Primordial God

Chapter 875: hide

He expected that Li Mushen would find the treasure house of the Nangong family, but what he did not expect was that the Nangong family not only found the place where their treasure house was, but also entered the treasure house!

Is it that weird fog?

This had to be made, he guessed so, looking at all that his body was corroded by the strange mist, he guessed in his heart.

He didn't stop, and rushed towards the treasure house where Li Mushen was located!

Soon, he rushed to the door of the treasure house, and the power surged, opening the treasure house in an instant.

And when he opened the treasure house, what he saw was Li Mushen, who used flames in the treasure house to burn the map.

Especially Nangong Wu Tian, ​​who saw this scene, his eyes were full of incomparable anger, and he roared: "Li Mushen! You **** bastard!"

Li Mushen touched the tip of his nose and looked at him lightly.

"I didn't expect you to break my defense."

Li Mushen said to him a little surprised.

Nangong Wu Tian did not speak, but rushed towards Li Mushen quickly, and his power was suddenly surging, rolling between heaven and earth!

He shot and killed Li Mushen.

Although this Nangong Wu Tian is a half-step emperor, his strength can be said to be extremely powerful and extremely terrifying. He is facing the Li Mushen in front of him.

Li Mushen's strength is only in the realm of nine-star martial arts, far from being comparable to him!

It can be said that he can easily deal with Li Mushen, but Nangong Wu Tian is also very clear in his heart that Li Mushen's methods are definitely not like this.

Whether it's the weird blood-colored bugs just summoned, or the weird mist that the blood-colored bugs emit from their bodies, they are extremely terrifying and shocking!

For the Li Mushen in front of him, he directly used his full strength to directly obliterate Li Mushen!

In the face of Nangong Wutian's full-scale attack on him, Li Mushen remained calm, and he stood there indifferently, which made Nangong Wutian and Nangonghua even more vigilant.

I saw Li Mushen raised one of his palms, and a flame was burning in his palm, and then the flame surged to the extreme, instantly turning into a flaming lion and appearing in front of Li Mushen. !

The flaming lion in front of him was formed entirely of flames, and it was entirely gathered by the power of the fire-shaped glyphs.

When this flaming lion appeared in front of Li Mushen, Nangong Wu Tian, ​​who originally attacked Li Mushen, noticed the power in this flaming lion, and was even more shocked in his eyes. He hurriedly gave up on Li Mushen. Mushen shot and stepped back!

He quickly retreated to Nangonghua's side, looked at the flaming lion, and said in a deep voice, "What kind of power is this that can make me feel an incomparably strong threat!"

He couldn't understand at all, Li Mushen's body exudes this kind of incomparably powerful power. This kind of flame power makes people feel frightened. He didn't expect that in addition to the weird fog, in the hands of Li Mushen, he He even has this kind of terrifying power in his hands!

There, Li Mushen ordered the flaming lion to attack Nangong Wutian.

I just heard the roar from the mouth of this Nangong Wu Tianxiong lion, but it was also burning violently, and then it attacked Nangong Wu Tian.

Before the flaming lion attacked, the raging flames were already burning, burning the entire treasure house in an instant!

As the flames burned in this treasure house, the treasure house turned into a surging flame!

These flames are incomparably astonishing. When these flames rushed towards Nangong Wutian and Nangong Hua, neither of them dared to compete with the flames, but hurriedly avoided the flames!

Fortunately, their speed was very fast. Although the power of this flame was extremely terrifying and amazing, they still avoided it.

It's just that after they avoided the flames, the surging flames completely burned in the entire treasure house, making them only retreat.

Only after waiting for the flame to burn can they enter this treasure house again.

The flaming lion stared coldly at Nangong Wutian and Nangong Hua, and let out a low roar. I don't know how long it took, the roar of this flaming lion finally ended, and the burning flame also slowly of dissipated, in this treasure house.

And in this treasure house, there is no flame, everything is back to normal, Nangong Wu Tian's eyes flashed a sharp light, "Go!"

Afterwards, Nangong Hua and Nangong Wu Tian entered the treasure house again.

It's just that after they entered the treasure house this time, they found that there was nothing in the treasure house.

