Primordial God

Chapter 882: Shi Yaokui Ant

It is also because of this that this golden mongoose kept approaching Li Mushen, and the gluttonous devil beside him also noticed this golden mongoose. He thought about it and decided to help Li Mushen.

Soon, the gluttonous devil worm was ready. It flapped its wings and came to this golden mongoose, confronting it.

Although this golden meerkat also wanted Li Mushen to die, he was very clear in his heart that it would not be so easy to want Li Mushen to die like this, at least it seems like this now.

And since he let himself protect Li Mushen, maybe this is testing him, that is to say, no matter what, this gluttonous devil must protect it well in front of Li Mushen, so that he will not be hurt in the slightest!

This gluttonous devil is facing the golden meerkat in front of him. Although the strength of the golden meerkat has reached the realm of the king of martial arts this time, it is easy for this gluttonous devil to deal with.

I saw this gluttonous devil making a strange sound, and the golden mongoose looked coldly at the gluttonous devil in front of him. The gluttonous devil worm issued a warning to let this gluttonous devil worm stay away from it.

Let this gluttonous devil not hinder it!

It's just that for this gluttonous devil, the golden mongoose didn't take it seriously. After all, he didn't feel how strong the murderous intention from this gluttonous devil's body, so he must be able to deal with it easily. A gluttonous monster.

The main goal of this golden meerkat is to put it on Li Mushen's body and completely devour Li Mushen.

This golden meerkat slowly approached Li Mushen, but this gluttonous devil worm did not say anything to this golden meerkat, but directly displayed its own strength.

I saw a fiery red light flickering all over his body, and then a gluttonous devil worm triggered the flame in his body. In an instant, the flame turned into a raging flame, and soon burned between the heaven and the earth, and the fire dragon penetrated the body. , the flames outside the body of the gluttonous demon worm instantly turned into a fire dragon.

The fire dragon let out a dragon roar, and then bit the golden meerkat in front of him.

This golden meerkat faced the fire dragon transformed by the flame summoned by the gluttonous worm. He did not realize how powerful the power contained in the flame was. He thought that the gluttonous demon was Summoned by worms.

Thinking that this was just an ordinary flame, this golden meerkat rushed towards the fire dragon summoned by the gluttonous demon insect.

And the roar of the fire dragon was wrapped around the golden meerkat almost instantly. When the fire dragon wrapped around the golden meerkat, the golden meerkat felt a huge pain and a strong sense of danger. He screamed. The sound, but the screams it made were useless at all, the gluttonous devil worm kept biting on the golden mongoose's body.

The gluttonous demon worm devours everything in the world, and how can the golden mongoose in front of him resist the devouring of the gluttonous demon, so waiting for the final result of this golden mongoose, it is naturally death!

That's right, it was completely devoured by the gluttonous demon worm, completely devouring the power in this golden mongoose!

After the gluttonous demon worm completely devoured the power in this golden meerkat, it stayed beside Li Mushen, constantly refining the power it had just devoured from the golden meerkat's body and consuming it. Transform into power within yourself.

It didn't take long for the refining time, and the aura emanating from the body of this gluttonous devil became stronger. Obviously, after devouring the power in the golden meerkat, his own strength also became stronger. Even more powerful, the last gluttonous devil looked towards Li Mushen.

Although his strength has gone one step further, he also knows that he is still far away from Li Mushen's opponent, and it seems that he has to keep trying.

It didn't take long before the sky finally dawned, the sun rose in the east, and the bright sunlight shone between the sky and the earth, and also shone on Li Mushen.

A warm feeling spread all over Li Mushen's body, purple energy came from the east, reflected in Li Mushen's body, and seemed to reconcile Li Mushen's opportunity and vitality.

Slowly, Li Mushen opened his eyes, and from his eyes, a fierce divine light shot out.

This ray of light is extremely flickering and dazzling, and it flashes like a thunder, which is shocking.

Li Mushen's eyes were extremely deep, he looked at this mountain and river, and then radiated his divine sense, looking for the trace of the gluttonous devil, and soon he found the trace of the gluttonous devil.

It turned out that on this night, in addition to the golden mongoose, there were other beasts attacking Li Mushen, wanting to use Li Mushen as food.

But for those fierce beasts, their final result could not get rid of being obliterated by the gluttonous demon insects, and those beasts died in the hands of the gluttonous demon insects, and they were completely refined by the gluttonous demon insects, melted into their own bodies and turned into themselves. the power of.

