Primordial God

Chapter 85: Open up Xianfei Lake

Li Mushen stared at this scene in a daze, and just watched Eternal Life Pill enter Hong Niangzi's body, and he has never been so depressed in his heart.

In the Primordial Demon Capital, he couldn't get the Nine-Colored Divine Light, but he didn't expect that he couldn't get the Immortality Pill refined by the Nine-Star Yaozun today!

Eternal life is hard to find, he believes that there will never be a second immortality pill in this world!

"You ate it." Li Mushen's face was very ugly.

"It came in on its own."

Hong Niang said timidly, at this moment her life was in the hands of Li Mushen, if he was a little unhappy, then she would not be able to escape.

"How do you feel?"

Li Mushen asked.

"What does it feel like?"

Li Mushen's face was very ugly. He walked in front of Hong Niangzi, and he could no longer feel the breath of Eternal Life Pill.

"What kind of pill is this?" said the red lady.

Li Mushen thought for a while and said, "This is a seventh-grade medicinal pill, called the Eternal Life Pill. Although it cannot live forever, it can prolong life by ten thousand years, wash sutras and cut blood, and it has magical effects."

It can be said that this is a very big opportunity, but I didn't expect to be obtained by the red lady. Maybe this is good luck.

"It's a pity this eternal life pill." The Dragon King sighed.

Li Mushen watched Hong Niangzi carefully, and found that there was a hazy white mist on her body, and circles of light circles spread out on the surface of her body. The whole person instantly changed from weakness to full of energy, like a twenty-year-old girl.

Li Mushen knew that this was the Eternal Life Pill slowly exerting its effect.

Perhaps, this is his creation.

Li Mushen's two worlds also saw it. He said to Hong Niangzi: "Since Eternal Life Pill chose you, it is your destiny. I don't plan to kill you. I hope you don't repay your kindness and revenge."

As for why he didn't kill Hong Niangzi, Li Mushen was not because of pity on Xiangxiyu, but because he had his own plans.

The red lady looked at Li Mushen and said, "You won't kill me anymore?"

Li Mushen shook his head and said, "Whether it's the multicolored divine light or the transformed animal form, to the current Eternal Life Pill, it can be said that your luck is very strong. Maybe there is some grudge between you and me, but today the grudge between you and me will be written off. ."

"Okay." The red lady nodded.

Li Mushen asked Daomo Dragon King to restore her strength.

"Aren't you afraid she will regret it?"

Li Mu said: "I can't see it anymore, I believe she is a smart person."

The Molong King did not hesitate at all, and the soul power entered the body of the red lady, allowing her strength to recover again.

The red lady's eyes widened, this time she believed that her strength could be restored inexplicably because of the young man in front of her.

She looked at Li Mushen cautiously, hesitated for a while, and didn't do anything this time.

Li Mu said: "Red Lady, can you live in your cave for a few days these days?"

The red lady nodded. Because of the recovery of her strength, a charming expression appeared on her face again, and she felt that her whole person had changed under the action of the Eternal Life Pill.

She said, "This immortality pill is also thanks to you, and it will be written off if you write it off. You can live here as long as you want."

"Thank you."

Afterwards, Li Mushen entered the cave and took out the cauldron.

The red lady said, "Are you an alchemist?"

Li Mushen nodded, and then took out the medicinal materials for refining Xianfeidan from the ancient ring.

Then he took out two main medicines, Wu Shigen and Wu Shiguo.

Hong Niangzi knew that alchemists were taboo and planned to leave.

Li Mu said: "Hong Niangzi, don't leave yet, I'll need your help later."

"it is good."

Afterwards, Li Mushen adjusted his breath to a peak state, took a deep breath, and summoned the small fire in the human spirit lake.

The small fire has a spirit, flew directly out of the human spirit lake, covered the Jiuxing Ding, and began to preheat the Ding Furnace.

After preheating for half an hour, Li Mushen threw the medicinal herbs into the Jiuxing Ding and poured the animal blood.

According to the records of Zhen Shi Xian Mo Jing and the memory of his previous life, Li Mushen used the alchemy technique of his previous life, and the small fire turned into a fire dragon soaring in the Jiuxing Cauldron. Instead of annihilating the medicinal materials, he burned it into ashes.

Afterwards, Li Mushen squeezed out a handprint and controlled the flame to transform into nine fire dragons, refining the fairy flying pill with the most common technique among alchemists.

At the moment of maturity, Li Mushen put the black stone root, and the stench wafted out of the entire Jiuxing Ding, causing Hong Niangzi's brows to wrinkle.

Li Mushen took a step, patted the cauldron with one hand, burned it with fire, added Wushiguo, and then closed the lid of the cauldron with a red cauldron.

The fire burned the nine-star cauldron, and the first star on the nine-star cauldron emitted a dazzling light. Li Mushen and the red lady waited, and a gorgeous brilliance gradually rose from the cauldron, and a faint fragrance came out from it. .

It burned with fire for three hours, and the fragrance was even stronger. Li Mushen's eyes narrowed, and he directly lifted the lid of the cauldron, purple energy rose to the east, and a vision appeared.

On the top of the cauldron, the brilliance of the purple gas turned into a fairy, and it was soaring, but it was very dim, and before taking two steps, it would dissipate between heaven and earth.

