Primordial God

Chapter 395: Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill

Then, Ji Feixuan shifted her gaze to Li Mushen.

Li Mushen refines medicinal pills, and the method of alchemy is extremely mysterious and extraordinary. Ji Feixuan can be said to have read a lot of books and has a lot of knowledge, but sometimes he can't understand what kind of alchemy method Li Mushen uses.

Even now, the alchemy technique that Ji Feixuan recognized was the same.

Therefore, she is also more curious about the identity of Li Mushen, and wants to know who Li Mushen is?

Mo Yan, a disciple of the Mo family, can say that Ji Feixuan has never heard of it.

When Ji Feixuan fell into contemplation, Li Mushen once again squeezed a handprint in his hand, and the immortal spiritual power poured out and entered the handprint, changing suddenly.

I saw that in the handprint, there was a strange power that seemed to absorb other forces from the outside world, when Li Mushen's handprint landed on the Jiuxing Cauldron.

I saw the Jiuxing Ding tremble, the power in it surged, and a powerful force in the entire Yaoxuan Hall was sucked into the Jiuxing Ding.

And what kind of power this is, Li Mushen knows very well in his heart, it is the power of heaven and earth, a kind of power of heaven and earth.

On the other hand, Ji Feixuan felt the power absorbed by the Nine Star Cauldron. For this kind of power, she felt that it was powerful, vast, and somewhat similar to the power of heaven and earth, but she really wanted it not, even Ji Feixuan I don't know what kind of power this is, so I frowned and thought carefully.

And just at the next moment, Ji Feixuan suddenly raised her head, her eyes were extremely surprised, and she muttered: "Could this be a higher power than the power of heaven and earth, the power of heaven and earth?"

There was light in her eyes, she looked straight at the nine-star cauldron where Li Mushen made alchemy, and felt the surging power in the nine-star cauldron, it was hard to imagine that this was the power of heaven and earth!

Incredibly surprising! Incredibly shocked! Incredibly surprised!

In the next moment, the flames turned into a phoenix and rushed into the Nine Star Cauldron, Feng Ming Jiutian, the entire Nine Star Cauldron was shaking violently.

Seeing this scene, Li Mushen jumped up, and one handprint after another landed in it, and Jiuxingding also made a loud noise.

After half a column of incense, Li Mushen finally stopped, and the Jiuxingding stopped shaking.

On the Jiuxing Cauldron, a huge vortex appeared, absorbing the power of the surrounding heaven and earth. At this time, a strong aroma of Danxiang was exuded from the Jiuxing Cauldron.

"Did Dan become it?" That Ji Feixuan stared blankly at this scene, her eyes extremely curious.

Everything calmed down, and the rich fragrance that emanated was also hidden, the turbulent flames faded, and the nine stars were surrounded, returning to the nine-star cauldron.

Li Mushen's eyes radiated a dazzling light. Now that the alchemy is over, he has cultivated medicinal pills in it, and can take out the Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill refined in it at any time.

"Okay?" Ji Feixuan asked impatiently, wanting to see if the medicinal pills refined by Li Mushen were successful.

"After ninety-nine breaths, you will naturally know whether the pill is successful or not." Li Mushen replied.

Next, the two of them calmed down and waited. Finally, after ninety-nine breaths, the cultivation of the medicinal pills had been completed, and the pills could be released.

"Open it up and let me see, did the refined medicinal pill fail?"

Li Mushen stepped forward and slapped the nine-star tripod with his palm.

The nine-star tripod trembled with a buzzing sound, the lid of the tripod opened, and a turbulent red mist gushed out from it like a scorching sun.

After the red mist dissipated, the interior of Jiuxingding was revealed.

Inside the Jiuxing Ding, a warm fire was burning, and there were seven or eight fiery red longan-sized medicinal pills lying in it.

The fragrance of the elixir was fragrant, and Li Mushen took out an elixir from it.

The medicinal pill was round and full, with red light shining brightly, and it was surrounded by veins vertically and horizontally, shaped like the sun. Looking at the Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill in his hand, Li Mushen smiled lightly.

Although his cultivation in this life cannot be compared with his previous life, he still refined the Nine Suns Sacred Heart Pill.

At the same time, Li Mushen is also very clear in his heart that being able to refine the Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill is more dependent on the power of the fire-shaped glyphs he has mastered, as well as the Jiuxing Ding.

Without these two things, it would be difficult for Li Mushen to refine the Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill.

"I didn't expect you to actually succeed." Beside her, Ji Feixuan widened her eyes and said in shock.

In her opinion, Li Mushen was bound to fail, but what shocked her was that Li Mushen did not fail, but refined Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill.

When she approached to observe the Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill in the hands of Li Mushen, and saw the appearance of the Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill, she was shocked again in vain, and said, "What are you refining without a grade?"

Li Mushen nodded and said, "That's right, this is indeed an immortality of no rank."

"When you were refining the medicine pill, you inhaled the power of the world around you. What kind of medicine is this?" Ji Feixuan asked Li Mushen curiously.

"Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill."

Li Mushen had already been waiting for Ji Feixuan's inquiry and replied to Ji Feixuan.

"Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill, what kind of pill is this?"

Ji Feixuan lowered her head and pondered for a while, but she didn't find any information about Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill in her mind. She looked a little embarrassed and asked Li Mushen.

You must know that in the imperial capital, she has a lot of knowledge and is deeply admired by the big people in the imperial capital, but in the short time she has been in contact with Li Mushen, she can't understand many of Li Mushen, if it is normal , how is this possible for her.

Who is this Li Mushen, and why is it so mysterious? Master so many means!

Regarding Ji Feixuan's inquiry, Li Mushen naturally explained to her.

"Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill is a kind of pill with no rank, and it has a great effect on martial artists."

"What does it do?"

Li Mu Shen said: "Martial spirit is influenced by the power of heaven and earth, and masters the power of heaven and earth, but the talented Tianjiao martial artist can master the power of heaven and earth higher than the power of heaven and earth through other methods. But mastering the power of heaven and earth, how difficult it is, except for Those arrogant warriors who have mastered the power of heaven and earth are also very few and very rare."

Ji Feixuan nodded, she had a hunch in her heart, she seemed to have guessed the efficacy of Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill.

"And the role of this Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill is to help warriors master the power of heaven and earth. No matter how weak a warrior's talent is, as long as they take the Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill, they can master the power of heaven and earth."

Then, Li Mushen looked at Ji Feixuan, "Do you understand what I mean?"

Ji Feixuan shook her head, but nodded her head in a vague way.

Then he asked: "Do you mean that everyone can master the power of heaven and earth?"

"Yes, anyone can." Li Mushen looked at the Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill in his hand and smiled.

Hearing the confirmation of Li Mushen, Ji Feixuan's heart shuddered, and she didn't believe what Li Mushen said, "How is this possible, the power of heaven and earth is difficult to grasp, even many saint-child-level talents have not grasped it, let alone There are also those warriors with powerful cultivation, and the power that many people can use is only the power of heaven and earth."

Taking a deep breath, Ji Feixuan said solemnly: "If the Nine Suns Sacred Heart Pill can really help them grasp the power of heaven and earth, their strength will increase exponentially, which is impossible!"

In any case, Ji Feixuan did not believe what Li Mushen said.

"Open your mouth." Li Mushen said lightly.

"Why? Why should I open my mouth?" Ji Feixuan said.

While speaking, Li Mushen flicked his fingers, and the Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill shot out and fell into Ji Feixuan's mouth.

Ji Feixuan only felt something in her throat and wanted to spit it out.

"Swallow it in." Li Mu said, "I know you don't believe in the efficacy of the Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill. If you try it, you will naturally know how the Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill works."

Li Mushen's words made Ji Feixuan feel certain, and after thinking about it, she swallowed the Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill in her mouth.

After the Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill was swallowed in the mouth, the Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill turned into a medicinal force, shuttled through Ji Feixuan's body like a fire dragon, and finally came to Ji Feixuan's heart and gathered into a vortex.

The vortex exudes mysterious and unpredictable power, using the body as a carrier to absorb the power of heaven and earth between heaven and earth.

A trace of the power of heaven and earth entered Ji Feixuan's body, Ji Feixuan's face suddenly changed, she was extremely surprised, and she thought: "Is what Mo Yan said true?"

A trace of the power of heaven and earth shuttles through the body, through the four meridians and eight meridians, and circulates in the body.

The continuous power of heaven and earth entered Ji Feixuan's body, she felt extremely surprised, her face became more and more surprised, more and more shocked, and her heart moved!

She could feel that her grasp of the power of heaven and earth already had a connection with it.

The medicinal effect of Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill was quickly exhausted, and Ji Feixuan had more contact with the power of heaven and earth. Even now, Ji Feixuan finally believed what Li Mushen said, everything he said was true!

"Now, do you think what I said is true?" Li Mushen asked.

Ji Feixuan nodded her head, but the whole person did not come back to her senses at all, and she was more skilled in grasping the power of heaven and earth.

"Now your grasp of the power of heaven and earth should be around 10%. If you need to fully grasp the power of heaven and earth, I am afraid that you still need to take twenty pills." Li Mushen said to Ji Feixuan.

"Completely grasp the power of heaven and earth." Ji Feixuan murmured.

The power of heaven and earth, whether it is a powerful martial artist or a talented Tianjiao, is incomparably envious of mastering the power of heaven and earth, but they regret that it is so difficult to grasp the power of heaven and earth, and it is difficult to guess that it can be mastered.

If they knew that there was an elixir that could control the power of heaven and earth, I am afraid that the entire Eastern Wasteland would be shaken. Ji Feixuan couldn't believe how much impact this Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill would have if it was spread out.

At the same time, Ji Feixuan didn't dare to imagine how precious this Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill was. She looked at Li Mushen and asked, "Why do you do this?"