Primordial God

Chapter 450: Ancient Heaven

"Venerable Huang Ming, that kid must die! Otherwise, he will definitely become a roadblock for me after entering the Tower of Heaven and Earth. Is there any way to kill him?" Qianshang looked at Venerable Huang Ming eagerly.

Venerable Huang Ming's eyes flickered, and he said, "No one can provoke my God Protector Army. My God Protector Army maintains the order of the imperial capital. If this is the case, wouldn't the major forces in the imperial capital secretly laugh at them? Don't worry, Qianshang, this kid from the Mo family will die!"

After listening to Venerable Huang Ming's words, Qian Shang's eyes suddenly lit up and he hurriedly said, "Sir Huang Ming, what can you do to deal with that Mo Yan?"

"Then Mo Yan is just a little Mo family disciple, so provoking my God Protector Army can be regarded as causing a big disaster for the Mo family, and he may not be sheltered by the Mo family. At the same time, he wants to kill you, if it is not the deity. Even if you arrive, you have already turned into a corpse. As a holy child in the Guardian Army, you are deeply loved by the Guardian Army generals. I am afraid that the whole emperor will know about tonight's events. Your face and mine are also losing the face of the God Protector Army, the face of the general!" Venerable Huang Ming said calmly: "I already have a way to deal with that Mo Yan, otherwise it will only make the people of the imperial capital sneer. , I won't be good at dealing with the generals in the future!"

After he finished speaking, Venerable Huang Ming's gaze became even deeper. With a wave of his hand, the Najie in his hand flashed, and a silver-white mirror appeared in his hand.

In the silver mirror, an illusory picture was revealed, and in that picture was the back of a man in white.

The man in white turned around. Although he showed the appearance of the man in white, he couldn't see his appearance at all. Even if someone saw his appearance, they would instantly forget it. It seemed that there was some ancient secret technique. Soon will forget.

The silver mirror has brilliance flowing on it, like the rippling water flow on the lake.

"I didn't expect it to be Venerable Huang Ming. I don't know why Venerable Huang Ming is looking for me?" said the man in white.

"I am looking for you Gu Tianting to kill someone." Venerable Huang Ming said.

"Who?" the man in white asked.

"Xianjing Divine Dynasty, Mo Yan is now in the imperial capital, I need you, Gu Tianting, to get rid of him!" Venerable Huang Ming said: "I hope Gu Tianting can get rid of him, the sooner the better!"

The man in white nodded slightly, "Mo Yan? What is his strength?"

In the eyes of the man in white, if Venerable Huang Ming can make a move, at least that Mo Yan's strength is not weaker than Wu Zunjing, even stronger than Wu Zunjing!

But I only heard Venerable Huang Ming say: "Mo Yan is the holy son of the Mo family, and his strength is no more than the pinnacle of nine-star generals."

After listening to Venerable Huang Ming's words, the man in white was stunned for a moment. He didn't seem to have thought that a small military general would actually need to make Venerable Huang Ming fight, but the man in white did not ask why.

"A saint child-level Tianjiao, 10 million Tianwu coins." The man in white said lightly.

"Ten million Tianwu coins?" Venerable Huang Ming couldn't help but said.

"Yes." The man in white nodded.

Venerable Huang Ming hesitated, then glanced at Qianshang again.

At this moment, Qian Shang's eyes were still full of infinite anger towards Li Mushen, he said to Venerable Huang Ming: "I am not his opponent with Mo Yan's strength now, if I can buy his life with 10 million Tianwu coins! Then buy it. Bar!"

"If that's the case, then let's take 10 million Tianwu coins. I hope that Gu Tianting can kill him as soon as possible."

"I'm doing things in Ancient Heaven, Venerable Huang Ming, don't worry, 10 million Tianwu coins will naturally be collected." The man in white nodded slightly, and then the picture on the silver mirror dissipated and disconnected from Venerable Huang Ming.

"Venerable Huang Ming, is Gu Tianting reliable?" Qian Shang asked only after Venerable Huang Ming disconnected from the man in white.

"This is natural." Venerable Huang Ming said confidently: "The ancient heaven has existed for a long time, and it has cultivated countless killers. It can be said that it is all-encompassing and omnipotent, even if it is the Tianjilou that exists in the world, it is not weak. With Gu Tianting taking action, the life of the Mo family boy will not be guaranteed!"

After finishing speaking, Venerable Huang Ming said again: "Qian Shang, you can rest assured and wait. In the past two days, the ancient heaven will bring the head of the Mo family to the mansion."

Although Gu Tianting is still a bit pricey for Li Mushen's action, there is no way, and only in this way can it be proved that it is not the hand of his guardian army, leaving no handle, even if there are rules, there is no way Be patient with him! Now they just need to wait in the mansion for the news that Li Mushen was killed!

Although Li Mushen's strength and talent are very powerful, Venerable Huang Ming still did not put him in his eyes.

