Primordial God

Chapter 555: condition

"How did you **** handle the Fire Spirit Cave, how did you let this person break into the Fire Spirit Cave, and take him down for me!" The master of the young cave shouted coldly.

The people in Huo Ling Cao soon surrounded the sword.

However, Jian Tan was not afraid, he calmly picked up the chopsticks on the table, picked up the dishes on the table and took a bite.

"Yes, the food in Huoling Cave is still good."

Li Mushen said to Jianku, "Aren't you afraid that the master of the young cave will poison this meal?"

Jian Tan smiled, "As for whether there is any poison in this meal, I can still tell."

The people from the Fire Spirit Cave surrounded Jian Greed in groups, and then they launched an attack on Jian Greed, trying to seize Jian Greed.

Jian Tan squinted at the people who were attacking him in the Fire Spirit Cave, with a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth.

Immediately, countless sword qi shot out from Jian Tan's body.

These sword qi shone with golden light, and this sword qi was even more fierce. The power contained in it is also incomparably powerful, those who attacked the sword greed simply could not get close to the sword greedy body, and were stopped by the sword qi that spurted out of his body.

"A bunch of rubbish!" The young cave master saw that his subordinates could not deal with the sword greed, and his face was even more angry. He pulled out his flaming long sword, and the flame long sword spewed flames. Then the young cave master turned to the sword greed. Cut off the sword!

The sword greedy shot and saw the Na ring in his hand, the light flashed and the sword appeared in his hand.

The sword is blocking the front, and with a clang, the fire is scattered!

The sword of the greedy sword collided with the flaming sword of the master of the young cave. For the first time, the strength of the two was evenly matched.

Li Mushen sat calmly at the table, watching Jian Greed and the Master of the Shao Caves indifferently, as if he was not worried about the medicine given by the Master of the Shao Caves in the glass of wine he drank.

In the Huoling Cave, Jianku and the master of the young cave played against each other. They each used the swordsmanship they were good at. The swordsmanship exerted their sword qi in a terrifying and astonishing manner in the Huoling Cave.

The two fought each other, and the others in the Fire Spirit Cave could not intervene at all.

With the constant fighting between Jianku and Shaoku master, it is obvious that the young master's attainment in swordsmanship is not as good as that of Jianku.

Jian Tan sneered and said: "It seems that the master swordsmanship of the young cave in Huoling Cave is just like that."

The master of the cave was indifferent, and he said in a deep voice, "Don't be too complacent."

After speaking, the flaming long sword in his hand slapped on the hilt, and the flaming long sword flew out, turning into a running unicorn beast and attacking Jiantan.

The master of the young cave controls the unicorn beast, and its explosive strength has also become more powerful, and the sword greed is obviously not as easy to deal with as before.

The sword greed slashed on the unicorn beast with a sword, but instead of breaking the unicorn beast's defense, it was shocked and flew out.

He took a few steps back before stopping. Jian Gu looked at the unicorn beast and said to the master of the young cave: "Your strength is so much stronger than I imagined. I underestimated you."

"It's a little bit stronger, but it's enough to kill you!" The young cave master said coldly to Jian Tan.

"Haha." Jian Tan was not talking, he held the sword in one hand, and a treasured sword appeared in the other hand, Jian Tan held the sword in both hands, and said to the master of the young cave: "Then let me see if you can kill it. got me!"

Jianku once again attacked the master of the cave. This time, he used his sword in both hands to deal with the unicorn beast that the master's flaming long sword had transformed into.

Sword Greed's double swords slashed on the unicorn beast's body, bursting with flames, and the sword greed's double sword attack was very powerful, and at the same time strange and cunning. Getting up again became somewhat difficult.

One sword stabbed out, another sword followed closely, one after another, and it was even more airtight!

Cold sweat broke out on the forehead of the young cave master, and finally he revealed a mistake, and that mistake was discovered by Jianku.

Jian Tan smiled and said, "I will defeat you with this next sword!"

After he finished speaking, he stabbed at the head of the master of the young cave from above the left hand of Jianku, while the other right hand stabbed at the legs of the master of the young cave. For a time, the young cave master seemed extremely restless in the face of the two attacks by Jian greed, and he couldn't handle it.

There was no way to face the two swords of Jiantan, so the master of the young cave chose to avoid the sword that Jiantan stabbed at his head with his left hand.


The flaming long sword of the young cave master collided with the sword of the sword greed.

At the same time, there was a puff sound, and the sword of the sword greedy cut through the thigh of the master of the cave.

The sword pierced into the young cave master's thigh, and the blood immediately surged like a spring, and the young cave master groaned and hugged his legs and retreated.

At the same time as they retreated, the people in the Huoling Cave hurriedly protected the master of the young cave.

Feeling the severe pain in the thigh, the face of the master of the young cave was a little pale, and he looked at Jianku coldly under the protection of the people in the fire cave.

"How dare you hurt Li Mushen?" The young cave master said in a deep voice.

"Why can't I hurt you, who do you think you are?" Jian Tan said.

