Primordial God

Chapter 426: Enter the **** abyss

Canglong Snake looked at the nine-color fairy grass on the coffin, nodded and said: "Yes, that is the nine-color Xuanyun grass, I saw this nine-color Xuanyun grass here hundreds of years ago, I didn't expect it. This nine-color Profound Cloud Grass is still growing here."

On the other side, Uncle Turtle looked at this nine-color Xuanyun grass with light shining in his eyes. He did not expect that nine-color Xuanyun grass actually grows in this Beiming Ling Valley!

The blood-colored abyss in front of me can't see the end, and I don't know how deep this blood-colored abyss is!

What is even more surprising is that the black iron coffin can be suspended in mid-air!

"I got the seven-color black cloud grass hundreds of years ago, and I got it on the stone wall of this blood-colored abyss!"

Looking at the blood-colored abyss in front of him, Li Mushen frowned, looking at this blood-colored abyss, it always gave Li Mushen an uneasy feeling!

On the side, Canglong Snake said: "There used to be no blood-colored abyss in this North Underworld Spirit Valley, but since a thousand years ago, this blood-colored abyss has existed in this North Underworld Spirit Valley. As for how this blood-colored abyss appeared, it is fundamental. Nobody knows!"

Uncle Turtle just looked at the blood-colored abyss and didn't know what he was thinking.

"What makes you feel scared?" Li Mushen said to Canglong Snake.

Naturally, he could feel the fear of Canglong Snake for this blood-colored abyss.

Canglong Snake looked at the blood-colored abyss in front of him, his eyes flickering with indefinite light, he took a deep breath, and said: "Hundreds of years ago, I came to the blood-colored abyss, that is, that time, I saw this blood-colored abyss. fear!"


"No one knows how deep the blood-colored abyss is. Just a few hundred years ago, there was blood in the entire blood-colored abyss, filling the entire blood-colored abyss. No one knew what the blood-colored abyss was filled with. Where did it come from, filling the entire **** abyss with blood."

Uncle Turtle swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said in a deep voice, "Then what?"

"Do you know that there used to be more than a dozen powerful beasts in the four directions of this North Underworld Spirit Valley, and I used to live in this North Underworld Spirit Valley, but hundreds of years ago, when that The blood-colored abyss was filled with blood water, and at that moment, all the powerful beasts in the North Underworld Spirit Valley came to the blood-colored abyss. What is even more frightening is that when the powerful beasts came to this blood-colored abyss , was pulled by the mysterious power, and jumped into the **** abyss."

Blue Dragon Snake's eyes couldn't hide the fear of this blood-colored abyss, and he said in a deep voice: "Because of my talent, although my cultivation is not strong, I discovered the mysterious power of the blood-colored abyss for the first time, as if I received it. The traction in it wanted to lure me into the North Underworld Spirit Valley. At that moment, I saw the seven-color Xuanyun grass in the blood-colored abyss. Ghost Valley."

After being silent for a while, Canglong Snake said, "I escaped from Beiming Linggu in a lifetime, but I almost paid the price with my life. It took hundreds of years before I recovered."

"What happened to the beasts that jumped into the **** abyss?" Master Turtle asked.

"I took a quick look and glanced at the powerful beasts that jumped into the blood-colored abyss. The first time they jumped into the blood-colored abyss, no matter how powerful those beasts were, their bodies were quickly washed away by the blood in them. Devoured, turned into bones in one place, unable to hold back a single breath of time!"

After listening to Canglong Snake's words, Uncle Turtle was taken aback. He didn't expect this **** abyss to be so terrifying!

He looked at the blood-colored abyss, and he was relieved that, fortunately, the blood-colored abyss was extremely empty, just like the abyss leading to hell. There was no end in sight, and no one knew what was under the blood-colored abyss.

At the same time, this **** abyss did not have the **** water that the Canglong Snake feared.

"Sir, I have found the nine-color Xuanyun grass for you." Canglong Snake said.

Li Mushen nodded, he looked at the nine-color Xuanyun grass growing on the mysterious coffin, his eyes were deep.

At this time, the blue dragon snake said again: "Sir, the nine-color Xuanyun grass is not easy to obtain, otherwise I would not have left it here hundreds of years ago."

"How to say?"

Li Mushen said: "This blood-colored abyss cannot fly. Once you enter it, there is no way you will fall into it, and the seven-color black cloud grass grows on the stone wall, so I can get it. Mysterious cloud grass, I have no way to get it."

"Can't fly?" Li Mushen murmured.

The blood-colored abyss in front of him was hundreds of meters wide, and it was bottomless. If Li Mushen wanted to get the nine-color black cloud grass, it would not be so easy to get.

Uncle Turtle said: "Since you can't walk in the sky, how can you get the nine-color Xuanyun grass growing on the mysterious coffin?"

Canglong Snake shook his head, "I don't know either, because the seven-color black cloud grass grows on the stone wall and was obtained with my snake's tail, so it can't fly in it at all."

