Primordial God

Chapter 563: Prepare

Mo Shuiyi nodded, still with a hint of respect for Sun Moon Sword Village in his eyes, followed behind Li Mushen, and then walked towards Sun Moon Sword Village.

The two set foot on the Ruyu Sky Ladder, and after the two of them set foot on the Ruyu Sky Ladder, they only felt a sudden shock in the whole body, and then the whole body seemed to have blood burning, and the whole person's soul seemed to be sublimated. Above the jade-like ladder under his feet, there are one after another ancient mysterious carvings shining with light.

"The soul has a feeling of becoming an immortal. I didn't expect this ladder to be so magical." Mo Shuiyi said in surprise.

Li Mushen took Mo Shuiyi and the two to walk on the jade-like ladder, towards the peak of this sword-shaped mountain.

The two were neither fast nor slow on the Ruyu Heavenly Ladder. When they walked halfway up the mountain, they felt the sharp sword qi emanating from the Sun Moon Sword Village. The strong power makes people feel extremely frightened.

The sword moved, and suddenly countless sharp swords shot out from the Sun Moon Sword Village. All of these sharp swords were swords one after another. Like a sword-shaped storm, they shuttled between the heavens and the earth. Contains the power to destroy all things in the world!

Those arrogances who were walking on the Ruyu Heavenly Ladder, including Li Mushen and Mo Shuiyi, both looked at the vision in that day in amazement.

Suddenly, the jade-like ladders under their feet flickered, and then each of these ladders turned into a sword, standing between the heavens and the earth, and those arrogant faces changed, standing on the sword, but did not dare to. There is any movement!

At a glance, this place has turned into a turbulent sea of ​​swords. There are tens of thousands of swords of various kinds, shining with colorful divine rays of light, and this is just what Sun Moon Sword Village has revealed slightly. It makes people feel incomparably amazed, this Riyue Jianzhuang is worthy of being the supernatural force of the first layer in the pseudo-immortal world!

However, this vision came quickly, but also went away quickly, and soon it turned into nothingness. The swords under the feet of Tianjiao turned into a ladder again, the vision disappeared, and everything returned to normal. It seems that the scene just now was discovered at all.

As for why such a scene happened, these geniuses who went to Riyue Jianzhuang did not understand, but the disciples of Riyue Jianzhuang who were guarding the Ruyu Heavenly Ladder understood what was going on.

A disciple of Sun Moon Sword Village said in a deep voice: "This is the seventh sword elephant in Sun Moon Sword Village. Presumably the peerless magic weapon in the sword pool is about to be born."

The disciples of Riyue Jianzhuang had hot eyes. They looked at these Tianjiao who went to Riyue Jianzhuang. No one can win the peerless divine weapon with me at Sun Moon Sword Village!"

However, these Tianjiao who went to Riyue Jianzhuang were not clear about the sword elephant that erupted in this sword pool. Although they were curious about what happened just now, they didn't think much about it, thinking that it was just the innate nature of Riyue Jianzhuang. It was just a vision. After the sword elephant disappeared, everyone continued to go to Sun Moon Sword Village.

After the sword elephant disappeared, Li Mushen and Mo Shuiyi continued to move towards Sun Moon Sword Village.

Finally, after about half an hour, the two finally arrived at Sun Moon Sword Village, where countless arrogances gathered, dragons and phoenixes among the people, and unparalleled power. The vision hovered for nine days, and there was a tendency of flying dragons in the sky.

"Li Mushen, look, isn't that the sword greed?" At this time, Mo Shuiyi saw the figure of the sword greedy in the crowd, and said to Li Mushen.

Following Mo Shuiyi's gaze, Li Mushen also saw the sword greedy in the crowd. He was a little surprised. He didn't expect to see him here again outside the Fire Spirit Cave. This guy didn't know who he was. How did you come to this Sun Moon Sword Village?

Jian Tan was originally in the crowd, but he seemed to sense something. Looking in the direction of Li Mushen and Mo Shuiyi, he naturally saw Li Mushen and Mo Shuiyi.

When Jianku saw Li Mushen and Mo Shuiyi, there was surprise in his eyes, and he didn't seem to expect to see them here.

"Aren't these two guys caught by the young cave master of Huoling Cave? Why did they escape again?" That Jian greedy thought secretly, but then smiled at Li Mushen and Mo Shuiyi.

He walked out of the crowd and came to Li Mushen and Mo Shuiyi.

"You two, long time no see, I didn't expect to meet you here, you are really fast."

This Jianku greeted Li Mushen and Mo Shuiyi, and it seemed that there was no conflict with Li Mushen before.

Mo Shuiyi didn't like this sword greed, but said coldly, "What are you doing here?"

"Hey, what can labor and capital do? It's just to say hello. After all, we are all from the Immortal God Continent, and naturally we have a care in this pseudo-immortal world."

After he finished speaking, the sword greedy stroked his long beard, still with a malicious smile on his face.

