Princess is Glamorous in Modern Day

Chapter 613: The princess is in class

  Chapter 613 The princess attends class and asks questions

  Xia Wanyuan walked to the podium calmly.

  The school will launch some good teachers in class every quarter to give demonstration lessons. At this time, not only the front row of the classroom is full of leaders, but the last row of the classroom is also full of cameras.

  Xia Wanyuan thought that Jun Shiling’s coming to the class had been arranged long ago,

Then five minutes ago, the leaders accompanied Jun Shiling to visit the campus. Jun Shiling listened to the leaders' introduction to the campus, and then casually said, "I haven't heard the class of National Tsing Hua University for a long time. I still miss it. ."

  As the first place on the annual alumni donation list of National Tsing Hua University, and is far behind the second place, Jun Shiling can feel free to feel, but the leaders can’t just listen to it.

A leader immediately answered, "Mr. Jun is just right. We recently had a young and promising professor at National Tsing Hua University. The courses he took are very popular among students. There is still a while before the afternoon meeting, otherwise you and Shall we go to a class together?"

  There is nothing unusual on the Mausoleum, as if thinking about whether this lesson is worth it.

   "That teacher is relatively young, and the Physics Department also has an academician class, why not listen to that?" A more thoughtful teacher made another suggestion.

  "Yes, yes, Academician Jiang gave a good lecture."

  The leaders have also recalled now. Although Xia Wanyuan said that the lecture was good, he was relatively young after all. It is a bit inappropriate for Jun Shiling to attend the lecture. Thinking about it now, it is still OK for Academician Jiang.

  ""Jun Shiling was silent for a moment, "Which major does that younger teacher teach?"

"ancient literature."

  Jun Shiling thought for a while, "Let’s go listen to the literature class, I have not heard much of the literature class at National Tsing Hua University when I was in science when I was in school."

   "Okay, let's go together." So, accompanied by the leaders, Jun Shiling arrived in Xia Wanyuan's classroom.

  At this time, the hearts of the students sitting in the classroom are almost exploding.

  Not only can you hear the class of Xia Wanyuan, a star teacher at National Taiwan University!

  You can see Jun Shiling with your own eyes! ! The back of his head!

  What kind of fairy luck,

  If it were not for the camera behind, the students would have taken out their mobile phones to take a group photo.

  Today’s course content is environmental appreciation in ancient literature.

  Although there are many leading cameras present, they will not affect Xia Wanyuan’s class at all.

  Xia Bangyuan casually drew the high mountains on the blackboard,

  "Then we will start with the most familiar "Sleepwalking Heavenly Grandmother". In Li Bai's works, the decoration of landscape is always indispensable."

  The two-hour class, without any pause in the middle, from Wutong Qingqiu to beautiful purple, from the pre-Qin "Book of Songs" to Song Dynasty poetry and music,

  Xia Wanyuan quotes the classics, as if a long history is right in front of her, she can draw out a hundred years of history with a simple grasp, and with a little letter, it is a splendid life of a poet.

  Jun Shiling sat under the podium, looking at Xia Wanyuan's mouthful, with shocking beauty in every gesture. This beauty is precipitated from the inside out, penetrating the elegance and moving of the soul.

  If the camera is placed in front, it will capture the insatiable admiration in Jun Shiling's eyes.

   "There are still ten minutes before the end of get out of class, everyone can speak freely, and you can ask any questions."

  Every time before the end of get out of class, she will set aside ten minutes for the students to ask questions to answer the students’ confusion. This is also true today.

  As soon as Xia Banyuan’s words came to an end, many people in the classroom raised their hands.

  Among these, there is Jun Shiling,

  Xia Wanyuan glanced helplessly at Jun Shiling, this person followed to join in the fun.

   Knowing that Jun Shiling was inexplicably following in the fun, he must be uneasy and kind, and Xia Wanyuan didn’t plan to talk to him.

  But the group of leaders sitting beside Jun Shiling gave Xia Wanyuan crazy eyes, and Xia Wanyuan couldn't ignore it if he wanted to ignore it.

  "Then Mr. Jun, please tell me, what is your problem?" Xia Wanyuan finally clicked on Jun Shiling under the gazes of more than a dozen leaders.

  Jun Shiling saw Xia Wanyuan's helpless look, the smile on his face couldn't help overflowing, and the whole person became gentle.

  The leaders and the students were shocked when they saw Jun Shiling’s expression.

  Fuck! what's the situation! !

  How did you smile at Xia Wanyuan like this? ? ! ! !

Mr.    : I think the washboard is not hard enough, I will polish it again



  (End of this chapter)