Primordial God

Chapter 409: Sacred Heart

Zi Ruyan took the Jiuxing Ding, and Li Mushen took out the map and said to Zi Ruyan, "The place marked on it is in the Holy Land of Beiming, do you know where it is?"

Zi Ruyan glanced at the map with surprise in her eyes.

Seeing Zi Ruyan's expression like this, Li Mushen knew that Zi Ruyan knew the place marked on this map.

"Why are you looking for this place?" Zi Ruyan asked.

Li Mushen said: "I once got a map that recorded the place where a psychic medicine grows in this Beiming Holy Land, and I came to Beiming Holy Land because of this."

Putting the map away, Li Mushen asked again: "Zi Ruyan, you are from the Holy Land of Beiming, do you know where the map sign is?"

"The psychic medicine you are looking for is ginseng?"

Zi Ruyan did not answer Li Mushen's words, but asked Li Mushen instead.

Li Mushen's eyes lit up, and it seemed that Zi Ruyan knew the existence of ginseng.


Zi Ruyan said: "Humanxue ginseng is a psychic treasure. It is planted in the spiritual field of the back mountain of Beiming Holy Land. It is restricted by the elders and trapped in the spiritual field and cannot escape."

After pausing for a while, Zi Ruyan said, "It's just the devastating disaster a thousand years ago. All the heaven and earth formations engraved in the Beiming Holy Land, and all the restrictions laid down were destroyed. Perhaps the same is true of the restrictions at the back mountain."

"Take me to see." Li Mushen said to Zi Ruyan.

Zi Ruyan did not reject Li Mushen's words, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll show you here."

Li Mushen nodded, Zi Ruyan glanced at the ancient corpse in the lake, and left the lake with Li Mushen.

The Beiming Holy Land is very large, like a huge city, surrounded by mountains and palaces.

It's just that those palaces have long been dilapidated, and in the millennium, the palaces have long been rotten and dilapidated.

The ancient trees and weeds were thick, and under the leadership of Zi Ruyan, Li Mushen passed through the lofty mountains in the Beiming Holy Land. In about half an hour, the two came to the back mountain of the Beiming Holy Land.

Along the way, there was a lot of destruction everywhere.

When I came to the back mountain, the mountains were vast, and there was a dead silence.

Looking at the back mountain here, Zi Ruyan said to Li Mushen: "The back mountain is also known as the Beiming Barren Mountain, but when the sages in the Beiming Holy Land first started in the Holy Land, they used the magic technique of moving mountains and overturning the sea from Zhongzhou. Moved to this place, there are countless beasts and big demons running rampant. Thousands of years ago, it was the hunting test of the disciples in Beiming Holy Land, but after a thousand years, Beiming Holy Land suffered destruction. Whether the big monsters and beasts in the barren mountains are also destroyed in it."

Li Mushen looked at the dark mountain in front of him, his eyes were incomparably deep, he entered the Beiming Barren Mountain with spiritual sense, but was blocked by a mysterious and unpredictable force and could not enter it.

"It seems that this Beiming Desolate Mountain is by no means unusual, and perhaps there are great dangers in it." Li Mushen secretly said, not knowing in his heart.

Zi Ruyan looked at the Beiming Barren Mountain and said: "The location marked on the map is the central valley of the Beiming Barren Mountain, called the Holy Spirit Field. We start from the Dongshan Sacred Heart Road and walk straight all the way to reach the Holy Spirit. field."

"Where is Dongshan Sacred Heart Dao?" Li Mushen asked.

"There." Zi Ruyan raised Yingying Ruyu's right hand and pointed to a deserted road in the Beiming Barren Mountain.

The former Sacred Heart Road was incomparably splendid and gorgeous. Immortal herbs and elixir were planted on both sides, and the road was paved with precious and rare Qinglong stones. Stepping on the Sacred Heart Road, you could understand your mind and calm down. It is very helpful for cultivation.

Therefore, when the disciples of Beiming Holy Land reach a certain bottleneck in their cultivation, or are unable to calm down during their cultivation, they will choose to walk a few laps of the Sacred Heart Path to help them in their cultivation.

It's just that the way of the Sacred Heart has changed for thousands of years.

The once splendid and gorgeous Sacred Heart Road has been turned into an abandoned ruin, and there is no more splendor and splendor a thousand years ago.

The immortal herbs and elixir growing on both sides had already withered and died, and the sides were overgrown with weeds, and there were even corpses lying on the side.

And those precious and rare blue dragon stones paved on the road have long lost the spirituality of the past, and they have been dimmed.

Li Mushen brought Zi Ruyan outside the Sacred Heart Dao.

"Going along this Sacred Heart Road, is the Sacred Heart Field?"

Zi Ruyan nodded.

"Wait for me here, I'll go in and see if the man's snow ginseng is still in the sacred heart field."

"I'm going too." Zi Ruyan said.

"This is definitely not unusual in the Beiming Desolate Mountain. Presumably, there are dangers in this mountain as well as in the deep lake. If you stay outside, I will just go." Li Mushen said.

Zi Ruyan said: "The North Ming Barren Mountain is extremely vast, and it forms a small world of its own. The Sacred Heart Dao leads to the Sacred Heart Field, but because the Sacred Heart Dao has been destroyed, it may not be able to reach the Sacred Heart Field smoothly."

After a pause, Zi Ruyan said again: "The interior of the Beiming Barren Mountain is a small world of its own. If this happens, you are likely to get lost in this Beiming Barren Mountain, unable to find the Holy Spirit Field, and unable to come out of the Holy Spirit Field. ."