In the eyes of Venerable Huang Ming, this Li Mushen is just a humble martial artist. Even if his talent is amazing, he was not born into a powerful force, and his character will die outside sooner or later!

"Then wait for the news of his death." Qian Shang's eyes were leisurely, and there was some expectation of waiting.

"Qianshang, tomorrow will be the start of the Wanbao auction house, remember the command of the general, don't forget it!" Venerable Huang Ming said to Qianshang again.

Qianshang nodded, "Don't worry, the general's order will not be forgotten. The treasure he needs will definitely be auctioned at the auction tomorrow!"

"So good!"


On the other side of Gu Tianting, the assassination of Li Mushen was also beginning to be arranged.

"Holy Son-level Tianjiao, whose cultivation level is not the peak of the nine-star general's Mo Yan?" An ordinary-looking man looked at the silver mirror in front of him, and it was the man in white that was revealed in the mirror.

"Are you willing to go?" the man in white said, "If you kill Mo Yan, you will get one million Tianwu coins."

This man is ordinary, but his smile is extremely cold, hehe smiled, and said in a low voice: "I haven't killed the genius of the holy child, but it is only the cultivation of a small nine-star general at the peak of the peak. It is also easy to deal with. One million Tianwu coins, I will accept it, and tomorrow, I will kill that kid."

After the man finished speaking, a large amount of words appeared on the mirror.

"This is detailed information about Mo Yan, which may be helpful to you." After speaking, the man in white cut off the connection.

But the ordinary man sneered and said to himself, "It's just a small military general, what more information is needed, and he will be killed tomorrow."

After speaking, I saw the man's body tremble and turned into a three-meter-tall toad. Toad, it turned out to be a monster.

Looking at the cultivation base of this monster, it has already reached the realm of King Wu.

In the realm of King Wu, the whole body is covered with pimples, extremely ugly clams. It seems that dealing with Li Mushen is just a matter of raising a finger.

Then, this clam. The toad left the cave where it was, and rode away with the rainbow.

He left the poisonous hills and entered the territory of the human race, looking at the huge and magnificent town in front of him, the toad. The toad turned into a human figure again, smiled coldly, and then entered the imperial capital.


Late at night, in the Immortal Tower.

Li Mushen returned to the Dengxian Tower and walked to the Clear Water and Blue Sky Pavilion.

On the street, Li Mushen and the Qianshang fight can be said to have all the upper hand, and the Qianshang is not his opponent at all, but presumably that Qianshang will not just stop there.

"The soldiers will block the water and cover the soil. They dare not break the rules and kill me. They must use other means. However, I have practiced Shen Yunyi. If I encounter danger, I can detect it at the first time, but it is not that dangerous. ." Li Mushen said indifferently, without any worries.

In the Clear Water and Blue Sky Pavilion, Zi Ruyan and He Jing had already rested. When Li Mushen returned to the Clear Water and Blue Sky Pavilion, he saw that Uncle Turtle was still there.

"The boy is back."

When Li Mushen came back, Uncle Gui found Li Mushen.

"Master Turtle, why haven't you rested yet?" Li Mu said.

Uncle Turtle said, "It's still early, and I don't plan to rest yet."

Li Mushen tipped his nose silently.

But I heard Uncle Turtle ask: "Boy, have you heard the news?"

"What news?" Li Mu said.

"Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill Recipe, I didn't expect such an elixir to appear in the Wanbao auction house tomorrow, and I don't know if that elixir can make people master the power of heaven and earth as rumored, if it is true If this is the case, it will be fine." Master Turtle said.

"Since Wanbao Auction House can put out the pill recipe for auction, it is naturally true. What, do you want the pill recipe of the Nine Suns Sacred Heart Pill?" Li Mushen asked.

"I can't master the power of heaven and earth. If I can master the power of heaven and earth, my knowledge in the formation method will be deepened. I don't care about that Dan Fang, but I don't care about Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill. Like it."

"Do you want Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill?" Li Mu looked at Uncle Turtle with a half-smiling smile.

"I am afraid that many people in the imperial capital want to get such a treasure pill, and this uncle naturally wants to get this Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill, so as to master the power of heaven and earth."

"In a few days, I will give it to you." Li Mushen said.

Uncle Gui looked at Li Mushen, his eyes flickered, and said, "Do you have the Nine Suns Sacred Heart Pill?"

Li Mushen just smiled and did not intend to say it explicitly.

Although the Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill was given to Wanbao Auction House by him, he did not intend to reveal this matter, when he could hide it, and when he could hide it the most.

"Don't lie to this uncle, boy," said Uncle Turtle.

"Don't worry, it's not just you, He Jing, Zi Ruyan, and Canglong Snake all have the Nine Suns Sacred Heart Pill." Li Mushen said lightly.

They are refining Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill, mastering the power of heaven and earth, and their own strength is good.

Besides, even if Li Mushen didn't intend to hand over the Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill to them, after the Heaven and Earth Divine Pagoda was opened, the Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill's recipe would naturally be circulated in it.