Primordial God

Chapter 561: Jin Jiaguang

"Why don't you borrow it? I can pay you." Zhong Tianyong said, but with a provocation in his eyes, he smiled and said, "Could it be that you don't want to ask for money and want to lend it to me for nothing?"

Mo Shuiyi looked at Zhong Tianyong coldly and said, "These two fire spirits are for our use, and we don't plan to lend them to you. If you want to borrow mounts, you can borrow them from others."

Zhong Tianyong shook his head and said: "I see that the mounts you two are riding have a speed that their mounts can't match, and they are faster than theirs. Compared to them, I would like to borrow your mounts."

After speaking, Zhong Tianyong stretched out his hand again, but this time he did not grab the fire spirit of Li Mushen, but the fire spirit of Mo Shuiyi.

Mo Shuiyi's eyes shot a cold light, and then, with nine colors of light flashing in his hand, he attacked Zhong Tianyong with one palm.

"What do you want to do?" Mo Shuiyi scolded.

However, this palm of Mo Shuiyi did not attack Zhong Tianyong, but was caught by Zhong Tianyong with his backhand. Zhong Tianyong grabbed Mo Shuiyi's wrist, and no matter how hard Mo Shuiyi was, he could not break free from it.

Zhong Tianyong said: "Beauty, I just want to borrow your mount, why should I take action? After I arrive at Sun Moon Sword Village, I will return this mount to you."

"Let go!" It's just that Mo Shuiyi was too lazy to listen to what Zhong Tianyong was saying. Zhong Tianyong grabbed his hand and shouted angrily to Zhong Tianyong.

A sharp light flashed in Zhong Tianyong's eyes, and he said, "You want to tell me to let go, do you know who I am?"

Around this moment, because of Zhong Tianyong, pedestrians on the road stopped to look at them. Some people saw Li Mushen and Mo Shuiyi's mounts with malicious intent in their eyes, fearing that they were thinking about Li Mushen and Mo Shuiyi. People are people from the Fire Spirit Cave, and Zhong Tianyong dares to provoke the two of us, I'm afraid it will be difficult!

However, these people may not know that Li Mushen and Mo Shuiyi are not the people who cried for Huo Ling, but the people who killed Huo Ling Cave and robbed their Huo Ling. But these are not important now, the important thing is that they want to see the excitement now.

"If you don't let go now, don't blame me for being rude!" Mo Shuiyi said coldly to Zhong Tianyong, with murderous aura in his eyes.

Zhong Tianyong smiled and slammed his hands, and then he threw Mo Shui Yi Huo Ling off his body.

Mo Shuiyi escaped from the fire spirit, but instead of falling to the ground, she landed on one foot, and then the nine-color light flashed in her body, and then she attacked Zhong Tianyong.

Zhong Tianyong snorted, and he ran the martial arts collection and shot it with one palm. This one contained extremely powerful power, and it collided with Mo Shuiyi's attack. There was almost no accident, and Mo Shuiyi was repelled again. .

Zhong Tianyong shouted, mounted the fire spirit and said to Mo Shuiyi: "Beauty, it seems that you are not my opponent, now this fire spirit belongs to me!"

Mo Shuiyi didn't speak, but she was full of unwillingness. She was unwilling to take away her fire spirit from Zhong Tianyong like this.

After Zhong Tianyong took away Mo Shuiyi's fire spirit, he didn't seem to intend to stay here any longer. He mounted the fire spirit and prepared to leave.

But just as Zhong Tianyong was about to ride away on the fire spirit, the fire spirit below him let out a terrified cry, trying to break free from Zhong Tianyong's body.

However, Zhong Tianyong's strength was strong, and he quickly stopped the fire spirit under him from breaking free, and made the fire spirit submit to him again.

After obeying the fire spirit under him, Zhong Tianyong turned around and looked at Li Mushen, his eyes were full of hostility.

"What do you want to do?" Zhong Tianyong said coldly.

"I'm afraid I should be the one who said this. What do you want to do?" Li Mushen got down from Huo Ling and said lightly to Zhong Tianyong.

"These two fire spirits belong to us, so are you really going to take the fire spirits from us?"

Zhong Tianyong sneered: "It's not enough to seize, I just want to borrow a fire spirit from you. What's more, a fire spirit is enough for you to reach Sun Moon Sword Village, hum, if you entangle more Don't blame me for taking both fire spirits as my own!"

"Oh?" Li Mushen said: "Zhong Tianyong, since you have the ability to **** both fire spirits from us, then come and try to see if you have the strength?"

"You're forcing me?"

Zhong Tianyong said coldly, but in an instant he jumped down and attacked Li Mushen.

In the hands of Li Mushen, the power of the demon turned into a magic sword, which confronted Zhong Tianyong.

The two fought for several rounds, and Zhong Tianyong finally lost to the sharp magic sword and superb swordsmanship in the hands of Li Mushen, and took a few steps back before stopping.

Li Mushen held the magic sword in his hand and stood calmly, "Zhong Tianyong, who is number 19 on the list of dignified generals, is nothing more than that in my opinion."

