Primordial God

Chapter 508: Burning Eagle

"Mo Shuiyi, you see it's Li Mushen, he appeared."

Mo Shuiyi smiled, looked at the figure of Li Mushen coming, nodded and said: "I didn't expect him to come to the coercion of heaven and earth so quickly, I see that he bears the coercion of heaven and earth, his expression is calm and unhurried, it seems that this East Wilderness Immortal courtyard stumped a large number of people's admission assessment is nothing to him."

In the East Desolate Immortal Court, not only Mo Shuiyi and Zhong Ruyi paid attention to this matter, but others also paid attention to this matter, not only the big figures in the secret East Desolate Immortal Court, but also Qian Shang.

Qianshang saw Li Mushen walking slowly on the chain in the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard. His face was gloomy and unwilling.

"Li Mushen, I didn't expect you to come to the admission assessment of the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard. Damn!"

For Li Mushen, anger and murderous intentions arose in Qian Shang's heart, but he knew that he was not Li Mushen's opponent at all. That couldn't be better.

Qian Shang's eyes flickered with dim light, and suddenly left the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard, not knowing what to do.

On the other side, Mo Shuiyi smiled and said to Zhong Ruyi: "Let's go, let's wait for him, I'm afraid it won't be long before Li Mushen can successfully complete the admission assessment of the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard."


During the assessment, Li Mushen remained calm and walked slowly.

With the coercion of heaven and earth, Li Mushen felt the darkness in front of him, the whole bright world became pitch black, and nothing could be seen in front of his eyes.

It can be said that the next Li Mushen couldn't find his way in the darkness and didn't know where to go.

In the darkness, Li Mushen stood there, his eyes calmly looking at the darkness in front of him, and the magic sword appeared in his hand.

One sword after another, Li Mushen cut out three swords.

Along with three sword lights flashing in the darkness, a few strands of light emerged from the darkness.

Soon, the light completely expelled the darkness, and the light was restored again in front of Li Mushen's eyes. This assessment still did not stop him.

Li Mushen continued to move forward, and soon broke one test after another, and with the tests he broke, he was getting closer to the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard, which appeared in the eyes of Li Mushen. Make an outline.

For some reason, Li Mushen looked at the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard in front of him with a bit of joy in his heart. Soon, he will soon arrive at the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard.

The void trembled, and a screeching sound rang out. From a cliff, suddenly there was a golden light all over, like a golden eagle coming towards Li Mushen.

This big eagle's cultivation is not bad, and it has already reached the high-level Martial King Realm, with a fierce wind and a fierce demon wind, and soon came to Li Mushen.

When the big eagle saw Li Mushen, it let out a sharp scream, followed by streaks of golden light from his body.

The golden light is like a blade, and it contains extremely powerful formidable power. Li Mushen can only dodge slowly and avoid the golden light one by one.

In the East Desolate Immortal Court, a warrior looked at the big eagle with a frown and said, "The golden ancient eagle, why did it attack the young man who participated in the admission assessment?"

And Mo Shuiyi and Zhong Ruyi also saw the golden ancient eagle attacking Li Mushen, and their expressions changed and became ugly.

Zhong Ruyi said, "How did the ancient golden eagle of the East Desolate Immortal Court attack Li Mushen?"

Mo Shuiyi was a little worried, and murmured: "Golden Ancient Eagle's cultivation is in the high-level Martial King Realm, and its strength is strong, even the inner disciples of my East Desolate Immortal Court dare not provoke him, will Li Mushen not dare to provoke him? Will something happen?"

Zhong Ruyi's brows furrowed, "I don't know if Li Mushen is the opponent of this golden ancient eagle, but now there is no other way but to watch it quietly."

In the void, the golden ancient eagle's body shone with golden light, just like a golden sun, shining dazzlingly.

This golden ancient eagle kept attacking Li Mushen, and Li Mushen naturally chose to avoid it. At the same time, the ninety-nine hidden doors in his body opened wide, and Li Mushen used the power of immortal demons.

Although I don't know why this golden ancient eagle shot at him, but since he shot at him, Li Mushen didn't plan to keep avoiding it, and he didn't interrupt his mercy.

Immortals and demons used their power, and ninety-nine hidden gates sent a steady stream of immortal and demonic power to Li Mushen, pouring into Li Mushen's body.

At the same time, Li Mushen used Shen Yunyi and disappeared from the chain in a sudden instant, dodging the attack of the golden ancient eagle once again, then jumped and stepped on the body of the golden ancient eagle. .

The golden ancient eagle screeched and shook constantly, trying to knock Li Mushen off his back.

But Li Mushen firmly grasped his back, and a magic sword appeared in his hand.

Then, a sword stabbed the back of the golden ancient eagle!

With a puff, this sword contained the power of the divine power of Li Mushen's immortal and demonic dominance. A sword pierced into the back of the golden ancient eagle, and a splash of blood splashed on Li Mushen's body.

