Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 414: Context

Shen Hao hadn't fully understood his understanding of the forces behind Ma Sankui, and he had a list that had been delivered overnight. The list counts the things found from Ma Sankui and Zhang De and the dead Xu Qian, including the storage bags.

The main things on Zhang De and Xu's front are the storage bags and the grain in the storage bags. This time they failed to deliver the food to the barbarians, and they went to the Black Flag Camp along with these storage bags. Moreover, after identification, these storage bags have the special mark of Jingxi Army Heavy Camp. They are military weapons. As long as they can match the entry and exit warehouses on the Jingxi Army Camp, they can be iron stones.

However, apart from the storage bag and the grain in it, Xu Qian and Zhang De only had a few military badges and a few approval documents.

Similarly, these badges and documents are all evidence and can be used for reverse investigations. Who handled each document can be traced back to which department it came from. These are extremely important evidences.

However, apart from these, there was something incomparable to the two of them, which frustrated Shen Hao's desire to further understand the details of the two of them.

The second list is Ma Sankui's inventory, but it is much more complicated than the things Xu Qian and Zhang De brought.

First of all, the feeling for Shen Hao is that Ma Sankui must be the kind of person who has no memories and is lonely, otherwise his storage bag will not contain the messy and numerous things in his storage bag. From silver bills to dry food, from jade slips to pill, as well as magical implements, and even clothes. Only those who are precarious every day will take their belongings with them all the time.

What surprised Shen Hao is that the most valuable thing in Ma Sankui’s body is not the silver bills or magical weapons, but the pill, which far exceeds the amount of pill that he should have in his realm, and he is actually connected to the high-grade Baodan. Both. Da Pei Yuan Dan, Ma Sankui, a high-end rare item in Xuan Qingwei, has five in his storage bag!

Shen Hao's first reaction was "Isn't it a fake pill?" But after carefully reading the appraisal attached to the investigation, the people in Heiqiying wouldn't even mistake the real and fake pill. Then the only explanation is that Ma Sankui has sufficient and cheap Nathan channels.

This is very interesting.

Shen Hao paused the pen in his hand and thought for a while, but he didn't write this news in the file.

"It seems that the so-called sect behind Ma Sankui is still a bit emboldened." Shen Hao felt confident, thinking that the reason why Ma Sankui had so many pills in his hands must be because the so-called sect behind him was supporting him. Either the sect has special channels for purchasing pills, such as having a private transaction with a large alchemy sect, or their sect itself is good at refining pills.

"Pills are plentiful...Is there an alchemist?"

Shen Hao quickly vetoed the possibility of private transactions between the sect behind Ma Sankui and the alchemy sect. Because the amount is a bit larger. Ma Sankui can have so many pills on his body, which shows its abundance. Even a large alchemy sect cannot be used so closely with others. After all, a pill is not a magic weapon, it is a consumable, and it is also a hard currency. Need, no one would be so generous.

Then there is a high probability that there is an alchemist in Ma Sankui's sect, and the cultivation base is not low, and there is definitely more than one.

"Alchemist, there is more than one...something doesn't make sense."

Although Shen Hao was analyzing like this, he was constantly self-doubt, because the status of an alchemist was unquestionable in the cultivation world, and even novice alchemists were highly respected. How could such a status and status succumb to a group of false and evil repair sects?

Under duress? Or for what benefit?

Shen Hao has also heard about the integrity of alchemists, although he does not believe that all alchemists are hard bones, but most of them should not easily give in, but it is not wrong. Therefore, the possibility of coercion is not very high, and the cultivation base of alchemists who can refine the Great Cultivation Pill is not low, and it is not easy to coerce.

Is that for profit?

There was a flash in Shen Hao's mind when he thought of this, and he felt that he had grasped an important thread. After contemplating for a while and stroking the smooth, secretly said: Are these alchemists for a certain kind of medicinal material?

It is said that many alchemists are fans of alchemy, and they often forget about finding new formulas and new alchemy types. If the sect behind Ma Sankui can use "new pill type" to seduce these alchemists, it is very likely that many alchemists will be trapped. This can also depend slightly on the reason why the sect behind Ma Sankui colluded with the barbarians.

What specialties does the barbarians have? Except slaves are medicinal materials. These are the two major gains of the Slave Chamber of Commerce. The medicinal resources are far better and more abundant than those of the old Jing Dynasty.

In this way, a rough logic board is sufficient.

"Stroke a stroke... Now it looks like someone from the Ministry of Defense or some people took the initiative to help the barbarians at the end of the last war for a reason that is still unclear, so that the barbarians will not be completely annihilated. ? Or rather than being beaten too badly, so I saved some foundation.

On the other hand, a wicked monk who claimed to be "Baigu True Man" made a group of fake evil cultivators decades ago. The purpose is not clear at present. However, these fake evil monks who were trained and trained were connected with the bad worms of the Ministry of War a few years ago. The original relationship between the "soldier and the thief" has changed, a certain tacit understanding has been reached, and these relatively more hidden pseudo evil monks have begun to approach the barbarians who have recovered some vitality.

The barbarians are nourished by the materials of the old Jing Dynasty and strengthen themselves. This may be one of the purposes of some bad bugs in the Ministry of War. Pseudo evil monks get a lot of "a certain kind of medicinal material from the get medicinal materials to seduce the alchemist who is obsessed with the alchemy, so that they can get a lot of low- and medium-grade pill from the alchemist to strengthen themselves, or Profit from selling...

All these links seem to be winners. "

Ordinary soldiers may be the only ones who suffer, and the war that is about to reignite will consume their lives by thousands. In addition, the ordinary people in the old dynasty of Jing will also be affected, the market, life... all aspects are inevitable.

Shen Hao got up and poured himself a cup of tea. It was a little bit cold, and his mouth became suffocated, which made his mind loose.

Shen Hao's previous understanding and speculation of the "Ma San case" were all fragmented, and there was no complete context. Only now has it come to a line with a beginning and an end. Although it is still unclear, and there are many details that have not been clarified, at least Shen Hao knows the whole thing now.

"This is an event involving the interaction of several forces. The barbarians, the Ministry of War, the evil monks, the false evil monks, and some alchemists may also be involved."

Shen Hao cleared up his mood, took out a futon in the public room, and sat down cross-legs. It was about dawn in two and a half hours. He was not going to sleep anymore. He meditated and refined his qi. He was going to see it tomorrow. Look at Zhang De's situation.