Primordial God

Chapter 885: steal

Perhaps because of those powerful Shi Yaokui ants, they all paid attention to Queen Shi Yaokui, protecting the safety of Queen Shi Yaokui.

Therefore, although Li Mushen came to the deepest part of the nest, those Shi Yaokui ants did not find any trace of him, and since those Shi Yaokui ants did not find any trace of Li Mushen, the current Li Mushen can be said to be extremely safe. Just think about how to take away all these Shi Yaokui ant eggs!

It's just that these hundreds of Shi Yaokui ant eggs are the hard work of the Shi Yaokui ant family. It can be said that they are the next generation of Shi Yaokui ants. For the entire Shi Yaokui ant family, they are extremely important and should not be lost!

Therefore, for those Shi Yaokui ants, they are also extremely cautious and worried, worried that these Shi Yaokui ant eggs will be stolen, so they are also very cautious about these Shi Yaokui ant eggs, and they dare not be careless.

So in this way, I am afraid that Li Mushen wants to steal these Shi Yaokui ant eggs, I am afraid that he will have to pay a lot of attention.

"How to steal these Shi Yaokui like ants?"

Li Mushen looked at these Shi Yaokui ants, but his brows were slightly wrinkled, thinking in his heart, how to steal these Shi Yaokui ant eggs, he kept thinking, but he never thought of what to do.

For these Shi Yaokui ant eggs, once Li Mushen gets them and completely refines the power in them, it will naturally be crucial to Li Mushen's growth.

Perhaps the incomparably rich life essence of heaven and earth can push Li Mushen's talent to another realm, and it is not necessarily that Li Mushen's talent can be improved a little!

Li Mushen has always been very careful, especially in this Shi Yaokui ant's nest, especially in front of these powerful Shi Yaokui ants, he didn't dare to be careless at all, and he has been thinking about how to get rid of those Shi Yaokui ants in front of them. Shi Yaokui ant eggs were stolen.

And just when Li Mushen was thinking about how to steal these Shi Yaokui ant eggs, the war between Shi Yaokui ants and magic tooth iron ants might have come to an end.

Soon, those Shi Yaokui ants who went out to fight also returned to the nest, but these Shi Yaokui ants who returned to the nest had scars all over their bodies. Obviously, they fought in it, and they ate a lot. big loss.

It seems that those magic tooth iron ants are too powerful, and it is not so easy for these Shi Yaokui ants to deal with them, and they can repel those magic tooth stick ants even more.

And they are only temporary, they use more to bully the less to repel those magic teeth iron ants, the magic teeth iron ants they have to face, and more.

I am afraid that the next time the magic tooth iron ants will come out will be more and more powerful, and if they face it next time, they don't know what to do with this group of Shi Yaokui ants.

As for the situation outside, these Shi Yaokui ants naturally told their Shi Yaokui ant queen, and after learning about the situation, they also seemed very nervous, very dignified, and seemed to be thinking about ways.

However, if she still hasn't figured out any way, it's just that, and she won't just come to provocate like this, but presumably Shi Yaokui's ant queen is already weak, after all, at this moment, she is in the spawning period, and her strength is greatly retreated, so she gave it to this group. The magic tooth iron ants have the opportunity to seize this opportunity to attack. They all attacked aggressively to take away these Shi Yaokui ants. At the same time, the Shi Yaokui ants will never let these ants. Of course, they must be spoiled. They must think about it. The only way to deal with these magic teeth iron ants!

But what they don't know is that although they are trying every means to deal with those magic teeth iron ants, they don't know that Li Mushen has secretly entered their lair, and is now beside those Shi Yaokui ant eggs, Thinking of a way, how to steal those Shi Yaokui ant eggs in their nests.

As time passed, Li Mushen stayed in this Shi Yaokui ant's nest all the time. He was also thinking of a good way to deal with these Shi Yaokui ants and came to take away Shi Yaokui's eggs. Unfortunately, he never thought of it. good idea.

In this way, Li Mushen's brows are wrinkled, and he looks very helpless. Should he give up these Shi Yaokui ant eggs? This is impossible for Li Mushen. He really wants to get these Shi Yaokui ant eggs, but he will try his best to capture these Shi Yaokui ant eggs.

Li Mushen will not let go of any opportunity to improve his strength.

Li Mushen seemed a little helpless, and just in the evening, there was another movement outside the nest, and this time the movement became stronger than the last movement. This time, these Shi Yaokui The ants are almost out of the nest.

At the same time, the Shi Yaokui ant queen kept screaming, as if ordering those Shi Yaokui ants how to act to deal with those magic tooth iron ants.

