Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 878: put down

In March, spring is strong and everything recovers.

The anger of Fengri City has always come from the busy traffic coming in and out of the four gates.

In February, the money and food squeeze has already begun to relax on a large scale. Now that it has just entered March, only one name is left and all restrictions have been lifted in actual implementation.

In terms of bulk goods, ordinary people still have no direct feelings, but in terms of firewood, rice, oil and salt, it is obvious that the country has almost returned to its pre-war state.

Once again, I walked to several main roads in Fengri City. The shops on both sides have been opened. Even the wine shops, taverns, and flower houses that have been under pressure were officially opened on the first day of March. .

People who are more informed can detect a lot of the situation in the south without much effort, which shows that the control of the news in the south has also been released.

There are basically no battles in the south, and the four major front armies in the southeast, northwest and north have almost all withdrawn back to the Zhuohuoguan, and the frontier troops themselves are still left in the south.

The changes in the frontier army were similar to those in the previous war. Two permanent army villages were set up, one is the Shimen army village close to the secret exit of the Wanli Zhuhai, and the other is the giant army village in Wuhu. After the two sides have contracted their forces, they are mainly used as material transfers, and their permanent troops will not exceed 30,000.

For the Huzhuyuan area to the southwest of the Barbarian tribe, the four front armies swept back and forth several times in February, and the large-scale main force of the barbarian tribe has been wiped out or dispersed.

Nowadays, two wonderful patterns have been formed on the barbarian territory: the area east of Wuhu and Jianchuan has basically resumed the situation of small barbarian tribes wandering, but it will be planned by the slave caravan with the permission of the garrison. Looting, and in the rest of the place is the mixed situation of the barbarians' respective tribes. After losing the main powerful tribes and the big tribes, the group of dragons without a leader and chaos is the situation in the southwestern area of ​​the barbarians.

At a deeper level that most people don't understand, in fact, the first all-round plan for the barbarians in the old Jing Dynasty has already begun. The main guards are the black flag camp secret agents under the command of the Ministry of War and Shen Hao. And the "knives" in their hands are the slave caravans that have been approved after selection.

People outside just look at the excitement. In other words, the slave merchants just looked at the huge profits in this business, scrambled to find a relationship, and wanted to get the approval document from the Ministry of War that was stuck in the dead hunting slave.

It is a pity that the Ministry of War has a very hard back this time, almost rejecting the lobbying of all people who think that they have face. So far, it has also issued five slave caravans’ slave hunting permits and restricted each of these five slave caravans. The number of slave hunts on the barbarian land boundary in a quarter. This limit is not allowed to exceed 10%.

In other words, if you want to catch a hundred barbarian slaves, you can't catch two hundred, and you can't just catch fifty, the minimum is ninety, and the maximum is one hundred and one.

This is adjustment, and the object of adjustment is the population of the barbarians.

Even the **** and age of the barbarians hunted are within the calculations. This set of arrangements and planning did not come from the Ministry of War, but from Heishui.

The establishment of the case system has made Heishui's analytical ability almost no ceiling, and these guys who stay in the dim corners are so courageous, they directly put the saying of "the minimum conditions for ethnic survival" once mentioned by Shen Hao to the barbarians to test. . It is said that it will take ten years to make constant adjustments, and try to keep the barbarian population to the most suitable limit.

It shouldn't be too low, if it's too low, it will really wipe out the race if a natural disaster strikes. It can't be too high, too high, it is prone to change.

Of course, the number of people is only one aspect of the old Jing Dynasty's plan for the barbarians. The slave caravan's knife is not just such a use.

For example, from the non-war department level, the barbarian southwestern region was drawn into a situation of perennial self-chaos or melee. This requires not only the handing of a knife, but also a performance and a pocketbook.

The errands in this area are supported by the "Impermanence Department" in the four parts of Heishui, taking over the main errands of this part. One is because Zhang Li, who is in charge of the "Impermanence Department", has petitioned several times to take over this task, and on the other hand, it does require the hands of the core of Heishui to handle it.

The first trial and infiltration prepared by Zhang Lao was carried out through the new slave caravan established by Zhu Shou. What Zhu Shou didn't know was that except for the slave caravan in his hand that was infiltrated by Zhang Lao's people, the other four slave caravans were the same. It's just that the caliber is not Xuan Qingwei's Heiqi Battalion but the Ministry of War as a cover.

According to Heishui's plan, first grab a handful of Rat Clan who had been killed so badly before, give food, money, and even defective ironware. In exchange, the rat tribe needs to help hunt out some valuable people in the barbarians, or medicinal materials that are only available in the southwest.

Waiting for the rat tribe to rely on fertility and the help of the slave caravan will surely arouse the dissatisfaction of the monkey tribe and bear tribe in the southwest, as long as the two sides are smashed, they can fight. At that time, if the rat tribe wins, let other slave caravans go to pull the bear tribe or monkey and then continue to fight. If the rat tribe loses, then continue to increase efforts to pull the rat tribe.

Anyway, it's up to you how you can muddy the water.

This is a long-term plan. The preliminary layout will take several years or even more than ten years, and no one can guarantee how long it will last. Although there will be no official documents promulgated by the Jingjiu dynasty on the national policy, its specifications are actually at the national policy level. The various materials in it are definitely a large sum of money, and these must be deployed from the national treasury.

Now the south side has gradually stabilized like this. Even Zuo Yuliang had already started from Wuhu to return to the pass. After that, according to the rules of the old Jing Dynasty, he needed to hand over the army amulet and the handsome seal and then return to the imperial city to receive the emperor's edition reward. Jiaguan Jinjue is naturally not a problem, but the place to go afterwards is not always certain. This is also a gossip that the upper class all over the world like to talk about recently.

You must know that Zuo Yuliang's prestige in the army nowadays is extraordinary. After the victory of the national war, it can be said that he is the first person in the army, replacing the previous position of Yang Yansi in the army. His whereabouts also affected the nerves of many people in Jingjiu Dynasty.

Is it going to the four fronts to change defense? Still stay in the frontier army? Or directly take over the Ministry of War? Or is it suspended directly for the elderly?

Both the Xuanqingwei Thousand Households Institute and the Heiqiying Commander Yamen in Fengri City have also been very lively recently. The incident of Shen Hao's attack before Yu Bo is still on the bright face, and many finishing tasks are still busy. And many people secretly or privately are also talking about another thing: the war in the south is over, it's time to count the merits, I heard that the leader of Shen has made great achievements in the frontier army, but this time I don’t know how big it is Credit?

The most intuitive reaction is that Shen Hao's mansion has received more greetings and invitations during this period. However, according to Shen Hao's instructions, these greeting cards and invitations were all rejected by Hu Tian for excuses.