Primordial God

Chapter 947: river boat

How did they know that the reason why Li Mushen was able to obtain the inheritance of the demon holy monarch was not because the demon holy monarch took a fancy to him, but because the soul of the demon holy monarch was about to dissipate in this world, he had no way at all, and There is only one thing this demon holy monarch has to do, and that is to hand over his inheritance and his natal magic weapon, the diamond, to Li Mushen. He is also forced to be a rogue, and there is really no way!

But these, these martial artists present did not know, even if they racked their brains, they would not have thought that the final result would be like this.

One of them is the emperor who is cultivated to the sky.

The emperor took a step, and his eyes flashed. He looked at Li Mushen, and then said to Li Mushen, his voice was unusually low and hoarse.

"As you said, since you got the inheritance of the demon holy monarch, do you also get the magic weapon of the demon holy monarch?"

In fact, for these warriors present, including Li Mushen, they didn't know whether the inheritance of the demon holy monarch was more important, or the magic weapon of the demon holy monarch was more important.

Although they don't know, this emperor has gone through many years, but it is very clear that if he chooses the inheritance of the demon saint and the magic diamond diamond of the demon saint, he will not hesitate and will directly choose Li The diamond in the hands of the Faun.

That's right, for the demon sage, the most important thing is not his inheritance, but his birthright magic diamond diamond.

It is rumored that before the endless years, the diamond did not belong to this demon holy monarch, and also a long time ago, the strength of the demon holy monarch was not strong, and it was just an ordinary demon.

But why did this demon holy monarch finally grow into a demon holy monarch who made the entire pseudo-immortal world intimidated and feared, he relied on the magic weapon of his destiny in his hand.

So that the major forces in the entire pseudo-immortal world are exploring the secrets about the demon saint, and after their years of exploration, everything has not exceeded their expectations, and finally learned the reason why the demon saint is powerful Exactly how it was caused!

That's right, the strength of this demon holy monarch can become stronger by relying on the diamond in his hand.

The diamond is not only a powerful attacking magic weapon, but also has a function in this diamond that makes people in the world go crazy.

And this function is to be able to use the diamond to completely devour the power in the body of every warrior and demon defeated by the demon saint, and finally refine it into the power of the demon saint himself, and this is why the demon saint Such a powerful root cause!

For these warriors present, especially what Li Mushen said to them with ridicule, it made them full of anger, even the emperor, they were full of endless anger, staring coldly at Li Mushen!

On the body of these warriors, especially the emperor, it is very terrifying.

An emperor said coldly to Li Mushen: "You honestly explain, in addition to the inheritance of the demon holy monarch, have you also obtained the magic magic diamond diamond of the demon holy monarch?"

Li Mushen nodded slightly. Although he got the diamond, the demon sage did not specifically tell him the use of the diamond, its mystery, and he had to find it himself!

"Yes, the diamond was indeed acquired by me."

In the eyes of the emperor, there was a ray of cold light, "I didn't expect the diamond to be on you!"

At this moment, a powerful killing intent appeared on the emperor's body without any cover up!

As for this powerful killing intent that emerged from his body, it was naturally initiated against Li Mushen.

For this, Li Mushen's eyes were full of curiosity, and he didn't think of it at all. I don't know why the emperor suddenly had such a huge killing intent on him. Could it be for the diamond?

Except that Li Mushen felt the power of this diamond and didn't realize it, he also had any use, and it was worthy of being snatched by an emperor. It seems that this diamond is not as simple as he imagined.

"Why do you want to get the diamond?" Li Mushen asked.

The emperor heard Li Mushen's question, his eyes were curious, and he said to Li Mushen: "Didn't the demon saint tell you about the role of diamonds?"

Li Mushen asked the emperor and said to him, "What does this diamond do?"

The emperor sneered and said to Li Mushen: "If you want to know what the diamond does, I can also tell you, but you have to take out the diamond!"

It seems that the emperor is not sure whether Li Mushen has a diamond in his hands, so he hopes that Li Mushen will take out the diamond.

What he didn't expect was that Li Mushen didn't take out the diamond, but just gave him a faint look.

"Why should I take out the diamond?"

