but it made people feel the endless murderous intention.

Ji Feixuan looked curiously at the flames burning under the Nine Star Cauldron and felt the frightening power in it. Ji Feixuan asked Li Mushen and said, "I feel an amazing aura from this flame, it seems that as long as You can kill yourself at the moment of contact with the flame, what kind of flame is your flame?"

Hearing Ji Feixuan's question, Li Mushen glanced at her and said lightly: "This is an ancient flame that can burn everything in the world, but you don't know it."

Ji Feixuan was not convinced. Although she seldom went out in the imperial capital, she had read a lot of books and had seen many wonderful and shocking things in the Immortal God Continent. She thought she was well-informed and said to Li Mushen. : "You tell me what kind of flame this is, and I'll know."

Li Mushen did not answer Ji Feixuan's words again, and began to refine Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill.

This Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill is also a non-grade medicinal pill, and the refining methods are extremely complicated and messy, and ordinary alchemists are rarely able to refine it, but Li Mushen, relying on his previous life experience, In the past life, he had also refined the Nine Yang Sacred Heart Pill in the Temple of Medicine, and it was not difficult to refine it because of his experience.

Various precious medicinal herbs flew out of his hands, and then fell into the Nine Star Cauldron, and various pure medicinal liquids were separated from those medicinal herbs.

The flames turned into fire dragons, surrounding the entire Jiuxing Ding, constantly refining those pure medicinal liquids.

The medicinal liquids extracted from the medicinal materials are of different colors and colorful, and then come together. On the Jiuxing Cauldron, the sun, moon and star river carved on it seems to have come to life, pouring out power to the medicinal liquid in the Jiuxing Cauldron.

In the hands of Li Mushen, one handprint after another was printed and landed on the nine-star tripod.

These handprints are alchemy handprints, which are extremely mysterious and esoteric. When they fall on the Jiuxing Ding, the Jiuxing Ding will make a clanging sound, and then a circle of brilliance will spread out from the Jiuxing Ding and fill the Yaoxuan Hall.

On the side, Ji Feixuan did not speak, she quietly watched Li Mushen refining the medicine pill.

Li Mushen is very young, similar to her age, but Ji Feixuan feels that his alchemy technique is extremely skilled and mature, and every step of alchemy is incomparably serious and smooth, with a sense of running clouds and flowing water, which is amazing. .

The medicinal liquid of the spiritual medicinal herbs was extracted and fell into the nine-star cauldron. The colors were different, there were nine colors in total, and each color was extremely bright and dazzling.

Nine colors form nine groups of liquids, which are incompatible with each other in the Nine Star Cauldron, and the medicinal fragrance emitted is also extremely rich and intoxicating.

Li Mushen's immortal spiritual power surged, his hands danced quickly, and the remnants of life were left alive, and a mysterious handprint landed on the nine-star tripod.

When the handprint landed on the Jiuxing Ding, the surging power surged and the flames were soaring to the sky. Inside the Jiuxing Ding, there were nine stars surrounding it, and the flames formed fire threads that shuttled through it, surrounding the nine kinds of spiritual liquid.

In the special alchemy technique, the fire wire gathers into a fire ball, surrounds the nine kinds of liquids, and continuously compresses the nine kinds of liquids to gather them into one kind of liquid.

And the nine different colors of medicinal liquids exudes an extremely dazzling light at this moment, dazzling.

"Ancient Cauldron Fire Silk Alchemy Technique."

And Ji Feixuan, who was watching from the side, watched this scene, her eyes were startled and full of disbelief.

The ancient cauldron fire silk alchemy technique is what Ji Feixuan saw in an ancient book. This alchemy technique can be called ancient alchemy technique. It has some kind of effect even in combat. has been lost in the world.

But what Ji Feixuan did not expect was that Li Mushen actually mastered the ancient alchemy technique of ancient cauldron fire silk alchemy.

"What kind of elixir is he refining?"

