Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 184: Blue moon

March 25th, sunny and breeze.

The weather is getting warmer, and the heavy fur coats have been put on the shelf to dry, and they will be put away in a few days.

Early in the morning, the streets and alleys were full of a faint sweet smell.

It is the fragrance of blue moon cake.

According to legend, a long, long time ago, people could not have enough food to eat. A goddess of blue moon came to Furui when she saw the misery of the world, and taught people how to extract starch from the rhizomes of blue moon flowers to make cakes. Lanyuehua survived the famine.

From then on, March 25, which is said to be the birthday of the goddess of the blue moon, became a traditional festival on the land of the old Jing dynasty. The time traced back is much longer than that of the old Jing dynasty.

The blue moon flower is a very ordinary plant, the surface part is not big, one foot tall, herbaceous, it blooms in mid-March and withers in mid-April. The underground rhizomes are so big that they can be eaten directly or used to extract starch after they are cooked. They are also vegetables and grains. They were planted in large areas in many places within the Jingji dynasty.

The blue moon cake is a kind of snack made from the rhizome of blue moon flower. It is generally white, and after adding some blue moon petals, it will appear beautiful light blue, and then add a little sweetness, that tastes that Shen Hao can eat a pound in one breath.

In addition to making blue moon cakes in every household on March 25, there will also be a blue moon party, which is usually held in a family unit, and sometimes the neighborhoods will get together and lively in the city. Just set up a row of tables in the alley. Your home offers a few dishes and my home offers a few jars of wine. It is a long banquet, which can be lively from noon to night.

The same goes for ordinary people in the lively yamen. Except for people in special positions who cannot leave their jobs, all the rest of the country will have a day off.

The more a small place the taste of the festival will be, the purer it will be. During the festival, there will not be some weird things that jump out to grab the limelight by the holiday.

For example, the "Hongenyuan Blue Moon Festival", which has been promoted in Fengri City half a month ago, has been widely known throughout the city, and a huge one-foot-high float has been built for a lot of money, and it is equipped with a few flowery branches. The singer tour the city, stirring up the wind and rain, adding an alternative scenery to the Blue Moon Festival.

Of course, men like this bite. Those singers make people angry when they look at them. Even if they can't afford it, it doesn't prevent them from thinking about it. After running a few steps with the float, maybe you can still see the skirts of the singers on the car being blown up by the wind? It is said that someone saw it last time...


Shen Hao got up early, washed his body in accordance with the custom, and then put incense and burnt paper on the goddess Blue Moon in front of the incense table in the courtyard, and followed Hu Tian to a whole set of ritual procedures. This is the first time he has done this. He has been alone before. Even during the Blue Moon Festival last year, he was still dealing with broken bodies in the Qi mansion in Wuyang City.

To be honest, now that he has a home, Shen Hao has gradually felt like he is part of the world.

After the sacrifice was over, Li Erfu, the former restaurant chef, brought up a large plate of exquisite blue moon cakes, which he actually made into the shape of the moon and blue moon flowers.

"Hmm! Not bad!" Shen Hao picked up a piece and bit it down, his mouth melted sweetly and his lips and teeth were fragrant. It is better than the blue moon cakes that Shen Hao has eaten before.

"Try it all!"

Everyone eats blue moon cakes during the Blue Moon Festival. Even in the dungeon, I will eat blue moon cakes today.

Hu Tian, ​​Xiao Ma, and Li Erfu were also not polite, but they didn't dare to be at the same table with Shen Hao, and they took a few pieces and ate slowly.

After that, Hu Tian sent silver. This is the rule set by Shen Hao. During the festival, how can I do not pay the festival fee?

Hu Tian was one hundred taels, and the rest, including Xia Nu, were fifty taels.

Everyone laughed from ear to ear. Even Xia Nu, a silly bag who had no idea about money before, is nervous about money, but she doesn’t spend it randomly, and basically saves it. I don’t know if it is really ready to save it to Shen after she said it. Hao emergency.

Shen Hao pushed the door and went out to see that the two stone beasts at the door each had a bunch of blue moon flowers inserted in their mouths. He didn't know whether it was Hu Tian or Xia Nu.

Going out early, Shen Hao didn't go directly to Hong'en Yard but wandered along the crowded places. It was the first time he had the opportunity to walk around the street after coming to Fengri City for so long.

No one was allowed to follow, Shen Hao himself wore a uniform. Unlike the passers-by, Shen Hao was holding a folding fan in his hand. The fan was dark and looked a little weird.

The folding fan was made by Shen Hao drawing and it took a lot of time. Now it is shaken in his hand and matched with Shen Hao’s handsome appearance and a moiré white robe specially made for him by Lin Xiner. It was absolutely full in an instant, attracting every little lady who was combing the girl's hair on the road to look sideways.

Shen Hao never evaded Qiubo, and nodded with a smile, and even squinted when he met a beautiful one. Most of the little ladies in this world are courageous, although they may be shy, but they are not necessarily on the passive side of men.

However, substantive contact with Shen Hao is still not easy to do. He has no plans to get married right now, even though someone has been coming to him to speak with him since he was a small banner officer in Licheng, but he refused.

Sisters of Hualou, aren't they fragrant?

As for the wife, let it go.

Stopping all the way, I bought a lot of snacks during the period, and even ate one roasted sweet potato.

It was almost noon, and Shen Hao just swayed to the downstairs of Hong En Yard. At this time, the Hong'en Yard was already very lively with lights and festoons, and most of the external heel shoulders were the gorgeously dressed people, and the BMW Xiangche also stopped far away along the intersection.

Ordinary people watch the excitement here. Those with signs can walk in with ostentation. Their faces are full of arrogance, because today the Hong En Building entertains are all big people, and being able to enter is a status symbol. Ordinary old rich men don’t even have a door Can't get in.

Shen Hao was alone. Although the handsome and handsome appearance of his sister liked him, no one looked at him when he walked outside the Hong En courtyard.

If the people here are a little capable, who doesn't embrace them? No one can look down on the lonely Shen It's just a casual repairman, and it doesn't count as a fart here.

"Let's let it go! Let's let it go! Master Liu is here!"

Master Liu? Many people looked back, only to see a group of slaves in black arrogantly opening the crowd in front of them and sending in a straight-faced middle-aged man. Some sharp-eyed recognized that this was Liu Hengyi, the owner of the biggest caravan in Fengri City.

It is said that this master Liu has a deep relationship between black and white, and he is too impatient to go to heaven. Who will not give him face in Fengri City?

Was a businessman dragged like this? This is how the owner of Fengri City’s largest cart and horse shop. The relationship in all directions is much deeper than the rumors.

The crowd in front dispersed one after another, not wanting to provoke this big man. This caused the corners of Liu Hengyi's mouth to rise slightly. He came in early just to avoid the big guys behind and enter the arena.

"Hey! The one in white clothes in front of you, get out quickly, haven't you seen Master Liu coming?"

Shen Hao, shaking his black fan, turned his head inexplicably, "Are you calling me?"