Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 571: Urgent

The original plan given by Yamen, the general manager of the military affairs and Daohang, was to transfer all the transportation capacity in the customs to the private carriages in three batches within a month, and the vacant camps would be dispatched outside the customs.

But it was only in mid-August, and the first replacement capacity actually let it out by more than 50%, which is much faster than previously stated.

Why is it so urgent?

Shen Hao walked back and forth in the public housing with his arms, always feeling that something was wrong.

Suddenly, there was a silent vibration in his arms, a note of thousands of miles. Shen Hao took out a thousand li notes to unfold, which was passed by Wang Jian.

After Shen Hao finished reading it, his anxiety became even more serious.

The wounded would not be sent back so suddenly, even if there were "multiple collisions" as Zuo Yuliang said before, the wounded were trained in various supply points nearby. Because the long distance and bumps sent back will aggravate the injuries or kill the wounded with minor or serious injuries.

what? Critically injured? Very few people survived the war with the barbarians with critical injuries. Of course, keeping prisoners is not what the barbarians like to do. In this respect, the human race is actually the same. Even if the prisoners are kept, it is for selling money, not for mercy.

Be kind to the enemy? Only those sour and literary who sit far from the battlefield can tell, but anyone who has been in a military battle will sneer at such shameless rhetoric.

Now, according to the news from the spies in the front team, after the first batch of capacity replacement, wounded people got on the car immediately, and the number is still quite large. A thousand-person camp is a dozen wounded. If these wounded were all returned from outside the customs, then there is only one explanation: the outside of the customs has changed so much that it is impossible to accommodate a large number of wounded, so that all the wounded who can go go away in case of accidents.

Coupled with the speeding up of the frontier army's capacity to vacate, it seemed very urgent.

This situation can be called a hundred thousand urgency, so Shen Hao didn't have time to verify further, and immediately reported the situation here to the Fushi Yamen of Jingxi Town. Wrong is not terrible, terrible is the omission.

This piece of news was also instructed by Shen Hao to ask Wang Jian to hand it over to the four series of case slips loaded into the Southern Military Affairs for analysis.


Imperial city. An urgent report was personally sent into the palace by Wen Mingju, the Minister of War Zuo, and all guards along the way felt an eager look from the body of the War Department.

It wasn't that Wen Mingju was uncomfortable, but it was too sudden. He was so hurried that he couldn't pretend to be nonchalant, and besides, Wen Mingju didn't think that this kind of news could be kept for long.

It was almost unitary time when I saw the emperor.

"Your Majesty, Zuo Yuliang, the chief of the Southern Military Affairs and Daohang Department!"

"Bring it!"

When the emperor's pale and weak face heard the word "emergency report", he immediately sat upright, stretched out his hand, and his body suddenly rose sharply, his eyes seemed to shoot two bright lights, and Wen Ming raised his knees. Ruan directly knelt down.

The emperor took the copper strip, and after unfolding it, he saw the more scribbled writing on it:

On the ninth day of August, at night, around the time of Hai, one of the five thousand people on the front line of our army stationed in Jianchuan was attacked by the opposing barbarian foot and cavalry, led by the heavy tusk tribe, plus the red-eye wolf tribe cavalry with two wings cut. Our defenders suffered heavy losses and could only retreat thirty miles and ask for help from the middle section of Baitou Gorge.

At about the beginning of Ye Chou, the five thousand Baitouxia reinforcement cavalry encountered a barbarian ambush at 60 miles from the Jianchuan battlefield. After the initial battle damage, the counterattack succeeded and the barbarian ambush plan was defeated, but the reinforcements of our army were also cut by ten thirds. four.

At about ten noon on the first day of August, the reinforcements of Baitou Gorge merged with the remnants of Jianchuan, and it took two hours to regain the Jianchuan Army Village. Now that the follow-up reinforcements have set off, they are bound to hold on to Jianchuan not to let the overall front move backward and destroy the current battle against the barbarian salient. Constraint situation...

Of course, the situation of the barbarians' aggressive offensive has now been determined, so the subordinates kowtowed away from thousands of miles away, and implore your majesty to use the army talisman to give your subordinates the courage to fight! The subordinates will pacify the barbarians for your majesty to protect the world!

This emergency report was for the emperor, and Wen Mingju hurriedly rushed into the palace.

In addition, this is a private letter, and it was reported by Wenming Zuo Shi Lang of the Ministry of War instead of the regular military affairs report.

Of course, there will be no shortage of Hongling Emergency Reports, but they will be behind this report. Not only will they "sing into the imperial palace" openly, but they will also send copies to the six Shangshu and the right and left prime ministers at the same time. By that time, the ruling and the opposition will know.

Now Zuo Yuliang reported the emperor's response time in advance, also out of respect.

However, a short emergency report made the dangers of the situation in the south unobtrusively displayed in front of the emperor.

Jianchuan first missed and was recaptured the next day. There were several fierce battles. In the end, if the reinforcement cavalry of Baitou Gorge hadn't resisted and killed the barbarian ambushes along the road, the result might be that Jianchuan was completely lost, and Baitou Gorge would lose five thousand maneuvering power, and Completely breaking the front-line defensive situation of Jianchuan, Baitouxia, and Huzhuyuan, may even cause the Jingjiu Dynasty to lose the existing offensive and defensive rhythm points in the barbarian region, and disrupt all layouts.

Although the result is not bad, the process is extremely dangerous.

And no one thought that during the confrontation of this kind of war, the opponent would send the most elite heavy impact force on the battlefield.

The weight of the reloaded tusks will exceed four kilograms per head! Even the general gate of the military village may not be able to hold it under high-speed running. The emperor who led the last battle with the barbarians still remembers this kind of terrifying race with extraordinary talents. The hand holding the copper bar trembled slightly, but quickly stabilized.


The emperor took a long breath, as if he was about to breathe out all the stuffiness in his chest.

"How many people know about the news?"

"At present, no one else knows except for his subordinates."

The emperor nodded, turned his head and said to the close **** standing behind him, "Call Pang Ban, UU read immediately."

After the order was over, the emperor continued to ask: "You have been here a few times before, saying that the delivery of heavy luggage outside the customs is very slow. Can it be solved now?"

"It has been resolved. Didn't you let the supervisory envoys in Xuanqingwei set up the army adjust their powers before, but now the supervisory envoys in the southern frontier army take the lead in taking the initiative to remove the constraints of the supervisory army, and the frontier army is also taking advantage of the situation. The heavy battalions in the core defense area were moved away, and they have all been dispatched outside the customs. Now the construction of supply points from Zhuhuoguan to Wuhu has nearly doubled the speed, and it will be completed by the end of this month at the latest."

"That's good. What about other preparations? How far is it from being prepared?"

"According to the plan drawn up by Zuo Yuliang and the Ministry of War, almost 70% of it has now been completed."

The emperor's expression also improved. Ten percent certainty is just the best choice, and seventy percent is considered good.

"Hong Ling Jibao, you can let someone sing it tomorrow, and it will happen at the time of the great dynasty meeting to finalize the affairs of the south at the same time."

"Okay, Your Majesty."