Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 1052: cunning

The side hall is divided into two rows of chairs on the left and right, and there is a wider theme on the top. Generally speaking, whoever has a high status is the main one. Usually Shen Hao sits, occasionally if Pang Ban comes over, Pang Ban sits.

Zhong Hongye and Xiang Liu are peers, and they are both elders in the super sect. Their status and status are similar, and they have the same purpose here. They both represent the sect, so they both sit on the left hand side of the Pian Ting Chaomen.

After Shen Hao came in, he didn't go to the main seat to sit down, but sat opposite Xiang Liu and Zhong Hongye.

Shen Hao waved back after the outside guards had tea, and no one could approach within a dozen feet of the whole hall.

"Two real people came here without hesitation, and it also delayed the repairs. Shen would not be polite with the two real people. I will speak a little bit and talk straightforwardly so as not to waste time in suspicion. What do you think of the two real people? "

Zhong Hongye glanced at Xiang Liu, nodded and said, "This is the best way."

Shen Hao smiled and nodded. He could see that the communication between Liu and Zhong Hongye was very limited, and the eyes of the two were also vaguely guarded. In this case, the two super sects were rumored to be between each other. The statement of disharmony is likely to be true?

"Predecessors of the sect came to me before, and they mainly asked the purpose and reason of the Jingjiu dynasty's action on the four second-rate sects this time. I explained at the time that it was not the Jingjiu dynasty's opinion on the sect as a whole. Or the idea, but only limited to the four second-rate sects that participated in the major internal rebellion case of the Jingjiu Dynasty. After all of them are cleared, the matter will be over, and it will not continue to expand.

The two real people, from the beginning to the end of the Jingjiu dynasty, maintained great goodwill towards the sects of various places. Every aspect is striving for the convenience of the sect. If you don't say far, isn't Xuan Qingwei responsible for maintaining order in the recruitment season of the sect?

So if it wasn't for the four second-rate sects this time to be too much, the country would not be a killer in pain. "

After a pause, Shen Hao did not give the other party a chance to interject, and continued: "In addition to the reasons for the hands-on, what is left is the end of the case. Because these matters are complicated, I will simply tell the two real people. one time.

The main reason is that people and things need to be sorted out before the case can be closed. And this time involved a place that may be somewhat sensitive, that is, the various real estates under the names of the four second-rate sects, including spirit stone ore veins, pan-ling stone ore veins, etc., as well as the mountain gates of the four sects.

In fact, the seniors of the sect had exchanged opinions with me before. They believed that according to the agreement between the sect and the old dynasty, these real estates need to be reclassified to the local sect for redistribution, and cannot be regarded as criminal property by our black flag camp. Copied.

In fact, the difference lies in the last crop. I wonder if the two real people can understand our need to warn the future difficulties? "

Between Shen Hao's words, the smiles on Zhong Hongye and Xiang Liu's faces who were sitting across from each other quickly disappeared. Although it was hard to see if it was a fire, it was definitely not "pleasure".

"Master Shen, is it wrong to say that? The rules are the rules. The black flag camp is important for investigating cases. Isn't that the rules between the sect and the Jingjiu Dynasty for thousands of years not important?" Zhong Hongye is not the same. A good-tempered person, but she is very good at restraining the fluctuations in her heart, so she was assigned this errand.

This clock Hongye had a slight sneer on his face, sneered at Shen Hao's remarks, and even despised Shen Hao for being able to open his eyes so grandiosely and talk nonsense.

What case, what crime, everything is just an excuse. Can these inside stories be kept away from others or even Zhong Hongye and other super sect people?

The facts are nothing more than the fact that Jingjiu Dynasty discovered that the four sects had secretly digged the corners of Jingjiu Dynasty, and the digging was thousands of years. Who is not so angry?

Therefore, the death of the four families is also the way to freely die.

But the cunning of the old Jing Dynasty was that they didn't directly expose the ugly thing of digging the walls of the sect, nor did they use this reason to break with the sect, because such a break would hardly be fruitful. After all, the sect will definitely clean himself, and the four sects are dead again, who will vent their anger? If you want to do something later, there are no excuses at all.

Now the old Jing dynasty has forcibly put the hat of "participating in a major treason case" on the heads of the four sects, and there must be a series of personal evidence and testimony. These things are in front of this black flag camp. Don't be too good at the commander's hand.

In this way, although the matter of digging the corner of the old dynasty was not mentioned, it was so tacitly revealed, but there was a more troublesome thing, that is, "digging the corner of the wall" became a "treasury case." The context suddenly became very different. Especially in dealing with a series of follow-up issues, the latter has more and more appropriate excuses.

Just like now. The Jingjiu Dynasty not only paid over the accumulation of these four sects for thousands of years, but also ate them together with the real estate such as the Shanmen.

What is greed? In Zhong Hongye's view, this is it.

Moreover, he was greedy and dangerous, and he had already stretched his hand across the boundary, which was a powerful temptation that had not been seen in a long time.

In addition, in the eyes of second-rate sects like Changbaifeng, you may also see the "greed" mentioned above, and in the eyes of super sects like Wanjuanshushan and Mingshanzong, it is even more underneath this matter. The undercurrent is raging.

Greed is on the one hand, and there is also a show of tyrannical strength shown by destroying the four sects at the same time in one breath.

Although the two super sects also had the ability to destroy the four second-rate sects alone, there was absolutely no way to destroy the four at the same time, and it only took three or two hours.

After all, it was Jin Jianwei's weird and tyrannical "Blood Armor Technique".

These two super sects always feel familiar. UU reading back then the Jingjiu Dynasty also declared its dominance in this vast land by destroying a first-class sect. Do you want to do it again?

That's why Wanjuan Shushan and Mingshan Sect came together, and they came to Heiqiying after the two met first and reached a certain consensus.

Even before that, they tried to talk to Fenghong Villa directly, but Yang Xiusheng blocked it back, saying that the matter had been determined to be handled by Fenghong Villa's foreign affairs deacon Shen Hao, and the Villa was inconvenient to come forward.

Monks are accustomed to dealing with monks, but what they are not used to is dealing with people in officialdom. Even if this person has a good cultivation level, he is no longer a pure monk in the eyes of the monks.

The main reason is that there are too many twists and turns in the officialdom, not as straightforward as a pure monk.

Now, it looks like this.

Zhong Hongye's idea is that he can't give in half a minute. If the surname Shen wants to play "rules", then he will play "rules" with him.