Primordial God

Chapter 510: What about Zhang Ding?

Mo Shuiyi was worried, and at this moment she felt a little regretful.

The Lu Hanshui in front of him is the deacon elder of the East Desolate Immortal Court. He has always been ruthless. If anyone dares to provoke her, most of them will die in her hands. Why can't he think of saying such a thing.

However, she was not afraid to see Lu Hanshui so strong and pressing. She had been in the East Desolate Immortal Court for several months, and she had been taught by Elder Longshan.

Elder Longshan's cultivation base is strong, and he can be regarded as a character in the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard. Although this Lu Hanshui is the deacon elder of the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard, he is far from being an opponent of Elder Longshan.

Her master is Elder Longshan. Could it be that Lu Hanshui dared to do something to her?

Thinking of this, Mo Shuiyi's heart was also a little hard, and she said to Li Mushen: "Li Mushen, you step aside, don't worry about me, I will be fine."

Li Mushen didn't let go, because he knew what kind of person Lu Hanshui was. I'm afraid that if he stepped aside, Lu Hanshui would really do something to her, or even kill her.

"My master is Elder Longshan, she dare not kill me." Mo Shui Yi said.

At the same time, Zhong Ruyi next to him said to Lu Hanshui, "Deacon Lu, this Mo Shuiyi is Elder Longshan's favorite disciple, are you sure you dare to do it?"

As for Elder Longshan, Li Mushen also heard about it in his previous life. He has already crossed the Wuzun realm and is one of the big figures in the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard. Unexpectedly, Mo Shuiyi has become the disciple of the elder Longshan. This is what Li Mushen did not expect. , somewhat unexpectedly.

Since this Elder Longshan is Mo Shuiyi's master, I am afraid that Lu Hanshui really doesn't dare to do it. In this case, Li Mushen has nothing to worry about. He stepped aside from Mo Shuiyi and looked at Lu Hanshui.

"Are you a disciple of Elder Longshan?" Lu Hanshui said in a deep voice, with light shining in his eyes.

Mo Shuiyi nodded and said, "Yes, Elder Longshan is my master."

"Damn, it turns out to be the disciple of that old guy from Longshan." Lu Hanshui secretly said in his heart, full of unwillingness.

She knows the power of Elder Longshan well, since this Mo Shuiyi is really the disciple of Elder Longshan, she really does not dare to do anything to Mo Shuiyi.

The murderous aura on her body subsided, she looked at Mo Shuiyi coldly, her eyes widened, and she said, "I'll let you go today, and I won't have such good luck next time."

Mo Shuiyi didn't answer Lu Hanshui's words, but he breathed a sigh of relief and said secretly: "I didn't expect that the name of the master is still very useful. No wonder she made me report her name when I encountered any danger. It really is."

Since Mo Shuiyi belonged to Elder Longshan, Lu Hanshui didn't dare to care about her, but looked at Li Mushen and said coldly: "Li Mushen, you heard what I said just now, be my male pet, I Let you have a huge power in the East Desolate Immortal Court, and get huge resources for you to cultivate."

Li Mushen narrowed his eyes and looked at Lu Hanshui, "Lu Hanshui, do you think this is possible?"

Lu Hanshui sneered, "Don't want to? Do you know how many people in the East Wilderness Immortal Court want to be my male pet?"

"Why should I know?" Li Mushen said calmly.

Lu Hanshui took a deep look at Li Mushen, but she didn't do anything, but said, "Li Mushen, as long as you are in the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard, there will be a day | I will make you my male pet!"

After speaking, Lu Hanshui didn't stop on this round platform, and turned to leave.

After Lu Hanshui left, the elders of the assessment looked at Li Mushen with admiration in their eyes. In the Eastern Wilderness Immortal Court, except for those who were the saints or those with powerful forces behind them, most of them could only humiliate at the feet of Lu Hanshui. Become Lu Hanshui's male pet.

But not everyone can become Lu Hanshui's favorite male favorite, and many people have no chance to become Lu Hanshui's male favorite. There are assessment elders on the round platform who are envious of Li Mushen and jealous.

This Lu Hanshui is a great beauty, especially that Lu Hanshui's plump and plump figure is favored by countless warriors in the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard.

Even the assessment elders on the round stage sometimes discussed about her Lu Hanshui, but unfortunately they only discussed in secret. Although they were eager for that Lu Hanshui's figure, they were just thinking about it.

After all, Lu Hanshui didn't look down on them.

However, the most unexpected thing for these assessment elders was that Li Mushen actually rejected Lu Hanshui.

They gave Li Mushen a deep look, but they didn't pay any more attention.

"There's trouble." Next to Li Mushen, Zhong Ruyi frowned and said to Li Mushen, "Then Lu Hanshui has already set his sights on you."

Next to him, Mo Shuiyi bit his lip slightly and said to Li Mushen: "Li Mushen, you don't have to worry about her, I will tell the master about this, and let the master protect you, then you will not be afraid of her."

However, Li Mushen didn't have any worries. Although Lu Hanshui was staring at him, it was just some trouble for Li Mushen, and he was not afraid of that Lu Hanshui.

