Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 170: Turnaround

Not only have touched the corpse, but the rats and crows that have eaten the corpse may be infected with the plague.

Therefore, several doctors personally dispense prescriptions and start large-scale poisoning against rats and other animals that can eat corpses. As for whether someone would accidentally eat the poison bait, it is not in the upper and lower considerations. The poison deserves to die.

Soon, the questioning confession of the surviving people came out. The news was exciting. Just like Shen Hao's judgment, the reason why these people did not contract the disease and died was because they ran away early on the corpses of the dead who had not been in contact with the disease.

"According to people living in Xiushan Village, some of them had contact with the deceased one day before his death, but the deceased did not touch the corpse the next day, but even then they did not contract the plague. Maybe the source of the infection can only emerge from the corpse after being infected with the disease?"

"If this is the case, it also explains why so many people run around but there are no large-scale deaths elsewhere."

"Yes, because once infected with the disease, death will occur suddenly, and the Qi Refining Realm cultivator will die for two days if he can't resist it. This also causes the geographical scope of the disease source to appear not to expand too quickly."

To put it bluntly, this plague is extremely latent, which means that the infectiousness will not become uncontrollable. This is the greatest good news.

"But I have to experiment. Go to the dungeon to find a death inmate with the cultivation level of the Qi Refining Realm, and then let him stay in a box with a black-spotted corpse to see if he will die. At the same time, find an ordinary person and lock them Together but without contact, the monk will die soon if it is as we expected, but the ordinary person who has no contact will not."

"It's an adult, I'll make arrangements." Wang Yiming is getting more and more energetic now. He found that following this Shen Baihu is very refreshing, and no matter what he does, he will never mess up the rules. In addition, he is now a member of Shen Hao's line. Because as early as a few days after arriving at Wanhekou, Fengri City's secret investigation into Yaxing's affairs had already begun, and he had already handed in the certificate to Shen Hao.

But for the time being, the handle of Yaxing that Wang Yiming got was not useful, and things had to be dealt with by the plague first, before it would be Yaxing's turn.

However, with the nomination certificate, Shen Hao obviously relied on Wang Yiming a lot more, and released a lot of authority. The more so, the more it made Shen Hao feel that Wang Yiming's ability was still very strong.

The next day, Wang Yiming brought the results of the experiment. A death inmate with Qi refining triple stayed in close contact with a black-spotted corpse in a box for one night. After daylight hours, his whole body was heated and he died. The cause of death was organ necrosis, blood coagulation, and his body followed. There are dark spots.

And the ordinary person who was also kept in the same cell but had no contact with the corpse, although scared to death, did nothing at all and was locked up alone to continue observation.

However, this basically supports Shen Hao's judgment: the source of the plague is the black-spotted corpse, and as long as the living person does not come into contact with the black-spotted corpse, they will not get sick.

This great news was reported by Shen Hao. Wu Changhe was overjoyed, and he said that it was a great reward afterwards. At the same time, he hurriedly reported the new news to the Zhenfu's Office. These days Wu Changhe's limelight has been exhausted, but he is also under pressure. He is the number one hero if the plague is controlled well, at least on the face of it. If the plague spreads, he will be the number one backer, and he won't be surprised when he is beaten into the mud.

Now that Shen Hao has figured out the source of the plague infection, Wu Changhe's heart fell to the ground and he breathed a long sigh of relief. From then on, he will no longer face the situation of the plague getting out of control.

However, Wu Changhe also received a letter from the Zhenfu's Yamen, asking him to figure out the source of the plague as much as possible, otherwise this kind of thing might not be so lucky if it comes back again.

Of course, Wu Changhe had no interest in figuring out the source of the plague, which would not benefit him. Moreover, there are countless kinds of plagues in the world, and no plagues have been extinct after you figure it out? Just figure out how to deal with it? What are you doing so hard?

However, Wu Changhe’s order from the town’s ambassador’s yamen has to be executed even if he disagrees, only to be transferred once to the first-line Wanhekou. Isn’t the person in charge of the surname Shen?

Unlike Wu Changhe, the order of Zhenfu's Yamen to thoroughly investigate the source of the plague was in line with Shen Hao's mind. He had always been brooding about this matter in his heart, and there was always an indescribable feeling of weirdness. It seems that this time the plague. It was abrupt, but he couldn't say where was abrupt, maybe it was the half basket of ghost pears?

Maybe it's a professional habit, anyway, Shen Hao always wants to figure out the things he is confused about, otherwise he will be uncomfortable for a long time because of a knot in his heart.

"Perhaps it should be checked from that hunter."

But people in Xiushan Village almost died. People in neighboring villages either didn’t know a family of Orion surnamed Xu, or they just heard of it. UU Reading said it was a small official from Xu’s family who had been out of the army before. A family-renowned martial arts, go to the battlefield to gain fame in battle, and return to the hometown as a hunter to support his family if he doesn't fight. Little is known about what Shen Hao wanted to know about this family's life before the accident.

After that, we will clean up, and continue to confine those people in disaster areas who have not completely eliminated the danger.

After knowing how the plague was infected, the disaster area was no longer a place to stay away. Wear thick sheepskin gloves to cover your mouth and nose. Instead of touching the corpse, use special shovel and pliers, plus lime powder to bury it or bury it on the spot. Incinerate. It is always necessary to live anew, especially those larger towns, which cannot be abandoned because of a plague. Disposal of corpses is also a top priority.

Therefore, under Shen Hao's instructions, the cities on the front line of Wanhekou began to deal with the corpses on both sides of the official road in an orderly manner. The thickened soil that has been deeply buried is covered with more lime. No burial or corpses were burned immediately.

In addition, the ghost knows whether the animal will die immediately after touching the corpse, or cause the plague to change and continue to kill people? Therefore, Shen Hao ordered the spread of poisonous bait all over the mountains and plains at the same time, trying to kill all the animals that might have come into contact with the carcass. As for whether some innocent animals will be extinct, no one cares about this place. After all, people almost die when the plague comes.

But when you gradually cleared up to Xiushan Village, things took a turn for the better. It was like a green tea hanging your appetite, and it gave you some sweetness when you wanted to give up the pursuit.

"My lord, this was found during the cleaning of Xu's house. I think it is very suspicious." Wang Yiming found Shen Hao holding a very old parchment scroll.

"This is... the map?" Shen Hao opened the parchment scroll and found that it was a crude map. Looking at some signs and directions on it, it seemed that it was a road into the mountains. There is a red dot on the innermost part of the mountain road.