Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 795: sign

September 21st is the hottest season of the year in Fengri City. The flood has just passed. The violent weather makes it even more difficult for those who are homeless. They can only sit in the eaves or under the trees. Like dried fish with a sour smell, pedestrians on the road shun them.

These are old and weak people who have no labor in their homes. They can't find a place to stay for themselves by working hard, and they can only live on the streets. It is much better in the city than outside the city. There are porridge shops in Yamen, so you won’t be hungry for the time being, and you don’t have to worry about wild beasts that can eat people. If you are lucky, one or two kind-hearted people can throw in a few small coins, pick them up and exchange them for a bun, and then make a tooth sacrifice.

It's not that no one goes to the tooth shop to sell themselves. It's that Yaxing is not accepted now.

Women, good looks, have been taken away, children, clever ones have also been taken away, and the old, weak or stupid have been kept out of the door. It is strange that many people knelt at the door crying if they didn't charge the teeth. This... when it's special, I really can't tell which is good and which is bad.

But Zhu Shou knew that he was definitely not a good person, and there were still good people in his teeth?

After a disaster, many people would sell themselves to Yahang for the sake of their family members or a living ration or a place to live, and the money they got would give their family members a living. It's dark inside, and it has nothing to do with goodness. Even for Yahang, it is a rare opportunity to recruit slaves at the reserve price.

The reason why Zhu Shou didn't finish the collection was not that he didn't look down on those stupid people, but that he wanted to save some money to deal with the big deal that was about to come later.

To the south, the battle has been fought in the second half of the battle. Whether the barbarians were beaten as they were forty years ago or if they were completely wiped out will soon have an answer.

However, Zhu Shou still believes the analysis he heard from Mr. Shen a few days ago: the barbarians cannot be destroyed, because the destruction of the barbarians may not be a good thing for the old Jing Dynasty, which involves many aspects, the biggest one is the barbarian boundary It is impossible to set up a teleportation circle, huge areas are difficult to effectively rule, it is easy to breed separatism and it is easy to attract prying eyes. Leaving the barbarians only needs to keep continuous pruning, just like stalking wool. For the Jingji Dynasty, the benefits are higher and the risks are controllable. The only thing needed is the trimming of the strategy.

Zhu Shouxin's analysis of Lord Shen, so it is certain that once the fighting in the south ends, tens of thousands of barbarians will be escorted back for sale, and they may even go to the Zhuohuoguan to select them by themselves. And the price will definitely be cheaper than before because of the large quantity.

So Zhu Shou wanted to leave more money to buy the barbarians.

In the past, Zhu Shou made a lot of money by relying on Lord Shen's news to move one step ahead of others. Now he is still planning to make a lot of money again by borrowing from Lord Shen's news. With the huge profits of these two ins and outs, Zhu Shou even thinks that he can fight for the position of the head of the tooth bank in the future.

Owner of the head office! Zhu Shou had never even dared to think about it before, but now he feels that he is not hopeless.

Zhu Shou is also an old oilman in the officialdom, and now he is in Dacheng Yaxing, the news is very good, plus he is familiar with Wang Jian and other people in the black flag camp, and he can often hear things that others don’t know. News, so you can analyze a lot of things without thinking about it.

For example, the current actions of His Royal Highness the crown prince towards emerging nobles and merchants are great and thought-provoking.

First, there was a rumors, saying that it was considering to some extent loosening the news of restricting merchants' involvement in special business scope. Then he promoted Xinxing nobles, and every time the crown prince received a large part of power, he would immediately make drastic changes in the upper-level personnel. Almost all the people who were kicked down were family members or family members, and those who were helped on the horse were the children of Xinxing nobles who had been poorly mixed up and were squeezed out.

It is said that one generation of emperor and generation of officials, the old emperor has not retired, but the attitude of the new emperor has been put forward. This undoubtedly releases an obvious intention: the spring of emerging nobles and merchants is coming.

Yaxing’s profiteering place is naturally controlled by aristocratic families or clans. It’s a miracle that a small family like Zhu Shou was born to the point where he is now. If Xuan Qingwei hadn’t secretly helped him, he would even Feng Richeng. I can't sit in the position of the master.

But now the situation has changed. In Zhu Shou's view, once the new emperor ascends the throne, if the current suppression against the family and family members continues, the fangs will definitely not be able to escape, and they will definitely promote a group of people from emerging nobles or small families like most other people. To replace, and wouldn't he have a chance?

Of course, there are still many joints to get through, and it is even possible to use Xuan Qingwei's power to help secretly. Regardless of success or failure, Zhu Shou will always work hard in this direction first.

Zhu Shou is not the only person who feels the actions of the crown prince. In fact, people from all walks of life in the world are more or less aware of it, but they are not as sure as Zhu Shou. After all, the crown prince is not the emperor now, and the suppression of the family and the clan may only be a temporary beating, and it is not impossible for his attitude to change after he becomes the throne. So most people will not bet easily.

Hesitation is human nature, and determination is contrary to general nature, so there are very few people in the world who are determined. Generally speaking, the decision to cut off the wrist is made only when the eyebrows are burnt, but it is often too late by then.

Nowadays, because of the tightening of money and food, the flower houses in each city have been closed. The singer and oiran, who used to be popular in the past, have not been cared for for a long time.

However, many people know that Hualou has not been peaceful recently. I don't know if it will work, because many people died because of death.

Those who died were either the famous singers in the flower house, or the tortoise or maid who was good at massage and sobering, or the handyman who helped the guests iron and wash their clothes. The deaths of these people have one thing in common, that is, they were hung on the city wall after being cut with their throats, like hanging dried meat, gently swaying in the wind.

In fact, not only the Hualou is, there are also some people who can’t connect with the Hualou, such as the folks in the restaurant, the staff in the post, and some servants in the local yamen... these people are all Same, hung on the city gate after being cut.

Hanging a corpse is not a necessary action to kill, it is a warning, and it is also a punishment other than killing.

Whether it's killing or hanging a corpse, the prince's pro-army holding the Donggong waist card is all doing it. The prince’s pro-army and the forbidden army were in the same number, but one was under the control of the emperor and the other was under the control of the prince. They were all very horizontal, even less reasonable than Xuan Qingwei.

However, even if the prince is pro-military, there must be reasons for publicly taking and killing people. This is the essential difference between them and Xuan Qingwei.

As for the reason: Collusion with evil monks!

Are these dead people colluding with evil monks? It might sound strange and impossible at first glance. However, both the local yamen and Xuan Qingwei were silent, because these princes' pro-army had come up with a complete evidence file.

It was the one from Heiqiying Shen Hao. Of course, the main body involved was the Moon Shadow Building, and the people who died were just people from the Moon Shadow Building.