The emperor snorted coldly, especially in his eyes, and the killing light leaked out. His icy eyes swept across Li Mushen's whole body, as if he wanted to scan Li Mushen completely for a week to see what happened to him. Where are the diamonds hidden?

But unfortunately, it can't see anything. As for whether the diamond is on Li Mushen's body, whether this matter is true or not, he has no idea at all!

"Tell us honestly, have you obtained the inheritance of the demon saint and the diamond?"

Li Mushen said lightly: "Didn't I already say that the diamond is in my hands, and the inheritance of the demon saint is also in my hands."

Everyone bowed their heads and thought, as if guessing whether the diamond diamond on him was true or false? In the end, they also believed in Li Mushen, and the inheritance of the diamond and the demon saint is all in his hands!

These warriors present, they even looked at Li Mushen with bad intentions.

Regarding these people's bad intentions towards him, Li Mushen did not have any fear, but spoke lightly and said to the warriors present: "Don't you want to **** the inheritance of the demon holy monarch in my hands, as well as that of the demon bible. Diamond? But before you **** it, you can figure out whose site this site is!"

Li Mushen's remarks calmed down the greedy hearts of the warriors present. What Li Mushen said was not wrong. This is indeed the domain of the demon holy monarch, and the powerful and terrifying demon holy monarch has also Got it.

The powerful and terrifying place of the demon holy monarch makes them never want to experience it again in this lifetime!

And now, since Li Mushen has obtained the inheritance of the demon holy monarch, it is best for them not to provoke Li Mushen again, otherwise, for them, it will be all harm and no benefit!

If the Demon Sage Monarch is provoked, it will be a huge ordeal for them. It is even possible that they will not be able to leave here. By that time, they will all die here!

They suppressed their inner scramble and took a deep breath. Although they looked at Li Mushen with cold eyes, they did not act directly.

Wait until they leave here, and then shoot at him, then there will be no way for him to escape!

Therefore, everyone held back their inner desires, and just looked at Li Mushen with cold eyes, while Li Mushen's eyes were indifferent and his expression was very calm. What is the purpose of people, they must want to get the inheritance of the demon saint in their hands, and also the magic weapon of the demon saint, the diamond!

It's just that Li Mushen has this confidence, these people are simply unable to win the inheritance of the demon saint, and the diamond from his hands!

They were in the river of life and death, and they didn't wait long. The blood-colored river was surging. What we didn't expect was that a boat suddenly appeared on the other side of the surging river.

This ship shuttled through the river of blood, and finally came to this side of the river of life and death.

Li Mushen looked at this boat, and his eyes were full of surprises. He didn't expect a boat to come here.

For these ships, it can be said that it is not only those warriors, but also includes. Li Mushen does not know why this ship came here.

But everyone knew what the purpose of this boat was, and that was to go from the other side of the boat to this side, as if escorting them through.

It was an incomparably ancient ship, discovered by a group of people from the first Qingmu River, which emerged from the river of life and death, and was originally on the other side of the river of life and death.

They planned to cross the river, but what they didn't expect was that there were no blood skeletons in the river of life and death, so the five of them were able to cross and leave the river of life and death.

So what is the final result of waiting for them, yes, they have to wait here, waiting for that ancient ship to come from the other side of the river of life and death.

Therefore, in the process of their waiting, they came to those warriors who escaped from the demon saint, and they are here waiting for the arrival of the ship.

It's just that while they were waiting, the boat still didn't arrive, and it still stayed on the opposite side of the River of Life and Death.

However, what they never thought was that when Li Mushen came to this river of life and death, the ancient ship finally moved and came to their side.

For these warriors, their eyes are excited, this ancient ship can travel through this river of life and death, then they can leave this river of life and death through this ship.

The ancient ship was slowly driving in the river of life and death. Under the eyes of everyone's expectations, the ship docked, and the warriors couldn't wait to get on the ship.

It's just that the warriors who were present didn't expect that they hadn't even boarded the ship yet. A force swayed from this ship, and the warriors who were present were directly shaken out, even if they were The emperor whose cultivation base reached the realm of the emperor was also shocked and flew out, which was completely unexpected.