Primordial God

Chapter 400: Bloodwood Coffin

In the evil wind, the sound of ghost screams and roars poured into Li Mushen's mind, but the movement of the world-suppressing fairy in the body directly suppressed the strange voice that poured into his mind.

As Li Mushen entered the depths of the Beiming Holy Land, the ominous aura became more intense, making people nervous, not daring to relax, and keeping everything vigilant.

Li Mushen was cautious and came to a stone road.

On both sides of the stone path, there are stone monuments one after another.

The stele weighed ten thousand jin, and there was blood on it, and something recorded on it was only covered by dust.

Li Mushen wiped off the dust, revealing the words recorded on the stone tablet.

The text is ancient, and Li Mushen glanced at it briefly, and what was recorded on it was the Tianjiao generation of the Beiming Holy Land thousands of years ago.

After taking a look, Li Mushen lost interest and continued to move forward.


At this very moment, another evil wind blew out from it, blowing all the dust off the stone tablets on both sides of the ancient road, revealing one after another of the young people recorded on the stone tablets.

The steles trembled and the evil wind whistled, but in a sudden instant, those steles suddenly fell to Li Mushen.

A ray of light flashed in Li Mushen's eyes, and he stepped on Xiaoyao Cong Yunshu to avoid the fallen stone tablets.

Those stone tablets had the power of a thousand cauldrons, and fell to the ground with a bang, a circle of dust swayed, and the smoke billowed, but not a single stone tablet hit Li Mushen.

The stone monuments on both sides collapsed suddenly. After Li Mushen stepped on Xiaoyao and left the ancient road from Yunshu, he turned around and saw that all the stone monuments on the ancient road fell to the ground. between heaven and earth.

"There are unknowns in Beiming Holy Land, it seems that I have to be careful." Li Mushen said to himself.

Next, Li Mushen took a last look at the ancient road that was collapsed by the stone tablet, and then continued to walk forward.

The Beiming Holy Land is very large. As a top force, its resources are naturally rich. Next, when Li Mushen came to the place, it produced piece after piece of spiritual fields.

It's just that these spiritual fields have lost the cultivation of warriors and have been abandoned, but there are still spiritual medicines growing in them.

Even though the spiritual field was deserted, the elixir still grew very well. The elixir exuded a splendid brilliance and was full of spirituality.

At least, these elixir are hundreds of years old, and they contain pure power, which can be used to refine medicine pills, and can also directly refine the power in them to improve their own cultivation.

The spiritual field is very large and covers a wider area. When Li Mushen walked in the spiritual field, he saw more and more elixir, and the growth was very good. Even Li Mushen saw the thousand-year-old elixir.

Spirit medicine has grown for thousands of years, and it can be called a treasure medicine. It is even more helpful to the cultivation of warriors. When Li Mushen looked at these treasure medicines growing in the spiritual field, he muttered to himself: "I didn't expect these wastes to be abandoned. It is beyond my expectation that so many elixir have grown in the spiritual field."

The reason why it is beyond Li Mushen's expectations is because once the spiritual field is abandoned, the power in it cannot be blocked, and the spiritual field will lose its spirituality. Once the spirituality in the spiritual field is lost, the spiritual medicine will be absorbed All nutrients cannot grow in it at all, not to mention the elixir grows so well.

It can be said that watching this scene, Li Mushen has some doubts in his heart, not knowing why such a thing happened.

Coming under a thousand-year-old elixir, this is a blood bone grass.

Blood bone grass is very rare. It usually grows in the Jedi. It needs to devour blood essence to grow vigorously enough. It is an indispensable medicinal material for refining those blood-replenishing and healing medicine pills. Li Mushen did not expect to see it here. Bloodbone Grass.

More importantly, this blood bone grass has grown for a thousand years, which shocked Li Mushen, and did not expect such a thing to happen.

Digging out this thousand-year-old blood bone grass, Li Mushen continued to walk, shuttled through the spiritual field, and what he saw next made Li Mushen extremely shocked. He thought there was only one. Blood bone grass, but I didn't expect that blood bone grass grows in the next few spiritual fields.

Moreover, these bloodbone grasses are more vigorous than the one that Li Mushen just dug up. They breathe out the aura of the surrounding world, and the whole bloodbone grass is even brighter red, and the veins on the leaves are even more exuberant. blood flows in it.

If it was a blood bone grass, it would not make Li Mushen think too much, but at this moment he found so many blood bone grass in the spiritual field, even Li Mushen was full of shock and looked at it solemnly. These spiritual fields.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for so many blood bone grasses to grow in these places. Even if so many blood bone grasses grow, the blood bone grasses will not grow so well, and they should even die long ago, but these blood bone grasses are not only Instead of dying, it grew more vigorously here. Apart from the problems in this spiritual field, Li Mushen really couldn't think of where the problem was.

