Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 360: Facts

February 19th.

It has been one month since entering the territory of Nanban.

Tan Bin and the "Old Fifth" separated the "Old Fourth" at a place 30 miles away from Wuhu, and then relied on the old mouse's guidance to go around and hide around Wuhu for a few days, making sure that the Barbarian was not catching up. It is possible to start again afterwards and continue to explore the southeast direction.

It wasn't until he passed the Baitou Gorge that Tan Bin realized how wise it was to send them to the barbarians to investigate.

People who have never been to this area will never think that the ruined and barbaric southern barbarous land will be such a scene. It is better to say that it is a surprise that is subverted by the facts.

Can you imagine that the scene of Xiangrong, where new seedlings are growing vigorously in the field, will appear in the southern barren land?

Can you imagine that the peaceful scene of the village layout and the smoky smoke will appear in the southern barren land?

There is even a bazaar! Even if the currency is just a crude stone-cut coin, there is already a small geographical circulation of goods! This means that the barbarians here basically bid farewell to the famine, and they have begun to pursue higher material needs.

This is not a good thing for the old Jing Dynasty.

He didn't dare to rush during the day, and could only explore carefully in the middle of the night, relying on the forest.

Whenever you encounter a village, you will use the ball to observe from a distance. At least up to now, Tan Bin and the "fifth" have agreed that the information previously obtained from the mouths of the three red-eyed wolf clan cavalry is actually very inaccurate. In particular, "gathering more than 500,000 people" is seriously inconsistent. These days, Tan Bin and the others have seen more than so few barbarians.

Because after crossing the Baitou Gorge, Tan Bin and the others found a military village, which stretched for more than fifteen miles, and there were more than ten villages in a patchwork surrounding it. There are probably no fewer than one hundred thousand people in the military village alone.

So much has changed after passing the Baitou Gorge, so what would it be like to be close to Sang Picchu?

With a sense of urgency, the three of Tan Bin quickened their pace.

Fortunately, the Thousand Miles note in his arms reacted. It’s a piece of information, saying that someone has been sent to lurking near Xiaochuan, in order to get closer and directly contact their group in the land of the barbarian, so that Tan Bin can directly report back on any progress. At the same time, pay attention to safety and do not do anything. Evacuate immediately, don't venture in.

After getting in touch again, Tan Bin was even more courageous. They are not afraid of death, they are afraid that they won’t be able to pass the information back. If their worries have been resolved in the future, they decided to try to see if they could get close to Sang Picchu.

"Two uncles, I'll call you grandpa! Don't go any further, okay? It's too dangerous! We all have to die if we go further!" The old mouse was going crazy. He used to hunt barbarians as a livelihood. Looking at the barbarians is like looking at money. He would laugh from ear to ear, and even in his eyes the barbarians were not worthy of being called "people", but called them "sheep".

But now? All around are barbarians! There is also that big army village with knives, guns, shields, and halberds. The murderous look can be felt from a long distance, and I am not afraid that it is all fake. If it falls into the hands of these barbarians...I am afraid that the end will be absolutely tragic, and life is not as good as death.

The old mouse was frightened to discover that the two of Tan Bin were actually going to go deeper, and they said they were going to Sang Picchu, where they would go even more than a thousand miles!

Isn't this looking for death?

"Two choices. Either you go with us, or we kill you now, lest you fall into the hands of the barbarians and be tortured. It is also considered a acquaintance to give you a ride, how about it?" Tan Bin didn't lift it up. Returned to the old mouse. He took a new bottle of water from the "Old Five" and put it into the storage bag. For the first time in two days, they found a mountain spring to drink and prepared to pack more.

"You really can't go any further. You should see the situation on the barbarian side the same? They have cultivated, and it is completely different from the "land of misery" passed down in the country. You should be able to deal with each other. ?"

By now, the old mouse has determined that these two people are definitely the background of the Jingjiu court officials, but he doesn't know which yamen they belong to.

Tan Bin didn't explain, he didn't allow the old mouse to yell again? He drew the short knife directly.

"Don't! I won't say it! Isn't it okay if you don't say it! Hey..." The old mouse felt tired.

When night falls, Tan Bin rides first, and the "fifth" is behind? The old mouse has no ropes now? There is even a horse riding, but he wants to run but he has no chance? Li stared at his vest with a short crossbow at all times, and it was absolutely heart-warming to dare to mess around.

But maybe it was God who saw that the old mouse was pitiful? They were forced to stop and find a place nearby to hide without running too far this night.

On a post? Horses were tied with their mouths tied in the distance. Tan Bin, the "Old Five" and the old mice were crawling on the ground. About three miles away, there was a "long dragon" with a torch, from a very far away. Is it meandering over? Look at its extension direction to the northwest.

"What are they doing?"

Can the old mouse not be able to use the ball? He can only look far away with his eyes imaginary, but three miles away is too far, and it is a big night, and can only barely guess that there are many people moving in the distance, but the specific situation is not clear.

Tan Bin and "Old Fifth" have serious faces? They didn't say a word for a long time.

After a while, Tan Bin said, "It looks like things have changed again."

"Hmm! Look at the banner. This is a mixed army? The number is at least 50,000, and it's a long line of rapid marches? But there is not much behind it. It seems that if you are not going to fight somewhere, you are going to be stationed somewhere. "

This is the area of ​​Nanban? Except for a small number of slave caravans, there is no place where such a large army is used at all. UU reading so "challenge" can be ruled out. It can only be stationed somewhere.

"They are going north. Could it be the military village we passed by before?"

Tan Bin shook his head and said: "It's unlikely. That army village was obviously built as a fortification? The walls of the four-sided village are strong and thick? The inside should be fully staffed. Also, the surrounding villages have obviously been well-arranged for a long time. It is unreasonable to add such a large army in.

They should be heading elsewhere. "

Large-scale military mobilization is not something that can be encountered at any time, and even Tan Bin realized that the barbarians are "wrong" after entering Baitou Gorge, and he quickly made a decision.

"Don't go to Sang Picchu for now, follow this army and see where they are going."

Tan Bin made a decision, and the "Fifth" was unconditionally followed and executed. But the old mouse looked depressed and didn't know what to do. I'm not going to Sang Picchu, but I can follow a large army...This seems to be the way to die!

That night, Tan Bin sent a copy of the latest progress of the operation to Xiaochuan Transit using the Thousand Miles Note, and then forwarded it to Fengri City.