Primordial God

Chapter 511: meridians burn out

Mo Yu shook his head, "He was behind me. Although he put Sister Jing down in chains and made Sister Jing fail the assessment, he was also injured, so he didn't catch up with me and let me escape."

"Who is that Zhang Ding?" Zhong Ruyi said coldly, "If he comes out of the sea of ​​clouds, let's see how I can deal with him."

Li Mushen didn't speak, the power of the Glyph of Life poured into Mo Yu's body.

Mo Yu said to Li Mushen, "Brother Li, now that Sister Jing has failed the assessment, can she not become a disciple of the Eastern Wilderness Immortal Academy? What should I do?"

Li Mushen patted Mo Yu's back, and said lightly, "You don't need to worry, He Jing can enter the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard."

"Really?" Hope rose in Mo Yu's eyes.

Li Mushen nodded.

Now that Li Mushen has nodded. Then Mo Yu had already believed Li Mushen's words, she breathed a sigh of relief, it would be better for Sister Jing to enter the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard.

However, Mo Shuiyi, who was next to him, said curiously, "Li Mushen, then He Jing has already failed the admission examination. How did you let her enter the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard?"

Li Mushen shook his head slightly, and didn't say it clearly.

As for how He Jing entered the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard, it was because the previous life Li Mushen also failed in the admission examination, but he did not succeed, but for some reason, a re-examination was held later, and after completing the re-examination, he could still become an East Desolate Immortal. Disciple of the Academy!

As for Li Mushen's previous life, because he failed the admission assessment, he participated in the re-examination assessment, and finally entered the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard, where he first became an outer courtyard disciple of the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard.

Now Li Mushen almost knows why there is a re-examination in the East Desolate Immortal Academy, presumably the re-examination was because of the accident that happened in the admission examination, the crocodile.

Since He Jing failed in the first assessment, she will be able to pass in the re-examination.

For He Jing, Li Mushen still has confidence, not to mention why Li Mushen has refined Jiuyang Sacred Heart Pill, allowing He Jing to master the power of heaven and earth, and completing the re-examination assessment will naturally be much easier.

"What should I do now?" Zhong Ruyi asked Li Mushen.

Li Mushen said: "Wait here, presumably that Zhang Ding is about to complete the admission examination."

Having said that, Li Mushen looked at the sea of ​​clouds, his eyes flashing with a cold light.

He Jing was his friend. Since Zhang Ding dared to take action against He Jing, don't blame him for being merciless.

Mo Shuiyi and Zhong Ruyi didn't speak, but they already knew what Li Mushen wanted to do.

The four of them waited on the round platform. At the same time, Mo Yu got the jade card given to her by the assessment elder, because the admission assessment took too long for her to complete, but she became an outer courtyard disciple of the East Desolate Immortal Academy.

Mo Yu showed a smile. Although she only became a disciple of the outer courtyard, she was already very satisfied.

Li Mushen stood on the round platform. As time passed, it was almost evening, the sky had darkened, and the admission assessment was about to end.

Finally, Li Mushen saw a figure walking out from the sea of ​​clouds.

And that figure was none other than that Zhang Ding.

Zhang Ding broke through the cloud and fog, and it was difficult to walk on the chain, but he finally breathed a sigh of relief when he looked at the East Desolate Immortal Court in front of him.

"That **** bitch, how dare you shoot at me, cough..." Zhang Ding touched his chest and said to himself.

During the admission assessment, when Zhang Ding dealt with He Jing, he did not expect that He Jing's strength would become so powerful, and he even grasped the power of heaven and earth!

This was something Zhang Ding didn't expect, so He Jing suffered a lot of injuries in the hands, but fortunately, He Jing lost the qualification for the assessment of the East Desolate Immortal Academy in order to protect the little girl.

"He Jing, this **** bitch." Zhang Ding gritted his teeth while touching his aching chest.

Finally, Zhang Ding finished walking the chain, came to the high platform of the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard, and completed the assessment of the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Zhang Ding discovered Mo Yu.

Mo Yu stood on the high platform and looked at him coldly.

Zhang Ding sneered and said to Mo Yu, "You little girl didn't leave, are you waiting for me or that **** He Jing?"

Mo Yu bit her lip and looked at her coldly, full of anger towards him.

At this moment, the sneering expression on Zhang Ding's face suddenly solidified, because he saw Li Mushen next to Mo Yu.

He was shocked and said solemnly: "How is it possible, why is Li Mushen here?"

He rubbed his eyes, only to realize that all this was true, Li Mushen was beside Mo Yu, looking at him blankly.

Zhang Ding's face changed slightly, he was afraid of Li Mushen, and even stepped back, took a few steps back, and looked at Li Mushen.

"You... why are you here?"

For Li Mushen, Zhang Ding is naturally terrifying.

Because he had seen the power of Li Mushen, the entire family town near Huanghuang was destroyed because of Li Mushen, and was burned to ashes by a terrifying fire overnight.

At the same time, he also heard about something that happened in the imperial capital today.