Li Mushen knew that this was the result of insufficient spiritual power in the alchemy of heaven and earth, and he was one step away from becoming an alchemy.

Next, only rely on the red lady.

"How can I help you?"

The red lady looked at the vision of the immortal stepping up and said in amazement.

"Eternal Life Pill is integrated into your blood, which contains endless vitality. You only need a drop of blood to achieve Pill."

The red lady is also generous, she bit her finger directly and dripped a bright drop of blood.

Li Mushen's ancient spiritual power supported this drop of dazzling blood into the Jiuxing Ding, and directly poured into the immortal flying pill that was about to become.

After blending into the blood of Hong Niangzi, a dazzling purple light emitted from the Nine Star Cauldron, the immortal seemed to have infinite power, stepped out step by step, filled with infinite mysteries, and flew straight away.

Dan Cheng!

When the cauldron was opened, there were a total of seven longan-sized smooth and round celestial elixir.

Li Mushen looked at the seven immortal flying pills with satisfaction, and secretly said: "These seven immortal flying pills should be able to cultivate the second realm of the Zhen Shi Xian Demon Sutra and open up the Xianfei Lake."

He took out seven immortal flying pills, and then put the nine-star tripod into the ancient ring, and when Li Mushen wanted to say thank you to Hong Niangzi, he only felt a shock all over his body, as if someone was peeping at him in the dark.

"It's the Summoning Mirror."

It seems that the city lord of Mocheng has returned to Mo's house to obtain the Summoning Mirror, and he has vaguely found his traces. He frowned and said secretly: "It is imminent to open up Xianfei Lake, and we must rush before the city lord of Mocheng finds himself. Open up Xianfei Lake."


Suddenly, the whole cave shook.

Li Mu said: "What's going on?"

Hong Niang didn't speak, she rode a rainbow of spirits and headed out of the cave.

In the Yellow Spring Desert, Yin Qingshu pointed with a pale face to this area filled with yellow sand, and said to the city lord of Mocheng next to him, "The person you are looking for is in Hong Niangzi's cave."

The city lord of Mocheng took 20 guards of generals and completely blocked the area. His face was gloomy, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was always in anger.

Because of Li Mushen, his son died, the entire city lord's mansion was directly burned down by the fire, and even his wife became a ghost because he was infected with the poison, and he was bound to cramp him to the bone and completely obliterate him!

In the hands of the Mocheng City Lord, he is holding a round of ancient bronze mirrors. This is the Summoning Mirror he borrowed from the Mo family. Through the Summoning Mirror, the City Lord of Mocheng can vaguely see a picture.

"Are you sure he's here?"

The City Lord of Mocheng put away the Summoning Mirror and asked Yin Qingshu, to know that this is the territory of Hong Niangzi, she is a big demon in the martial arts realm, and her cultivation is stronger than herself. If it wasn't for Li Mushen, he would not Come here easily.

With resentment in Yin Qingshu's eyes, he said coldly: "It's true, last night I passed by here, and I happened to meet the red lady who had transformed into a beast. She was seriously injured again, and Li Mushen was plotting against her, so I offered to help, but I didn't expect to be hit by his secret trick."

Afterwards, Yin Qingshu revealed the appearance of Li Mushen to the city lord of Mocheng.

"It really is him!" Mocheng City Lord said coldly, directly using the power of heaven and earth, evolved into a huge palm and shot directly at the sand surface!

With a loud bang, a palm print with a depth of tens of meters appeared on the sand surface. The sand and dust rolled, covering the sky and the sun. The city lord of Mocheng shouted angrily: "Li Mushen, get out and die!"

His angry shouts aroused the power of heaven and earth, directly penetrated the twenty-meter-deep cave under the Huangquan Desert, and clearly entered the ears of Li Mushen and Hong Niangzi.

Hong Niangzi's face was angry, she never expected that the city lord of Mocheng would dare to run to her territory with prestige.

When Li Mushen heard the words of the city lord of Mocheng, there was no flustered expression on his face.

It stands to reason that the city lord of Mocheng couldn't find his trace through the Summoning Mirror just one night, but he found it.

As the cave vibrated again, Li Mushen secretly said: "It seems that Yin Qingshu brought the city lord of Mocheng here."

And with the anger of the city lord of Mocheng towards him, he would never let him go easily. Li Mushen looked at the Xianfei Pill in his hand and knew that Xianfei Lake must be opened up now.

Without the slightest hesitation, Li Mushen directly crossed his knees on the ground, running the Sutra of Suppressing the Immortals and Demons, a force to suppress the immortals and demons wandered in the body, and a monstrous spiritual wave was set off in the Human Spirit Lake. The power.

Soaring in the Human Spirit Lake, the Black Dragon King naturally felt the terrifying repressive force, which was stronger than when they first met.

The power of the Zhen Shi Xian Mo Jing roamed, and Li Mushen swallowed an Xian Fei Dan directly into his body.

After Xianfeidan entered the body, it exploded directly, making Li Mushen's whole person become ethereal, with a feeling of feathering Feixian, making people lost.

But he kept his mind and concentrated the power of Xianfeidan beside the Renling Lake.

There, it seems that the treasure of the human body has been opened. Under the power of Xianfeidan, a lake was born. This lake is very primitive, dry, and there is no ancient spiritual power flowing in it. It looks more like a very small pit. .