Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 778: Doubtful

"Bronze cabinets need to be further popularized. It is best to make them with array locks, which can be placed at the level of villages and towns and are not easily damaged. Then give the villagers some extra compensation to take care of them on their behalf. And publicity.

In addition, the black flag camps of the Baihusuo in each city need to be patrolled regularly. On the one hand, they must collect first-hand information and on the other hand, they must also check the reports in the copper cabinet.

The handling method can be handled in accordance with the method of sorting the previous cases, sorting out the evidence, representative, and serious, and arranging people to check one by one according to the urgent arrangement..."

The newly established Heiqiying in Fengri City led the yamen. In Shen Hao's public house, Tang Qingyuan and Chen Sheng sat at the lower end, each holding a rubbing paper in their hands, while listening carefully to Shen Hao's arrangement.

Shen Hao paused, and continued: "The most important thing is that relatively remote villages must be covered. The head of the village must be vigilant, and at the same time, let them taste the sweetness of doing it with us. Hei Qiying has a lot of money, and it doesn't take a lot of money to pay these villagers.

As long as the village chief helps us collect information, the most basic-level missions can take a big step forward. "

According to Shen Hao’s plan, it may be difficult to drive the evil monks to death, but if Xuan Qingwei’s tentacles are extended to the most remote horns of the Jingjiu Dynasty, it can definitely greatly reduce the existence of the evil monks in the Jingjiu Dynasty. space. What will happen to a group that has lost the foundation for development? There will be no other possibility except slowly dying out.

Of course, this matter must be led by the Yamen under the command of the Black Banner Battalion. This was Shen Hao's second fire and a report card he sent to the commander Pang Ban, even for the emperor. Once the effect is as he thought, the new power of the integration of the black flag camp will not be ignored by others in the future.

After Shen Hao finished speaking, he asked Tang Qingyuan and Chen Sheng if they had anything to say. The two looked at each other, and Chen Sheng waved his hand to tell Tang Qingyuan to speak first.

Tang Qingyuan was not polite, and said sternly: "My lord, this would be too much errands for our front-line soldiers. The manpower is definitely not enough. At the very least, it can be barely enough if it is doubled.

And the manpower is not enough. In case of a collision with the evil monk, the casualties will be great. Do you think you can increase the configuration of some Fuluo? "

Shen Hao nodded, but did not immediately answer Tang Qingyuan's words. Instead, he looked at Chen Sheng beside him and said, "What about you? What are your thoughts?"

Chen Sheng sat in the chair and leaned slightly towards Shen Hao, and said, "My lord, what Tang Das just said is what the subordinates think. In addition, the subordinates also feel that the missions you have proposed are actually the most effective. These rewards will let the common people also enjoy some sweetness, so the effect should be better."

Shen Hao looked at Chen Sheng and smiled. Chen Sheng's idea is still good. While carrying out missions to the people at the bottom, some rewards, such as how much money, food, or cloth are rewarded for a useful message, are definitely the best means to mobilize the people.

After all, compared with the illusory practice, there are still more visible and tangible benefits. Besides, Xuan Qingwei's knife is still hanging on the side, which is more convenient for the people to make choices.

But what Tang Qingyuan said is also the actual situation. Heiqiying was only used as an internal part of Xuanqingwei's various guards. Now that it has become a separate organization, the size is indeed stretched, and the implementation of the expansion of the draft plan is also imminent.

In addition, the addition of Fu Lu's equipment was something that Shen Hao could not directly respond to. Like the increase in the establishment, this needs to be reported by Shen Hao, and the decision will be made by the town solicitor and even the commander's office.

"Write it down, write down everything you just said, and then we will finalize the draft report today. This matter can't be delayed." Shen Hao asked Wang Yiming to give Tang Qingyuan and Chen Sheng pen and paper, and then discussed to continue.

The lunch was settled in the public house. Wang Yiming's meal from the dining hall, the three continued after eating, and a thick draft was not finalized until the afternoon was approaching you. Call Wang Yiming, let him sort out this final draft and print several copies, and he must send it to the Fushi Yamen of Jingxi Town before he goes on duty.

After Tang Qingyuan and Chen Sheng chatted with Shen Hao for a few more words, they consciously left, because Wang Yiming, who had just left for a short time, walked back in a hurry, still holding a copper bar in his hand.

After Tang Qingyuan and Chen Sheng left and closed the door smoothly, Shen Hao unfolded the copper bar that Wang Yiming handed over.

It is a case report cataloged by the commander's yamen, forwarded by the Jingxi town's faculty's yamen, top-secret level, and only for Shen Hao to consult.

He waved Wang Yiming back, and Shen Hao carefully read the note three times, frowning unconsciously.

On the copper bars are excerpts of confessions made by the commander's yamen about some lively captures in Wuzhuang. This confession passed to Shen Hao is not much, it should be a very small part of the excerpt, but even so, Shen Hao still sees an inexplicable chill in his heart.

Specifically, it was not mentioned on the copper bar, but that according to a guard of Yang Yansi in Wuzhuang, the reason why Yang Yansi was able to conceal the imprisonment technique that Yang Xiusheng gave him was because Yang Yansi was present. Twelve people were hired as "borrowed fate" many years ago, and Yang Xiusheng used this "borrowed fate" secret technique to transfer to those twelve people, and Yang Yansi himself was free from being controlled. .

The key point is that the secret technique of "borrowing life" is recorded in the command and envoys, which is a small branch in the "Nine Lives Return to Yuan Shu".

"Nine Lives Returning to the Origin Technique" is a sorcery, the specific effect is that it can let others suffer some harm or imprisonment on their behalf like Yang Yansi did. The point is that in "Nine Life Returning to Yuan Shu", there is not only the "borrowing life" There is also a related technique called "Rongming"...

After reading the description of "Rongming", the reason Shen Hao frowned was that he thought of the blood-steaming method in the child disappearance case a few years ago, and the man who called himself "old man" in Xue Gui's mask.

Very similar! The so-called "fate" is very similar to the blood-steaming method in the child disappearance case.

Finally, this copper bar also said that people who practiced the technique of "fusion" will have some strange changes in their flesh due to the many effects of the technique. For example, some people will have an extra finger, or an extra ear, or the head will have bulging horns, and some people will have eyes with different colors...

Different colors appear in the eyes... isn't Yang Wenguang?

Moreover, Yang Yansi has practiced the "borrowing life" in "Nine Life Gui Yuan Shu". He has a close relationship with Yang Wenguang, and Yang Wen has a great probability of practicing "Rongming".

It seems that the art of "Fining Fate" has something else to say, because the fragment of the "Nine Lives Returning to the Origin Art" mentions such a sentence: Fate, the beginning of the Nine Lives, Dacheng can be fearless in the world. Myriad Tribulations will last forever...