Primordial God

Chapter 562: arrival

The rays of light are as indestructible as golden armor, and even King Martial cannot break through its defenses! And Zhong Tianyong is relying on these golden armors to block Li Mushen's attack!

However, this is only temporary. As time goes by, the power of the golden armor light used by Zhong Tianyong is also constantly weakening, and the magic sword in Li Mushen's hand can break his magic in just a few strokes.

"No, if it goes on like this, I will always be at a disadvantage, and I will definitely lose in the hands of Li Mushen in the end." Zhong Tianyong secretly said in his heart, he was not reconciled to this, and then he saw golden light lines flashing in his hands.

The golden light pattern slowly turned, exuding surging power, and at the same time arousing the power of the surrounding heaven and earth, which made Zhong Tianyong's palm contain extremely powerful power.

Immediately afterwards, the power of heaven and earth contained in Zhong Tianyong's palm escaped the magic swords stabbed by Li Mushen, and shot at Li Mushen with lightning speed.

Li Mushen saw that Zhong Tianyong slapped it with his palm, his face was the same as usual, and there was no change in his face. One hand held the sword, while the other hand changed into a palm.

It's just that the palm of Li Mushen used the hand of the devil, and there is no flesh and blood on Li Mushen's palm, but a black hand bone.

And it was this hand bone that collided with Zhong Tianyong's palm.


The two collided, and Zhong Tianyong let out a scream in an instant! When he collided with Li Mushen's palm, Li Mushen's demonic hand exploded directly!

The power of the Demon God surged, and through Zhong Tianyong's palm, the essence of life in Zhong Tianyong's body, including spiritual power, was all sucked away.

There seems to be some kind of suction in Li Mushen's hand. When Zhong Tianyong's palm collided with Li Mushen's devil's hand, he couldn't take his arm away. Devouring, the steady stream, made Zhong Tianyong fear.

"Li Mushen, let go of my palm, let go!" Zhong Tianyong shouted angrily, he struggled to break free, but there was still nothing he could do.

On the other side, Li Mushen was expressionless and looked at Zhong Tianyong calmly. At the same time, the magic sword in Li Mushen's hand was slowly raised, the cold light on the magic sword flickered, and the murderous aura slowly spread over Li Mushen's body. out.

At this moment, Li Mushen felt like a demon to Zhong Tianyong. His heart was full of fear, but he had no choice but to watch Li Mushen slowly raise the magic sword in his hand.

Li Mushen's face was indifferent and showed no mercy, and then the magic sword in his hand was stabbed by Zhong Tianyong in disguise.

At this moment, because Li Mushen's demonic hand absorbed most of the power in Zhong Tianyong's body, at this moment Zhong Tianyong was completely unable to resist, he was full of despair, and watched Li Mushen's sword stab over, even if he wanted to Dodging, but at this time he was just powerless.

With a puff, the magic sword pierced into Zhong Tianyong's body, and Zhong Tianyong groaned, his eyes filled with disbelief, and looked at Li Mushen.

At this moment, the hand of the devil in the hands of Li Mushen broke out completely, completely absorbing the essence of life in Zhong Tianyong's body. point.

Zhong Tianyong opened his mouth, he wanted to say something but couldn't say a word, and finally, with his life force, he was completely swallowed up by Li Mushen's demonic hand, and the vitality in his eyes became more and more. It became more and more dim, and finally disappeared, and died directly in the hands of Li Mushen...

And after Zhong Tianyong's death, Li Mushen also withdrew his Demon God's hand, and with a bang, Zhong Tianyong's body fell to the ground.

The warriors who were looking around even exclaimed, and there was a commotion. Their eyes were full of surprise and shock. They never thought that Zhong Tianyong would die in the hands of Li Mushen so quickly. At the same time, they had no idea how Zhong Tianyong died. Not sure.

Mo Shuiyi looked at Zhong Tianyong's body with a stunned expression. Some did not expect Zhong Tianyong to die in the hands of Li Mushen.

"Well, what is this?" At this moment, a mark flew out from Zhong Tianyong's body and fell into Li Mushen's body.

Li Mushen felt it carefully and then knew what this mark was. It was the same as the mark in his previous life. It was the certification of the ranking of the heaven and earth in the Heaven and Earth Pagoda. At this moment, Li Mushen was killing him. After Zhong Tianyong, he replaced Zhong Tianyong in the 19th place on the Eastern Wilderness Generals List.

"Nineteen." Li Mushen secretly said in his heart, then shook his head and stepped over the body of Zhong Tianyong, mounted the fire spirit and said to Mo Shuiyi, "Zhong Tianyong is dead, let's go."

Mo Shuiyi had no sympathy for the dead Zhong Tianyong, because Zhong Tianyong was not worthy of her sympathy. She followed Li Mushen on the Fire Spirit and left under the eyes of the onlookers.

And the body of Zhong Tianyong lying on the ground was not concerned by anyone, but only the shock of the onlookers to Li Mushen.

