Primordial God

Chapter 939: absurd heartbeat

The fiery rays of light flickered, and pieces of golden light spilled out from the coffin, covering the entire heaven and earth, and pieces of golden light fell down, falling on the bodies of those demons, and even more so. Having seen the power of those monsters, the strength of the monsters has been raised again!

Originally, those warriors were about to defeat those demons. When those golden radiance shone down, those demons became more powerful, and the faces of these warriors became very ugly.

"Damn, what the **** are these golden brilliance, these monsters can't hold on anymore, how could such a thing happen!"

The faces of those warriors were also very ugly.

Because Qing Muchuan and his group were originally chasing and killing Li Mushen, but at this moment, they had no intention to pay attention to Li Mushen, but set their sights on these demons.

After all, in front of them, these monsters are the ones they should resist. These monsters are too powerful, so powerful that they have no intention of caring about others!

No one noticed that the eyes of the warriors present were all attracted by these monsters, and their battles were also the same.

Outside the resting place of the demon saint monarch, one after another, terrifying battle broke out. At this time, no one noticed that Li Mushen had quietly arrived at the resting place of the demon saint monarch by using the Immortal Invisibility Technique. Location!

No one found his trace, and when they found the trace of Li Mushen, Li Mushen had already appeared in front of the coffin!

There is a very strange smell from the coffin, and there are countless carvings on this coffin. As for these carvings, they are extremely ancient, and the whole coffin is densely covered. It is even more flickering, and it looks even more extraordinary!

As for this coffin, Li Mushen said to himself, "This is the resting place of the body of the demon saint."

After speaking, Li Mushen's right hand was placed on the lid of the coffin, and when Li Mushen's hand just touched the lid of the coffin, the entire coffin suddenly glowed, like a red one. Like the scorching sun, it flashes a dazzling light!

Under this piercing light, Li Mushen was almost unable to open his eyes. He blocked his two eyes with his other hand and felt the incomparably vast coercion.

"This is the incomparably terrifying coercion emanating from the body of the demon saint." Li Mushen muttered to himself.

At the same time, Li Mushen broke through the vision of heaven and earth caused by the coffin of the demon saint, and naturally also alerted those demons, as well as those warriors who were fighting with the demons!

When Aoki Chuan saw this scene, his eyes burned with anger, "Damn it, stop me!"

This Aoki Chuan did not hesitate, the folding fan that appeared in his hand.

The power in the body poured into the folding fan in his hand, and the power spurted out in an instant, bursting out in an instant, the folding fan became dozens of times larger, and turned into a phoenix!

That phoenix uttered a chirping sound, soared nine days away, and flew towards Li Mushen in an instant!

Qing Muchuan wants to prevent Li Mushen from winning the inheritance of this demon monarch!

Not only Qing Muchuan wanted to stop Li Mushen, but also the other warriors present, they also wanted to stop Li Mushen, and they couldn't let Li Mushen succeed like this!

At the same time, those demons let out a roaring sound, and gave up taking action against those warriors. Those demons rushed to come and quickly went to Li Mushen!

These demons are responsible for guarding the resting place of the demon holy monarch. They don't know how Li Mushen broke out from the protection of the demon just now, and even came to the coffin of the demon holy monarch!

These demons let out roars and roars, resounding throughout the world!

Almost here, everyone's spearheads are pointed at him, and all the attacks are crushed towards Li Mushen. Under that powerful attack, Li Mushen's face still hasn't changed in any way, and he is as calm as ever.

The fiery light was still extremely dazzling, aggressive, like a blazing sun, and seemed to blind Li Mushen's eyes. It took Li Mushen quite a while to get used to the fiery light.

He squinted his eyes slightly, when the monsters and warriors attacked, when they came to him, Li Mushen used the flash, almost in an instant, Li Mushen's figure completely disappeared, completely disappeared in their In front of him, let the attacks of those monsters and the attack of the warrior Aoki Chuan instantly fall to nothing!

Their attack lost the target, but went to the coffin that buried the body of the demon saint, but from the coffin, a purple light shone.

