Primordial God

Chapter 509: conflict

Finally, Li Mushen was very close to the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard, and he had already seen Mo Shuiyi and Zhong Ruyi who were waiting in front of him.

At the same time, some warriors in the front have already passed the admission examination of the East Desolate Immortal Court.

Li Mushen showed a faint smile when he saw the two of them, and he walked calmly and came to the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard.

Here, there are naturally several assessment elders. They looked at Li Mushen with complicated eyes and said, "In four hours, you passed the assessment of the East Desolate Immortal Court."

Afterwards, an assessment elder handed over a jade token of a formal disciple of the Eastern Desolate Immortal Court to Li Mushen.

"Now, you are the official disciple of the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard."

Li Mushen nodded, and at this time Mo Shuiyi and Zhong Ruyi came to Li Mushen.

Mo Shuiyi said with a smile: "Sure enough, the admission assessment of the East Desolate Immortal Court is too easy for you."

Zhong Ruyi frowned and said: "The golden ancient eagle is a fierce beast of the high-level martial king realm. I have never seen him attack other warriors, but he has attacked you, and someone must have attacked you secretly."

Li Mushen smiled lightly. Although he didn't know who was behind it, since he was in the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard, if he made another move, he would naturally be found out.

"Let's go, let's go in." Mo Shuiyi said to Li Mushen.

"Don't worry, there are two more people, we will leave here after they come out." Li Mushen said.

"He Jing and Zi Ruyan?" Zhong Ruyi said.

"He Jing and Mo Yu, it shouldn't take long for the two of them to complete the trial for admission to the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard."

"I didn't expect that there was Mo Yu. Mo Yu was only eleven or twelve years old. I didn't expect that she would come to participate in the admission assessment of the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard." Zhong Ruyi said unexpectedly.

Mo Shuiyi and Zhong Ruyi knew that He Jing and Mo Yu were people around Li Mushen. Since Li Mushen planned to wait for them here, Mo Shuiyi and Zhong Ruyi were naturally waiting too.

This is a huge round platform, which is where the square array leads to. Today, there are many warriors who have passed the admission examination of the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard, and some of them have become the outer courtyard disciples of the East Wilderness Immortal Courtyard. Some warriors also became the official disciples of the East Desolate Immortal Court.

However, these warriors became the disciples of the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard. They did not stop there, but left this place and entered the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard.

Among these people, there are not many powerful Tianjiao, because many powerful Tianjiao have either entered the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard, or have become official disciples of the Eastern Desolation Immortal Court under the introduction of major forces.

In the previous life, Li Mushen did not rarely see these extraordinary talents, powerful geniuses with extraordinary talent, presumably Li Mushen will soon be able to see those geniuses.

On the round stage, Li Mushen waited for He Jing and Mo Yu to complete the admission assessment of the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard.

Not long after, Lu Hanshui walked out of the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard and came to the round platform where those warriors who passed the admission examination were received. A pair of beautiful eyes searched on the round platform.

Soon, Lu Hanshui saw Li Mushen who was waiting for He Jing and Mo Yu on the round platform.

Soon, she came to Li Mushen.

In the same way, when the elders on the round platform saw Lu Hanshui, their expressions changed, and they hurriedly greeted him respectfully.

Lu Hanshui waved his hand and said, "It's none of your business."

Those assessment elders left and did not dare to stay in front of Lu Hanshui.

"It's Lu Hanshui." Zhong Ruyi's face was ugly, and she said to Li Mushen, "This woman likes male pets, and there are many people in Donghuang Xianyuan who are her pets, so be careful."

At the same time, Mo Shuiyi's face was also a little ugly, and a pair of eyes looked coldly at Lu Hanshui who came.

However, Lu Hanshui did not put Mo Shuiyi and Zhong Ruyi in her eyes, she only had Li Mushen in her eyes.

When he came to Li Mushen, there was a smile on Lu Hanshui's face.

"Li Mushen, I didn't expect to see you again, congratulations on becoming an official disciple of the East Desolate Immortal Academy."

Li Mushen looked at Lu Hanshui, his eyes were calm and indifferent, neither humble nor arrogant, and said, "Thank you."

If the ordinary Donghuang Xianyuan saw that Lu Hanshui talking to them, they would be flattered, but Li Mushen was different. After all, he knew who this Lu Hanshui was.

It would be best to not be involved in any relationship with this Lu Hanshui.

But Li Mushen didn't want to have anything to do with this Lu Hanshui, but this Lu Hanshui wanted to have something to do with him.

Li Mushen ignored Lu Hanshui.

However, Lu Hanshui is not angry. If it is normal, if someone dares to treat her like this, she will definitely be very angry, but she is interested in Li Mushen after all. Although Li Mushen treats her like this, she is not angry, but she is even more towards Li Mushen. interested in.

"Li Mushen, now you have become the official disciple of the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard, I will take you to your residence." Lu Hanshui said.

Li Mushen looked at Lu Hanshui and said, "You don't need to worry, as for the residence, I will find it myself."

After rejecting her twice, Lu Hanshui's face was still not angry. Although she was in her thirties, she had a delicate face and a plump figure. If you didn't know Lu Hanshui, you would think that she was only twenty-one years old.