Li Mushen frowned and fell into contemplation.

Uncle Turtle shouted, "Is it possible for this uncle to try?"

After finishing speaking, Uncle Turtle turned into a streamer and headed towards the blood-colored abyss, but as soon as he entered the blood-colored abyss, Master Turtle felt the huge attraction in the blood-colored abyss, and at the same time, his brain felt dizzy!

The whole person suddenly fell into the blood-colored abyss!

Seeing Uncle Turtle descending into the blood-colored abyss, a ray of light flashed in Li Mushen's eyes, and then the fire-shaped glyphs left by Li Mushen on Uncle Turtle's back shone with light, Uncle Turtle woke up from the dizziness. , Seeing himself falling into the blood-colored abyss, his face was horrified, he hurriedly carved a pattern, and under the dragon scales of the pattern, Uncle Turtle escaped from the blood-colored abyss and returned to Li Mushen.

Breathing heavily, Uncle Turtle almost lost his soul, looked at the blood-colored abyss in horror, and said, "This blood-colored abyss is so strange, once you enter it, the whole person's consciousness will be blurred, if not for the fire-shaped carvings on his body, I'm afraid this uncle has already died in that!"

Canglong Snake looked at Master Turtle in surprise, but he didn't expect that Master Turtle would be able to come out of the **** abyss. If he entered the **** abyss, there would be no accident and he would just die in it.

Next, outside the **** abyss, they fell into silence, and no one knew what to do?

"Let me try it." At this time, Li Mushen said.

Li Mushen's words instantly surprised both Uncle Turtle and Canglong Snake. They didn't know what Li Mushen was going to do?

Uncle Turtle had already tried it just now and almost died in it. They didn’t know why Li Mushen wanted to try it. Uncle Turtle and Canglong Snake didn’t believe that Li Mushen could enter the **** abyss and get the nine-color Xuanyun grass.

"Maybe it can be successful." Li Mushen said with deep eyes.

Xiaoyao Cong Yunshu is an ancient immortal art. The ancient immortal art is powerful, and there may be a chance to go to the mysterious coffin.

Li Mushen thought so in his heart, and in his heart, he was at least 60% sure that he could go to the place of the mysterious coffin.

"Sir, are you really sure?" Canglong Snake asked.

"Sixty-seven percent, enough."

Li Mushen is a decisive person. Now that he has made up his mind, he will do it directly. The immortal spiritual power in his body surges, and he steps on Xiaoyao from Yunshu into the blood-colored abyss.

Stepping out one step, Li Mushen has entered a distance of several meters in the blood-colored abyss, standing in the void.

And just after Li Mushen entered the **** abyss, a great attraction came from the bottomless **** abyss, as if to **** Li Mushen into the abyss.

At the same time, in Li Mushen's mind, there was a mysterious and inexplicable sound, and it was this kind of sound that affected his sanity and made his brain blurry.

Fortunately, the Immortals and Demons Sutra was running on its own, and the roar of the immortals and demons came from the body. In the roar of the immortals and demons, the mysterious and inexplicable sound also dissipated, and Li Mushen's indistinct brain also recovered again. Qingming.

But at this time, Li Mushen only felt that above his legs, there was a mysterious power that formed a pair of invisible hands, firmly grasped his legs, and dragged them into the depths of the blood-colored abyss!

In response to this scene, Li Mushen's eyes shot out a lightning bolt, Xiaoyao used the cloud technique, his legs shook, the whole person walked on the sky, and the posture of Zeng Dengyun instantly broke away from the invisible hand.

Outside the blood-colored abyss, Uncle Turtle and Canglong Snake looked at this scene with great surprise. They didn't expect that Li Mushen had mastered such a means. The mysterious coffin hanging in the air.

The hanging mysterious coffin was in the center of the blood-colored abyss, and soon Li Mushen was about to approach.

But at this moment, there was a booming vibration in the **** abyss, which made Li Mushen feel uneasy, followed by a loud noise, a blood column like blood came from the depths of the **** abyss Out, straight into the sky, and attacked Li Mushen.

Facing the blood column, Li Mushen naturally avoided it.

But I saw thousands of blood-colored streamers spurting out of the blood column.

Those blood-colored streamers were densely packed and shot towards Li Mushen. Li Mushen felt the danger from these blood-colored streamers, and without any accident, he chose to avoid.

He stepped on Xiaoyao Cong Yunshu, his figure flashed, and he quickly walked among these blood-colored streamers. Although those blood-colored streamers were thousands and densely packed, none of them attacked Li Mushen at all.

"I didn't expect this kid's movement skills to be so good." Uncle Turtle sighed.

In the heart of Uncle Turtle, I only feel that this human race warrior whose cultivation is only at the peak of the nine-star generals is more mysterious. He has mastered the ancient glyphs, cultivated powerful supernatural powers, and actually mastered the movement techniques that he cannot see through. Who can know Li Mushen What other powerful secrets does this kid have?