Li Mushen was surprised, he didn't expect that there would be such a mystery in this barren mountain.

Li Mushen let Zi Ruyan stay outside because he had mastered the ancient immortal technique, Xiaoyao Congyun, even if he encountered any danger, he could use the ancient immortal technique to escape.

And if Zi Ruyan was by his side, if he encountered any danger, he would have no time to take care of her.

But now I hear it, it seems that I need to bring Zi Ruyan with me, otherwise it would be a huge loss for Li Mushen to be trapped in this barren mountain in the north for a few days and miss the auction!

"Okay, then you will follow me into the Beiming Desolate Mountains, but you have to be careful of the dangers in it. Once you encounter danger to your life, retreat to me first." Li Mushen said to Zi Ruyan.

Zi Ruyan nodded.

"In that case, let's enter it." Li Mushen said to Zi Ruyan.

The two set foot on the Sacred Heart Dao. Zi Ruyan did not have the same sense of enlightenment and calmness after stepping on the Sacred Heart Dao. It seems that the Sacred Heart Dao has been completely destroyed in the past thousand years.

Zi Ruyan had a little regret in her heart, but unfortunately the Sacred Heart Dao was destroyed, otherwise it would be of great help to the warriors, and many of them were treasures.

However, Zi Ruyan didn't think much about it, put the matter behind her head, and took Li Mushen to the depths of the Beiming Desolate Mountains.

Granny Gumu, under the towering ancient trees rising from the ground, the Sacred Heart Dao is like a black dragon leading to the mysterious depths of the North Ming Barren Mountain.

On the Sacred Heart Dao, the splendor and splendor of a thousand years ago has long been gone, it is old and dilapidated, it is dead silent, and there is no sound.

Li Mushen followed Zi Ruyan and walked on the Sacred Heart Road. Even if he entered the Beiming Barren Mountains, his spiritual sense was still unable to reach out, and he could not detect the dangers around him, and this also made Li Mushen in the next During the walking process, he appeared to be more cautious and cautious, and did not dare to be careless.

In the Beiming Barren Mountains, the two of them walked on the Sacred Heart Road without any sound, only the slight footsteps of the two of them.

And just after walking for half a column of incense, an evil wind blew out from the deadly Beiming Barren Mountains.

The evil wind roared like a specter, blowing towards Li Mushen and Zi Ruyan, the two stopped and were cautious.

The roaring voice of Li Mushen lingered in the ears of Li Mushen and Zi Ruyan, but soon disappeared. After the evil wind blew, it also disappeared, as if everything that happened just now did not appear.

"Be careful." Li Mushen said to Zi Ruyan.

Zi Ruyan looked around, the ancient tree leaves moved slightly, and then continued to go to the depths of the Sacred Heart Dao.

After Li Mushen and Zi Ruyan left, the evil wind appeared out of thin air on the Sacred Heart Road.

There was a wave in the void, and a figure was revealed.

The figure could not see his face in the black fog, and a pair of evil eyes appeared from it.

This pair of evil eyes is cold, evil, and stern, and it contains unknown.

After seeing the figures of Li Mushen and Zi Ruyan leaving, as soon as the evil wind passed, the solitary leaves fell, and the black mist dispersed and the figures also dissipated.


With a sound, Zi Ruyan stepped on a dead bone on the Sacred Heart Road, and there was a sound in the deadly Beiming Barren Mountain.

Zi Ruyan stopped, her hands flowing with the brilliance of Yingying Ruyan, and it seemed that she could make a move at any time if she was in danger.

"It's just a dead bone." Li Mushen said to Zi Ruyan, so that she didn't have to worry.

Zi Ruyan let go of her feet, and sure enough, there were broken bones under her feet, which turned into shreds under Zi Ruyan's feet.

Zi Ruyan breathed a sigh of relief, and the light in her hands dissipated.

"How far is it from the Holy Spirit Field?" Li Mushen asked.

Zi Ruyan said: "If you don't expect it, you will reach the Sacred Heart Cliff after walking through this Sacred Heart Road, and jumping over the Sacred Heart Cliff is where the Sacred Heart Field is located."

Next, the two continued to go to the Sacred Heart Road.

At this moment, Zi Ruyan's eyes suddenly lit up, and she actually saw the blue rainbow glow splashing on the road on the Sacred Heart Road in front of her, and there were rare and exotic grasses growing on both sides of the Sacred Heart Road, exuding a dense mist. Linghong.

Seeing this scene, Zi Ruyan was extremely surprised, and murmured: "Isn't the Sacred Heart Dao already broken? Why is this place still so intact, does it still have the effect of enlightenment?"

Li Mushen also looked at the miraculous Sacred Heart Dao in front of him, "Before the Beiming Holy Land was destroyed, the entire Sacred Heart Dao that traveled through and through was like this, which is really shocking and convincing."

The Beiming Holy Land a thousand years ago was considered to be the top ancient force in the Eastern Wasteland and even the entire Immortal God Continent just by relying on the Beiming Barren Mountain. I didn’t expect it to be destroyed like this. What happened to the Beiming Holy Land a thousand years ago? What?

Li Mushen couldn't help but ponder. He looked at Zi Ruyan's back. He knew in his heart that maybe Zi Ruyan knew the secrets of the Holy Land of Beiming thousands of years ago. After all, she had experienced this scene.