Primordial God

Chapter 434: beheading (2)

The earth gold lizard mobilized the power in its body, and in a sudden instant, it transformed into a huge beast.

This earth gold lizard is like a hill, roaring in its mouth, and then slaps it towards Li Mushen!

When the palm came, it instantly obscured the sky, and it was necessary to pat Li Mushen into meat sauce!


The golden light trembled, but he saw that Uncle Turtle made a move, and the pattern flew out and surrounded Li Mushen.

That palm did not hit Li Mushen, but hit the top three Xuanwu Formation.

However, in half a breath, the three-top basalt formation collapsed directly, and was smashed by Tujinli with a palm. Tujinli raised his palm again, and the big palm slapped Li Mushen again.

This time, he wanted to see how Li Mushen could resist!

Uncle Turtle is powerless, he can only hope that Li Mushen can open his eyes.

But to the disappointment of Uncle Turtle, Li Mushen still did not open his eyes, as if he did not know the danger he was facing!

The ugly face of the Tujin Lizard became more and more hideous, and it seemed that he had seen Li Mushen die in it.


A purple light suddenly shot out, piercing the Tujinli's big palm, he retreated in pain, but saw that Li Mushen had opened his eyes.

Li Mushen still didn't pay attention to the powerful earth-gold lizard in front of him, but put his eyes on his hands and muttered: "The magic of shadows, is this the means of the gods?"

The golden earth lizard let out a roar, and then bombarded Li Mushen again.

Li Mushen didn't dodge, just watched the palm of the Tujin Lizard fall.

With a loud bang, this palm hit Li Mushen and landed on the ground.

A huge palm print appeared on the entire earth, which was shocking.

When Tujin Li raised his palm, he did not see Li Mushen in the palm pit.

"What about people?" The Tujin Lizard's eyes shone with a dazzling light.

Then Tujinli looked around, but did not find the figure of Li Mushen, where did he hide?

"Are you looking for me?"

Suddenly, Li Mushen appeared in front of Li Mushen and said lightly.

Li Mushen suddenly appeared, and the Tujin Lizhan roared and used the power of heaven and earth to attack Li Mushen again.

But at this moment, the purple light in Li Mushen's eyes soared, and Li Mushen suddenly split into two. Become two Li Mushen.

The Tujin Lizard was stunned.

But in the next moment, Li Mushen's figure changed again, and nine Li Mushen appeared in front of Tu Jinli.

Every Li Mushen is the same in terms of breath and cultivation, and no one can know which one is the real body of Li Mushen.

Every Li Mushen is the cultivation base of the peak of the nine-star generals, and Li Mushen is among them.

This is the magic shadow technique he used.

He used the power of the devil's hand to transform into eight ghosts, each of which was consistent with his strength and was also controlled by Li Mushen.

This is a great move of Li Mushen. When he is facing Tianjiao, he suddenly uses the magic shadow technique to make the enemy one against nine, and he will definitely lose at that time!

Li Mushen did not expect that he would be able to master such a terrifying means through the hands of the devil, and this magic shadow technique would become his great trump card!

Not only Tujinli was stunned by this scene, but even the trapped Canglong Snake and Uncle Turtle were stunned.

They have seen the technique of avatar in the **** abyss, and it is extremely powerful. They did not expect that Li Mushen also mastered such a method!

And once Li Mushen's cultivation becomes stronger and stronger, his magic shadow technique will also become more powerful. Whoever faces Li Mushen's magic shadow technique is a nightmare!

"I don't care that it is you, all of them will die!" The Tujin Lizard roared, and he attacked Li Mushen again.

Li Mushen naturally avoided, and the other eight ghosts also avoided the attack of the Tujin Lizard.

What surprised Li Mushen was that these ghosts seemed to be copied from him, and also mastered the other methods of Xiaoyao Cong Yunshu and Li Mushen Association.

Li Mushen tried it, and the power of the demons in his body moved and turned into a three-footed demon sword in his hand. There was no accident, and a three-footed demonic sword also appeared in the hands of the other eight demons!

Moreover, the power of each magic sword is the same.

"This magic shadow technique is so terrifying." Looking at this scene, Li Mushen murmured.

Immediately afterwards, he ordered the eight phantoms to attack the earth-gold lizard.

The attack used by these eight ghosts is naturally the sword technique of Li Mushen - the sword technique of disintegrating the sword demon.

Heavy water closes tide! Sweep the mountains! Eternal strength!

These demonic swordsmanships are different, and the sword energy is like the wind, ravaging the world, and slammed away to the soil golden lizard.

But the defensive power of the Tujin Lizard is terrifying. The attack of these eight ghosts did not hurt the Tujin Lizard. Instead, three ghosts were directly scattered under the giant palm of the Tujin Lizard!

There is no way, after all, the cultivation of Li Mushen is too narrow, and the gap with the soil gold lizard in the realm of Wuzun is too great!

Li Mushen already knew the mystery and power of the magic shadow technique, dispersing the magic shadow technique, and the remaining phantoms dissipated between heaven and earth.