At the moment outside, it can be said that the entire nest has been completely surrounded by the group of magic teeth iron ants, just like an army pressing the border, there are hundreds of powerful magic teeth iron ants surrounding the entire nest, surrounded by water, you can Said that none of the Shi Yaokui ants wanted to escape from this nest.

The eyes of these magic tooth iron ants are cold and imposing. They stare coldly at the nest in front of them. From the nest, those Shi Yaokui ants are also dispatched from the nest. Soon, the two sides are evenly matched against each other. Looking at each other coldly, as long as an order is given, I am afraid that they will attack these Shi Yaokui ants at any time and fight together again.

In this group of Shi Yaokui ants, there are also powerful Shi Yaokui ants. Before the body of the Shi Yaokui ants has recovered, these Shi Yaokui ants may only be able to deal with these magic teeth iron ants by themselves.

The Shi Yaokui ants in the nest are obviously very worried about the situation outside, but there is no way to do this.

As for the situation outside, Li Mushen didn't understand at all. He stayed in the nest and found the movement in the nest. He always felt something strange. Li Mushen said to himself: "Are those Shi Yaokui ants ready to act again? "

Especially in this Shi Yaokui ant nest, these Shi Yaokui ants come and go, looking extremely nervous and serious, and have been paying attention to the outside situation, and the Shi Yaokui ant Queen Shi Yaokui ant is also incomparable. Worry, what's happening outside now is not optimistic.

As for what happened outside, Li Mushen still didn't plan to know, but what he knew was that this might be a good time for him, because now most of the Shi Yaokui ants have left the nest and went to To deal with those magic tooth iron ants outside.

On the contrary, there are not many Shi Yaokui ants in this nest. Perhaps Li Mushen can take advantage of this opportunity to steal the Shi Yaokui ant eggs in this nest, a very good opportunity!

And this very good opportunity depends on whether Li Mushen can seize it.

The movement outside is also getting louder and louder. It seems that the Shi Yaokui ants outside and the magic tooth iron ants are fighting together, and Li Mushen also seized this opportunity and kept approaching the Shi Yaokui ant eggs. Soon He came to Shi Yaokui's ant egg.

Especially when he came to the Shi Yaokui ant egg, Li Mushen was extremely careful and did not dare to be careless, because once he had any carelessness, those Shi Yaokui ants would find its traces, and then they would face This is not the magic tooth iron ants outside, but Li Mushen inside.

After all, Shi Yaokui ant eggs are too important for these Shi Yaokui ants, I am afraid that no matter what the price they pay, they will first get rid of Li Mushen in this nest!

Li Mushen was very careful, at least when he came to this Shi Yaokui ant egg, those Shi Yaokui ants still didn't find its trace, maybe because those Shi Yaokui ants focused their attention on the outside and those magic tooth iron ants .

Li Mushen approached these Shi Yaokui ant eggs, and when his hand touched these Shi Yaokui ants, he could feel the incomparably rich life essence inside. The incomparably rich life essence was too tempting for Li Mushen. When he was big, he raised his hand and put the Shi Yaokui ant egg in front of him into his magic ring.

After putting this Shi Yaokui ant egg into the Lord of the Rings, Li Mushen once again hid it deeper, and at the same time he also paid attention to the surrounding environment, but this time he noticed that he still did not find those Shi Yaokui ants, and found that those Shi Yaokui ants did not. Find his trail.

Seeing this, Li Mushen breathed a sigh of relief again. He also became bold and put the two Shi Yaokui ant eggs into the ring.

This time, these Shi Yaokui ants were also not disturbed, and those Shi Yaokui ants also did not find Li Mushen's movements, and Li Mushen found that his movements were not discovered by these Shi Yaokui ants, and his next movements also changed. Gotta be bolder.

Li Mushen's movements became faster and faster, and one after another Shi Yaokui ants entered his magic ring, about twenty to 30. Once they entered Li Mushen's magic ring After that, the Shi Yaokui ants and the Shi Yaokui ant queen in the nest finally discovered the strangeness, especially the Shi Yaokui ant queen, she finally found out what happened to these Shi Yaokui ant eggs!

The Shi Yaokui ant queen can be said to be extremely worried about these Shi Yaokui ant eggs. At this moment, she even discovered that these hundreds of Shi Yaokui ant eggs were suddenly missing dozens of Shi Yaokui ant eggs. In the scene, his eyes widened even more, and there was disbelief in his eyes, and he did not expect such a thing to happen at all.