Ji Feixuan's eyes flickered brightly, and her eyes were extremely deep. Want to know what Li Mushen was doing?

She didn't speak, she focused on watching Li Mushen refining pills. She also had some expectations in her heart for the pills that Li Mushen refined. She wanted to see what kind of pills Li Mushen wanted to concoct?

The fire wire shuttles, and the nine-star tripod is vertical and horizontal. Between each breath, the fire wire will sway along with it, and just between the fire wire, the power in it will ripple out, prompting nine different colors. The medicines are fused together.

The flames swayed for nearly a hundred times, and the liquids of different colors in the nine slowly merged together, and the nine-color brilliance bloomed, dazzling and shocking.

The fire wire continued to sway its strength, the medicinal liquid was fused in an orderly manner, and the brilliance was even more dazzling. Along with another handprint pinched by Li Mushen, the handprint landed on the nine-star tripod again.

With a humming sound, a fire dragon roared out from a flame, soaring in the Nine Stars Cauldron, as if waiting for the medicinal liquids to fuse together.

The nine medicinal liquids have undergone another hundred breaths, and they have merged 90%. The nine-color light is slowly absorbed and turned into a red color.

The fiery red is mixed with other colors, but it has occupied as long as the position, and it will all turn into fiery red at any time, and everything is waiting quietly.

At this time, the fire dragon roared, and seemed to be impatient. With a roar, his body soared in the Nine Star Cauldron, and then suddenly swallowed the nine liquids that were about to be completely merged.

That Ji Feixuan screamed, knowing that Li Mushen failed in alchemy, and couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

After the fire dragon swallowed nine kinds of liquids in one bite, it flew into the flame, curled up into a ball, and huddled in it.

"It's a pity, as long as the process of the melt is successful, it's only a matter of time before the pill succeeds, but unfortunately you failed." Ji Feixuan said to Li Mushen.

Li Mushen looked at the fire dragon curled up in the flame, with a smile in his eyes, and said to Ji Feixuan: "Ji Feixuan, are you sure that the alchemy failed?"

Ji Feixuan said: "The nine-color medicinal liquid has not yet been completely fused, and it was swallowed by the fire dragon transformed by the flame. Naturally, it failed. Although I am not an alchemist, I still know these common senses about alchemy. ."

Li Mushen shook his head.

"Did I say something wrong?" Ji Feixuan asked.

"You are right. For other people, such alchemy must fail, but for me, it did not fail." Li Mushen said lightly.

"I don't believe it, the medicinal liquid was swallowed, I am afraid it has turned into nothingness in it, I have read this in the book, you failed in alchemy." Ji Feixuan affirmed.

"Since you said that I failed in alchemy, then I'll let you wait and see." Li Mu said.

Ji Feixuan nodded and said, "After the alchemy is over, tell me those things."


After finishing speaking, Li Mushen continued refining, and there was a divine light flashing in his eyes, and one handprint after another fell on the nine-star cauldron.

Fire dragons form a group, and in the nine-star cauldron, the flames are undulating in it.

On the arm of Li Mushen, the fire-shaped glyphs flashed again, and the surging power entered the Temple of Medicine, and the raging flames wrapped the entire Jiuxing Ding.

In the nine-star tripod, nine stars flew out and suspended in the air of the nine-star tripod.

Ji Feixuan felt the terrifying power of the flame and stepped back. For some reason, Ji Feixuan was afraid of this flame.

The fire is burning, and nine stars are surrounded. In the nine-star cauldron wrapped in flames, a dazzling red light blazes out from it, shining dazzlingly.

In that crimson light, the fragrance of medicinal pills was exuding, and at the same time, the power of the surrounding heaven and earth was turbulent, rolling, and there was spiritual power surging in it.

When Ji Feixuan looked at this scene, she was even more shocked, unable to say a word, she murmured: "Could it be that he really refined the medicine pill, how is this possible?"