However, regarding sword greed, Li Mushen didn't care much at the time, he just glanced at him lightly and then withdrew his gaze.

Regarding this sword greed, Li Mushen didn't want to entangle him more. After all, in Li Mushen's view, he still wanted to maintain a close relationship with this sword greed. No one knew whether this sword greed would secretly attack the two of them.

After all, a person who is greedy for the sword is like a sword, especially for those peerless swords, and he also wants to get the Fengming Sword on Mo Shuiyi's body. Who knows if this sword is greedy for the Fengming Sword? Secretly shot at Li Mushen and Mo Shuiyi.

Li Mushen said to Apple: "Let's go, Shuiyi, we will now enter the Sun Moon Sword Village."

Mo Shuiyi nodded and followed behind Li Mushen, leaving the Sun Moon Sword Village.

Jian Tan looked at the backs of the two of us leaving, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, but he did not show any other expressions, as if nothing had happened, he smiled lightly, and turned to leave.

The Zhuangmen of Sun Moon Sword Village is very large, like a giant sword opened up. The two giant swords are located on both sides of the Zhuangmen, and these two giant swords are not extraordinary. During this time, almost everyone who came to the Sun Moon Sword Village would stop and look at the two upright giant swords in front of them.

Because there are many arrogances from all over the pseudo-immortal world regarding the sword sacrificial ceremony of Sun Moon Sword Village, Li Mushen brought Mo Shuiyi without any obstruction and entered Sun Moon Sword Village.

At the moment of entering the Sun Moon Sword Village, the surging aura turned into a mist that filled the sky and the earth. This place is even more precious and extraordinary.

"I don't know if the two are from the Tianjiao in the pseudo-immortal world, or from the Tianjiao in the fairyland?" After Li Mushen and Mo Shuiyi entered the Sun Moon Sword Village, a maid came to Li Mushen and his followers. Mo Shuiyi said respectfully.

"The two of us are from the Continent of Immortals and Gods. We heard that there is a peerless divine soldier born in the Sun Moon Sword Village. In order to see the appearance of the divine soldier, we both came to visit the Sun Moon Sword Villa."

The maid had a beautiful face, she smiled when she heard what Li Mushen said, and said to Li Mushen and Mo Shuiyi: "It turns out that the two are people from the continent of Immortals and Gods, please come here, and It will take half a day for the sword sacrifice ceremony to officially start."

Li Mushen and Mo Shuiyi nodded, and Mo Shuiyi said to Li Mushen: "Li Mushen, we must be familiar with the Sun Moon Sword Village in half a day, and try to understand where the Sun Moon Immortal Sword is located. Where is the Sun Moon Sword Village, and then take advantage of the sword sacrificial ceremony to steal the Sun Moon Immortal Sword secretly."

"The two of you came to Sun Moon Sword Village early, please come this way, and the residence has been prepared for the two of you." The maid said to Li Mushen and Mo Shuiyi with a smile.

Then the maid took Li Mushen and Mo Shuiyi to the residence, and soon, he took them to the residence.

"You two, this is the residence of the two of you. If you have any orders, please call me." The maid smiled at us and said, "I wonder if you have any orders now?"

"No, if there is anything, we will call you." Li Mushen said to the maid.

The maid nodded, and then left the residence of Li Mushen and Mo Shuiyi.

After the maid left, Li Mushen and Mo Shuiyi entered the room, and Li Mushen's spiritual sense radiated to the surroundings to check whether the surroundings were safe.

Seeing that there were no other people around, Li Mushen said to Mo Shuiyi: "Shuiyi, tomorrow will be the sword sacrificial ceremony of the Sun Moon Sword Village. Tonight we will sneak into the Sun Moon Sword Village to see where the Sun Moon Fairy Sword is hidden. where?"

Mo Shuiyi nodded and said to Li Mushen: "The Sun Moon Sword Village is heavily guarded, and at the same time it is the number one force in the pseudo-immortal world. There must be countless strong people among them, and it is not so easy to find the sun and moon sword. Easy. Even if we are looking for the Sun Moon Immortal Sword, we must be careful."

Afterwards, Mo Shuiyi said to Li Mushen again: "Master gave me a treasure called the Heavenly Escape Stone in the East Desolate Immortal Courtyard, if we encounter any danger in the process of stealing the Sun Moon Immortal Sword, I just borrowed this Heaven Escape Stone and went away."

"The Escape Stone?" Li Mushen was a little puzzled, not knowing what the Escape Stone was talking about by Mo Shuiyi.

Mo Shuiyi said to Li Mushen: "This Escaping Stone was specially refined by the master for me to come to the pseudo-immortal world. There are thousands of patterns in it. Since this is the instant teleportation of a hundred miles from the Sun Moon Sword Village, it will not be so easy for the Sun Moon Sword Village to find trouble with us at that time."

Li Mushen nodded to Mo Shuiyi and said, "If that's the case, then we two should go to prepare first, adjust our state to the peak, and at night, the two of us will act."

Mo Shuiyi nodded, also planning to do so.