Although Li Mushen is resting, he has been paying attention to this gluttonous devil insect that he just guarded, and he is cautious. After all, he knows the ambition of this gluttonous devil insect. I am afraid it is not limited to this. Only gluttonous devil insects, I am afraid I never thought of giving up in the hands of Li Mushen!

In this way, he surrendered to the hands of Li Mushen.

But at present, it seems that from what happened last night, and this gluttonous monster, he is still somewhat satisfied with his dedicated protection of Li Mushen.

It seems that this gluttonous devil does not dare to mess around, and now he can only support Li Mushen and wait for the opportunity to do it again.

Li Mushen stretched out his right hand, and between his index fingers, another fire-shaped glyph was blazing at his fingertips. There is fire light flickering in it, and the power of the fire-shaped glyph is in it, even more faintly, looming.

With a flick of the finger, the flame that stayed on Li Mushen's index finger was quickly thrown out by Li Mushen and landed on the body of the gluttonous devil, allowing the gluttonous devil to refine it.

Perhaps it was because the fire-shaped glyphs refined by this gluttonous worm had too much power in a short period of time. In a short period of time, this gluttonous worm fell into a deep sleep.

And Li Mushen naturally couldn't let this gluttonous devil follow him, but let this gluttonous devil enter his magic ring, and let this gluttonous devil in his demon world. practice.

After putting this gluttonous devil insect into his own magic ring, Li Mushen also acted again, and continued to follow the map route to Zhongzhou in his mind, and continued to walk through the mountains and rivers. , go to Zhongzhou.

It can be said that the power in Li Mushen's body is extremely powerful. He is a genius of the holy child level, and his strength is terrifying. I am afraid that few warriors are his opponents, even those monsters and beasts in the mountains and rivers. Facing Li Mushen, I am afraid that it is not so easy to dare to shoot at him.

However, Li Mushen was still very cautious on this journey and did not dare to be careless. After all, Li Mushen was very clear in his heart that there are people outside people, and there are mountains outside the mountains. In the mountains and rivers, there are still hidden Against the beast he can't compete with!

And in the mountains and rivers in this pseudo-immortal world, it is extremely mysterious, and there are too many hidden dangers, such as the few gluttonous demons that Li Mushen encountered last night from this mountains and rivers Insect, this kind of ancient demon insect that has not yet grown up!

I didn't expect this kind of ancient demonic insect, since it will appear in the mountains and rivers, this is really surprising, and it is completely unexpected!

Continue to walk through the mountains and rivers, and on the way, although Li Mushen has tried his best to hide his figure and hide his tracks, he will still encounter those monsters and beasts.

It's just that the strength of the monsters and beasts that Li Mushen encountered was not so terrifying. There were so many that Li Mushen couldn't compete, and Li Mushen seemed to be a little easier to deal with.

Therefore, the final result of those monsters and beasts is naturally that they were all wiped out by Li Mushen. The monsters and beasts that attacked him along the way, Li Mushen showed no mercy.

At the same time, when Li Mushen was walking through the mountains and rivers, when it was almost noon, the sun was shining, and Li Mushen strayed into a fierce place.

In this fierce place, hidden in the mountains and rivers, Li Mushen entered this fierce place before he could react, and as Li Mushen entered this fierce place, he instantly Perceived the surrounding, so the rushing sense of threat!

It seems that here, there are countless pairs of eyes staring at him in the dark, Li Mushen's eyes are deep, even if he strayed into this fierce place, he did not panic, but carefully thought about what to do Get out of this hellish place.

And in this fierce land, there is a terrifying Shi Yaokui ant.

This kind of Shi Yaokui ant is bright red, like blood. It is extremely huge, and it is as tall as an adult. Their sharp pincers seem to be able to destroy everything.

This made Li Mushen look for a way to leave this place in this fierce place. He accidentally discovered the nest of this kind of Shi Yaokui ant. Their nests are even more huge. In this fierce place Among them, it is like a castle, and it looks even more amazing. Li Mushen did not expect to find the nest of this Shi Yaokui ant here.

At the same time, outside this nest, there are those powerful Shi Yaokui ants stationed. Their cultivation is powerful, and even many Shi Yaokui ants have reached the realm of Martial Monarchs. From their nests, Li Mushen is even more powerful. I sensed the incomparably powerful aura of power, and that kind of powerful aura of power can only be exuded by the cultivation base that surpasses the realm of Martial Lord and reaches the level of Martial Sovereign.

"I didn't expect that in this Shi Yaokui ant's nest, there is still the existence of Wu Zun strong."

This kind of Shi Yaokui ant is an extremely powerful beast, and Li Mushen does not dare to be careless.