"You are not from this pseudo-immortal world, you are from the East Wasteland of Immortal God Continent." Zhong Tianyong's eyes narrowed and he said in a deep voice.

"That's right." Mo Shuiyi said, "Zhong Tianyong, we are all from Donghuang. I didn't expect you to do such a thing."

Zhong Tianyong sneered, looked at Li Mushen and said, "Your strength is not weaker than mine, and you are from Donghuang, why have I never seen you before, who are you?"

"Li Mushen," Li Mushen said lightly.

And after listening to what Li Mushen said, Zhong Tianyong's eyes shrank suddenly, as if full of disbelief, "So it's you!"

This Zhong Tianyong also has some understanding of Li Mushen, knowing that Li Mushen is powerful, but what he didn't expect was that he would meet Li Mushen here.

Li Mushen was a little surprised, and secretly said in his heart: "It seems that Zhong Tianyong still knows me."

At the same time, Mo Shuiyi said coldly: "Zhong Tianyong, since you know Li Mushen, then return the fire spirit, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude."

There was contempt in Zhong Tianyong's eyes, "Beauty, although I know him, do you think I'm afraid of him?"

"I have heard about Li Mushen's name for a long time. Today, I will fight him to see how strong he is?"

Zhong Tianyong's eyes began to become serious, with fighting intent in his eyes. He ran the collection of martial arts, and his whole body exuded powerful fluctuations of power.

Zhong Tianyong licked his scarlet tongue and said in a deep voice, "Let me see if I can kill you with my current strength?"

Regarding what Zhong Tianyong said, Li Mushen frowned slightly, and Li Mushen said lightly: "Since you want to kill me, then you can show your true abilities and see if you can really kill me based on your strength? "

"it is good!"

In the territory of Riyuejianzhuang, more and more pedestrians passed by. They gathered around and planned to watch the battle.

It can be said that today is the first time they have seen a battle of warriors from the Immortal God Continent.

At this time, Mo Shuiyi looked at Li Mushen, she was a little worried about whether Li Mushen was Zhong Tianyong's opponent, but Mo Shuiyi had seen Li Mushen's face as usual, and there was no other expression revealed.

When she saw Li Mushen's expression like this, she felt relieved, knowing that Zhong Tianyong might not pose any threat to Li Mushen.

Li Mushen stood quietly, holding the magic sword, looking at Zhong Tianyong.

For Li Mushen, this Zhong Tianyong is not Li Mushen's opponent, but since this Zhong Tianyong wants to challenge him, he does not need to show any mercy, and because Li Mushen feels the murderous aura emanating from Zhong Tianyong's body towards him, This also made Li Mushen even more merciless.

Li Mushen looked at Zhong Tianyong calmly, and said lightly: "Since you want to challenge me, then I will give you a chance, I hope you have the opportunity to kill me, if you can't kill me, then I will definitely kill you. "

"Humph! Arrogant!" Zhong Tianyong snorted coldly and shot directly at Li Mushen.

He pinched a handprint in his hand, using some kind of powerful magical technique, and saw the silver light flickering in the void, accompanied by the beating of his fingertips, the silver light flickering, like a silver thread that shuttled through the void. , and then lashed away at Li Mushen in a fierce moment.

However, Li Mushen didn't care about these lasing silver lights. When those silver lights shot towards Li Mushen, Li Mushen suddenly disappeared between heaven and earth.

"It's gone?" Those silver lights also failed because they lost their target.

Then Zhong Tianyong looked around, looking for traces of Li Mushen, and wanted to find Li Mushen, he wanted to see where Li Mushen was hiding?

But at this moment, there was a sharp sound of sword chirping from behind Zhong Tianyong, Zhong Tianyong's heart sank, but his reaction was quick, and he saw the bronze skin on his body changing rapidly.

A dazzling light flashed on the skin, and outside Zhong Tianyong's body, a layer of light like an armor soon formed.

A bang sounded from behind Zhong Tianyong, and then Zhong Tianyong flew forward, but instead of falling to the ground, he stood with difficulty.

He looked at Li Mushen with a cold light in his eyes, thinking in his heart: "Why did Li Mushen suddenly appear behind him? When did he appear? Why didn't I notice it at all?"

However, Zhong Tianyong didn't think too much about this, because Li Mushen had already attacked him again.

Next, Zhong Tianyong faced Li Mushen's attack, and it was even more difficult for him to deal with it, because he found that Li Mushen's swordsmanship was as turbulent as a galloping river, and it was as smooth as a downpour. For the sake of small bridges and flowing water, they are generally thin and long.

Zhong Tianyong originally thought that Li Mushen's swordsmanship was up to this point, but he didn't expect that Li Mushen's swordsmanship would turn again, like a golden horse and an iron horse with a violent might.

But fortunately, there is this layer of light on Zhong Tianyong's body that is as hard as armor. It is a powerful technique mastered by Zhong Tianyong, called golden armor light.