Lu Hanshui's body carried the seductive aura of a mature woman, and it was also this kind of aura. There were many geniuses in the East Wilderness Immortal Court, and there were many geniuses who were one in ten thousand. Even the geniuses of the holy child level, some people knelt down on her pomegranate skirt. Down.

Although Li Mushen rejected her twice, and it was the third time on the stage, Lu Hanshui was even more happy in her heart, she liked such a person.

If she made this Li Mushen her male pet, she would be very excited to think about it.

Looking at Li Mushen in front of him, Lu Hanshui seemed to have seen Li Mushen buried deep in her legs.

Unconsciously, in Lu Hanshui's heart, a sense of pleasure arises spontaneously, which is extremely exciting.

The peach blossoms around the eyes are like water, like a peony flower in bud.

"Sao | woman." Looking at the unrestrained breath that Lu Hanshui exuded, Mo Shuiyi frowned, disgusted in her eyes, and secretly said in her heart.

Li Mushen frowned as he looked at the Lu Hanshui in front of him, and he was also displeased, especially the state of Lu Hanshui at the moment made him not want to talk to this Lu Hanshui. If it wasn't for waiting for He Jing and Mo Yu, he would have long ago He left with Mo Shuiyi and Zhong Ruyi.

Lu Hanshui's eyes shone brightly, and he said to Li Mushen: "Li Mushen, come with me, I am the deacon elder of the East Wilderness Immortal Courtyard, if you follow me, I will give you a lot of benefits."

"I'm not interested." Li Mushen said, and he stopped paying attention to Lu Hanshui.

Li Mushen was indifferent to her and refused thousands of miles away, but Lu Hanshui was even more interested in him and said to Li Mushen: "Li Mushen, you are not interested in me, but I am very interested in you."

At the same time, this Lu Hanshui said some explicit words to Li Mushen.

Li Mushen frowned, and was already very unhappy. He said in a deep voice, "Lu Hanshui, please respect yourself."

At the same time, Mo Shuiyi, who was beside Li Mushen, also whispered: "Sao fox, Sao | woman."

Although Mo Shuiyi's words were very subtle, she clearly heard Lu Hanshui's cultivation. If it was what Li Mushen said, she would not mind, but would be very happy, but if it was what Mo Shuiyi said , then she got angry.

Her face changed, her face was cold, and she looked at Mo Shuiyi.

"What did you say?"

At the same time, from this Lu Hanshui's body, a strong aura of power emanated, coercing and crushing Mo Shui Yi.

Mo Shuiyi's cultivation was still too weak, and under the strong pressure of Lu Hanshui, her face turned pale, but she was not afraid, and said, "Don't you hear what I said, bitch, **** fox."

If it is normal, it is not likely that this Mo Shuiyi would scold Lu Hanshui like this. After all, Lu Hanshui was a deacon elder in the East Wasteland Immortal Courtyard and held a high position, but now she is by Li Mushen's side and has affection for Li Mushen. When she saw Lu Hanshui treating Li Mushen like this, she was naturally unhappy, so she no longer hesitated and said what she was thinking.

"You dare to say it again." Lu Hanshui's eyes were cold and his face was gloomy.

In Lu Hanshui's eyes, murderous aura overflowed.

It seems that because of Mo Shuiyi scolding her, she has already murdered Mo Shuiyi.

Li Mushen frowned and unknowingly stood in front of Mo Shuiyi and looked at Lu Hanshui.

Lu Hanshui looked at Li Mushen coldly and said, "Li Mushen, this matter has nothing to do with you, go away!"

"She is my friend, and this matter has something to do with me." Li Mushen said: "Lu Hanshui, as the deacon elder of the East Desolate Immortal Institute, do you want to do something to the disciples of the East Desolate Immortal Institute?"

Seeing that Li Mushen actually spoke for Mo Shuiyi, Lu Hanshui felt even more upset.

She said in a deep voice, "Since I am the deacon elder of the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard, but who dares to insult me? Even if she dares to insult me, she will have to accept the punishment of the Eastern Wilderness Immortal Courtyard."

It seems that Lu Hanshui is determined to take action against Mo Shuiyi. She is not only trying to vent her anger, but more importantly, she wants to let Li Mushen know her power and let Li Mushen think about it. Whether to agree with her.

But Lu Hanshui underestimated Li Mushen after all.

To know that Li Mushen is arrogant, even if the big man of the East Desolate Immortal Court comes, he is not necessarily afraid, not to mention that he is walking with the Molong King as his backing, so he will not be afraid of this Lu Hanshui.

"Li Mushen, get out of the way!" Lu Hanshui said to Li Mu.

"What if I don't let go?" Li Mu said.

Lu Hanshui sneered, "Li Mushen, you are just a little military general, to tell you the truth, I like male pets, and I am good to you just because I want to make you my pet. Who do you think you are? If you don't go away, don't blame me for being rude!"

Unfortunately, Lu Hanshui didn't know that the backer behind Li Mushen was King Molong, nor did she know what happened outside Dengxian Tower today. If she knew what happened outside Dengxian Tower today, I'm afraid she wouldn't say such a thing.