Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 855: By coincidence

Evil things are generally generated naturally, they are things that resent evil, are extremely filthy, and are rejected by the world.

It is said that there is actually some causal relationship between the appearance of monks and evil spirits. According to the legend, it was precisely because the evil spirits were in trouble that the ancestors of the human race began to specialize in the basic practice methods obtained from the peculiar land, and then improved and strengthened little by little. The original purpose was to resist the evil evil spirits.

Now this responsibility is still on the shoulders of the monks, but any monks who follow the righteous path as long as they see evil creatures or hear the traces of evil creatures nearby, they will definitely have to take action to annihilate them.

It was just that Xuan Qingwei was founded in the Jingjiu dynasty to take away all the evil affairs of the Xiu world and take the initiative to put the important task of maintaining peace in the world on his shoulders. On the one hand, it is also the courage of the old Jing Dynasty. On the other hand, it is also announcing ownership to the world.

Could it be Wang Tu in the whole world, the word "earth" was supported by people on the ground, so it was a great contribution to the old Jing Dynasty to deal with evil.

However, although the focus of Xuan Qingwei's duties is to guard against and suppress evil spirits, the understanding of evil spirits has always been on the surface.

At most, it is to find out the occurrence of evil and some appearance habits, and there is nothing deeper. Those who really understand evil are the evil monks who often deal with evil and regard evil as "part of the power of cultivation."

The reason why the evil monks shouted and beaten everyone was largely because of their close relationship with the evil monks, interdependence, and even enslavement of the evil monks, raising the evil monks as evil dogs.

When Shen Hao was still a small banner officer, he had seen a case in which evil cultivators were controlled by evil cultivators, and he had also personally eliminated one of them. So this time the two cases of Hegeng and Zhuxi made him naturally think of the word "manipulation". Only in this way can he explain the many weird points in these two cases that are not in line with evil habits.

"But the reason? What the **** is the evil monk manipulating behind him? Is it just for murder and digging? Such provocation of Fengricheng Xuan Qingwei is not the usual quiet and quiet style of the evil monk!" Shen Haogang went from the river bank. Coming out of the makeshift mortuary in Zhuangzi, he muttered quietly.

The problem that Shen Hao discovered was that the people in the Thousand Households Institute had similar judgments, but like Shen Hao, they couldn't find the reason behind the evil monk doing it.

Of course, the purpose is to look at "provocation" first, and it may also be to put pressure on Xuan Qingwei. If this is the case, then the cause is probably inseparable from the evil plan launched by Shen Hao on the Jingxi realm recently. At the same time, it also means that if the evil plan is not recovered or compromised, the tragedies in Zhuxi and Hegeng Zhuangzi will certainly continue to occur, even more intensive.

This is involved with Shen Hao. However, Shen Hao only sneered. In his heart, he had no intention of compromising with the evil monk. The brave wins when he meets on a narrow road, and the more he shrinks, the more miserable he will die.

Moreover, the evil action is an important display of his achievements planned for him. If he gives up halfway or pretends to be, wouldn't he hang himself on the wall, and he can't get up or down?

"Remember, send the news to Master Kuang, saying that the evil monk's case has been determined to be manipulated by the evil monk, so the current recourse can not only be limited to the evil monk itself, but also the living people inside and outside the city. My judgment is that the evil monk who secretly operated and committed these two cases must still be around Fengri City. The possibility is unlikely in the city. You can mainly check it in the various villagers on the side of the city."

Shen Hao is not suitable to intervene in specific investigation matters, but since Kuang Shengyuan asked him to help, he still has to say. According to his view, the evil monks behind the evil monks were most likely "provocative", so they did not escape after the Zhuxi Zhuangzi tragedy, and they would definitely hide somewhere around Fengri City waiting for an opportunity.

The city of Fengri is heavily guarded, and it is easy to be exposed when entering and leaving. The scattered farms outside the city are the best hiding places, and it is also convenient to find suitable places to continue committing crimes.

In fact, it is much easier to investigate in Zhuangzi than in the city. The city is densely populated with people from all over the country, with messy identities, and extremely mobile, making it very difficult to investigate. On Zhuangzi, the opposite is true. Anyone who has ever appeared will be noticed by the dealer. Even if he hasn't stopped in Zhuangzi, he can use this as a clue to derive traces.

When it comes to arresting people, Xuan Qingwei is more confident than chasing evil.

Leaving the river ridge, Shen Hao rode towards Zhuxi Zhuangzi, 80 miles away. He hoped to run back and forth before dark. At least he had to touch the corpses and every household in these two villages, not to mention. At least you have to know what clues to find.

There is another point that Shen Hao did not express, that is, he found that the corpse in the Hegeng mortuary was exactly the same as the corpses of his colleagues who died when he was nearly alive. They had no pain in their expressions and kept the same as they were at the previous moment, but The heart was poached away. This is the reaction paralysis caused by illusion. Although Shen Hao's cultivation was low at first, he was better than ordinary people. He could not escape the intrusion of illusion, let alone these ordinary farmers in the farm?

Shen Hao had a hunch that the evil monk who was wantonly provoking outside Fengri City this time was mostly the one who almost took his life back then. Even if it wasn't, there was definitely a connection between the two.

After exiting the river ridge, Kuai Ma followed the official road to the west and galloped for more than forty miles and then got off the official road and onto the small road. This side is commonly known as "Zhuangzi Road". At the end I can ride a horse and a cart, but I don't dare to run too fast on this kind of road alone for fear of damaging the horse.

"My lord passed the front col and there was a resting horse station. Stop for a while and drink some water?"

Seeing that it was already past noon in the sky, the guard reminded Shen Hao that there was a water source and a shed at the horse station in front of him, so he could take a break and order cold water and pancakes.

Shen Hao nodded. He could not eat, but the guards who had been running around for a long time had to eat. Besides, there was no need to rush in time.

So the guard sent two horses to prepare first, and Shen Hao and the six horses around followed behind.

However, the closer Shen Hao got to the mountain col, an inexplicable irritation suddenly appeared in his heart.

When you reach the mountain pass, there is a small horse station next to it, some troughs for the horses to drink, a small stream next to it, and a simple grass shed. The first two guards had filled the water, lighted a fire in the fire pit on the side, and started to cook the pancakes.

Shen Hao got off his horse, frowned, and looked around: "Move faster and leave after eating."