They still haven't figured out how Zhong Tianyong died at the hands of Li Mushen, and they don't have any thoughts at all!

They looked at Zhong Tianyong's body and gained a deeper understanding of the geniuses on the Immortal God Continent. At the same time, they seemed to have a deeper understanding of the geniuses on the Immortal God Continent.

"The Immortal God Continent is very different from the Pseudo Immortal Realm, and there is a very big gap between the warriors of the two, but at this moment I can't see through the strength of Li Mushen, which really makes me unable to understand."

Some people secretly said in their hearts, their eyes were solemn, and they looked at the backs of Li Mushen and Mo Shuiyi leaving, and there was a little more fear in their eyes.

It seems that Tianjiao on the Immortal God Continent is not necessarily as weak as the rumors say, but makes them dare not have any contempt.

However, this incident is only a small disturbance, and it will not attract too much attention from other people in the pseudo-immortal world. After all, Zhong Tianyong's strength is not so powerful, and it is not enough to call it. If Li Mushen can kill If there is a powerful Tianjiao in the pseudo-immortal world, maybe this will cause a huge sensation in the pseudo-immortal world!


On the other side, Li Mushen and Mo Shuiyi went to the Sun Moon Sword Village. Except for Zhong Tianyong who collided with them on the road, they did not encounter anything else. After half a day, the two arrived smoothly. When I arrived outside the Sun Moon Sword Village, I saw this magnificent sword village.

Sun Moon Sword Village is worthy of being a giant in the first heaven of the pseudo-immortal world.

The huge mountain is like a giant sword that can reach the sky straight into the sky, the clouds are lingering, the fairy rainbow is surging, and countless ancient buildings rise up around the sword-shaped mountain peaks, resplendent and incomparably prosperous.

In this place, the spiritual energy is hazy in the sky and the earth, and this place is incomparably miraculous, and it is a perfect cultivation treasure.

As for Sun Moon Sword Village, on the top of this towering sword-shaped mountain peak, it is like a palace in the sky.

And this Riyue Jianzhuang has reached the sky and the earth, the night can hold the moon, the bright sun can be seen, and the creation of the heaven and the earth, the essence of the sun and the moon, can be born such a transcendent force!

Only this treasure land can give birth to the first strength in the pseudo-immortal world, and only in this Riyue Jianzhuang can an incomparably powerful Tianjiao figure emerge!

Li Mushen and Mo Shuiyi were under the sword-shaped mountain. Mo Shuiyi looked up at Sun Moon Sword Village on the top of the sword-shaped mountain. Her eyes were full of shock and fear. She swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said Amazed, "Li Mushen, the top of the sword-shaped mountain is Sun Moon Sword Village?"

Li Mushen looked up at the sword-shaped mountain in front of him, looked at the Riyue Jianzhuang surrounded by clouds, nodded and said lightly: "Yes, this is the Riyue Jianzhuang."

As for Riyue Jianzhuang, even the previous life Li Mushen did not come, because at that time Li Mushen did not have enough strength to go to Riyue Jianzhuang to participate in the sword sacrificial ceremony. The detachment of the great power, I never imagined that Sun Moon Sword Village had such audacity, even Li Mushen was a little surprised, but Li Mushen was expressionless, and even the shock in his heart did not show.

Among the sword-shaped mountain peaks, there is a jade-like ladder that leads directly to the peak of the sword-shaped mountain peak to the Sun Moon Sword Village, and on both sides of this jade-like ladder, there are five steps for one person and one pavilion for ten steps. Among them, Sun Moon Sword Village The disciples stood expressionless on both sides of the ladder, with a pair of eyes carrying the innate sense of arrogance of being a Riyue Jianzhuang.

On this jade-like ladder, people who go straight to Yunxiao arrive at Sun Moon Sword Village. Because the sword sacrifice ceremony of Sun Moon Sword Village is about to begin, there are many powerful arrogances in Sun Moon Sword Village for the peerless warriors of the sword sacrifice ceremony. Come, they are full of confidence in themselves and want to compete with that peerless divine soldier.

Many of these powerful arrogances come from the pseudo-immortal world and local arrogances, but at the same time, there are also powerful arrogances from various regions on the continent of immortals. Incomparably high, only these powerful geniuses can compete for peerless divine soldiers.

These powerful arrogances are heading towards the Sun Moon Sword Village at the peak of the sword-shaped mountain peaks, and there is an endless stream of people. These arrogances may have some grudges against others, but on this jade-like ladder, even the arrogances with grudges They don’t dare to make trouble here. After all, they are in the Sun Moon Sword Village, and the Sun Moon Sword Village can’t tolerate them here. This mess.

Li Mushen looked at the magnificent Sun Moon Sword Village, then took his eyes back and said lightly to Mo Shuiyi beside him: "We have come to the foot of the Sun Moon Sword Village, let's go, we will go to Sun Moon Sword now. in the village."