Primordial God

Chapter 908: lie to you

Li Mushen gritted his teeth, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He nodded, "I let go. I promise you to tell you that fairy magic, but before I tell you, you have to promise me one thing."

"what's up?"

"Don't torment me with such pain, and kill me with one palm to give me a pleasure." Li Mushen said in a deep voice.

The city lord showed a sneer, he withdrew his hand, nodded and said: "Okay, I promise you, you can give me the fairy magic you practiced, then I will give you a happy!"

After a pause, the city lord said to Li Mushen with a warning in his eyes: "Boy, just accept your fate, you will surely die, don't make any tricks, in the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are useless. of!"

"Do you think there are any tricks in my current state?"

After thinking about it in the city owner, it seems that Li Mushen's words are indeed reasonable, and with the strength of Li Mushen, there is really no trick to deal with him.

"Okay, then give me the fairy magic you practiced!"

"The immortal family spell I practiced is called Fa Tianxiangdi. It can make people as huge as a mountain and as weak as sand. At the same time, they can also borrow strength from the sky to increase their strength tenfold and explode. A power that transcends the mundane."

Next, Li Mushen told about the power of the law, heaven and earth, and he told the city lord about the power of the law, and told the city lord without any cover up, and completely told the city lord of the law.

The city lord listened even more fascinatedly, and his eyes became even more fiery. After listening to what Li Mushen said, he was even more determined to win the one that Li Mushen cultivated. Door fairy magic!

After getting Li Mushen's explanation about this law, heaven and earth, he quickly said to Li Mushen: "Now you quickly teach me the magic of the heaven and earth, and I will let you die happily, hurry up, hurry up. point!"

"Okay, I will teach you this fairy magic now." Li Mushen nodded and said.

After he finished saying these words, a small flame suddenly flew from Li Mushen's forehead, the flame was only the size of a thumb.

And in this flame, there are ancient carvings in it, flashing a dazzling red light.

This small group of flames floated in front of Li Mushen, Li Mushen took his eyes away from the flames, and then looked at the city lord, he said to the city lord: "This is about the cultivation of the magic of the celestial family. ."

The city lord looked at the flames in front of Li Mushen, with a bit of disbelief in his eyes. At the same time, he treated the flames in front of him even more cautiously, obviously worried that Li Mushen was going to play tricks.

However, facing the cautiousness of the city lord, Li Mushen's expression did not change. He said to the city lord, "Have you seen the glyph in this flame! And that is the fire-shaped glyph. If you put this Refining with a group of flames, you can naturally get the law, heaven and earth, this fairy magic."

After a pause, Li Mushen said to the city lord again: "If you don't believe it, then you can observe the power contained in the flame in front of you, and you can recognize the carvings in it. I can feel the full power of myself contained in that glyph."

When the city lord heard Li Mushen's words, he carefully sensed the tiny flames floating in front of his eyes. His spiritual sense completely surrounded the flames in front of him. The power contained in a group of flames, and he also carefully observed the ancient glyphs in this group of flames.

And with the careful observation of the city lord, he didn't see anything from the flames. He felt that the flames were incomparably mysterious, and it seemed that people could not comprehend them at all. The shepherd exists, I am afraid that his whole person has already been deeply immersed in this flame!

For the city lord, it really made him feel incomparably amazed. At this moment, he almost believed that what Li Mushen said was true.

The flame in front of him is the secret of the fairy magic that he has mastered!

"Tell me, how to master the magic of this celestial family, the heaven and earth?" The city lord's eyes were full of fire for the flames in front of him, and he eagerly said to Li Mushen.

Li Mushen's expression still did not change, the reason for his expression remained calm, he slowly said to the city lord: "It is not difficult to master the magic of the celestial family, the law, the sky and the earth, and it is easy to say. It's not simple. If you have the ability to refine the flame in front of you, you will naturally be able to master that law, but so far I have not been able to refine this flame, which means that I am now It is also impossible to fully grasp this fairy magic."

"That's you, not me." After listening to Li Mushen's words, the city lord said with a sneer in his eyes.

"Swallowing this mass of flame into your belly can refine it. As for how much you can refine this mass of flame, it depends on your ability." Li Mushen said to the city lord again.