The master of the cave said: "Since you hurt me, no matter who you are, don't even think about leaving me tonight!"

"The labor and management come when they want, and they leave when they want to go! If you want the labor and management to stay, in fact, you have the final say." Jian Tan said again.

At this moment, a deep voice came, "You want to leave today, the young cave master who hurt me in the Fire Spirit Cave | Just stay!"

"Who is it?" Jian Tan looked around.

An elder from the Fire Spirit Cave appeared behind Jian Tan, and he stretched out a hand and grabbed it on Jian Tan's shoulder.

Jian Tan's eyes narrowed, and the sword in his hand turned to the elder of the Fire Spirit Cave behind him and stabbed.

, but this sword did not stab the elder of the Fire Spirit Cave, but was caught by the outstretched hand of the elder of the Fire Spirit Cave, and firmly grasped the sword of greed in his hand.

"Let go of the old man!"

The elder of the Fire Spirit Cave gave a grim smile, and he said, "You hurt the young cave owner of the Fire Spirit Cave, and you still want me to let go. Do you think this is possible?"

Jian Tan turned his head and looked at the elder in the Fire Spirit Cave. Suddenly, he quickly squeezed a handprint in his hand, and then slammed it towards the elder.

Of course, when the elder faced the handprint taken by Jian Tan, he was startled, then stepped back, and at the same time, the hand that grabbed Jian Tan was released.

"The old guy took my sword." After seeing the elder in the Fire Spirit Cave let go, Jian Gu shouted and attacked the elder fiercely.


Suddenly there was a clanging sound, and the pupils of Jian Tan's eyes shrank sharply, and the sword in his hand that was attacking the elder fell to the ground.

At the same time, Jianku was slammed into his chest by the elder's palm, and he felt the sharp pain in the chest. Jianku stepped back, and after a full ten steps, he finally Slow down and stop.

"The strength of this old guy is stronger than the labor and capital imagined." Jian Greed secretly said.

He covered his chest with one hand, and the other free hand grabbed the fallen sword and returned it to his hand.

The master of the young cave put his hands on his back and looked at Jian Qian, "Who are you? Why did you quietly break into my Fire Spirit Cave?"

"Who cares about labor and capital!" Then Jian Tan looked at Li Mushen and said, "Boy, you've already been tricked by this young cave master, do you want to survive?"

Li Mushen glanced at Mo Shui, who was unconscious at the table, then looked at Jian Tan and nodded and said, "Live, of course I want to survive, do you have a way to rescue the two of us from the Fire Spirit Cave?"

Jian Tan nodded and said: "Although labor and capital are not the opponents of this old guy, it is more than enough to save the two of you. How about, let labor and capital save you two?"

The young cave master did not block what Jiankuan said, and he also blocked the elders of the Huoling Cave. He wanted to see how Jiantan would save Li Mushen and Mo Shuiyi. .

"It's okay to want the labor and management to save you two, but the labor and management want one thing, you must know it." Jianku said again.

"Something?" Li Mushen squinted his eyes and thought for a while, then secretly said in his heart, "This sword is obsessed with swords. He must be risking his life for the Fengming Sword on Mo Shuiyi."

"You want the Fengming Sword?" Li Mushen said to the sword.

"That's right, if you want to survive, the two of you have to take out the Fengming Sword. If you two don't use the Fengming Sword in exchange, then don't let labor and capital save the two of you."

"How about it? How about a sword against both of you?"

Li Mushen just laughed and then shook his head.

"Feng Mingjian belongs to Mo Shuiyi, not mine. So I can't make the decision, not to mention that Mo Shuiyi is in a coma now, so I can't make the decision."

"Don't you two don't want to live?" Jian Tan didn't expect that Li Mushen would reject the conditions he said, and looked at Li Mushen with some surprise in his eyes.

Li Mushen nodded again.

Jian Tan's eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes shot a bright light after another. He looked at Li Mushen and said, "The labor and management will ask you one last question, do you really want to?"

Li Mushen nodded again without doubt.

The master of the young cave in the Huoling Cave next to him listened to the conversation between Jiantan and Li Mushen, and his eyes were a little curious.

"Li Mushen took out the Fengming Sword and let this young cave master take a look." The young cave master said to Li Mushen.

At the same time, the master of the young cave indicated to the elder next to him. The elder next to him understood the meaning of the master of the cave and nodded secretly, and then the whole person rushed towards the sword, trying to grab the sword.

As for the elders of the Fire Spirit Cave, Jian Greed had already been vigilant in the dark, and when the elder attacked him, he instantly reacted, stepped back, and said to Li Mushen: "Li Mushen, labor and capital have given you a chance. Now, since you don't want to, then the labor and capital won't play with you."

After finishing speaking, while the sword greed was retreating, he quickly squeezed one mysterious handprint after another in his hand. A dazzling golden light bloomed, the golden light flickered, and then the sword greed turned into a golden long sword, shimmering with golden brilliance, releasing a terrifying sword energy.