As for being Lu Hanshui's male pet, it is even more impossible.

"No need to worry." Li Mushen said calmly, as if he didn't take Lu Hanshui's business to heart.

Mo Shuiyi knew that since Li Mushen said there was no need to worry, then they would not need to worry. Presumably, Li Mushen had a way to deal with it.

Next, Li Mushen, Mo Shuiyi, and Zhong Ruyi waited quietly on the round platform. It won't take long before He Jing and Mo Yu can successfully complete the admission assessment.

On the round stage, there were more and more warriors who successfully passed the admission examination of the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard, but they still did not see He Jing and Mo Yu completing the admission examination and walking out of the sea of ​​clouds.

Li Mushen's brows were slightly wrinkled, because logically, He Jing and Mo Yu should have completed the admission test, why didn't they walk out of it? Did something happen?

On the round stage, more and more warriors have completed the admission examination, but they still haven't seen He Jing and Mo Yu.

Time passed quickly, and fewer and fewer warriors passed the admission examination. If they did not pass the admission examination by now, they would probably have failed.

Zhong Ruyi said, "Why haven't He Jing and Mo Yu passed the admission test, did they fail?"

Mo Shuiyi did not speak.

Li Mushen's eyes looked at the surging sea of ​​clouds. Unconsciously, his brows were furrowed.

He was confident that He Jing and Mo Yu could complete the admission test, but why haven't they come out yet?

"Look, is that Mo Yu?" At this time, Zhong Ruyi's eyes lit up, and he saw a girl walking out of the sea of ​​clouds. She was only eleven or twelve years old, but her face was very pale, with no blood at all.

She walked hurriedly, as if someone was chasing her, biting her lip and walking on the chain.

She walked out of the sea of ​​​​clouds, endured the pressure of heaven and earth, with sadness on her pale face, and even two dry tears on her cheeks.

Under the pressure of the chain, her thin body bent and seemed to be in great pain. She endured it silently, and at the same time looked up at the East Desolate Immortal Court in front of her.

Finally, she saw Li Mushen on the stage. She didn't know where the motivation came from. Every step was strong and strong, walking on the chain.

On the round stage, Li Mushen frowned at this scene. He thought He was still behind Mo Yu, but he didn't.

After Mo Yu walked out of the sea of ​​clouds, He Jing was not seen walking out of the sea of ​​clouds for a long time.

"Where did He Jing go?" Li Mushen thought.

He looked at Mo Yu, waiting for Mo Yu to complete the admission assessment of the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard.

Mo Yu was young and had a weak cultivation base. She was just a little girl. She was able to get to this point in the hospital admission assessment, and many people nodded and praised her.

She bit her lip and endured the great pain of the admission examination. After more than half an hour, she finally completed the rest of the admission examination and successfully came to the round stage.

Walking onto the round platform, she completed the admission assessment of the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard. She seemed to have exhausted all the strength in her body and fell to the ground.

Li Mushen protected the fallen Mo Yu and said, "Mo Yu, what happened, why are you the only one, He Jing?"

Mo Yu's eyes were wet, and she said, "Brother Li, Sister Jing failed and did not complete the admission examination."

Li Mushen frowned, and the power of the Life Glyph poured into Mo Yu's body.

Soon, Mo Yu's pale complexion also turned bloody, and she gradually recovered.

"What happened? Tell me in detail." Li Mushen said to Mo Yu.

Mo Yu nodded, and she said to Li Mushen, "Sister Jing and I were all going well in the admission assessment. If there were no accidents, Sister Jing and I would have already completed the assessment of the East Desolate Immortal Academy."

Mo Yu bit her lip and said, "But just ahead, Sister Jing and I met a man."

"and then?"

"The man knew Sister Jing, and I heard from Sister Jing that the man's name was Zhang Ding. It was that Zhang Ding who knocked Sister Jing down and made Sister Jing fail the admission assessment." Mo Yu said.

"Zhang Ding?" Li Mushen's eyes narrowed and he thought of who that Zhang Ding was. When he met He Jing, that Zhang Ding was by He Jing's side. He was a member of the Zhang family in the imperial capital, and he also had a relationship with Li Mushen. There are some minor contradictions.

When he was near Huangzhen, Li Mushen never saw Zhang Ding again. He didn't expect that Zhang Ding would come to participate in the admission examination of the East Desolate Immortal Court, and let He Jing fail in the admission examination.

"What was the situation at that time?" Li Mushen asked with a frown.

Mo Yu said, "Sister Jing and I are neither fast nor slow, but Zhang Ding is very fast. He caught up with Sister Jing and entangled with Sister Jing. Sister Jing ignored her, and finally Zhang Ding got angry. , then bullied Sister Jing, who was not his opponent, and was slapped by him and fell off the chain, thus failing the assessment."

"Sister Jing let me go first and let me complete the admission assessment of the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard." Mo Yu said to Li Mushen.

Li Mushen's expression no longer changed, and he said, "If that's the case, what about Zhang Dingren?"