In the hands of Li Mushen, the Blue Frost Sword appeared, and the celestial spirit power poured into the Blue Frost Sword. Suddenly, Li Mushen shot at Lingtian, the Blue Frost Sword slashed down, and a sword qi came from the Blue Frost Sword. Out of the middle.

The sword energy was very powerful, and it slashed into the spiritual field. With a loud bang, the land in the spiritual field exploded directly under the sword energy, and a huge sword pit appeared in the spiritual field.

Li Mushen looked into the sword pit, and when he saw everything in the sword pit, his eyes narrowed, and he said solemnly: "No wonder there are so many blood bone grass growing here, so it is."

I saw that in the sword pit, the soil in the spiritual field was blood red, and I could even see the clothes worn by some disciples of Beiming Holy Land.

Li Mushen never thought that under this spiritual field were the disciples of the Beiming Holy Land who died before.

The Blue Frost Sword in Li Mushen's hand swung out again and again. As Li Mushen dug deeper and deeper, the soil in the spiritual field became more and more bright red, and even blood overflowed from the soil. Such a scene, It made Li Mushen extremely surprised.

You must know that all the people in the Beiming Holy Land have been dead for thousands of years. For thousands of years, even the bodies of those warriors have been annihilated under the vicissitudes of time, but what I didn’t expect is that Li Mushen can still be seen in the depths of Lingtian. To the blood, what the **** is going on here?

Regarding the unknown details of the Beiming Holy Land, many people dare not explore the secrets, because they are afraid that they will be infected with the unknown and thus lose their lives, but Li Mushen is not afraid. Since he discovered the strangeness here, he must know What exactly is this for?

"The answer is in this spiritual field." Li Mushen said to himself, he did not stop, the Blue Frost Sword in his hand slashed out with sword after sword, as if to open the entire spiritual field to see what was inside. ?

The soil in the spiritual field was continuously opened up by Li Mushen's sword energy, and it was deeper and deeper. As time passed, Li Mushen always felt that in the Holy Land of Beiming, the ominous aura became more and more abundant, filling his surroundings.

With another sword of Li Mushen, another layer of blood mud was opened. After that layer of blood mud was opened, a sinister and icy aura gushed out from the spiritual field, as if He turned into a ghost and surrounded Li Mushen.

Li Mushen runs the Immortal Demon Sutra, the human spirit lake in his body and the immortal spirit in Xianfei Lake are rushing. Behind Li Mushen, the stalwart figure of the ancient trolls emerges. They stand behind Li Mushen and serve Li Mushen. Mushen blocked all the icy and icy aura, even those ominous auras that permeated, at this moment, they were suppressed and expelled by the immortal and demon vision behind Li Mushen, and they did not dare to approach Li Mushen.

The icy and icy aura gathered in the depths of the Lingtian sword pit, and gathered into a dark fog, covering the entire sword pit.

Li Mushen knew in his heart that the answer to this spiritual field mutation lies below.

In Li Mushen's eyes, a dazzling divine light flashed, and the ancient troll roared behind him.

In that roar, the dark fog formed by the icy and icy breath in the sword pit was blown away directly, revealing the true face of the sword pit.

Immediately afterwards, Li Mushen's gaze turned to the sword pit.

When Li Mushen saw the scene in the sword pit, the pupils in his eyes shrank suddenly, looking unbelievable.

I saw that there was an ancient blood wood coffin in the sword pit of Lingtian.

In the ancient blood wood coffin, countless ancient spiritual patterns are engraved. This blood wood ancient coffin is a kind of treasure, and the whole body is flowing with dark red blood light, giving people a mysterious and cold feeling.

Looking at the ancient blood wood coffin in the sword pit, Li Mushen did not hesitate, and started again. Soon, the blood wood ancient coffin was taken out by Li Mushen from the sword pit.

The blood wood coffin was only over one meter long and was very heavy. When Li Mushen took the blood wood coffin out of the sword pit, blood overflowed from the blood wood coffin and directly dyed the spiritual field. Blood red color.

At the moment when the ancient blood wood coffin was taken out, the entire spiritual field exuded an extremely gloomy and cold aura, which made people feel extremely uncomfortable.

However, behind Li Mushen, there is a vision of an immortal and demon, but he doesn't feel anything.

Now that this ancient blood wood coffin was found in the spiritual field, and the blood wood ancient coffin was taken out from there, Li Mushen naturally wanted to open the blood wood ancient coffin to see what was inside?

Li Mushen put his hand on the ancient blood-wood coffin to open the coffin.

And at the moment when Li Mushen put his hand on the ancient blood wood coffin, the whole ancient coffin shook, and Li Mushen's hand was firmly attached to it. Take it down.

Seeing this scene, Li Mushen wrinkled, not knowing why.

On the blood-wood ancient coffin, stripes of blood-colored veins appeared, like the blood vessels on the human body, running vertically and horizontally across the entire ancient coffin, and then, a thousand-zhang red light bloomed from the blood-wood ancient coffin.