The golden ancient eagle was in pain and let out a pained sound. It was struggling hard, trying to throw Li Mushen from his back, but Li Mushen held it firmly, no matter how the golden ancient eagle struggled, Can't throw Li Mushen out.

After struggling for a while, the golden ancient eagle also seemed to know that he couldn't free Li Mushen from his back. He gave up, his body burned like a flame, and his body shot out even more lingering golden light.

These golden lights were transformed by the power within the golden ancient eagle, and it seemed to obliterate Li Mushen!

chi chi chi...

These golden lights were indeed terrifying, and they shot out, cutting Li Mushen's clothes directly. At the same time, bloodstains appeared one after another on his body.

It seems that this golden ancient eagle intends to use this golden light to obliterate Li Mushen!

Li Mushen's eyes were cold, and even his face was cut with a wound by the golden light, and blood overflowed.

"It seems that you want to kill me?" Li Mushen said.

After finishing speaking, the fire-shaped glyphs on Li Mushen's arms flickered with light, and power poured out, and Li Mushen's hands had flames burning violently.

At this time, unease arose in the golden ancient eagle's heart, and he struggled to break free.

But Li Mushen was firmly on his body, no matter how hard he tried to break free, he couldn't break free from Li Mushen's hands.

At the same time, the flame burned along the hands of Li Mushen to the golden hair of the ancient golden eagle, the golden hair was instantly ignited, and the raging flame burned.

The golden ancient eagle let out a scream after another. He had never felt such pain before, and the blood in his whole body was burning! The flesh and blood of the whole body is burning! Including the spiritual power in his body, his soul, everything is burning.

Among the Eastern Desolate Immortal Courtyard, the disciples of the Eastern Desolate Immortal Court were extremely surprised when they saw this scene, and their expressions changed drastically.

Although they were far away from Li Mushen, they could feel the horror of the flames burning above Li Mushen's arms.

"What kind of flame is this flame?" Someone asked in a deep voice.

"Listening to the screams of the golden ancient eagle, I think even he can't resist the young man's flame."

"That young man must be Li Mushen, who is in the limelight in the imperial capital. It is rumored that he has mastered a terrifying flame, and the nearby imperial town outside the imperial capital is destroyed by his flame!" Someone looked at Tie Li Mushen on the chain, with deep eyes, said in a deep voice.

This Li Mushen is very powerful, he has heard of it, not only him, but many people in the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard have heard of it, among which is because Li Mushen defeated Qian Shang in the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard.

Qian Shang ranked 21st on the list of generals, but was defeated by Li Mushen, so many people were inquiring about him.

When I see it now, this Li Mushen is as powerful as rumored, but the flame burning on his body is stronger than he imagined!

Somewhere in the East Desolate Immortal Court, Qian Shang's face was ugly, "I didn't expect Li Mushen to improve again, and his strength became even stronger."

Mo Shuiyi and Mo Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and Mo Shuiyi said, "I didn't expect Li Mushen to become so powerful now."

At the place of the iron chain, Li Mushen was already standing on the body of the golden ancient eagle in the void, and the body of the golden ancient eagle was already burning with surging flames.

The golden ancient eagle could only make a mournful cry, and its breath became very weak under the power of the fire-shaped glyph.

The golden ancient eagle regretted it. He didn't expect that although Li Mushen's strength was inferior to him, he had mastered such a powerful power as the Fire Glyph!

This kind of flame is extremely terrifying, even if the golden ancient eagle has the cultivation of a high-level martial king, it can't stop the flame!

Even his life essence burned violently under the flame of the fire glyph.

The golden ancient eagle made a cry for mercy, wanting to let Li Mushen let him go.

But Li Mushen didn't intend to let him go, and said, "If you want to kill me, you should be prepared to be killed. Do you think I will let you go?"

The golden ancient eagle made a cry for mercy again.

Li Mushen's eyes were cold, and a fire-shaped glyph penetrated into the body of the golden ancient eagle, and then jumped, jumped off the body of the golden ancient eagle, and stood on the chain.

The golden ancient eagle breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that Li Mushen had let him go, and he turned around and flew away without any hesitation.

Li Mushen stood on the iron chain, watching the back of the golden ancient eagle leaving, he broke into the fire-shaped glyphs in the golden ancient eagle and rioted, and then the golden ancient eagle turned into a flame!

With a bang, a raging flame burned on the body of the golden ancient eagle, like a ball of fire, falling from the sky.

Seeing that the golden ancient eagle turned into flames and descended from the sky, Li Mushen's eyes were calm, and he didn't pay attention after it fell from the sky, and continued to move forward.

The next journey was unimpeded for Li Mushen, and there was no other danger. Step by step, the East Desolate Immortal Court was getting closer and closer to him.