Then, once again faced the soil gold lizard in front of him.

"Hand over the magical powers you just used, and I will spare your life!" Tujin Lizard said with greedy eyes.

From the moment when Li Mushen used the magic shadow technique, he felt the mystery and power in it. If he had mastered such a technique, how many fierce beasts would be his opponents in this barren mountain?

"It's okay to spare my life." Li Mushen said lightly, not listening to Tu Jinli's words.

Because in the future, Li Mushen will obliterate the earth gold lizard in front of him!

As for how to obliterate this golden lizard, whose cultivation base has reached the realm of Nine Stars Martial Venerable, it is natural to rely on the help of the Demon God's hand.

At the same time, at this moment, Li Mushen can only use the hand of the devil to obliterate the golden lizard!

The Devil's Hand destroyed the Northern Underworld Holy Land, consuming the power of the Devil's Hand, and after a thousand years, the consumption of the Devil's Power was even greater.

And this Demon God's Hand can burst out a powerful move to obliterate the gold lizard in front of him, but at that time, I am afraid that the power of this Demon God's Hand will dissipate.

And how to use the powerful attacking technique of the hand of the devil, it is necessary to accumulate strength through continuous killing and swallowing blood before using the powerful attacking technique of the devil's hand again.

"Submit to me and I will let you go." Li Mushen said to the Tujin Li.

The Tujin Lizard seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world, and let out a loud laugh, saying: "You want me to surrender, did I hear it right?"

How could the dignified soil golden lizard in the realm of Nine Stars Martial Venerable be surrendered to the hands of a human race warrior whose cultivation is only at the peak of the nine-star general.

"Not surrender?"

"Delusional!" Tujin Li snorted coldly.

Li Mushen didn't mind, but his eyes were calm, and he said lightly: "Since you don't want to surrender, don't blame me for being ruthless."

After speaking, Li Mushen raised his right hand, and the dark metacarpal bones shone with dazzling light.

In the hands of the Demon God of Li Mushen, endless power rushes in all directions, the world is dark and dull, gloomy and dark, only the hand of the Demon God of Li Mushen exudes the most dazzling black light!

In the heart of the Tujin Lizard, it became more and more uneasy, the heart was extremely heavy, and he felt the coming of death.

Suddenly, Tujinli's face became extremely frightened, as if thinking of something, and suddenly exclaimed, "Is this the hand of the devil?"

The hand of the devil, the source of the destruction of Beiming Holy Land!

Who could have imagined that the hand of the devil was smelted together with a weak human warrior.

No wonder Li Mushen has no fear and is not afraid of him!

The hand of the devil can destroy the powerful first-class forces in the Holy Land of the North Underworld, not to mention the Tujin Lizard.

The sky suddenly shattered, and a demonic hand stretched out from the shattered sky, and the void collapsed, grabbing at the golden earth lizard!

This is an irresistible force!

This is the source of destruction!

The Tujin Lizard has already felt that death is approaching him!

"I... I surrender... I surrender..." The Tujin Li hurriedly said in panic.

Li Mushen's eyes were still calm, and he said, "Do you want to surrender now?"

"I surrender, surrender!" Tujin Li hurriedly said.

Li Mushen lifted his eyelids and said, "It's too late to surrender now."

After finishing speaking, the hand of the Demon God suddenly burst out with terrifying power, fell from the sky, and grabbed onto the body of the Tujin Lizard!

When he grabbed the body of the Tujin Lizard, he only saw the black light of the devil's hand swaying, and the pain in the eyes of the Tujin Lizard was incomparable, and he wanted to break free from the devil's hand.

But in any case, the Tujin Lizard couldn't break free from the hand of the devil. In the hands of the devil, the flesh and blood on the Tujinli's body melted, and it seemed to turn into the purest force in the world, and that power was integrated into Li Mushen's body. .

But more power is integrated into the hands of Li Mushen's demon god, but even the power transformed by a small amount of soil gold lizards is integrated into Li Mushen's body, it is still massive!

The power of the earth gold lizard in the realm of Nine Stars Martial Lord is vast, and it is terrifying for Li Mushen, whose cultivation base is only the peak of the nine-star generals.

In the body of Li Mushen, the pure power in the flesh and blood of the earth gold lizard poured into Li Mushen's body.

In a sudden instant, Li Mushen's body inflated like a balloon, and his body could not fully accommodate so much power.

Moreover, this power has completely improved Li Mushen's cultivation, because Li Mushen's cultivation has stayed at the peak of the nine-star generals for a long time, and if it was not controlled by Li Mushen, he would have already broken through to the realm of martial arts.

But now for Li Mushen, he can't break through the realm of martial arts. He must enter the Heaven and Earth Tower to compete for the military commander list. Only then is the best time for Li Mushen to break through!

In any case, Li Mushen will suppress his cultivation to the peak of the nine-star generals.

But in this way, Li Mushen will face huge danger, and even his body can't contain such terrifying power and directly blew himself to death.

After Tujinli died, Canglong Snake broke free from the blockade of the earth and looked at Li Mushen in shock.