The city owner listened and muttered to himself: "It's that simple to swallow the flame in front of you and refine it?

In any case, the city lord still has some doubts about the flames in front of him and what Li Mushen said.

Li Mushen naturally saw the city lord's suspicions, but he also saw that the city lord was determined to acquire the magic of the Fa, Tianxiang and Di, and he said, "Do you think this matter is easy? Think I'm lying you?"

"The heart is separated from the belly, and you still have to keep an eye on yourself." The city owner glanced at Li Mushen and said slowly.

"That's good, anyway, I have already told you the method of cultivating this immortal family spell. As for whether you can cultivate this immortal family spell, it is up to you." Li Mushen finished speaking, He closed his eyes and didn't pay attention to the city lord.

For Li Mushen, the flames in front of him are naturally the key to sanctifying him!

The strength of the city lord in front of him is really too strong. If he wants to fight against Li Mushen's strength, there is obviously no way. What's more, now his two hands and one leg have been destroyed by this city lord. The strength is almost zero, and it can only rely on this group of flames.

And the group of flames that Li Mushen summoned is naturally not the cultivation technique of the celestial magic, but the original power of the fire-shaped carvings in Li Mushen's body!

That's right, Li Mushen used the fire-shaped glyph to deal with the city lord. Li Mushen even separated a part of his source power to deal with him, and this source of power must be enough to deal with the city lord in front of him.

It's just that Li Mushen is helpless, he doesn't know whether the city lord will fall into his trap. He wants to see if the city lord will fall into his trap. In fact, it is to see if he has a good understanding of the magic of this fairy family. What a desperate desire!

Just when Li Mushen was guessing what the city lord would do, the city lord looked at the flames in front of him, and seemed to be thinking about whether to swallow and refine the flames. He carefully observed the flames in front of him. , and did not feel any danger from it.

This also made his heart vigilant and relaxed a bit, but he still seemed cautious, not swallowing and refining the flame in front of him, and Li Mushen was not in a hurry and waited silently.

As long as the city lord has this idea about the magic of the celestial family, Fatianxiangdi, then he will definitely take action on the flames in front of him.

Li Mushen didn't know how long he waited, but finally, as the city lord took a deep breath, Li Mushen slowly opened his eyes and looked at the city lord.

The city owner noticed Li Mushen's gaze, he snorted coldly, and said coldly to Li Mushen: "I don't care what tricks you are doing, but you must know that your little tricks are useless to me, if I find out what is in front of me This flame is not about the cultivation technique of that law, but if you lied to me, then just wait to die!"

"With the way I am now, I also hope that I will die soon." Li Mushen said calmly, as if he had already regarded death as home.

The city lord snorted coldly, and he used the power of the law again. He saw that above the sky, the thunder was rolling, the clouds were all over, and the gods and thunders shuttled between the heaven and the earth. The shepherd was hacked to death!

And the city lord finally acted on the flame in front of him. He took a deep breath and came to the front of the flame. The sparks of the flame in front of him were reflected on the face of the city lord. His face turned red.

Immediately afterwards, the city lord began to practice, running the martial arts collection in his body, and after fully mobilizing the power in his body, he slowly opened his mouth, his chest heaving, and the one floating in the air. The group of flames also slowly entered the mouth of the city lord.

The flames entered his body along the mouth of the city lord.

Li Mushen watched this scene quietly. After waiting for the flame to completely enter the body of the city lord, a smile appeared on Li Mushen's face, and the city lord looked at Li Mushen's smile, and his heart was also filled with joy. Even more anxiety arose.

"What are you laughing at?" the city owner asked in a deep voice.

"I laugh at you being stupid."

"What did you say?"

Li Mushen didn't answer his words, he closed his eyes, when he opened them again, there was a stern look in his eyes, "I said you are too stupid, this is not about Xianjia at all The cultivation of magic, I didn't expect you to believe it."

The city lord was listening to what Li Mushen said, his face turned gloomy in an instant, he gritted his teeth and said, "You are lying to me!"

Li Mushen nodded slightly, "Yes, I'm lying to you."