And this matter is about Li Mushen. Outside the Dengxian Building, there are several powerful forces waiting for Li Mushen to come out. Almost everyone thinks that Li Mushen will die, but the final result is not the case.

Li Mushen hardly received any harm, but those with great power were harmed, and even several powerful figures in the realm of Venerables died outside the Dengxian Tower.

The final result was naturally that all these people returned home, and the major forces, including the Zhang family, ordered that martial artists were prohibited from provoking him.

And those who can provoke Li Mushen can't be the powerhouses of the major forces, only the younger generation can provoke Li Mushen.

If the younger generation can kill Li Mushen, of course it is the best, but Li Mushen is powerful. Although he only has the cultivation of the peak of the nine-star generals, his strength is unfathomable. How many young people are there? his opponent.

But all in all, Zhang Ding is definitely impossible to be Li Mushen's opponent, Li Mushen's strength is so powerful that he can easily obliterate him!

Zhang Ding was frightened, his face was pale, if he knew that Li Mushen was here, he would rather fail the examination in the hospital than see him.

After all, she had just dealt with He Jing and let He Jing fail the admission examination. Mo Yu was by Li Mushen's side, so Mo Yu must have known about this.

Zhang Ding stepped back.

"Where do you want to retreat? There is a sea of ​​clouds below." Behind him, a sarcastic voice came from a man.

Mo Shuiyi and Zhong Ruyi stepped back and blocked Zhang Ding's retreat, leaving Zhang Ding with no way out.

Zhang Ding could only face Li Mushen, his eyes dodged, and his heart was nervous and afraid.

Li Mushen took Mo Yu to Zhang Ding.

"I didn't expect that we would meet here." Li Mushen came to Zhang Ding and said lightly to Zhang Ding.

Zhang Ding swallowed a mouthful of saliva, a smirk appeared on his face, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Mo Yu looked at Zhang Ding coldly, full of hatred for Zhang Ding.

After that, Li Mushen stopped talking, he looked at Zhang Ding indifferently, but his expressionless face made Zhang Ding worried and scared.

Zhang Ding opened his mouth, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva again, and said to Li Mushen: "Li Mushen, what do you want to do? This is the East Wasteland Immortal Courtyard, you can't mess around!"

"I know this is the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard. As for what you said, I can't understand what you mean." Li Mushen said calmly.

However, at the same time as he spoke, the power in Li Mushen's body poured out, the breath was extremely powerful, and the coercion radiated, crushing Zhang Ding's body.

Zhang Ding stepped back, "You... you can't mess around."

Li Mushen used the power of immortals and demons, and after Li Mushen used the powers of immortals and demons, it was like the pressure of immortals and demons crushing Zhang Ding.

Under the pressure of Li Mushen, Zhang Ding was in great pain.

The magical power of Xianmo Bawei is too terrifying. When Li Mushen used Xianmo Bawei, the terrifying coercion rolled over Zhang Ding's body.

Zhang Ding resisted Li Mushen's coercion, but fell to his knees in just a moment, his face pale.

"His strength is so powerful, but the coercion made me unable to resist, and I fell to my knees." Zhang Ding secretly said in his heart.

At the same time, Zhang Ding's heart was also very uneasy, fearful, because he didn't know what Li Mushen would do to him?

Li Mushen's character is arrogant, even if it is near Huangzhen, he can destroy it at will, how can he care about him? Even if he kills him, I am afraid that the Zhang family will not be able to avenge him. After all, his status in the Zhang family is not very good, otherwise , he will not come to participate in the admission examination, but directly rely on the relationship of the Zhang family to become the official disciple of the East Desolate Immortal Academy, not to waste time in this admission examination.

Being crushed to the ground by Li Mushen's immortal power, Zhang Ding couldn't get up at all, and could only be crushed to the ground all the time, which was very uncomfortable.

"Why did you attack He Jing?" Li Mushen asked Zhang Ding.

Zhang Ding was frightened and did not know how to answer Li Mushen's words.

The coercion emanating from Li Mushen was even stronger, and even overwhelmed Zhang Ding to the ground.

Zhang Ding gritted his teeth and said to Li Mushen, "Let me go!"

Li Mushen narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Don't worry, I will let you go."

After he finished speaking, Li Mushen's eyes shone with light, and the power in his body surged. He didn't intend to kill Zhang Ding, this would not be worth the loss, but he would make Zhang Ding regret what he did.

For some reason, Zhang Ding looked at Li Mushen's eyes, and his heart trembled. He always felt an ominous premonition, but as for why there was such an ominous premonition, Zhang Ding didn't know.

But before he had time to think about it, Li Mushen shot him, and a flame was burning in his hand.

Looking at the flame burning in Li Mushen's hands, Zhang Ding's heart sank. He knew that this flame would destroy the entire Jinhuang Town and destroy everything the Zhang family had done for hundreds of years.

With a flick of the finger, the flame fell on Zhang Ding's body, but the flame did not burn on Zhang Ding's body, but entered Zhang Ding's body, burned in Zhang Ding's meridians, and burned Zhang Ding's body. Meridians burned.