And Li Mushen didn't appear in front of them either. He has disappeared into this treasure house. As for where he is now, they don't know!

"Damn, where did he go?"

Nangong Wu Tian gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, his eyes swept around, but he did not find any trace of Li Mushen.

At the same time, his spiritual sense also radiated out, looking for the trace of Li Mushen, but still did not find any trace of him here, he seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, with no trace to be found.

"Where did he go? Not in this treasure house? Why has he disappeared?!" Nangong Wu Tian said to himself.

Fully radiate his own power and look for the trace of Li Mushen, but in this treasure house, any aura about Li Mushen has disappeared completely. Where is he hiding now, no one knows!

"Li Mushen, I know you are hiding here, you come out!" Nangong Wutian's eyes were extremely cold, he swept around and said in a low voice.

In the entire treasure house, there is the echo of Nangong Wu Tian.

It's just that there is no one in this treasure house, only the echoes of Nangong Wutian, and apart from the echoes of Nangong Wutian, there is no other sound.

This is quite surprising. Where is this Li Mushen hiding now? As for Li Mushen's escape from this treasure trove, they don't believe it anyway...

Li Mushen must still be hiding in this treasure house, he can't leave this treasure house!

Nangong Wutian directly used his power to block the treasure house directly. In this case, if Li Mushen is still hiding in this treasure house, even if Li Mushen wants to leave this treasure house, then this is impossible. matter!

Nangong Wu Tian and Nangong Hua both searched for the trace of Li Mushen in this treasure house, but to their great helplessness, they still did not find any trace of Li Mushen. Where is Li Mushen hiding now? They don't know at all.

Could it be that Li Mushen has really escaped from this treasure house?

Nangonghua guessed in his heart that there were already some uncertainties.

But now, Li Mushen has not left this treasure house, and now he is still staying in this treasure house, but no one has found his trace. They are all hidden in the void, completely hidden, and will not be discovered at all.

At this moment, Li Mushen stood there calmly in the state of Immortal Invisibility, without any movement.

And it is precisely because he stood so calmly that he did not reveal the slightest power about him there, so this also made Nangong Hua and Nangong Wu Tian, ​​no matter how carefully they searched for the trace of Li Mushen, they could not find Li Mushen at all. Where are you hiding now!

And Li Mushen is naturally impossible to leave this treasure house like this. Only after Nangong Wutian and Nangong Hua relax their vigilance, Li Mushen can leave this treasure house.

Especially now that this treasure house has been blocked by the power of Nangong Wutian, it is not so easy to leave!

"I know you are hiding here and come out for me!" Nangong Wu Tiande said again, looking around the treasure house with cold eyes.

It's just that Li Mushen still didn't come out, he didn't even make any movement, he was still waiting in this treasure house.

Finally, I don't know how long it took, whether it was Nangong Hua or Nangong Wu Tian, ​​they still didn't find any trace of Li Mushen, which also made Nangong Hua and Nangong Wu Tian give up completely.

The two were very unwilling and searched for a while in this treasure trove. After the search was fruitless, they had to leave the treasure trove.

They left the treasure house, and the whole treasure house was calm again.

And Li Mushen did not leave after they left the treasure house, and left the treasure house behind them.

Li Mushen waited in this treasure house, and after waiting for a long time, suddenly Li Mushen noticed the power of Nangong Wutian, and it radiated from the outside of this treasure house.

Sure enough, as Li Mushen guessed, Nangong Wutian came to this treasure house again. He guessed that Li Mushen was still in this treasure house, but when he returned to this treasure house again, he still did not find Li Mushen. any trace in this treasure trove.

Nangong Wu Tian stood at the gate of this treasure house, his brows furrowed, "It seems that Li Mushen has escaped from here."

After Nangong Wutian said these words, Nangong Wutian left again, but Li Mushen still did not leave.

With the cunning and prudence of a half-step emperor, Li Mushen guessed that this Nangong Wu Tian would come back again.

In the state of Immortal Invisibility, Li Mushen hid his figure, and he waited again.

Sure enough, as Li Mushen waited again, Nangong Wu Tian appeared in the treasure house again.

And he appeared in the treasure house again, and still did not find any trace of Li Mushen. He did not speak, but frowned and left here again.