The purple light that swayed like a wave of water, and it completely blocked those attacks in an instant, and all the attacks collapsed in an instant!

And when their attack collapsed, everyone's pupils shrank suddenly. To know Li Mushen's cultivation base, they have also explored it, but it is only in the realm of martial arts. How did he escape their attack, you must know that in their field There is also a king in there!

How terrifying is the strength of the emperor, and how does he avoid it? !

Li Mushen walked out of the void and came to the coffin again. This time, he stretched out a hand again. When his two hands touched the coffin, in an instant, the brilliance of the thorns on it appeared. It exploded in an instant!

The rays of light were shining brightly in the hands, and Ji only felt that his palms were stretched into a stove, and the flesh and blood on the palms seemed to melt!

Li Mushen's brows furrowed, he exerted force again, and a low roar came out of his mouth: "Open!"

The blazing rays of light flickered incomparably, as if it had turned into a sun, flickering between the whole heaven and earth, enduring all things in this world!

At this moment, in Li Mushen's body, the power of Yongzhen Immortal Demon erupted on its own, and behind him, there seemed to be the roar of the Immortal Demon.

And in the roaring roar of those immortals and demons, the power in Li Mushen's body also became more powerful. For the remains of those demons and saints, the terrifying power that erupted from the coffin was actually able to resist!

You must know that the power that erupted from the body of the demon saint at this moment is too terrifying. All the warriors present felt a power that made their souls feel extremely heart-pounding!

They turned pale and stepped back!

"What a terrifying power!"

"This is the power emanating from the body of the demon saint. I didn't expect it to be so terrifying, so terrifying!"

Everyone was shocked and horrified by the power that erupted from the body of this demon holy monarch. They all knew that this demon holy monarch had been dead for at least thousands of years, even 10,000 years, but even after his death However, his remains still possess such terrifying power!

Thinking about it like this, how terrifying and terrifying his power is in the mood of this demon monarch!

Just when their hearts were shocked, Li Mushen was also constantly working hard, and the coffin with the remains of the demon saint buried in front of him was slowly pushed away by Li Mushen.

Even if only one gap is exposed in this coffin, the pressure tilted from that gap is terrifying enough, even unbearable!

Li Mushen gritted his teeth and insisted, resisting this incomparably fierce coercion, he was also insisting, on his forehead, the blue veins swelled up one after another, and the cold sweat broke out on his forehead!

"Open it for me!"

But with a low roar from Li Mushen's mouth, the coffin made a small creaking sound. Under Li Mushen's desperate efforts, the coffin in front of him was finally pushed away by him!

The situation is eclipsed, the world is bleak, and the whole world is full of endless power. This power comes from the fierce power in the body of the demon saint!

And this power in his body, did not expect to be so terrifying, because the whole world was eclipsed, causing changes in the whole world!

Similarly, in a split second, Li Mushen was directly knocked out, even though he had already resisted it with all his strength, he still couldn't resist the force that was crushing her body!

He hit a big mountain, and that mountain collapsed instantly!

The powerful force even caused a devastating blow to Li Mushen's internal organs, and even the bones in his body were directly broken.

At the same time, with the blood in the body rising, a mouthful of scarlet blood was spit out from his mouth!

dong dong dong! ! !

At the same time, a powerful heartbeat sounded in Li Mushen's ear, not only in Li Mushen's ear but also in the whole world, everyone heard the heartbeat Voice!

For some reason, strong unease arose in the hearts of everyone present, and everyone's eyes focused on the opened coffin.

Because they were very clear in their hearts that the powerful beating of their hearts did not come from somewhere.

That powerful beating sound emanated from the coffin in front of them!

They felt very absurd and incredible.

The powerful beating of the heart, does it mean that the demon saint is not dead?

But how is this possible, after all, the demon saint has been dead here for thousands of years, how come it is still not dead, they do not believe that such a thing will happen!

But I don't know why, cold sweat slowly broke out on the foreheads of these warriors, and they didn't dare to approach the coffin for half a step. Instead, they got farther and farther away from the coffin, as if in the coffin. , has an existence that makes them fear!